118 Advice
All the members of King's Team were stunned when they saw what happened on the big screen suddenly, and they didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

Wu Di leaned against the wall tightly, unable to calm down, his whole body was trembling.

Although he didn't know why Ye Ling said that in that situation, it was undoubtedly a kind of trust and a kind of sustenance.Only in times of crisis do you think of the people you trust the most.

Wu Di touched his heart and asked himself, he only had some good feelings for the mermaid sister, and there was no relationship between men and women at all, not to mention that he already had Xia Ninghan, a girlfriend who was not inferior to any woman, he was already satisfied.

However, just now, Ye Ling's mouth shape was like a steel needle ruthlessly rubbing into his heart, causing him instant unbearable pain.He didn't know what kind of affection it was, he only knew that nothing happened to Ye Ling!
Wu Di, who gradually calmed down, walked to the window and calmly analyzed everything that happened before.

Lu Li suddenly had unbearable abdominal pain, Ye Ling was speechless, and fell into a coma in front of the computer.All of this is very similar to the situation when I had an accident back then.

Could it be that those people who plotted against him back then made another move?What's more, when they had gained the greatest advantage in the battle against the legendary team, major changes happened to the ace players in their opponents such as themselves and Lu Li!
At this moment, Wu Di had already swept away the gloom, and the clues that he suddenly caught made his expression bright.He believes that he has found the key breakthrough of the problem - the legendary team!
At this moment, the exclamation of the well-known commentator JOJO came from the big screen.

【oh!Unbelievable, this is unbelievable!
The two headed Huadans who occupied the land unexpectedly had a major change by such a coincidence.The mermaid Ye Ling has been sent to the ambulance accompanied by the staff of the club. This situation is very similar to when Wu Di had an accident last year.I know that everyone is very concerned about Ye Ling's physical condition, and we can only wait for the information that the local e-sports media will give us later.

Lu Li is still in the toilet of the e-sports stadium...

Okay, we have just confirmed that Lu Li's mind is still very clear, but suddenly he has diarrhea, and now his limbs are weak and he has completely collapsed.

Please wait for a while to see if our first ADC can persist in the game later. 】

What JOJO said made the hearts of thousands of Huaxia e-sports fans hang in their throats, but it also reminded Wu Di at the same time!

That's right, as long as I contact Lu Li, I can find out what happened!

With this in mind, Wu Di quickly took out his phone and dialed Lu Li's number regardless of the high cost of the call.

Maybe it’s because of a clear understanding. Lu Li, who is far away on the other side of the world and should have left the phone to the staff of the club, is screaming like a pig while asking the staff outside the door to fetch it for him. phone.

When he just got the phone, Wu Di happened to call.

Lu Li looked at the phone number and answered it desperately.

"Hey, hey! Aww, grandma's bear! Senior brother? My stomach is almost empty!"

Wu Di immediately asked concerned: "Are you okay? Still have diarrhea? Is diarrhea the only symptom?"

"Oh, well, my stomach hurts unbearably, but everything else is fine. It's just that I'm tired, and I don't even have the strength to hold the mouse. I'm afraid I won't be able to win this knockout round."

Wu Di thought for a moment, then continued: "Didn't I tell you to pay attention to your diet? Why did you still get tricked?"

"You paid attention, I listened to what the second senior sister said, this time my personal diet is completely tailored by my personal chef, all raw materials and even condiments are brought from China, and I didn't let him carry it easily Spoiled food can be said to be foolproof. Who knows where those guys got it!

Whoops, I remembered!I just drank a glass of water before the game!I saw that the water was clear and transparent without any impurities, so I drank it with confidence.Only that glass of water, not one prepared by my personal chef!
Why!One hundred secrets and one sparse, this is really a capsize in the gutter.

By the way, I heard that Meimei Ye was also recruited?how is she now "The staff outside the door have already informed Lu Li of what happened to Ye Lingye.

Wu Di sighed softly, and replied: "She is already unconscious, just like me back then...she has been sent to the ambulance and sent to the hospital for treatment.

As long as you are fine, I am really afraid that you will encounter exactly the same experience as me. "

Lu Li gasped heavily, judging from his voice, he was indeed extremely weak. After hearing Wu Di's words, he swore and swore again.

"To tell you the truth, big brother, I have prepared more than you can imagine this time! I not only hired a private chef, but also found two retired special forces bodyguards to protect myself 24 hours a day! As long as I am anywhere, including competitions If any accident happens during this period, these two bodyguards will come to rescue me as soon as possible. I asked myself if I have made it perfect, or if someone took advantage of it once. Okay, I won’t talk nonsense with you! I guess I will feel comfortable when I have diarrhea Yes, I will go to the hospital to get a few bottles of drip."

"Well, take care to protect yourself. Remember, when the situation gets better, take care of Ye Ling for me!"

After hanging up the phone, Wu Di locked himself in the [Grand Resentment Room], locked the door, and closed his eyes to think.

He carefully recalled every detail of the incident, trying to find some breakthroughs in the middle, but apart from being able to conclude that the organization must be related to the legendary team, he had nothing else to do.

a long time.

All the opponents of the King's team knocked on the door, interrupting Wu Di's thoughts.

Xia Ninghan stepped forward with concern, and asked: "Are you okay? Why were you so excited just now? We know you care about your junior brother, but things have already happened, and you are not by their side, what are you doing?" It's no use worrying."

Wu Di, who had completely calmed down, nodded, and then patted the shoulders of the team members one by one, telling them not to worry about themselves.

Afterwards, he called Ye Wuhen aside and asked if he could get a fake passport to go abroad, but Ye Wuhen vetoed it.

"In Tianfu City, although I can't say that I can cover the sky with one hand, there are not many things that can stump me. However, outside the scope of Tianfu City, there are many things that I can't do anything about. Captain, it's not that I don't help you, but that I do can't do it.

I don't know why you were so excited just now, but please remember one thing, you are the spiritual pillar of our team!Before you do anything, please consider everyone's feelings.

If you are desperate to do what you want, then you are an irresponsible captain! "

One sentence wakes up the dreamer.

Wu Diru was enlightened, and suddenly thought of another possibility:
On the surface, the reason why Lu Li and Ye Ling had an accident was because they had a huge advantage in the confrontation with the legendary team, so they had to be abolished, making the bright team no longer able to fight, and ensuring the legendary team. The team successfully entered the finals.But...if the organization already knew that he was starting to recover his memory, and learned about his relationship with Lu Li, then... Lu Li and Ye Ling had accidents one after another, and he must be restless, [-]% of the time It is possible that he will travel to Los Angeles in person to visit the two.

In this way, is this a double-edged plan to lure him out of Tianfu City? !

What Ye Wuhen said just now reminded himself.He was able to recover his strength and manage the team seemingly without any resistance. In fact, Ye Wuhen, a man who appeared to be a big boy, should have provided him with enough help and protection.

If he leaves Tianfu City, he will definitely lose this huge protective umbrella, which is why Ye Wuhen rejected him.

Wu Di laughed at himself. Sometimes, he still thinks too simply.

The force hidden behind the legendary team is really terrifying... If everything is as I deduced, then I really can't leave Tianfu City casually.

Seeing that Wu Di had calmed down completely, Ye Wuhen also gently raised his fist to Wu Di's eyes.

Wu Di was puzzled, and asked in surprise, "What is this for?"

"Promise me, you must not make a decision casually! If you encounter difficult decisions, you must consult me!

Behind you, there are a few of us hardcore.For the unrealized championship dream, you must not fall down!Nothing will happen! "

The thoughtful Ye Wuhen had already figured out some key points before Wu Di, so he stretched out his fist and asked Wu Di to promise himself.

After a few months of getting along with each other briefly, this [King] learned about the captain's very distinctive personality traits through some subtle observations: Before his accident, he was arrogant, conceited, and would not let anyone go. In my heart, after the accident, he became low-key and introverted, but he was still a hot-blooded and impulsive young man in his heart, and he was very bad at intrigue and tricks. Such a person is easy to fall into the opponent's way, so , he must give a reminder so that he can recover his strength and lead himself to fulfill that lifelong e-sports dream!

Wu Di stretched out his right fist, touched Ye Wuhen lightly, and said, "Don't worry, I won't be impulsive. But, can you see what Ye Ling said before he fell into a coma..."

Just as Wu Di was about to explain, Ye Wuhen interrupted: "Wu Di, save me. I know, that's why I let you calm down."

Wu Di was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood what was going on.

"Okay, I know that although you are usually careless and don't care about world affairs, in fact you know better than anyone else. I will listen to you.

That's all for today, I'm going back.Hope they both are safe. "

Afterwards, Xia Ninghan led the moody Wu Di out of the training room.After they left, Ye Wuhen walked to the corner alone and made several consecutive phone calls.

In the last phone call, the person he was talking to turned out to be one of Lu Li's two bodyguards!

"On Lu Li's side, leave one of you to take care of it. Then, go and check Ye Ling's current status for me.

Her condition should not be very good... After you check it out, protect her in secret by the way, remember not to let her get hurt again!Don't let anyone touch her!Not even the doctors in the hospital!

I have arranged for people to travel to Los Angeles overnight to bring her back to China.Before that, her safety is in your hands! "

"Don't worry, even if I risk everything, I will ensure that she is safe and sound!"

After returning to the rented room that Xia Ninghan rented, Xia Ninghan gently hugged Wu Di tightly from behind, the corners of her eyes were moist.

"Di, don't worry too much. Lu Li and the others should be fine."

Wu Di, who was physically and mentally exhausted, sighed softly, turned around and looked at this childhood sweetheart who had grown up since he was a child, and forced a smile with difficulty:
"I'm really worried... I'm afraid that the horrible things that happened to me will happen to them!

I really don't understand why this is happening, why the e-sports circle, which should be fair and transparent, has become so filthy!Sister Ninghan, the reason why I worked so hard to regain my strength and retrieve my memory was so that I could take back everything that belonged to me!I admit that I was very selfish at that time!
But now, my goal has changed again - if I can stand at the top of the e-sports circle, I will definitely bring the e-sports circle back to the pure environment full of youth and passion!

I know that this is just an ideal, an ideal that may never be realized.But I will go for it.

Starting from Master’s generation of e-sports people, everyone has been unremittingly using their own efforts and hard work to try to make the public accept e-sports and professional e-sports players.In the eyes of the public, e-sports was a group of ignorant children who were greedy for games and made it into a low-level circle that could not be put on the stage.However, after so many years of development, generations of e-sports players have used their youth and passion to gradually change the public's understanding of e-sports.

I began to understand the good intentions of the master back then.I will inherit his unfinished business and keep going! "

Wu Di poured out his heartfelt words from his heart, making Xia Ninghan struggle in her heart - she has a major task tonight!
After a few days of getting along, she found that this Chinese man named Wu Di was pure and persistent, single-minded and serious. Deep in her heart, she really didn't want to hurt such a man.

But... I can't disregard my brother's safety!
Thinking of this, Xia Ninghan secretly tightened her fist, then released it immediately, turned Wu Di to face her, and stared affectionately into Wu Di's eyes.

"Di, I don't want you to be so unhappy. Your haggardness is already obvious. Tonight, I want...to give myself to you!"

After finishing speaking, Xia Ninghan took the initiative to take off Wu Di's coat.

Seeing this scene, Wu Di was naturally at a loss, neither standing nor sitting, he asked hesitantly:

"Sister Ninghan, do you really... really want to do that? I swear to God, although I was nervous about Ye Ling's safety just now, I have no second thoughts about you! If there is even half a lie, I will immediately be angry... "

Xia Ninghan stretched out her jade hand and gently pressed Wu Di's lips, a drop of crystal unnaturally flowed from the corner of her eyes:
"Fool, don't say these unlucky words. I didn't eat your jealousy. I just want to make you happy...for a while. I heard from my friends that when a man is unhappy or has a difficult heart, a woman's body... ...is the best enlightenment potion..."

In an instant, the two blushed.

But Wu Di didn't have that kind of impulsiveness. What happened in the semi-finals tonight had already made him a little depressed.

He gently lifted his coat, stopping Xia Ninghan's next move.

"Sister Ninghan, don't worry, I'm fine. After going through that kind of accident, I can bear it pretty well."

Seeing that Wu Di didn't intend to do anything to her, Xia Ninghan complained with tears in her eyes:

"Do you not like me anymore?"

"No way, it's just...it's just that I'm really not in the mood today. I'm sorry, Sister Ninghan, although I really want to taste the forbidden fruit, but I think it's better to wait until we graduate, okay?
I just want to restore my strength and memory as soon as possible.The black hand behind that made another move today!Moreover, I have a strong feeling, is their purpose really for money?
Is e-sports, a rising industry, worth such a big investment? "

Wu Di deliberately changed the subject.But Xia Ninghan became more active.

She took off her coat, and she only wore a beige suspender dress inside, revealing her flawless white shoulders and a proud bust.

"Di, is sister really so unattractive to you?"

Wu Di was startled, such a voluptuous scene made him feel a rush of blood rushing to his brain, and it is estimated that he would be completely lost here in a short time.

But at this moment, a late-night call interrupted the charming and ambiguous atmosphere.

This call came so timely!

Wu Di quickly took out the phone, but he picked it up without seeing the number clearly.

"Hello, hello, who is it?"

Weiwei's anxious voice came from the other side of the phone: "Is that stupid third junior brother okay? I can't get through to his number?"

"Oh, it's Weiwei. It's okay. I contacted him as soon as something happened to him. He said it was just a stomachache and nothing else." Wu Di paused, then continued worryingly, "The serious thing is Ye Ling. The female mid laner. She fell into a coma and was sent to the hospital!"

"Well, I'm at the scene, I saw it. Have you already suspected..."

"What do you suspect? Do you suspect that the whole thing has something to do with the legendary team?" Without thinking about it, Wu Di directly expressed his inference, but Weiwei on the other end of the phone was stunned, and Xia Ninghan behind him also had a look of embarrassment. Instantly turned pale.

He doubted?

Looks like it's time to report...

Weiwei straightened her mind and said to Wu Di: "Brother, let's do this first, I have something else to do, so hang up first."



"Pay attention to safety! Whether you win the championship is not important, what is important is your safety!"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and Wei Wei, who was holding the phone, smiled sweetly, and then responded: "Brother, don't worry. I'll be fine. I hope you're all well."


Ward 303, Tianfu Municipal General Hospital.

A figure dressed in black walked softly outside the ward through the hazy night. In his right hand, he was holding a black pill the size of a fingernail.

And behind him, another tall black figure had already disappeared in the darkness around the corner, waiting for a long time!
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(End of this chapter)

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