The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 113 Dual Personality

Chapter 113 Dual Personality
The wind in early winter is far from bitterly cold, but it can already make people feel cool.A coolness swept over Bai Yiyi's whole body when she gave birth to that idea that even she thought was absurd.She tightened her coat with a high collar and shook her head violently, trying to make herself forget about that whimsy.

But when her head was shaking constantly, she found more and more that the figure of Wu Youzhi's classmate overlapped with the guy who was in the sky back then?
Looking at Wu Di's not-so-broad back, Bai Yiyi rubbed her eyes, and the hazy feeling gradually dissipated—oh, I'm really naive, how could Wu Di appear in front of me?Not only was Wu Youzhi just a copycat who looked like him, maybe even the Wu Di that Qin Tianzheng found was just a standard fake.

The real Wu Di is absolutely invincible!

How could Wu Di, who can't even be defeated by ordinary college students, be the former king?
After Bai Yiyi forced herself to ascertain this fact, [Wu Di] who manipulated the crocodile suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, and a trace of surprise appeared on his calm face.

After nearly half of his health was consumed by his continuous combos, Pan Sen suddenly sneaked into the grass!
The onlookers didn't understand what such a move meant, but he knew it well.

Judging from the opponent's performance of forcing an attack just now in the situation of one against two, he must be a full-fledged offensive player.Therefore, such an unknown behavior should be a sign that he is going to take the initiative to attack and go berserk!

Under normal circumstances, the inferior hero enters the grass to avoid the opponent's strong attack, or to make the opponent think that there is an ambush in the grass and move cautiously, and give up the strong attack. In fact, it is to sneak back to the city, giving the opponent the illusion that the grass has an ambush .

After sneaking into the grass, the opponent will not be able to detect his position and true intentions, which will increase the invisible psychological pressure on the opponent.

The unknown is fear. [Wu Di] I firmly believe in this.

But this fake Wu Di didn't understand why Pan Sen still made such a move after being consumed by him twice.Is it just because he feels that taking two heads can crush him in momentum?
The moment the crocodile froze, Pan Sen had already circled to an excellent position and used his E skill in the grass!
A burst of dazzling spears suddenly attacked the crocodile silently from the grass.The crocodile was startled, and quickly exited the opponent's skill casting range.

Unexpectedly, just as he took a step back, Pan Sen had already fallen from the sky and fixed himself in place! ——This is the W skill Holy Shield Strike!
I see... While I was using up combos to consume him, he was also using spear throwing to consume my health.Now is the cooling vacuum period of all my skills, he just entered the bushes and confuse my judgment after calculating that I am powerless to fight back now--very clever way, although I already expected that he would take the initiative to attack, but But it came so fast!
Moreover, the timing of this guy's attack is very correct. My crocodile is only level 5 now, and a crocodile without a big move is indeed no match for Pan Sen.

With this in mind, the crocodile immediately pulled back after regaining its ability to move.

When Pan Sen saw this, of course he followed immediately, constantly consuming the crocodile's HP with flying spears.

And after Pan Sen's sudden berserk, the blood line advantage gained after the first two combos were consumed disappeared.At this moment, the bloodlines of both sides have been pulled down to less than half!And Pan Sen's blood volume already had a certain advantage.

The counterfeit Wu Di, who had kept a calm face all of a sudden, saw that Pan Sen didn't give up when he got a bargain, and was still chasing after him. He also showed a contemptuous smile proudly——my skills will be cooled down soon.And at that time, it will be your death day!

The superb acting skills shown by the counterfeit Wu Di before are obvious to all. At this moment, even some amateur audiences are worried about Pan Sen. If you continue to chase like this, when the crocodile skill cools down, turn around and hit you, and I can send you off directly. back to town!
Is this Pan Sen really desperate?

Looking at all the skills turned into a bright state, the crocodile knew that the time to fight back had come!
The moment he turned around, Pan Sen was one step ahead of him and stepped back.

And the timing of Pan Sen's retreat was just right. At this time, he just retreated a few steps, just outside the range of the crocodile's E skill.

The crocodile turned around and chased after him, but Pan Sen kept backing away, not giving the crocodile any chance to touch him.

Moreover, Pan Sen was also very particular about his positioning. After some maneuvering and turning, he had already retreated into the grass before.

The counterfeit Wu Di chuckled, completely ignored Pan Sen, and followed Pan Sen's footsteps, and plunged into the grass...

Chasing me is very enjoyable. At this time, all my skills have been cooled down. I am not afraid of you.

But the moment the fake Wu Di went deep into the grass, his chuckle froze on his cheeks—because he found an unexpected figure appearing behind Pan Sen!
Opposite jungle hero: Debang manager Xin Zhao!

Why is he in this bush?

I have been watching all the changes on the map!How did he just slip into the grass in their half of the area so silently?When did it go in?

The counterfeit Wu Di was very clever, and he suddenly understood that the only chance for Xin Zhao to enter the grass to ambush was when Pan Sen was chasing him!
Only at that time, he was kicked out of the line, so he didn't notice that Xin Zhao entered the grass!
Shocked, the Debang manager known as "Chrysanthemum Letter" had already raised his spear and stabbed at the crocodile's chrysanthemum.

Facing double teams, the crocodile had no choice but to quickly use the E skill, ready to escape immediately.The manipulator of Chrysanthemum Letter is naturally not an ordinary person. The moment the crocodile slipped out, he also handed over the E skill that can slow down.

Pan Sen flew out another spear at the right time, and followed closely. As long as the cooldown time of his Holy Shield Strike expires, the crocodile will surely die here!
The crocodile had surrendered the flash before, and after he discovered the existence of Ju Huaxin, he also surrendered the last life-saving E skill. At this time, he has no chance of escaping!
However, what surprised everyone was that the well-known Wu Di gave up his resistance and stood where he was, still relying on the opponent's duo to beat him up.

Are you playing something again?

The viewers from God's perspective hurriedly looked around the map, only to find that the crocodile's good friend, the blind monk, was in the bottom lane, and the middle lane hero was still making up damage in a decent manner online, and did not come to the top lane to gank until it was confirmed After all this, the audience finally confirmed that this time, the crocodile did not act, but that he was really helpless. Instead of fleeing in a hurry and finally being buried under the guns of his opponents, it is better to simply stand still and die vigorously. Come more imposing.

After the crocodile fell down, a lot of ridicule broke out from the crowd.

[This is the strength of the number one genius in the world? 2 minutes ago, he played two against one, and was aggressively exchanged by his opponent for two; 2 minutes later, he poked his face into the grass without any defense, and was killed by the opponent's jungle gank... Such a performance, worthy of the title of strongest? 】

[That's right, after Xin Zhao squatted in the grass, he rushed in directly, without any awareness of preventing ganks, this kind of awareness is about the same as an ordinary amateur player.Maybe if I were to go up, I would perform better than him! 】

[Hey... It seems that the world lives on hype.At first, I just heard that Team Yiyi had scooped up the former No. [-] genius in the world, so I came here to observe it.Originally, I still had the intention of embracing idols, but it turned out that this Wu Di was just a gimmick made by the second-generation son, and he was simply a fake! 】

The noisy discussion of the crowd became louder and louder, and even Qin Tianzheng was frowning at this time, full of doubts.

Could it be that the guy I hired at a high price is really a bluffing fake?
It doesn't make sense, this person looks exactly like Wu Di, and when I asked a master to verify him before, his strength completely crushed that amateur master?
Could it be that the opponent is too strong?Oh, no, no, the king Wu Di, how could he be defeated by other people, he must be a counterfeit.Damn it, as smart as I am, I fell for these knockoffs!

Just when everyone was questioning the authenticity of the counterfeit Wu Di, this guy actually laughed out loud under the watchful eyes of everyone?
Everyone was at a loss, thinking that this guy started to get twisted because he was exposed as a counterfeit?
Moreover, his laughter became louder and louder from low to high, and after a few seconds, it actually resounded throughout the Internet cafe.

Um?Look, what happened to Wu Di?Why did you suddenly laugh like a fool?
The audience stared at this unbelievable scene dumbfounded, and looked at each other, wondering what happened to this counterfeit product?
Maybe it's a psychopath?

Then, what surprised everyone even more was that after a while, this guy started talking to himself, and he changed his voice every sentence, one voice was normal, while the other seemed extremely fanatical, and his tone Very high-profile.

If they didn't see it with their own eyes, people who don't know just listen to the conversation and think they are two completely different people!

[How about it, are you unable to win again?So, you just remembered to find me? 】

【Well, yes, I can't beat this guy, what should I do?I can't think of any other way, so I have to come to you. 】

【Ah!You only think of me every time in this situation, can't you let me stay outside all the time? 】

[No way, you are too unreasonable and unusual for ordinary people. I can only make me look normal if I trap you there often. 】

【you idiot!But I can see it clearly, you were beaten by that Pan Sen so much that you can't take care of yourself.It's not like you to fall for some of the most common tricks. 】

[Yeah, I don't know what's going on today, I always have some strange feelings in my heart, which prevents me from concentrating and exerting my strength.Otherwise, I can defeat him by myself. 】

【Hey, that's all, since you need me, how can I stand idly by?We are the same person! 】

As soon as these words came out, everyone's jaws dropped, and Wu Di's eyes widened, ears pricked up, and he listened carefully to every word the impostor said.

What is the same person?

His behavior...was schizophrenia?
The onlookers began to laugh one after another. On the one hand, they laughed at this fake Wu Di who dared to show off in the market with his level of strength. Qin Tianzheng was fooled around by this fake Wu Di, it was too naive and embarrassing enough.

As the owner of the Internet cafe and the boss of the team, Qin Tianzheng couldn't bear it anymore. Seeing the great humiliation brought by this fake Wu Di, an unknown fire burned all over his body.Just when he was about to get mad, he found that the fake Wu Di said something that surprised everyone.

【Did you see it?Everyone is laughing at us.The audience, teammates, bosses, and even the opponents gave us mocking smiles.what can we do about it? 】

[Aren't you talking nonsense!Still won't let me play?You have to know, you are just a substitute derived from my amnesia!I am the real Wu Di!That invincible Wu Di!Give up your obsession, let me beat this kid to pieces! 】

Immediately afterwards, under the sluggish expressions of everyone in the audience, the fake Wu Di slowly buried his head, but after a few seconds, he raised his head again.

And the moment he raised his head, the curious and naive look on his face disappeared, replaced by an evil and awe-inspiring smile that was so fanatical that it was almost crazy!

The audience immediately became a sensation.People were talking aloud or whispering what happened to this guy.

Qin Tianzheng put down his clenched fists, froze on the spot for a while, and gave up the idea of ​​getting mad.

He decided to take another look to see if this invincible expert he hired at a high price was really a fake—he wanted to give this guy another chance!
Because, he heard some unbelievable facts from the previous self-talk of this seemingly split guy: this Wu Di is the strongest Wu Di back then, but because he had lost his memory and changed his temper, He is no longer ostentatious and arrogant, so another peaceful character has been derived, and the real Wu Di is hidden very deeply...

Under that skin, the high-profile and fanatical character before is the real Wu Di!

Qin Tianzheng suddenly swept away the haze, and his heart was filled with excitement.

As long as my deduction is true, then when that guy comes out, he will definitely be able to carry the audience and raise Team Yiyi's reputation to a new peak!
In order to give this weird guy a quiet fighting environment, Qin Tianzheng grabbed the host's microphone and announced excitedly:
"Everyone, please be quiet, I know that Wu Di's previous performance has disappointed everyone. But it doesn't matter, the next moment is the real Wu Di's debut! Let us wait and see, this game is the invincible in the universe The king's comeback battle! I have been deliberately keeping this secret in order to give the king a quiet practice environment.

But, as you can see, I had to come out and make a statement.

First, our Yiyi team has indeed invited the real Wu Di!This is also our Yiyi team preparing to officially enter
The logo of the professional league!In the future, I would like to ask everyone to join us and support us. This Internet cafe will temporarily serve as our base for Team Yiyi.

Second, I know that everyone doubts the authenticity of Wu Di's identity.However, I would like to remind everyone that we used to share

The idol, his brain has suffered a lot of trauma.As we all know, he should be in a state of amnesia now.Therefore, as everyone has seen with their own eyes, Wu Di's strength has indeed declined.However, modern medical technology is very advanced, and he has been undergoing continuous treatment, and his condition has improved greatly.Within a year, Wu Di's body and full strength will be fully restored!At that time, our Yiyi team will make all the teams in the world surrender at our feet!
As for his abnormal performance just now, it was actually just a way to test his opponent.

You have also seen it, he is laughing very arrogantly now, laughing very arrogantly!Our king is the fan who once conquered the world with such a high profile!
This kind of him is the symbol of full firepower!
Next, let us witness Wu Di's true strength together.From his expression, it is not difficult to guess that the opponent has made him serious! "

Qin Tianzheng is worthy of being a second-generation child who received the most high-end education since he was a child. The public relations words made people feel that they are in line with the facts, and to a large extent dispelled the audience's doubts about Wu Di's identity.

As long as Wu Di shows the strength enough to crush his opponent in the next game, then everything will be logical, and his Yiyi team will definitely resound throughout the entire land of China overnight!

A team with Wu Di, besides the championship, can there be other goals?
Qin Tian was looking at Bai Yiyi proudly, with a confident look on his face.

Today's Wu Di appearance ceremony, under his nervous self-talk, has achieved an excellent hype effect.

Next, as long as Wu Di performs outstandingly, his painstaking efforts will become a reality!
As for whether he can win Bai Yiyi's bet, whether he can become Bai Yiyi's boyfriend, it's just an additional part of his great plan, and it doesn't have much impact on the overall situation.

The rise of the e-sports industry has long been the general trend. This industry will generate countless wealth. In the future, stars worth over [-] million and [-] million, e-sports star players will definitely occupy the majority of positions!
However, it is also a pleasant thing to have a stunner-like woman as your girlfriend.

After uttering the words that made the audience doubtful, Qin Tianzheng quietly came to Bai Yiyi's side, and couldn't help sighing:
"Yiyi, you see that my team named after you is about to become famous. I think you should follow me. We run this team together. Isn't this a wonderful and happy thing?"

Bai Yiyi looked contemptuous, and said coldly:
"Qin Tianzheng, do you know? You are really disgusting, more disgusting than the things in the toilet!"

Qin Tianzheng twitched the corners of his mouth with a half-smile, and continued: "Follow me, what's wrong? Look at you, in order to defeat me, you even hired a kid who hasn't even grown hair yet. Does it make sense?"

Bai Yiyi said angrily: "Qin Tianzheng, I advise you to give up! I just hate rich kids like you!

To tell you the truth, I just like the little guy I invited, so what can you do? "

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(End of this chapter)

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