Chapter 117 Calculation
The rustling night wind squeezed into the small training room with a hint of coolness, bringing some coolness to everyone.However, everyone in King's Team has long been immersed in the fierce competition of the Final Four.What's more, the most exciting thing for everyone is that in the semi-finals tonight, under the leadership of Lu Li, the Brilliant team will challenge the champion of the previous finals - the legendary team from England!

The Brilliant team has never appeared in the World Series. In the eyes of League of Legends fans all over the world, it is an unknown grassroots team.However, in the last round of the competition, they completely defeated the strong team from South Korea, which has greatly increased everyone's favor for them. Whether it is the support rate on the Internet or the audience, after they played, they expressed their greatest support and encouragement. encourage.

And the legendary team, as a regular visitor to the finals and a super strong team that has won three championships in a row, naturally has a huge fan base.When they entered the game room with the explosive live music, the deafening cheers completely overwhelmed the momentum of the previous brilliant team.

At this time, the famous e-sports commentator JOJO also introduced the situation of the two teams to the global audience watching the live broadcast of the game in fluent Chinese.

[Hi everyone, I am JOJO!Today I am very honored to be arranged by the organizing committee to explain the semi-finals.Next, let us first analyze the combat power of the two teams.

The strength of the legendary team is naturally indescribable. It belongs to one of the top teams in the world. In the past three years, they have achieved three consecutive championships.You should still remember that in last year's finals, under the huge disadvantage of 0:2, they won three games in a row, came from behind and defeated the brilliant team with the world's number one talent Wu Di, and successfully defended their title again!
This achievement has surpassed all League of Legends teams in history.

Although everyone is familiar with the legendary team, let me introduce some basic information about them.

The leader of the legendary team is their captain and jungler, Jones, who is known as the world's number one jungler!
Audiences who have watched the legendary team's game should be clear that the basic routine of the legendary team is that the ace player Jones performs a suffocating gank in the early stage, so that his teammates can gain enough online advantage, and finally in the mid-to-late team battle , Completely stick to the opponent's output hero, cooperate with your own core output, and instantly kill the opponent!

His hero pool is very large, and he can basically use almost all the heroes that can be used for jungle.It can be said that, except for Wu Di, who claims to be able to use all heroes, his hero pool is the largest among professional players.

In addition, the bottom lane combination of the legendary team should not be underestimated.Their personal strength is extremely strong. In the latest ranking of the latest "World E-Sports Global Weekly", they have risen to the fifth place in the world!
"World E-Sports Global Weekly" is the most authoritative reporting magazine in the e-sports circle. Their judgments are neutral judgments that can stand the test and analyze various comprehensive data.

Of course, the reason why the legendary team can stand in the League of Legends with so many strong players is that they have almost no weaknesses!

Everyone's strength is extremely powerful.In the evaluation list of professional players given by Global Weekly, each of their players has been selected into the top [-] in the world!

As for what everyone is most concerned about, what genre should the legendary team be classified into, here I will also use my own unique point of view to analyze it for you.

Legendary clan has no genres!Each of them has their own style of play, but they are not mutually exclusive after being combined. The timing of their attack and the unity of retreat are unmatched by other teams.

How should I put it, in a word, the legendary team will make all opponents feel invisible.A team without a fixed routine is the scariest!

In Sun Tzu's Art of War in the Huaxia Kingdom, there is a sentence at the beginning, which I think is very suitable for the legendary team-soldiers, tricks.

If you have to impose a genre name on the legendary team, then I think the name [Deceitful Way] is very suitable for them!

Well, let’s stop here for the legendary team first, and then, let’s take a look at the grassroots team that is looking forward to counterattacking the king tonight——Team Brilliant!

This is a mysterious team. According to the information I have, the Brilliant team was just a low-level team in China's top league struggling to avoid relegation a few years ago.But since a key person joined them, their results have started to improve by leaps and bounds at an astounding speed!And this key person is Lu Li, the number one ADC in China today!
It is impossible to verify who Lu Li studied under, but we know that his style of play is named "Wang Daoliu"!
This is a professional player who interprets the offensive genre to the extreme, and can grasp its essence and express the characteristics of the genre to the fullest. Among the current active players, there are only two players who can do this!

One is Lu Li, and the other is Wei Wei, the head beauty player of the European traditional strong team Shinhwa!

Oh, oh, friends here, please be quiet.I know that Weiwei is the number one goddess in your hearts. [Goddess Knife] has been famous for a long time and is already world-famous, but can't you be quiet for a while?Hehe, do you think it's a little exaggerated for me to compare Lu Li, who just came out this year, with Weiwei?

You are all wrong!Although I am also one of Weiwei's die-hard fans, what I want to emphasize is that Lu Li, a man from China, is indeed capable of challenging Weiwei!
As one of the top three top laners in the world, Weiwei's style of play is very entertaining.But, you know what?Her style of play is also kingly!

Although she will often make some weird moves during the game, making it hard for opponents to guard against.But in essence, the foundation of her style of play should be Wang Daoliu, which Lu Li is also good at!

So, here, I can compare the two together without shame!
Don't forget, what are the career winning percentages of Lu Li's Vayne and the Outlaws!Fame can be hyped, prestige can be superimposed, but record must be the most convincing weight!

In addition, I would like to inform all male fanboys of a huge piece of good news—in Team Brilliant, there is a beautiful professional player who is not inferior to Weiwei in terms of appearance and temperament.Although she was not as popular as Lu Li, she also played a vital role in Team Brilliant.

She is Ye Ling known as the mermaid!

If the legendary team releases Tidal Sea Spirit, then we can appreciate what kind of amazing performance this beauty with Chinese classical temperament will bring us.

OK, I have finished my opening remarks, and the first game has officially entered the banning stage.Let's look forward to seeing whether the rapidly rising comet-level team of the Brilliant Team can challenge the legendary team that has been sitting on the throne for three years! 】

JOJO's speech speed is extremely fast, almost as fast as that of Hua Shao, a host of a music talent show in Huaxia Kingdom many years ago.

While he kept showing off his extreme speaking speed, it also made the atmosphere of the scene extremely high.

Wu Di looked at the big screen calmly, expressionless.Now he has not recovered all his memories, so he only has some strange feelings about his opponent from back then, the Legendary team, but that feeling made him worry about the Brilliant team for no reason.

After all, I fainted when I was fighting against the legendary team of the three consecutive champions, so... Is the organization or force that attacked me related to the legendary team?
But the legendary team does seem to have the strength to dominate the world, am I paranoid?
It seems that only after I fully recover my memory can I analyze whether there is a relationship between the two...

Wu Di kept asking himself the same question in his heart, until Xia Ninghan lightly touched himself, and finally ended his whimsical thoughts.

"What are you thinking? The game has already started! Tell me, which team are you going to support?" Xia Ninghan was as gentle as water, which made it difficult for Wu Di to adapt.

Wu Di blushed slightly when he remembered the ambiguous things that happened between the two last night, and replied in a low voice:

"Of course it's Lu Li's Bright team. Of course the Chinese support the Chinese team. It's not a question."

Xia Ninghan snorted pretending to be angry, and said:
"Hmph! I knew it, you've been thinking about that mermaid."

Wu Di was shocked, knowing that Her Majesty would definitely not be able to offend her, he didn't want to knock over her vinegar bottle casually, so he quickly flattered her:

"Oh, where did you go again. We all... have prepared that, how could I be half-hearted."

Xia Ninghan had mixed feelings in her heart, but she squeezed out a shy smile, leaned into Wu Di's ear, and whispered softly like a mosquito:
"Today I went out and bought something, it was in a box.

Hearing... Hearing is the kind of thing that can play a protective role.When we get home from the game, we... we can try! "

Xia Ninghan's pretty face was flushed, even the ears were not spared, but Wu Di beside her was also flushed, and for a moment, the two felt each other's heartbeats speed up several times.

Wu Di is a man, a very normal man.Any male animal who is not terrified and excited when faced with this situation is not a normal man.

Just as Wu Di was distracted and fell into some kind of wonderful fantasy, Her Majesty the Queen even breathed a sigh of relief in his ear, then hurried to Lin Xiaoxiao's side and stopped staying by his side.

At this moment, Wu Di felt that all the pores in his body were open, and a rush of hotness rushed into his brain instantly. At this moment, he suddenly had an extra expectation—he expected the game to end soon, and he wanted to go home!
However, contrary to expectations, the next 10 minutes were Wu Di's most tormented 10 minutes, but they were the most exciting 10 minutes for all League of Legends audiences.

Under the attention of the global audience, Team Brilliant performed unexpectedly very strong, especially their ace Lu Li, with his own strength, caused the opponent's fifth-ranked bottom lane duo in the world to collapse and be defeated. Flat out!
Because they didn't ban Vayne and Outlaw, the two ADC heroes that Lu Li is best at, they were beaten by making good use of their Lu Li, and they became the targets of being crushed.

The audience only felt that Lu Li in this game was like a very hungry beast. Everyone was amazed by the strength he showed and his ability to snowball the advantages.

13 kills, zero deaths, 8 assists!
This is the report card of this game handed over by China's No. [-] ADC!
Lu Li...he is indeed the man who is the strongest ADC in China. This performance is enough for the whole world to remember his name!This kind of performance is enough to make him worthy of the name!He is the strongest ADC player in China!

It is also worth mentioning that Ye Ling's Tidal Sea Spirit has not been banned by the big opponents. It is naturally the dream of every professional player to be able to use the most handy hero.Although Ye Ling's little murloc didn't have much of an advantage online, it played a crucial role in team battles. It was because of her presence that the opponent's output heroes were afraid and lost a lot of money. output opportunities.

And this much-anticipated first game finally ended with the strong victory of the bright team!
In an instant, the names of Lu Li and Ye Ling resounded through the sky of the King's e-sports arena.

After seeing the victory of Team Brilliant, the passionate Wu Di immediately put those miscellaneous things behind him. He clenched his fists tightly and kept saying in his heart: Wait for me!Be sure to wait for me!
After the first match, there will be a short period of about 10 minutes for both teams to rest and adjust.

At this time, the forums and live broadcast channels have begun to burst out various remarks about "Brightness will win the championship".Some neutral fans also started to cheer for Team Bright.

One match actually raised the prestige of the Debright team to an unattainable height!

But... the world is unpredictable.

Since the semi-finals, the game system has adopted a five-game three-win system.So the first defeat caught the legendary team a bit by surprise, but it couldn't affect their morale.

In the next game, they directly banned the three heroes, Night Hunter Vayne, Outlaw Outlaw, and Tidal Sea Spirit!
Of course, the legendary team that suffered so much under Lu Li and Ye Ling would not give their opponents such a chance, so they banned all the heroes they are best at!
All the people watching the game let out an exclamation. It seems that the legendary team has realized their arrogance and made corresponding countermeasures.

What surprised everyone again was that Team Brilliant snatched the two core output heroes Explorer and Wine Barrel in the first and second picks, making the opponent stunned again—this is...they Reserved big move?
Are these two heroes what they're really good at?
With some doubts, the legendary team and the bright team fought fiercely again for nearly 10 minutes.As a result, the Brilliant team won the game again by a narrow margin.

So far, this semi-finals has pushed the favorite legendary team to a dead end.If they lose another game, they will stop at the top four and miss the chance to complete the unprecedented four consecutive championships!

During the intermission of the game, although Wu Di was elated for the victory of Lu Li and Can Can, another thought firmly occupied his mind: This legendary team...doesn't seem to be invulnerable and invincible ah.Although the performances of Gao Fushuai and the mermaid sister are outstanding and convincing, but in terms of strength, the strength of the bright team is not stronger than my brilliant team back then...they can do this, then the team I was in at the time The Brilliant team should also win the final championship without any risk!

Could it be that this legendary team is really behind my coma?
Just as Wu Di fell into deep thought, the famous e-sports commentator JOJO exclaimed, which brought Wu Di back to his senses immediately and put his attention back on the big screen.

【oh!Everyone look!Lu Li of Team Brilliant seems to be feeling unwell!He clutched his stomach and ran out of the game room!
Could it be that his stomach suddenly felt uncomfortable?How could such a thing happen?
No way, Team Brilliant has already conquered the world with their performance. Now is the critical moment to go all out and enter the finals?Why is this happening to Lu Li at this moment?

Um?Wait, everyone, Ye Ling, another ace player of Team Brilliant, is starting to fidget!

She opened her mouth wide and looked at the screen in horror. What is going on?What does she seem to want to say?But, speechless? 】

League of Legends fans all over the world are watching the battle of the final four, and they have all seen what happened on the live screen with their own eyes.Everyone didn't understand, why at this critical moment, the two leading players of Team Brilliant had sudden changes at the same time?
When everyone was wondering, Wu Di clearly saw the abnormal state of the mermaid Ye Ling on the big screen through the broadcast screen.He desperately opened his eyes wide and stared at the screen intently, trying to infer what Ye Ling wanted to say from her repeated mouth movements.

Finally, after watching it twice, Wu Di was startled, and a surge of anger surged into his heart.

Ye Ling's mouth was only repeating one sentence: Wu Di, save me!

And when Wu Di discovered this, Ye Ling, the beautiful contestant who had a lot of friction with him, fainted in front of the live broadcast screen in full view of everyone!
Wu Di angrily turned his head and asked Xia Ninghan: "Help me book a plane ticket to Los Angeles! I want to get there in the shortest possible time!"

Xia Ninghan didn't know why, but when she saw this sudden abnormality, she hurriedly explained:
"You changed your name and haven't applied for a passport. can't leave the country..."

Wu Di raised his right fist and slammed it heavily against the wall. He didn't talk about anything, but just stood there quietly.

At this moment, he has already vowed in his heart: If you dare to hurt my friends and colleagues, I will definitely risk everything and find you blood debts!
 Enen, I wrote very well, what about your subscription and monthly pass.

  Although I can't get a monthly pass, and I haven't added a subscription, I won't give up!
(End of this chapter)

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