Chapter 112 Authenticity
Wu Di took two heads and got 10 gold coins. After being resurrected, he directly bought two long swords that could increase the attack power by [-] points, and hurried to the front line again.

According to Wu Di's style, it is impossible for him to conservatively produce blood-supporting defensive equipment such as the giant belt.Once you gain an advantage, you must meet your opponent with the strongest attack stance—offense is the best defense. This is the creed that every player who practices Wang Dao Liu must have.

After Pan Sen came to the line, the crocodile had already rushed to the pawn pile early, and was methodically carrying out the operation of making up the knife.

As soon as the two sides met, the crocodile suddenly ran away, using an E skill with a displacement characteristic, and came to Pan Sen.

What is this for?
While everyone was guessing the purpose of the crocodile, the crocodile was the first to attack Pan Sen!

Wu Di was obviously in a daze. He really didn't expect his opponent to show no weakness in such a situation, and even took the initiative to provoke a fight?
Doesn't he know that I won two heads, and the economy is hundreds of gold coins ahead of him?
Didn't he know that Pan Sen was extremely ferocious in the early stage, and even under the situation of economic equality, he also had the explosive ability not inferior to that of a crocodile?

The crocodile stopped Pan Sen with two swipes, and then swung the huge scythe and used the Q skill once, which not only caused tons of damage to Pan Sen, but also recovered a certain amount of health. Just when Wu Di was about to fight back, this The cunning crocodile has already used the follow-up skill of the E skill to sneak away from under his nose!
Ah!Want to use skills to consume me?The idea is to fight well... But, after you perform this set of combos, you have to wait at least ten seconds before continuing to repeat this set of combined punches.

And in these ten seconds, do you think I can do nothing?

Wu Di pursed his lips and chuckled, and at the moment the crocodile retracted, he threw a dark spear at the right time, preventing the crocodile from retreating completely.

Then, Pan Sen did not aggressively jump on the crocodile again, using a hard-to-hard style of play. Instead, he continued to consume the crocodile with his Q skill while completing the knife operation.

Ten seconds or so passed by. Pan Sen used the Q skill three times, consuming nearly [-]% of the crocodile's HP. At this time, all the crocodile's skills were cooled down. Wu Di expected that the crocodile would repeat the same trick again, so he didn't dodge. Without avoiding it, he stood where he was and waited for his arrival.

Sure enough, as Wu Di expected, the crocodile made a handsome slide in the blink of an eye, and came to Pan Sen. After a dazzling red light flashed on his body, even the low-level audience knew that the crocodile had already stored up its anger. , ready to apply W skill to Pantheon.

At the same time that the crocodile's sickle hit Pan Sen, Pan Sen also responded in a flash - he also used the immobilized holy shield attack on the crocodile!

The two burly heroes were fixed in place by the other side at the same time, with big eyes and small eyes, which made the audience applaud continuously.

When the crocodile's W skill is angry enough, the duration of the immobilization will be about half a second longer, so when the crocodile immediately regains its ability to move, it is the first to attack Pan Sen, and then use the E skill to rush again leave.

Same as the previous situation, at the moment the crocodile left, Pan Sen flew out another spear, preventing the crocodile from retreating unharmed!

The onlookers around saw that the crocodile was not at all down when facing Pan Sen, who had won two heads in the early stage, and they also followed suit, pushing the reputation of the crocodile to a peak. In addition, Qin Tian was at this right time, pretending to be inadvertently After revealing the fake Wu Di's identity, the entire Internet cafe immediately fell into a kind of madness.

Some uncontrollable audience members immediately boiled over:

【what?Is that Wu Di who disappeared for more than a year?No way... isn't he already abolished?Doesn't that mean he can never touch League of Legends again? 】

[If the crocodile player is really my idol Wu Di, I will definitely get him to sign after the game is over!Grandma's Xiong, when I first heard the news that he was going to die, I never thought that he would have a comeback one day. 】

But at this time, some sensible viewers raised objections:

【You that Wu Di a counterfeit?The situation of Wu Di at that time was broadcast on the news. It seemed very serious. How could it be possible to recover? 】

[What you said is very reasonable. If a patient with this level of amnesia can be cured, then in my opinion, the doctor who can cure him will already be able to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine!I still can't believe that the contestant is Wu Di himself! 】

[However, Qin Tian is the owner of this Internet cafe, and he is the only son of a famous local business figure. I think his words are convincing to a certain extent... Actually, we don’t need to guess like this anymore, just look at If Wu Di can show the strength to match this name, won't he be able to determine his authenticity? 】

Some insightful viewers took a different approach and discovered another phenomenon worthy of special attention:
【You say... If this crocodile is manipulated by Wu Di, then his opponent is the Pan Sen who took down two heads, and what kind of master is his manipulator?A player who can compete on par with Wu Di, and has a faint upper hand... In the professional circle of League of Legends, is there any player who can compete with Wu Di?
Have you ever seen such a player? 】

[Makes sense!But that crocodile's level is indeed higher than that of ordinary people. You see, he is not afraid of Pan Sen, who has a two-head advantage. He plays so aggressively, which is one of the signs of his finishing style of play. ! 】

[It's messed up, let's sort it out...

We can actually think of it this way—Boss Qin found the real Wu Di. He thought he could crush all opponents, but was blocked by an unknown soldier.And the strength of this unknown...can already compete with Wu Di!
A future superstar has risen! 】

The audience was chattering about Wu Di's authenticity, but Bai Yiyi had already locked her eyes in disbelief on the college freshman named Wu Youzhi whom she had invited.

If the crocodile on the opposite side was really manipulated by the former No. [-] genius in the world, then what level is Wu Youzhi's level?A player who can compete with Wu Di?Have it?really?Really really?
Bai Yiyi kept asking herself the same question repeatedly in her heart, and in a daze, she unexpectedly came up with a bolder idea that was more in line with the facts in front of her:

Wu Youzhi is the long-disappeared Wu Di!And the guy Qin Tianzheng brought was just a fake!

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