Chapter 115 Drugs
An extremely hoarse voice came from the other side of the phone receiver, making the man in black listen attentively:

"Failure? You mean?"

"Sir, the test product was activated by [the second state] in the battle with an amateur expert, but it still couldn't take a big advantage on the scene. At best, it was a [-]-[-] situation. [Second state], the body of the test subject was overwhelmed, and suddenly passed out."

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone, and after a while, he continued to ask:
"How long did his second state last?"

"It lasted about seven or eight minutes."

"Well... In this way, his sudden coma may indeed be caused by the side effects of excessive use of the second state. That drug was newly developed by the organization, and at most it can only maintain the second state. In the state of about 5 minutes, seven or eight minutes is indeed a bit reluctant.

The quality of this experimental product is very rare. Whether it is appearance or e-sports quality, they are all first-class. It is a pity that it is useless.

However, if it is abolished, it will be abolished.Anyway, this imposter will soon be sprayed to pieces by the righteous men of China, and he will never have a foothold in the future.

Find a chance to give him the potion [No. 1] that Wu Di once took, and let him forget all the things that should be forgotten! "

"Sir, I understand how to do it. Please don't worry. Also, do you need to continue the plan to discredit the real Wu Di? It seems that this experimental product can't be recovered."

"The plan is put aside for the time being, and there is no need to rush it. The chess piece we successfully arranged has lurked by Wu Di's side without any danger, and his every move will be under our control in the future."

Hearing that his immediate superior had been playing charades for him, the man in black finally couldn't help asking under the trend of curiosity:
"Sir, I don't understand. The people worthy of our organization are either the top tycoons of the country, or the powerful and powerful officials... But why this time, we will do it for a How can a small e-sports professional player spend so much time planning and proceeding carefully for the camp every step of the way?

Please forgive my abrupt question, sir, I really don't understand, I'm just a little confused.If it is inconvenient to tell, sir, please forgive my curiosity. "

"Hehe, I'm not surprised that you have such an idea. It's normal. Before I learned all the truth, I didn't know why the organization would invest so much in dealing with a brat who smells like milk. huge human and material resources.

In fact, it doesn't matter if I tell you some fur.

Let's put it this way, BOSS once talked with me alone.He said that Wu Tianhao was his confidant.And his son, Wu Di, is an important pawn used to make Wu Tianhao cast a trap!
You should have listened to your seniors and mentioned Wu Tianhao's heroic deeds. For such a man who is enough to threaten the safety of the organization, his weakness is actually his descendants!That's why we spent so much time dealing with that young man named Wu Di...

Well, that's all I can tell you.

In addition, let me inform you of another piece of more interesting news - the organization has found a candidate who is more suitable for that plan than this test subject!This person's identity is very special. According to my guess, even Wu Di himself may not be aware of his existence.

Only his father, Wu Tianhao, knew of this person's existence! "

When the man in black heard the name [Wu Tianhao], he trembled slightly and shuddered.

"Sir, is the Wu Tianhao you are talking about the Chinese man that BOSS has often mentioned?"

"Yes, Wu Tianhao's background is very special. Let's not mention this for now, and you don't need to know too much... You just need to remember that unless it is absolutely necessary, you must not provoke Wu Di's father—Wu Tianhao. Remember this In a word, it will help you to carry out tasks better, and it will also keep you in an absolutely safe situation.

And the reason why I find it very interesting is that the real trump card that was dug up by the organization and used to deal with Wu Di, his identity will definitely surprise Wu Tianhao!Hahaha……"

Afterwards, the man in the black windbreaker raised his head and glanced at the fake Wu Di who was being carried out on a stretcher, then hurriedly left the Internet cafe.

At this time, everyone in the Internet cafe was also at a loss, wondering why [Wu Di] suddenly fainted.

There was no suspense in the next game. The amateur player who temporarily replaced the fake Wu Di was completely overwhelmed by Wu Di. When the game lasted for about 25 minutes, he was completely defeated by Pan Sen, and the highland tower and barracks in the middle were all destroyed. break.

Under such circumstances, after asking the boss for instructions, Qin Tianzheng's Yiyi team simply chose to surrender, and Qin Tianzheng weighed it again and again, completely ignoring the eyes of Bai Yiyi who came forward and the audience expecting an explanation, and He frowned, went straight out and opened his BMW convertible, and drove straight away.

He's going to the hospital to ask a doctor to understand!

Although he had fooled everyone with a logical reason before, he bet a lot on the fake Wu Di. The money must not be wasted like this, and his plan cannot be ruined because of these trivial things All collapsed.

The thoughtful Bai Yiyi looked at the back of Qin Tianzheng who had fled in the desert, and after a lot of calculations in his heart, a plan that could make Qin Tianzheng be overwhelmed immediately quietly surfaced in his mind .

With a proud face, she took out the phone and called an acquaintance in Tianfu City.And the identity of this acquaintance is an e-sports reporter...

When Qin Tianzheng rushed to the Municipal General Hospital without stopping, the hospital was busy doing a full-body examination on the counterfeit Wu Di.

Sudden fainting symptoms like this can vary in severity.Therefore, out of responsible considerations, the hospital conducted a comprehensive physical examination on him.

Qin Tian was waiting anxiously in the corridor, completely lacking the composure he had before.What he is most anxious about is, is this Wu Di, who was dug out at a huge price, really a counterfeit?
He was so anxious that he suddenly had a flash of inspiration. He quickly took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey, is that Mr. Ye? The Wu Di you introduced to me earlier, is he the number one genius in the world? Why can't he show his extraordinary strength at all when fighting against others?
Moreover, he suddenly passed out now!I paid you a large amount of information fees, you have to explain it clearly to me! "

A slightly vicissitudes of voice came from the opposite side of the receiver:

"Mr. Qin, when we met before, I told you that this kind of situation is possible. Wu Di had suffered severe brain trauma before, and had lost his memory for a long time. Find a good doctor, so that he has the possibility of recovery.

Although his fainting was a bit sudden, it was inevitable.Mr. Qin, you can eat food indiscriminately, but you can’t talk nonsense. I did charge you for information, but I also told you clearly about the hidden danger, so everything has nothing to do with me.

In addition, I want to remind you, don't jump up and down because of such a trivial matter, and lose your sense of proportion.Those who do great things must have the courage to collapse the sky without revealing their colors. "

When he heard that the old fox wanted to escape responsibility, Qin Tianzheng was also extremely angry. He gritted his teeth and said fiercely:
"Old man Ye, don't think that you can do whatever you want in Tianfu City! If our Qin family is willing to risk everything, we may not be afraid of you, an old fellow!
That 500 million information fee is nothing more than a drop in the bucket to me, but what you say, old fox, makes me very upset!Watch out for me to find an opportunity to expose the secret news about your Tiger Head Gang to the media?Don't think I don't know what you are doing with that organization! "

Apparently, Qin Tian was burning with anger, and put on a stance that he wanted to kill the fish. He thought that this would scare the old Jianghu opposite, but he heard the words that made him angry:

"Oh? You are a young man, and you have learned how to threaten people? Even your father would not dare to talk to me like this! Well, you are rude, and I don't want to waste words with you anymore, so that's it. Goodbye!"

Beep... beep... There was a blind tone after hanging up the phone from the other side of the receiver.

Only now did Qin Tianzheng realize that he had been fooled by this old guy again!This guy clearly found a hot potato to deal with himself!
Leaving aside the authenticity of this Wu Di's identity, the cost of treatment that he may spend alone will definitely far exceed the amount of 500 million!This Wu Di signed a contract with him in black and white, and there was a clause on it that he would bear all the costs of any sequelae that Wu Di might have!
If the old guy surnamed Ye hadn't assured himself that Wu Di was in good health, he definitely wouldn't have added this one.

And now, this Wu Di actually fainted in public!Obviously it was the sequelae!Then wouldn't I have to throw a lot of money to raise a useless waste? !
Qin Tianzheng only felt that he was about to burn at this moment!

Just as he was hesitating about how to deal with this thorny issue next, the phone rang suddenly again.

"Hey, who is it?!"

A beautiful female voice, like a yellow warbler coming out of the valley, came to Qin Tianzheng's ears.

"Excuse me, is this the local amateur team—Mr. Qin, the boss of Team Yiyi?

Hello, I am a reporter from Huaxia E-sports Weekly, and my name is Su Yun. "

"Reporter? What do e-sports reporters want me for? My team is just an amateur team, not a top professional team. You made a wrong call..." Qin Tianzheng was a little baffled by the call.

"That's right, Mr. Qin. It's like this. I got a message from an acquaintance and friend—she said that your Yiyi team hired Mr. Wu Di, who was once the world's number one genius, as a member? I just want to Confirm this information."

Qin Tian was trembling all over, and a familiar figure immediately flashed in his mind - Bai Yiyi!

Most of the people in the Internet cafe are amateur players, and there are no professional e-sports insiders, and only this goddess who I have been chasing for two years can notify the e-sports reporter to interview me in the first time!
Damn, this woman is not simple!I know the reason why soldiers are expensive and fast, but she asked the e-sports reporter to interview me, didn't she just give me a chance to become famous?

"Mr. Qin, are you still there? I'm sorry to disturb you, I just want to confirm whether this information is true. You also know that in our business, there must be us wherever there is news. Please Forgive me."

The silent Qin Tianzheng squinted his eyes slightly, thinking that all the reporters had come to him, so naturally it would not be groundless, so he made a decision - break the jar!

"Well, yes, Miss Su, your news is correct. Our Yiyi team is indeed honored to sign a three-year contract with the former world number one. No matter from the contract or the fact , Wu Di, this former king is now the ace player of our Yiyi team!"

Qin Tianzheng snorted coldly in his heart, and said to himself: Humph!Bai Yiyi, since you want me to be famous, I will grant your wish!
"Oh! This is really big news! The former strongest king was hired by Mr. Qin. Although your team is only an amateur team, after Wu Di joined, Mr. Qin must have locked his target on Is it on the world stage of the future?"

"Yes, I am determined to enter the e-sports industry, and signing Wu Di is our most important first step!"

However, Qin Tianzheng was stunned for a while by Su Yun's question.

"Enen, on behalf of the Tianfu branch of Huaxia E-sports Weekly, I would like to congratulate Team Yiyi! Also, I would like to ask Mr. Qin to help arrange an exclusive interview with Mr. Wu Di, is that okay?"

"This, it's a bit inconvenient... You should also know that a professional player of this level..." Qin Tianzheng just made up an excuse to stop the reporter's request for an exclusive interview, and the other side of the receiver answered first:
"Is the inconvenience due to Mr. Wu Di's physical condition? I heard that he suddenly fainted during an amateur competition and is currently undergoing treatment in Tianfu Municipal General Hospital..."

"Where did you hear that?" Qin Tianzheng frowned, he finally knew Bai Yiyi's real purpose in notifying the media!
Regardless of whether this Wu Di's identity is true or not, first, I will be responsible for all of this guy's medical expenses! ——Who knows how much RMB this guy will spend on himself!Second, by using the role of the media to fuel the flames, it is also possible to find out whether this Wu Di is a counterfeit in a short period of time.

If it was the real Wu Di, then he would not be able to make any more disturbances if he was unconscious; and if this Wu Di was a fake, then his reputation would definitely be discredited and he would never be able to gain a foothold in the e-sports circle!

Her sister's!What a poisonous strategy!The most poisonous woman's heart, it seems to be a wise saying!
I don't know how many arrows have been carved...

Qin Tian straightened his mind and said sternly: "Miss Su, it's not good for business. No matter where your news comes from, I want to tell you that Wu Di will not accept any interviews now. Well, I have something to do, let's just leave it at that." .”

"Mr. Qin!"

Qin Tianzheng, who was just about to hang up the phone, realized that the yelling came from the reporter named Su Yun, but why... would it make him feel like he was by his side?
Qin Tianzheng raised his head suddenly, only to find a beautiful woman about 25 years old in a black professional suit shaking the phone in her hand.


They have already reached this point without being a prophet!Come directly to the hospital, ready to sit on the sidelines?

The young and energetic Qin Tianzheng forcibly suppressed the embarrassment in his heart, put on a standard socializing smile, and said:
"Oh! Miss Su is really well-informed, and she acts quickly. I didn't expect you to find the hospital so soon. Since you know everything, is there any need to make this call?
Ms. Su, do you know that such an approach violates professional ethics? "

Qin Tianzheng shook his mobile phone, then hung up the phone angrily.

Su Yun is very professional, facing the aggressive Qin Tianzheng's questioning, he just smiled lightly, and then responded:

"Of course it is necessary for me to make this call, Mr. Qin, without your personal consent, how dare I appear here rashly.

Okay, okay, Mr. Qin, don't be so stern, the little girl is forced to do this because of helplessness.Now that the competition in the media industry is so fierce, I naturally have to use some extraordinary means. "

"It's up to you! Anyway, Wu Di doesn't accept interviews!"

"Well, I also hope that I can interview the world's number one genius on this trip. To express my apology, I will stay here silently with Mr. Qin and wait for Wu Di's examination results."

After speaking, the curly-haired beauty reporter took out all the interview equipment on her body and placed them in front of Qin Tianzheng's eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"Hehe, in order to show my sincerity, I put all the interview equipment in front of your eyes, just to dispel your doubts. To tell the truth, Mr. Qin, I am a loyal fan of Wu Di. Please find out some explosive news. With the exclusive report [Wu Di officially joined Team Yiyi], I am satisfied. I stay here, just want to see with my own eyes the idol I have always dreamed of."

Qin Tianzheng squinted at the equipment, and stopped talking nonsense with this beautiful reporter.All he wanted to know now was whether this Wu Di could wake up!
a long time.

Wu Di's attending doctor came to Qin Tianzheng and said softly, "Who is Wu Di's family member or guardian?"

Qin Tianzheng replied impatiently: "I am, doctor, is Wu Di awake now?"

The attending doctor lifted the heavy spectacle lenses and sighed:
"The patient's condition is worrying. Although he is not feeling any discomfort, he is still in a coma.

So far, we have no clue about the cause of his coma... Do you know what was administered to the patient before the accident?If you know, please tell us, this will help us find the reason for his coma. "

Take... what?A picture appeared in Qin Tianzheng's mind, it was when he met Wu Di for the first time.

He remembered that Wu Di took a very strange pill at that time. According to him, this pill was just a kind of medicine to stabilize his spirit? !

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(End of this chapter)

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