Chapter 116 Invitation

Qin Tianzheng suddenly felt cold all over his body. If it was really that strange pill that made Wu Di become like this, then he would be completely helpless—the devil knows what that pill is!
When the beautiful reporter Su Yun saw Qin Tianzheng's strange eyes and evasive words, he was puzzled and asked the doctor:

"By the way, doctor, do you know the identity of that patient? Is his name Wu Di?"

The attending doctor was obviously taken aback, and said strangely: "Wu Di? What Wu Di? When we were doing a physical examination on the patient who was sent to the hospital just now, we accidentally found a paper credit card statement in his pocket. The name on it ...It seems that it is not called Wu Di.

Let me think about it, oh, yes, the name on it seems to be... Ning Tianqi! "

The doctor's words made Qin Tianzheng, who was thinking with his eyes closed, suddenly open his eyes. In an instant, his emotions obviously collapsed.

He tightly grabbed the collar of the doctor's white coat with an excited expression, his voice had already become ferocious due to over-excitement, he bulged his eyes, and asked viciously:
"What?! Say it again, the patient's name? Is he really not called Wu Di?"

The doctor was stunned by Qin Tianzheng's aggressive behavior, and Qin Tianzheng's hands were constantly squeezing hard, which made the doctor feel short of breath and a little out of breath.

But at this moment, fortunately Su Yun hurried up and pushed Qin Tianzheng's hand away, so that the doctor would not be strangled to suffocation.

"What are you doing!" Su Yun stood in front of the doctor, his eyes wide open.

"It turns's really a counterfeit! Damn it! How could I be so stupid! That old fox surnamed Ye actually played a trick on me!"

Qin Tianzheng, whose hands were knocked off, did not answer Su Yun's question, but kept asking himself repeatedly, which made both the doctor and Su Yun think that he might be a little nervous or abnormal.

"I want revenge! At all costs, I want revenge for being teased! Tiger head gang, you wait for me, and that old guy, dare to play this kind of conspiracy for me, I want to make your life worse than death !"

Qin Tianzheng suddenly shouted angrily, then turned and left without looking back.Su Yun and the doctor stared at his back in a daze, but they didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

However, after taking a few breaths, the doctor immediately asked Su Yun the most critical question:

"I would like to ask this lady, that patient named Ning Tianqi will be hospitalized for observation for a period of time, so his medical expenses...will you pay for it?"

Su Yun quickly swayed, squeezed out an extremely embarrassing smile, coughed twice and responded:

"Cough cough, this... I don't know that person. That person's expenses should be paid by the gentleman who just left."

The doctor patted his forehead and sighed: "Hey, young people nowadays are so irresponsible. If he is gone, who will bear the cost of that patient?"

Su Yun, who came here with a special mission, rolled his eyes and thought about it.She turned to the doctor with a charming smile and said:

"You don't have to worry about this, you just need to treat the patient with all your strength. His medical expenses will be borne by that gentleman. If you are worried that the gentleman will renege on the bill, I can give you his contact information. And I will tell you his home address. His father is a well-known real estate tycoon in Tianfu City, I believe he will not renege on the medical expenses."

The doctor looked at Su Yun suspiciously, but still had some doubts.He couldn't help asking:

"Madam, although I should believe your words. However, there are often cases in the hospital where patients are sent and then disappear. How about this, are you sure you can contact the gentleman just now?"

"It's not difficult." Su Yun pursed his lips and took out his business card from his bag, "The patient is an e-sports player, and the gentleman signed it with a lot of money just now. It is said that he will bear all the expenses of the patient. Possible unexpected situations. This is my business card. I am a senior e-sports weekly reporter. If that gentleman wants to go back on his word, you can call me directly, and I will report this deed.

You should also know that the power of the media is enormous. "

The doctor looked at the business card and believed Su Yun's identity.However, he still frowned, as if he was still in trouble.

Seeing this, Su Yun immediately dialed the phone number of Qin Tianzheng who had just left in a hurry, and pressed the hands-free button.

"Hey! Don't bother me if you have nothing to do? If you have something to say, hurry up and fart!" Qin Tianzheng answered the phone impatiently.

"Oh, it's Mr. Qin. It's like this. You left in a hurry just now and forgot to pay some medical expenses in advance. The doctor is in a dilemma. Look, I don't know that person named Ning Tianqi. What did he expect? cost……"

Qin Tianzheng shouted angrily: "Damn it, do you want me to save a trash?"

"You just said that you signed a three-year contract with him..." Su Yun took the phone to the far end and said calmly.

"Fuck! His life and death has nothing to do with me!" Qin Tianzheng was already in a state of rage.

"Mr. said that if I report this incident with embellishments, will your status and reputation in Tianfu City..." Su Yun's words were thorny, and Qin Tianzheng was hit with one sentence. the key.

"You! You dare to threaten me! I know, you must have been called by that girl Bai Yiyi to investigate the situation and taunt me!"

This time, Qin Tianzheng finally got smarter.

Su Yun smiled lightly, and said, "Oh, it doesn't matter who asked me to come, I think the most important thing is the three-year contract. Look... our media just want to make more news. What's more, what's more interesting is that this Wu Di, whom Mr. Qin held in his hand and regarded as a treasure, turned out to be a counterfeit! Do you think, if this matter is reported together, will it immediately cause e-sports competition? What about the widespread attention of the circle?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Qin Tianzheng knew that he had been caught by this beautiful reporter by chance, so after calculating the relationship, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Okay! I know what you want to say! Tell that doctor, and I'll get someone to bring the money later! Damn it, let's do such a shitty thing!

In addition, I will send you a big red envelope!Are you satisfied now? "

Su Yun was noncommittal, but shook the phone in front of the doctor, and hung up the phone directly.

The doctor heard the conversation between the two of them clearly and clearly, and for a while, he let go of the big stone in his heart.

"Well, it can be seen that the gentleman is a young man with a special status, and he will definitely not renege on his debt. Well, I am going to continue to study the case of that patient. Finally, I hope to add another layer of insurance, Can you give me that gentleman's phone number?"

"no problem!"


In the Internet cafe, Bai Yiyi's Huafeihua team won the final championship all the way, and won this cup that can be counted as an achievement.

Bai Yiyi was very happy. First, she could finally get rid of Qin Tianzheng's entanglement. Second, this championship was hard-won, and it also established her confidence to enter the professional league.

However, she is well aware of the reason why she won the championship in this competition - if there is no invincibility, then her amateur team would have fallen in the first round long ago!
In a good mood, he first distributed the prize money from the game to his other four team members according to the usual practice. The team members happily accepted the prize money, and then they were dismissed by Bai Yiyi.

Finally, Bai Yiyi held a stack of thick banknotes and came to Wu Di who was about to leave.

"Student Wu Youzhi, thank you. This time the performance was perfect! Not only did I not have to be entangled by Qin Tianzheng, but it also won me an official statistics record champion. Come, come, this is what you deserve Don't be polite to Mr. Bai."

After finishing speaking, Bai Yiyi held the thick stack of banknotes with both hands.

Wu Di took the money with peace of mind, and after counting it carefully, he found that it was twice as much as the amount shared by the previous team members, so he asked in extreme confusion:

"Mr. Bai, why is my bonus twice as much as theirs? Don't favor one over another, they are your official team members, and I'm just a part-time worker."

Bai Yiyi flirtatiously gave Wu Di a satisfied look, and explained:

"Heh, how could I have made such a mistake in the bonus distribution? The extra part was rewarded by me personally to show my gratitude."

After Wu Di heard the words, he immediately took out half of the banknotes and returned them to Bai Yiyi.

"That can't be done, Mr. Bai. My contribution is the same as theirs. Without them, I can't win the competition alone. Moreover, the so-called no reward for no merit, I am flattered that you suddenly treat me so favorably. I dare not ask for this money."

Bai Yiyi returned the money back to Wu Di, shook her head, and sighed:

"Your credit is incomparable to them. Don't be polite to the teacher. As a student, with this money, you can cover at least half a year's expenses. Take it if you are told! Do you want to pass the final exam?" Get some bad reviews from time to time?"

In desperation, Wu Di had no choice but to put the money into his pocket.

"Okay, Mr. Bai, the game is over, and I have accepted the bonus according to your instructions. There should be nothing else. If this is the case, then I will leave, okay?"

After finishing speaking, Wu Di was about to turn around and go, but was stopped by Bai Yiyi reaching out.

"Student Wu Youzhi, I have something I want to talk to you alone, can you give the teacher some face? Let's go to the coffee shop for a while?"

Bai Yiyi sent out an invitation suddenly, which made Wu Di confused.But after all, Teacher Bai played an important role in the final grades, and he didn't dare to refuse easily, so he had to bite the bullet and agree.

The two casually found a cool and elegant cafe in the North District of Tianfu City and sat down.

After sitting down, Bai Yiyi went straight to the point and said:

"Wu Youzhi, your very strong! It's beyond my imagination! You can actually compete with Wu Di! Tell the teacher the truth, who are you?"

Bai Yiyi stared straight into Wu Di's eyes, trying to find out some secrets from his eyes, but Wu Di laughed and interrupted her exploration.

"I am Wu Youzhi, Wu Youzhi is me! The person who fought me just now is Wu Di? I don't think so, it must be a counterfeit that Qin Tianzheng invited! Otherwise, with my three legs How can a cat's kung fu compete with Wu Di! Teacher Bai, although you are a beautiful and generous female teacher, you must have a basis for what you say. You can't make up random things."

Bai Yiyi frowned, but there was still a kind smile on her face.But in her heart, she was already full of doubts: this student... is not simple, whether it is e-sports ability or communication with others, he is almost impeccable, without any flaws.When witnessing his strength for the first time, he used ADC for almost the entire Hope Cup, and this time he used the top lane hero in several games.And I can see that no matter whether that Wu Di is himself or not, his strength far surpasses all other players, especially the state after he talks to himself, he is even more powerful, mighty and domineering.But such a player could not defeat Wu Youzhi in the end!
His strength... is too unfathomable - I must get him!Do anything to get him!
In this way, my great plan can be realized one day!
After thinking about it, when Bai Yiyi was about to throw out her huge olive branch, a sudden ringing of the phone interrupted her plan.

She frowned and pressed the answer button. After listening for a while, the expression on her face turned pale with shock.

"Yunyun, is what you said true? Is there such a thing? That Wu Di is actually a counterfeit invited by Qin Tianzheng?"

"Yeah, with the relationship between us, can I still lie to you? Well, I still have something to do. I have done exactly what you asked me to do. Hehe, Qin Tianzheng is probably in a hurry right now.

By the way, do you think I should report this matter? "

Bai Yiyi squinted her eyes, and after thinking for a while, she replied: "Well... no need for now, anyway, Qin Tianzheng had already made a bet with me before the game, if he loses, he won't bother me anymore. My The purpose has been achieved, and I don't want to worry about anything else. I called you over just to watch his jokes. Since you have seen a good show, you have to forgive others. Some things , we don’t need to go too far.”

"Okay, see you later!"

After Bai Yiyi put the phone into the expensive LV limited edition bag, she remained silent again, but stared at Wu Di with great interest for a long time.After being stared at by this beautiful teacher, Wu Di couldn't help asking:
"Teacher Bai, from your tone just now, that Wu Di has been confirmed as a fake?"

"Yes, I asked a friend of mine to rush to the Municipal General Hospital to confirm the news, and the player is still not awake."

Wu Di nodded thoughtfully, then fell into a strange silence.According to his intuition, he always felt that this incident happened a little strangely.

Why is there a counterfeit product that pretends to be yourself?
And why does this counterfeit product show such abnormalities during the game?
No matter how hard Wu Di racked his brains, he still couldn't find a reasonable explanation, but at this moment, Bai Yiyi, who had been staring at him, spoke again:
"Student Wu Youzhi, this competition has already shown me how great you are. I'll just open the skylight and talk brightly, let's bring up the old things again. I want to invite you to join my team! No matter what conditions you ask, I will You can agree!"

As soon as this remark came out, Wu Di recalled the embarrassing scene of this beautiful teacher in his training room a few months ago.

Of course Wu Di would not agree to Bai Yiyi, but in order to give the teacher a step down, he had to find an excuse:

"Oh, my teacher Bai, why are you doing this? My girlfriend Xia Ninghan set up my team! How could I turn my back on her and join your team? And we are only here to enrich the university In his spare time, he didn't want to enter any professional league.

Your goal is grand and lofty. Your team is about to enter the professional league.You should be targeting those who are pros or current pros.For a nobody like me, forget it. "

Bai Yiyi knew that what Wu Di said was just an excuse, but she was not reconciled, so she made up her mind and said coldly:
"In this way, you said that your team was established by Xia Ninghan. Well, as long as I recruit Xia Ninghan, will you come with Jiu? Or even merge your team directly with mine? "

Wu Di was taken aback, never thought that this beautiful teacher would directly hit Xia Ninghan's body?

But he has 100% confidence in Xia Ninghan - how could she be bewitched by this beautiful teacher and sell herself?
Wu Di secretly laughed in his heart, but on the surface he still pretended to be indifferent.

"Haha, it's good to be daring. Well, I promise you, Teacher Bai. As long as you can convince Xia Ninghan, I will do as she says.

But I want to make a statement in advance, you can't threaten her with things like final grades.

She is more stubborn than me, if you force her, she will definitely not agree to you. "

When Bai Yiyi saw that Wu Di was letting go, she quickly answered the words:

"That's good! Then let's make a deal, it's hard to chase! As long as I can convince Xia Ninghan, then you will come with her!"

"no problem!"


After bidding farewell to Bai Yiyi, Wu Di hurried to the training room outside the west gate of Tianfu University.

With the encouragement from the previous period, Wu Di found that all the players of the Kings team were meticulously doing all kinds of training as soon as he entered the room, which made him very gratified.

He stepped forward one by one, and after giving some guidance, he signaled everyone to stop.

The teammates looked at Wu Di in puzzlement, thinking that the star captain was about to speak again, but found that he just smiled and turned on the big screen in the center.

"Okay, everyone has to learn to combine work and rest. Don't look at me like this, I'm not some superficial devil. Today, we have one more important thing to do—let's appreciate the League of Legends World Club President It's the semi-finals of the finals."

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(End of this chapter)

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