Chapter 110

Such a move is not only Wu Di's temptation, but also the inevitable result of his ending style of play.

Wu Di's starting outfit is three small red medicines plus a bottle of big red medicine that can instantly increase his attack power and HP, which is much more radical than the conservative outfit of the crocodile with multiple blue shields and a blood bottle.

The ending style originated from the kingly style, and it is naturally high-end and high-end. It pays attention to the style of play that firmly occupies the initiative as soon as it comes out, so this kind of outfit is also a matter of course.

However, to Wu Di's surprise, the crocodile was unmoved by Pan Sen's aggressive style of play.The crocodile froze in place, still beating him wildly with Spartan Pantheon.

its not right?The crocodile has been making normal attacks on the soldiers just now, and has accumulated at least sixty or seventy points of anger.Under such circumstances, the power of his skills will be greatly enhanced. Even if it is Spartan Pantheon who has no solution in the early stage, even if he fights head-on, he still has a good chance of winning...

But why didn't he take any action?

It is possible for such a situation to occur on a professional competition server set up in an Internet cafe.Maybe the player accidentally kicked off the network cable, or maybe the keyboard or mouse is not in good contact, making it impossible to operate.In short, the crocodile just stood there, like a human sandbag, still beating wildly with Pan Sen.

Seeing that the crocodile did not respond, Wu Di was also very curious.Usually in this case, this kind of scene of being frozen in place can only be caused by disconnection.But why didn't he press the pause button?Is the keyboard also malfunctioning?

For this weird scene, Wu Di didn't show mercy and stopped attacking. As a professional player, as long as the opponent doesn't pause, he must continue the game to the end!This is one of the basic qualities of a professional player.

Just as Wu Di was a little bored about to hand over the ignite and accept the mince pies that fell from the sky, he didn't realize that one of his own soldiers had been killed by the enemy's second wave of soldiers.

And it was the experience provided by this little soldier that made the crocodile finally rise to level 2!
In an instant, an ominous premonition filled Wu Di's brain.

Not good!

This is a kind of acting!
The crocodile was originally Dolan Dun going out, and his HP was [-] points higher than his own. Although he still attacked twice by himself, it seemed that his HP had dropped sharply, but in fact he still had more than half of his HP left. If...

If you cooperate with your own jungle hero, you can still take your own life!

With this in mind, Wu Di hurriedly manipulated Pan Sen to back away.

But the moment Pan Sen turned his head, a figure suddenly appeared from the enemy grass.

blind monk!

The blind monk on the opposite side started with a red BUFF. After reaching level 2 first, he came to the grass on the enemy's road and kept guarding himself!This is a common way to start, but it also takes a lot of risk-because the blue BUFF of one's own side is likely to be stolen by experienced junglers taking advantage of the idleness of the blind monk on the road.

In the early stage, the experience provided by BUFF monsters is huge, so this kind of opening has gradually disappeared in the modern League of Legends game.

Wu Di never expected that the blind monk would come to camp at level 2, and Pan Sen's position was a bit too far ahead, and the second wave of soldiers on both sides happened to sandwich him!
This is an extremely dangerous position - minions will block the hero's way forward. Except for some specific heroes who can pass through minions and heroes, most heroes will be blocked by minions or heroes!

It turned out that the crocodile had been waiting and acting all the time. When he finally reached level 2, he started to act together with the blind monk!
Looking at the elegant blind monk, Wu Di knew that he was careless.

This is indeed my own miscalculation... I was deceived by this impostor's superb acting skills!

It wasn't until now that Wu Di realized that this seemingly stupid crocodile actually had the acting skills to be nominated for the Oscar for Best Actor!
Only handing over Flash...Wu Di quickly calculated the distance between the two heroes in his mind, and at the same time put his index finger on the shortcut key D of [Flash]!

However, at this critical moment, the crocodile, who had been playing the role of disconnection, moved!

W skill [Cold Hunting], can stun the opponent for 1 seconds under the red anger, and attack 5 times in a row!The existence of this skill makes the crocodile almost the strongest level 3 melee hero, bar none!

When Wu Di's finger touched the D button, the crocodile had already used the W skill to hold Pan Sen in place, and continuously swung the half-human-high scythe, attacking Pan Sen three times in a row.

As soon as the blind monk saw that Pan Sen was fixed in place, he immediately used the W skill to quickly close the distance between himself and the crocodile. Then, the blind monk used the special effect of the red BUFF that can slow down the opponent for a short time, and went all out General attack on Pan Sen, trying to keep him in the field after being ambushed!

At this critical juncture, Wu Di quietly raised his index finger, not intending to use the flash.Bai Yiyi, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, was puzzled by this scene, and she was already shouting angrily in her heart:

Why doesn't this silly boy flash away?They were all slowed down by the blind monk, and they still don't know how to escape?Could it be that he is determined to surrender his blood here?Hey... I'm still to blame, how can the strength of the famous number one genius in the world be compared to this unknown pawn... I still trust him too much!
Before, Bai Yiyi still had a fluke mentality towards Wu Di that she might defeat [Wu Di], but when she saw that Wu Di was under the attack of the two and couldn't perform the operation of flashing away for a long time, she also secretly sighed that she believed in the wrong person .

However, Wu Di, who entered the game state in an instant and gave up the flash operation, knew very well what kind of plot would be staged in such a scene.

Wu Di, who had regained his strength as a top laner, began to simulate various scenarios in his mind like a computer running at high speed:
Scene [-]: I hand over the flash, and the location of the flash is predicted by the blind monk, and the Q skill is successfully hit, and the crocodile flashes up to hand over the ignition and Q skills.Moreover, the Blind Monk's Q skill calculates the damage based on the target's lost HP. After the man in Q, he can wait for the crocodile to flash and beat him up before using the follow-up skill of Q!In this way, I will definitely die!

The most important thing is that after the first to hand over the flash, the deceleration effect of the red buff will still last for a while, which provides enough guarantee for the opposing duo to catch up!At that time, any normal attack will be a death talisman, making him immediately confess his blood here!

So hand over the flash first, and I have a narrow escape!
Scene [-]: I don’t turn in the flash, use my position to avoid the Q skill of the blind monk, and at the same time continue to attack the half-blood crocodile, and hang the ignition on the crocodile, if the crocodile escapes, I can also flash to keep up, use The short cooling time of the Q skill [Spear Throwing] takes away the life of the crocodile!

Such a result should be the best result - one life for another!
Scene [-]: Don’t turn in the flash, pay attention not to be kicked by the blind monk, and continue to cause damage to the crocodile. After igniting and hanging up, the crocodile will never dare to fight recklessly, and he will retreat.Since Crocodile can use the Q ability to restore health, it is also unlikely to take his life.

When facing the blind monk with the red BUFF, pay attention to the position, and at the last moment, he flashes away again. In this way, the first blood will not be born, and he just exchanged the summoner skill with the crocodile. There are no advantages or disadvantages.

Are the above three scenarios the ones that might happen next?
The long-lost confident smile appeared on the corner of Wu Di's mouth, which surprised Bai Yiyi, who was watching the battle, completely confused.

This kid is still giggling?
What's the point of laughing?Granny Bear!You are about to surrender your blood here, what a joke!
Bai Yiyi's heart was extremely agitated, but Wu Di was indifferent.

He quickly glanced at his experience bar out of the corner of his eye, then visually measured the distance between the three heroes, and after counting the mana in his mind, he suddenly made the next move!
[Spear throwing]!
A huge spear of war was thrown out of its hand, hitting the crocodile accurately.Then, dragging his decelerated body, he slowly walked around a soldier, and approached the crocodile again!

crazy!He is absolutely insane!Want to trade one for another?The crocodile has the flash and Q skills to restore blood, and the red buff of the blind monk will stick to Pan Sen. How can it be possible to exchange one for one!

Bai Yiyi's heart is already in a mess like a storm, at this moment, she completely thinks that Wu Di is a cheater!

The crocodile and the blind monk were also overjoyed when they saw their opponents advancing instead of retreating, so they couldn't easily let go of the blood that came to them.It seems that the so-called master that Mr. Bai found is just a passionate young man who doesn't understand the principle of advancing and retreating at all.

A contemptuous sneer appeared on the corner of the player's mouth, and he said softly to [Wu Di] in his voice:
"Idol, although the victory is a bit unfair, this blood was taken away by the joint efforts of you and me, but this is a life-long matter that concerns the boss. We can't have the slightest kindness.

To be kind to your enemies is to be cruel to yourself.Let's get over this sucker Spartan with his underwear on. "

[Wu Di] nodded lightly, with no expression on his face, as if in his eyes, Pan Sen opposite him was dead.

So, the crocodile quickly retreated into the line of soldiers.As long as he retreated into the army pile, with the little soldiers blocking him, he would be able to retreat without any danger, and he would not give Pan Sen the chance to change his life.

Just when the two were planning how to accept Pan Sen's blood gift, Pan Sen sat down in front of the crocodile!

Holy Shield Strike!

It turned out that the biggest reason why Wu Di didn't use the flash to escape in time was because he discovered that the cooldown time of his W skill was up!
At the same time, before Pan Sen launched the general attack, Wu Di first knocked down the big red medicine that can increase the attack power by [-] points.

Normally, this big red medicine is only used when his life is dying, but Pan Sen's health is still about [-]% at this time, which is not the best time to use the big red medicine, but Wu Di decisively let him Pantheon swallowed it!
Pan Sen, the king of war, immediately recovered a large portion of his health, making up for more than half of the previously lost health.

But what Wu Di needs is not the restored health, but the increased attack power!
Pan Sen, whose attack power had increased, attacked the crocodile once again, which suddenly reduced the crocodile's bloodline to one-third.

As long as his basic attack hits two more times and cooperates with the ignite, he will definitely be able to take the crocodile's life!

When the blind monk saw this, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, but in his desperation, he was also cheered up by a piece of good news—his Q skill hit Pan Sen while Pan Sen was holding the crocodile. ...

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(End of this chapter)

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