Chapter 114 Experiments

Bai Yiyi and Qin Tianzheng looked at each other, sparks were flying, but they didn't know that the situation on the field had begun to change greatly.

The counterfeit Wu Di, who had entered a strange state, immediately returned to the line, as if he was a different person. He played bravely and aggressively, without paying attention to his opponent at all!
This is an awe-inspiring aura that only a king can possess!

After witnessing the obvious change of [Wu Di], all the audience in the Internet cafe were dumbfounded, unable to utter a word for a long time.

They were all wondering: How could this impostor, after talking to himself like a schizophrenic, be so extraordinary in both performance and aura?Almost after meeting Pan Sen who had taken down three heads, he frequently used the bushes and the aggressiveness of his own skills to ruthlessly consume him.Moreover, this time the crocodile has reached a high level of proficiency in judging the timing of advance and retreat, and has gradually gained the initiative on the scene by virtue of its peak state as if it had transformed into a Super Saiyan.

what happened?

Can Pan Sen lead by three heads?And it has already made such an equipment as brutal force that can maximize the suppressing power of its own premise.

When did the crocodile become so powerful in this version?

Everyone was puzzled, but as his opponent, Wu Di knew it all.

In top lane laning, equipment is indeed one of the important guarantees to continuously gain laning advantage, but the most important factor that can determine the ferocity of laning is the ultimate move of the top lane hero after reaching level 6!

Although Pan Sen's ultimate move is powerful, it can reach a long distance after release and cause tons of damage to the opponent, but his ultimate move takes a long time to release, and there will be a prominent prompt on the screen before landing, which is very easy evasive.Moreover, his ult usually plays the role of cutting off the opponent's retreat in team battles or GANK, but in single-handed laning, the effect is almost negligible-no one will stand still and rely on Pan Sen to do whatever he wants Jump big and sit that huge ass on yourself.

As the most commonly seen top laner overlord hero Crocodile, its big move is not only a weapon for team battles, but also a relatively perfect laning skill.

Crocodile's signature skill R skill [Ultimate Dominion]: After releasing, Renekton transforms into a tyrant form, gaining extra health and causing damage to surrounding enemies.Renekton in this form gains Rage periodically.

Its big move, there are two points that are particularly noteworthy:

First, after the crocodile at level 6 activates its ultimate move, it immediately recovers [-] health points. This special effect is enough to make any top laner who wants to exchange blood with him or desperately despair.

For no reason, there is one more blood recovery magic skill than you, of course, it will make all top lane heroes who try to head-on, especially melee heroes desperate.

Second, after activating the ultimate move, the crocodile will continue to cause damage to close units and heroes, which is equivalent to bringing a burning armor with it, and as the level of the ultimate move increases, the effect of the burning armor will become stronger and stronger , dealing with melee heroes like Pan Sen is naturally a piece of cake, easy as pie.

Therefore, after the counterfeit Wu Di changed his face and demeanor, although he fought extremely aggressively, he relied on his own ult to be very good for dealing with Pan Sen, regardless of his own bloodline is also constantly declining.

In addition, because Pan Sen had gained the advantage, he directly made offensive equipment. The blood volume was almost the same as his own, but the attack power was slightly higher. In this way, even if he was fighting for his life, the crocodile would not be afraid at all.

Wu Di guessed the opponent's intentions, and also saw that this copycat really had a good understanding of heroes, knowing when he was qualified to fight and when he could only shrink back.

Although he didn't know what happened to the guy on the other side, Wu Di knew very well that the strength shown by him at this moment was enough to compete with his own!
Since Wu Di recovered the memory of the three positions, it has been a long, long time since he has encountered a decent opponent.And as a master with extraordinary strength, he is extremely eager to compete with other masters.

Only a real master can arouse the fighting spirit of another master, and only under such conditions can the strength of both parties achieve a substantial leap!

Wu Di's face changed from expressionless to calm and calm, and gradually became fanatical, with ecstatic breath bursting out from brows and eyes.

Through the laning just now, he has already understood the strength of this [transformed] fake Wu Di - his strength is comparable to any professional player currently active in the League of Legends!

No matter where you came from, and no matter how strong your strength is, but if you stole my name and appeared in front of the public openly, it is your fault.Then, let me experience it with my own hands and experience the capital you are proud of pretending to be mine!
In an instant, Wu Di's fighting spirit also climbed to a terrifying height, his fanatical heart could not be suppressed, and a long-lost feeling of meeting his opponent was rippling in his heart.

If it wasn't for the exaggerated peaked cap covering most of Wu Di's face, then everyone would have discovered a shocking fact.

The expressions of these two top laners are very similar, as if they are fighting against themselves in the mirror face to face, very weird!

Wu Di fell into a state of ecstasy and used 100% of his strength, while the counterfeit on the opposite side was also full of excitement. The same fanatic, he became more and more happy and aggressive as he fought.

After the two sides fought to the detriment of both sides, the junglers of the two sides seemed to have reached a tacit understanding, and they came to the top lane to gank at the same time.

The blind monk took away Pan Sen's head, and Xin Zhao also let the crocodile go to see God.

Then, after the two of them tacitly attacked each other politely, when they found that neither of them could kill the other, they hurriedly turned their heads and stopped staying on the road.

After seeing such a scene, the audience also had a new look at Wu Di's strength.And under the hint of Qin Tianzheng, the host is also constantly preaching that Wu Di's domineering power is an important symbol of his unique finishing style of play.

In addition, this host is also very dedicated to his work, fully displaying the mentality of migrant workers who use other people's money to eliminate disasters for others.

While promoting Wu Di's greatness, he also tried to explain the game in his own way.

In fact, most of the time, he can't understand what Pan Sen and the crocodile's actions are intended to do, but he uses his extraordinary eloquence to explain the subtleties of each action of the two sides with his own unique insights. .However, every time the two contestants made a move that did not match what the host said, he also used [Wu Di is Wu Di! ] Such words cover up his own lack of ability.

At this moment, the battle between Pantheon and the crocodile is beyond the reach of the earthlings.

After the two sides met and had a face-to-face meeting, they unanimously launched a strong attack on the other side at the same time, trying to seize the best opportunity to attack at the first time.

Although such a scene is extremely hot, it is brilliant.But both sides' CS was left behind by heroes in other positions - they simply didn't have the time and energy to complete CS operations, because in their eyes, the opponent's kills were obviously more important than the money brought by those minions!

【Haha, let me just say that this Wu Di is fake!You see, this style of play that doesn't even give up the last hit is obviously the style of elementary school students, who only have eyes for the opponent's hero. 】

[Yeah, you are right, look at their upsurge!Dozens less than other locations!What is there to brag about in this style of play!If such a player can be called world-class, then wouldn’t my level be already at the universe level]

A few young people who have just stepped into the LOL world put forward their own opinions on the battle between the real and the fake Wu Di, and sneered at such [primary school students' style of play], extremely disdainful.But some experts responded contemptuously from the sidelines:
【Son, your mother is calling you to go back for dinner. 】

【Looking at your age, you should be at least a high school student, right?How do you talk like a primary school student? 】

[You guys, although these two fight aggressively and fiercely, can you see the subtlety of their timing in every move and every attack?The student party should still study obediently, League of Legends is not suitable for you. 】

After being reminded by these experienced gangsters, these student parties discovered an amazing fact: Although these two gave up the last knife, they always chose the minion with less blood in the fight with the opponent. The starting point of the attack.

In this way, not only can you continue to maintain pressure on your opponent, but you can also use your own skills to take away some minions with residual health, and prevent yourself from being attacked by too many hostile minions.

This kind of awareness and operation is naturally beyond the comprehension of the student party who has just seen the way. Just when they still wanted to refute, Pan Sen withdrew from the army pile after a hard attack and went straight to the first bush in the river. walked over.

The fake Wu Di in the state of [Rage] saw that Pan Sen actually withdrew from the fight. He expected that he would choose a suitable time to jump up to make a final fight with him. into the grass.


The moment the scouting guard stuck in the grass, the crocodile had clearly seen that Pan Sen was jumping!
I don't believe you jumped in place!

Fake Wu Di yelled in his heart, and got into the grass non-stop!

In his heart, he thought that as long as he didn't get hit by Pan Sen's big jump, he could give his opponent a fatal blow!
However, to his surprise, Pan Sen jumped half a beat faster. At this time, he jumped into the sky, and the crocodile had already lost his sight!

The crocodile looked around, and within sight, he didn't find the aura of Pan Sen's ultimate move, so he quickly roared in his voice:

"Be careful in the middle! Pan Sen jumped down!"

And when the crocodile switched the map to the middle, it was too late.

The clockwork in the middle lane has been left by Pan Sen who fell from the sky and the opponent's fox in the vertical grass in the middle half of the river, and this position is also the limit position of Pan Sen's big jump!
what? !

He and I played so inextricably in the lane, and the scene was evenly matched, as long as anyone made a slight mistake or made a mistake in positioning, they would fall into a situation of eternal doom.And I pulled the tempo to such a level that even a professional player would be overwhelmed... In such a fierce confrontation, I have to go all out to barely cope, and he still has time to observe the battle situation of other lanes?

Could it be that his strength is still above mine?
Even if I am not Wu Di himself, but I have worked so hard and endured so many inhuman training, my strength is very close to Wu Di!This person... how could he surpass me!unless……

unless he is...

In an instant, the fake Wu Di's expression froze, and the previous fanaticism and publicity disappeared.

An unbelievable conjecture surged in his heart—this person sitting across from him...has the same incomparable strength as Wu Di?
Coincidentally!It must be a coincidence!Or the opponent's mid laner is calling him to help by voice, it must be like this!His strength must be inferior to mine, I can beat him!
Just when the fake Wu Di was in a trance and was thinking a lot, Wu Di's Pan Sen had successfully completed a cross-screen support, allowing the fox to successfully take away Clockwork's life.

The student party who had been dismissive of Pan Sen and the crocodile before was also impressed by Pan Sen's rapid support this time, and the more skilled masturbation friends naturally gave applause without hesitation.

After getting an assist, Pan Sen looked at his state and decisively chose to return to the city for supplies.

While returning to the city, Wu Di also made some calculations in his mind. Even though the crocodile was three heads behind him, he would not be at a disadvantage in the lane. Using violence to control violence, although it made the scene a stalemate, but in the long run, it will definitely be bad for oneself.

Pan Sen's advantage lies in the mid-to-early stage, and in the later stage, he is just a half-meat character who spoils the game and takes damage. He gave up most of the last hits, and he will not have much advantage over other lanes economically. If he waits for the alligator to make a If you don't have the Burning Armor or other large pieces of equipment, it will definitely be disadvantageous to your side in team battles!

Wu Di thought farther than anyone else. After weighing it, he did not hesitate, and directly gave instructions to the bottom laners of the Huafeihua team:
"The two of you immediately use your skills to clear the line of troops, then go back to the city immediately, and change lanes with me! The two of you lead the scout guards, and make sure to suppress the crocodile under the tower, but you don't need to push the tower, just pay attention to ensuring your last knife."

In this regard, teammates raised doubts:
"Is it okay for you to deal with ADC and support alone? You chose Pan Sen, who is not strong against pressure."

Wu Di frowned, and because of Bai Yiyi's face, he patiently explained:
"I went to the bottom lane to swim gank, not to defend the lane! The crocodile's style of play is actually a late-game delay, because he held me firmly! My Pantheon is It is more focused on catching the opponent in the mid-to-early stage! Do you understand?"

Therefore, the Huafeihua team adopted a lane-changing tactic, and Wu Di went to the bottom lane alone.

The crocodile, who had been looking forward to it for a long time, saw that it was not Pan Sen who came to the lane, but a duo from the bottom lane, his mind immediately went blank!
What is this kid doing again?avoid me?Wasn't his behavior just now a person with an evasive personality?
Just when the fake Wu Di was puzzled, Wu Di typed a sentence on the public screen: Hey, crocodile, I will come to you later.I won't be held back by you in my GANK steps, you have to be careful.

Wu Di never expected that his own words would play a crucial role in his side's victory!

After seeing this sentence on the screen, the fake Wu Di actually stopped all actions, and under the surprised expressions of everyone, he started talking to himself again:

[Okay, the guy who looks as good as you is no longer in line with you, you can go back, let me do it. 】

【Shut up!He will come to me sooner or later, I just have to wait here for him.After finally finding a strong player who can test my size and strength, how could I back down? 】

[But he has already seen your purpose.He knows that you are holding him back and making his advantage period fade away.I'm not stupid, so I just leave and won't be entangled with you anymore.Alright, let me do it, I won’t lose to him either]

【idiot!Can you beat him?Did you see what I did just now?As aggressive as I am, with such a strong attack, he has the leisurely attention to the situation in the middle, and successfully used the ult to perform a gank. This kind of strength is hard for you to match! 】

[Don't force me to get mad, replace me, otherwise this body will be straddled.You should be very clear that from the moment you appear, this body will increase the operating load.Don't you realize that you've been around long enough?

This body can't take it anymore? 】

【no!I want to have a showdown with him, and only by fighting against a master can I complete the last step of transformation!The body can still hold on! 】

【you!ah! 】

Fake Wu Di let out an earth-shattering scream, and then he fell down in front of his computer with a plop, no longer responding!
Facing this sudden change, Qin Tianzheng's heart was shocked, and after a quick calculation in his mind, he immediately rushed to the host, picked up the microphone, and said to all the audience:
"Everyone, I believe everyone has seen a fact that we least want to see - Wu Di has a physical condition, which seems to be the sequelae of amnesia back then. We will send Wu Di to the hospital now, and Team Yiyi declares surrender!
In addition, the competition continues, and I hope everyone will wish together that our star e-sports player and the leader of Huaxia e-sports can recover! "

Just when people panicked and saw the ambulance carrying the fake Wu Di onto the stretcher, a man in a turtleneck trench coat quietly walked out from the corner of the Internet cafe.He took out the phone and reported to the receiver in fluent English:

[There are abnormalities in the experimental product, the plan needs to be changed...]

(End of this chapter)

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