Chapter 111

As the saying goes, wealth and wealth are found in danger.

Under the siege of the two men, Wu Di still did not flinch, and forcibly launched an attack on the crocodile, which is the essence of this sentence.If you can successfully kill the crocodile first and get the first blood, then even if you are killed by the blind monk, you will not lose money. After all, you will get a hundred gold coins more for the first blood, and you can also overwhelm the opponent in terms of momentum and let the crocodile win. In the subsequent matchups, he did not dare to fight against Pan Sen rashly.

This is what all the spectators who watched the game thought.

When Bai Yiyi saw that Wu Di seemed to have taken the big red medicine, and his health was safe enough to kill the crocodile first, he also let go of his anxiety.What she is most afraid of is that this hot-blooded young man will go desperately to find his opponent. If he does so, he may hand over his blood.

However, Wu Di used precise positioning to prevent the blind monk from attacking him once, and was only kicked by the crocodile when he launched the final fierce attack on him. This undoubtedly made Bai Yiyi's nerves slightly tense ease.

Hmm... If you can get a blood, even if you die, you won't lose.

The panicked crocodile thought that the blind monk's deceleration and the blocking of the minions would make the opponent give up the one-for-one plan, but he never thought that the opponent was dodging like a thousand troops, while bypassing several minions and the blind monk. Chasing, on the one hand, caused a fatal blow to himself!The gorgeous and explosive moves... like a dancing ballet dancer, graceful and moving.

[Wu Di] who was manipulating the crocodile suddenly withdrew his innocent eyes, and for a moment a strong aura enveloped him, and he muttered in his heart:

【Ah!My acting skills are successful, but the level of this blind monk is not enough, this great opportunity was wasted by him.I wanted to test the strength of the master Bai Yiyi invited, but I didn't expect my teammates to hold me back... He is at least two levels higher than my diamond-level teammates.

Hey, interesting!This time I was careless, the trial is over! 】

Seeing that his health was not enough for Pan Sen to continue ravaging him, the crocodile quickly used flash in an attempt to escape.As long as he is not killed in battle, he cannot give up, and [Wu Di] will not be caught without a fight!

And at the moment when the crocodile's figure flashed, Wu Di's reaction was so fast, he had already pressed the flashing shortcut key, and followed the crocodile's fleeing footsteps in the blink of an eye.


General attack!

Move horizontally and attack again!
In less than a second, Wu Di has completed these three operations.

Looking at the crocodile's health of less than 20 points, and the blazing flames on his body (lit special effects), Wu Di also made a handsome move that made the audience applaud again and again—turn around and leave !
Yes, under such circumstances, Wu Di no longer needs to foolishly rush forward to attack the crocodile or use skills to take his life away, one ignite is enough to make 20 health points disappear!
At this time, Bai Yiyi had already clenched her fists tightly, and her view of Wu Di changed greatly:

Well done!The first blood is definitely won!In this way, even if he is killed by the blind monk, it is extremely cost-effective!
However, at this moment, when the blind monk watched his teammate about to give him first blood, he had already used the follow-up skill of his Q skill to come behind Pan Sen.

Relying on the deceleration and extra damage of the red BUFF, the blind monk has reason to believe that he can take down Pan Sen with residual blood without any effort.

Pantheon is dead!
Everyone thinks so, except for one - Wu Di himself doesn't think so!
Because, after taking the crocodile's head, his experience increased a lot again, and he successfully reached level 3!
Pan Sen at level 3 can point out the E skill heart-piercing spear!
After the heart-piercing spear is released, it can continuously use the spear attack in a cone-shaped range directly in front of it. Although the power of level 1 is relatively small, this skill has a trump card passive effect-Pan Sen's normal attack and spear flying Throw, 15% crit on enemies whose HP is below 100%.The critical strike damage of basic attack is 200%, and the critical strike damage of spear throwing is 150%.

Although the blind monk is in good condition and has hardly suffered any damage, Wu Di's current level is already one level ahead of him, and his health is still at about [-]%.Therefore, he has reason to fight harder!
Wu Di controlled Pan Sen to throw a spear at the blind monk first, and then fought and retreated, gradually retreating to his own small army.

Seeing this scene, another Wu Di immediately had a second thought in his mind, so he hurriedly shouted in his voice:

"Blind monk! Hurry up! Don't chase! Watch out for Pantheon and their jungle heroes!"

The blind monk who had been sticking to Pan Sen with the red BUFF felt his heart tighten after hearing the idol's call, knowing that this was probably Pan Sen's trick to lure the enemy.However, when he saw on the small screen that the opponent's jungler actually appeared in the middle lane for GANK, he quickly replied:
"Idol, don't worry, the jungler went to the middle lane, I can take his life!

I can't let you sacrifice in vain. "

In the eyes of the blind monk, Pan Sen, whose health has dropped to [-]%, is definitely not his opponent!Moreover, he had handed over his Flash and Ignite, and he didn't have any escape skills at all!As long as I continue to attack him and let the red BUFF take effect on him, I can stick to him tightly and make him surrender his second blood!

The blind monk's calculations are loud, but Wu Di is not a fuel-efficient lamp.When Pan Sen retreated to his own small army, Wu Di no longer asked him to retreat desperately, but stood where he was, and confronted the blind monk!

The so-called confrontation means that both parties give up the use of all skills, stand in place, and use ordinary attacks to compete with the opponent.Of course, if there is no certainty of victory or if you voluntarily give up and escape, the situation against A will generally not occur.

The blind monk didn't take it seriously, and continued to attack Pan Sen with the sticky effect of the red buff.

to A?Although your attack power is a bit more than mine with the addition of the big red potion, but your health does not have the capital against A!
The most important thing is that my skills have finished cooling down, and it's time to take your life away!Because, the experience of the soldiers who died around me has already raised me to level 3!
The blind monk thought in a daze, without stopping, he immediately upgraded the E skill and pressed the shortcut key of the E skill——Pan Sen was slowed down again!

But what surprised the blind monk was that Pan Sen on the opposite side seemed to have gone crazy, and instead of retreating, he directly pushed forward, and head-to-head with him!

Don't die?Well, I will fulfill you!
However, at this moment, Pan Sen had waited until the W skill (Holy Shield Strike), which could immobilize him, had finished cooling down.Wu Di calculated the amount of mana, and immediately performed a manipulation - Pan Sen in the screen had already used the W skill Holy Shield Strike with only [-]% of his health remaining, and jumped in front of the blind monk. Put it in the army pile!
The two general attacks were seamlessly connected, and they all hit the blind monk who was chasing him.

When the blind monk can move and attack Pan Sen again, the Holy Shield Strike has refreshed the passive effect of the Holy Shield, making his general attack return to no avail again this time, but the red BUFF effect he carries is still in effect, so He didn't give up on chasing Pan Sen!
At this critical moment, if Wu Di didn't wear a peaked cap, others would clearly see the confident smile on his face!

Of course Wu Di knew that Pan Sen's health was running low, and he also knew that his opponent would use the red buff to chase after him.However, the reason why Wu Di attacked the blind monk so desperately was that he was waiting for his opponent to predict that he would die!

And in order to perform this well-directed one-for-two drama, Wu Di has used his exquisite positioning to make Pan Sen withdraw from his army, making an illusion of wanting to run for his life!

The blind monk struggled to walk out of the soldiers, and of course he would not let go of this excellent opportunity to use his Q skill.In the army, he can't use it, but in the open area, he is confident enough to kill Pantheon with a wonderful Q skill!

The distance between the two heroes is very close!
A blind monk with the strength of the diamond team in qualifying will naturally be sure that he can predict the direction of the opponent's movement and attack it enough to take the head.Therefore, after aiming for a while, the blind monk decisively cast the Q skill at such a close distance!
As long as this Q skill can hit Pan Sen, coupled with the special effect of the red buff, then Pan Sen will immediately return to heaven.

Just when all the onlookers were convinced that the blind monk's coquettish kick would hit Pan Sen accurately, the next moment, their eyes were dull, and their expressions froze for an instant.

Pan Sen... who the hell is using Pan Sen!He actually made a right-angle move at such a short distance!

The distance between Pan Sen and the blind monk is at most only one and a half body. It is impossible to move at a right angle at such a distance with the strength of an amateur player!
It was this extremely bright right-angle position that made Pan Sen dodge the blind monk's Q skill.

All LOL players know that the closer the distance is, the more difficult it is to avoid non-pointing skills.Looking at a wave of light that almost passed by Pan Sen, the audience including Bai Yiyi and Qin Tianzheng were stunned at the same time!
This kind of god-level reaction will only appear in the competitions of the world's top powerhouses...

The blind monk lost his Q skill, feeling extremely melancholy, but although his HP was consumed a lot, it was maintained at around [-]%, and this HP was enough to still be able to accept Pan Sen's head!

Pan Sen, who only had [-]% of his health remaining, turned around and ran again after avoiding the deadly Q skill—is he still planning to fight himself?
While the player manipulating the blind monk was hesitating, Pan Sen took the initiative to post it and attack him once!But he himself walked into his own army again!

How to do?
The power of minions is huge in the early stage!If he continues to spend here, it is very likely that after killing Pan Sen, he will also be buried with him!But with such a bloody Pan Sen, letting him go swaggeringly like this, wouldn't it be a serious blow to morale?After all, the ace of his team [Wu Di] has surrendered his first blood!

After thinking about it, the blind monk immediately made up his mind—to accept Pan Sen's head at all costs!
The player who controls the blind monk is a little depressed, but this does not prevent him from attacking Pan Sen again.After punching down, Pan Sen's health was at a critical moment!

Ah!Want to fight me hard?What a daydream, a daydream!Don't even look at your health and mana!

Your mana can only be played once at most [Spear Throwing]!
But at this critical juncture, Wu Di calculated the damage value of himself and his opponent in an instant, without any hesitation, he confronted the blind monk again on the spot!
Three seconds... two seconds... one second!
When Pan Sen's health was less than 30 points left, he also successfully reduced the blind monk's health to below 15.00%!

The time to decide the winner has finally arrived, and now the competition is hand speed!
Blind monk level 15.00, Q skills, W skills and E skills have been upgraded by one level.In a moment of desperation, he had already used his W skill to add a shield that would shatter at the touch of a touch, and he gave up the plan to use his own minions to escape, and Pan Sen hoped that the opponent would fight him recklessly and use the opponent's life When the value is around [-]%, your basic attack or Q skill can cause a special effect of critical strike!
The next scene made all the onlookers who had to watch the battle sigh: after the blind monk used the W skill, Wu Di made a Q skill casting action and a basic attack, successfully turning the blind monk's manipulator into a black and white picture ; And he was also killed by the blind monk's red buff!

In this way, although Pan Sen was killed in battle, he successfully exchanged one for two!And the red BUFF of the blind monk is lost, so that it cannot make the most effective strike in gank.

Bai Yiyi was very excited, a smile of appreciation floated on her pretty face; while Qin Tianzheng's face was covered with dark clouds, he couldn't believe what happened in front of him at all!
This Pan Sen... actually did a one-for-two exchange!Not only did he earn [-] gold coins, he increased his online strength, and he also caused a lot of psychological shadow on his team members!

Her sister's!

How did [Wu Di] do it?The hero who is so resistant to the crocodile actually surrendered his blood first?How does this blind monk play?Facing a Pan Sen with only [-]% of his health, being played around by him?
Qin Tianzheng really wanted to get mad, but found out that [Wu Di] shook his head at him, and made a gesture to reassure him?
What is this for?The first blood was taken on the first day in the world, and the King of War was replaced after his teammates paid the second blood. Why is he still so confident?
Qin Tian was racking his brains and couldn't figure it out, but at this moment, he had no choice but to continue to trust [Wu Di] who was dug out with a lot of money!
Wu Di, Wu Di, I know that you are very strong, and you can even surpass all amateur players.However, the player who controls Pan Sen doesn't seem to be a soft persimmon... His consciousness and operation are top-notch, are you really sure?

Infinite resentment arose in Qin Tianzheng's heart, but when he heard a word from Wu Di, whom he had recruited with a lot of money, he also rekindled hope.

In the public screen, [Wu Di] ignored the blind monk who was seriously injured psychologically, but directly typed out a seemingly stinky big sentence:
Pan Sen, your operation is very eye-catching!However, the trial is over here, and I will do my best in the next competition!I hope you like the appearance of me going all out, because... that is enough strength to make people despair!

Wu Di, who has long been accustomed to trash talking, didn't care about it at all. After taking down two heads, he responded immediately, not to be outdone:

Don't worry, in the world of League of Legends, there are not many opponents who can use my full strength... If you really have that strength, then use it without reservation... I will make a tailor-made one for you An amazing top laner feast!
(End of this chapter)

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