Chapter 119 New Mission

The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.

If you are in the perspective of God, then this sentence must be enough to describe such a scene.

Because behind the praying mantis and the oriole, in a high-rise building opposite the Municipal General Hospital, there are two people who are borrowing high-power military infrared binoculars to watch the two men's every move with leisurely time!
One of them was dressed in a high-necked pure black windbreaker, tall and tall, with sunglasses on his eyes, while the other had torch-like eyes, staring at the man dubbed "Single Bird" with piercing eyes.

If you take a closer look, the appearance of this man is surprisingly similar to that of the oriole!It is no exaggeration to say that this man was almost printed from the same mold as the bearded man.

While observing the behavior of the two, the man in sunglasses showed surprise in his eyes. After watching for a while, he murmured:

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that man to act so soon! This is a signal, indicating that he has begun to realize that everything that happened around his son has a reason. But this is also normal, as he His ability, if he still can't see the slightest clue, he will be sorry for the long-rumored name-Moon Dancer.

Although he has withdrawn from the arena for many years, what has disappeared is only his reputation and his strength, which makes even that BOSS very afraid...

Xiao Shuang, are you confident? "

The young man on the side was noncommittal, and there was a biting coldness on that stern face. He just stared at the middle-aged uncle with cold eyes.

"Xiao Shuang, no matter what you think in your heart, but you have to remember that everything you have now is bestowed on you by the BOSS. If he hadn't turned you out of that slum, now you are still a daily life. And some street gangsters who do petty theft..."

The man in the sunglasses laughed so hard that hairs stood on end, but the young man didn't respond at all, he just uttered a sentence:
"When can I be on stage? I can't wait to participate in this show that will shock the world!"

A frenzy suddenly rose in the young man's eyes, a hysterical frenzy.The coldness in his eyes turned into a burning heat in an instant.

"Hehe, don't worry. You haven't mastered your current skills yet. If you play now, you won't be able to win the MVP. You are the last trump card of our organization to deal with the two fathers and sons. Until the critical moment, you will never take it easy resorted to."

The young man put down the binoculars, looked up at the stars all over the sky, and said lightly:
"Stephen, you travel back and forth between the two ends of the world every day like going to a market. Do you know when the stars in the sky are the most charming?"

Stephen shook his head blankly, a little unable to see through the young man beside him.

"The most fascinating time for a star is the moment when it is just discovered by humans! At that time, it is all the attention and favor of it... So, I believe that when I appear on the stage, I will definitely be able to make that Wu Di disappear in front of me among!"

"You know this, it's fine. Therefore, you can only wait in silence now. Our layout is very delicate, and no one can escape our design, including the moon dancer who made all underground organizations fearful. !"

The young man narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked without looking back:

"Stephen, I have seen the plan, and it is indeed flawless and impeccable. But why do I feel that in this plan, my final role is just a pawn at the mercy of others? That plan is not complete, I believe , you also have a follow-up plan, which is specially used to deal with me who will soon be famous all over the world!"

Stephen visibly trembled all over, and immediately recovered.He pulled the corner of his mouth lightly, and said bluntly:
"You're right. Isn't there an old saying in your Huaxia Kingdom that has been passed down for thousands of years-the bird is gone and the bow is hidden, and the rabbit is dead and the dog is cooked. Your end has indeed been included in another plan."

The young man smiled lightly, not paying any attention to Stephen's words.

"Oh, it is indeed as I expected. Is it because of my true identity that I still can't escape that fate?"

After hearing the words, Stephen laughed even more unscrupulously.

"That's right! If you have the ability, you can start planning for the future now."

Still looking up at the sky, the young man said abruptly, "Do you know what the synonym for invincible is?"

"Oh? I don't have a deep understanding of Chinese languages. You don't have to play charades like this. If you want to give up now, I advise you not to choose this way—don't forget your body The half of No. 1 potion!"

At this time, a night wind blew violently past the ears of the two of them, slightly affecting Stephen's hearing. At this time, he just heard the young man say in a daze: a synonym for invincible unparalleled.


The man in black outside Ward 303 was ordered by the organization to secretly give the No. 1 medicine to the fake Wu Di.

He was wearing a huge black trench coat, and a hood completely covered his hair airtightly.

While Stephen was chatting with that young man, he had already started to act!
He tiptoed forward cautiously, it was already late at night, and the nurses and doctors on duty were already drowsy, so he did not attract the attention of others at this moment.

He gently pushed open the door of the ward, and slipped in. After looking around, he soon found the fake Wu Di on the hospital bed.

He smiled evilly and pressed forward step by step, the right hand that was holding the pill was already dripping with sweat.This is the first time he has performed such a simple and difficult task abroad.For him, it was an extremely easy task.

After coming to the bedside, under the bright moonlight, he took a careful look at the fake Wu Di's state, and after confirming that he was indeed in a deep coma, he poured a glass of cold water from the bedside, and gently returned to the bedside. Going to the bed, he stretched out his right hand, ready to force the pill directly into his mouth.

At this critical moment, the bearded man who had been lurking behind him for a long time had already circled from behind him to his left rear with lightning speed, and then he didn't make any more moves, just Folding his arms around his chest, he stared blankly at the right hand of the man in black.

The man in black's heart tightened, feeling that danger was coming, so he immediately jumped back and saw the silent middle-aged man on his left.

"You... who are you?!" The man in black clenched his fist with his left hand, put his right hand into his pocket, put down the pill, and tightly held a cold object.

The middle-aged bearded man ignored it, laughed loudly, and sighed:
"This child really has an astonishing resemblance to my Dill... What are you doing here? Judging from your demeanor and posture just now, you must be holding a small thing in your right hand before. What is that? Look at you Pour a glass of water... It should be a kind of medicine for this child to take.

Why should the child be given drugs?Hmm... I thought, oh, it should be like this, you originally planned to use this kid to replace Dill, but for some reason this kid has this coma, so you plan to let him take another A kind of potion, and the effect of this potion should be to make him completely unconscious, or to make him go insane and forget his own experience.

That's pretty much it - am I wrong in my deduction? "

The man in black felt a chill down his spine, and thought that this old guy really had extraordinary eyesight, and he deduced his actions just by relying on a few details!

The man in black, whose whereabouts had been revealed, did not hesitate for a moment. Just as the middle-aged man finished speaking, he swung his left fist towards the middle-aged man's cheek, and his right hand took out a fist of cold light from his pocket. The exquisite dagger!

"Yo yo, it seems that my inference is indistinguishable. Are you ready to kill people? You are really bold. This is China, a country with absolute rule of law! I will not allow you arrogant people They are acting recklessly here!"

Facing the sudden punch, the middle-aged man with his hands on his chest did not dodge or evade. Only when the opponent's fist was only about one centimeter away from his face, he popped out his right hand, punching for punch, head-to-head!

With a muffled bang, the man in black was shaken back two steps by a powerful force, and then, a strong wind passed by his ears, and when he was dumbfounded, his whole body was thrown away by a powerful kick. It flew up into the air, and didn't stop until its back hit the hard wall!
"Does my move just now look like the blind monk's [Dragon Wagging Tail]? Haha, League of Legends is really a popular and popular game. Even my uncle, who is nearly fifty years old, is deeply involved in it." .

Hmm, the leg kick just now was named Shenlong Wagging Tail.Thank you for your inspiration. "

The middle-aged man's irrelevant words made the man in black even more frightened and inexplicable.He had no idea what the middle-aged man's wild imagination was trying to do that day.

"Don't look at me so surprised, tell me the name of your power, I can consider to spare you this time."

The middle-aged man was moody, but after a while, he suddenly put on a straight face, staring at his prey like an eagle.

"I won't tell you! Do you think I'm so spineless? What's more... the outcome is not decided!"

After finishing speaking, the man in black immediately swung his shining dagger and stabbed fiercely at the middle-aged man's thigh from a strange angle.

"Hey, compared with our era, young people today are too impetuous and conceited. They can't see the gap between themselves and their opponents at all."

While talking and laughing to himself, the middle-aged man swung a standard right uppercut with lightning speed before the man in black stabbed him with a dagger.

The speed of the fist was far beyond the imagination of the man in black. In a trance, his jaw immediately seemed to be hit by a steel bar, and his whole body was like a kite with a broken string, soaring into the sky, and he also staged the [Aerial Kite] once again. Flying Man] wonderful performance, this time, the wall acted as his cushion.

"Haha, you are really my good partner. The uppercut I swung just now, I thought of a good name - [Strong Punch]! The Q skill of the law enforcement officer in Piltover [Strong Punch]! How about it, it fits my action just now!"

After receiving two heavy blows, the man in black felt as if his whole body was in unbearable pain. He supported the wall with one hand and panted heavily. Unwilling to suffer such a big humiliation, his eyes flashed determination, and he held his hand again. Tighten the dagger, staring at the middle-aged man like an eagle:
"who are you?"

The middle-aged man stood on the spot, still gesticulating with the uppercut just now, seeing that the man in black still had time to ask himself, he suddenly replied solemnly: "Okay, for the sake of your perseverance, Let me tell you. In fact, I am an online novelist. Don’t look at my age, I can write very well. What’s the daily change of [-] characters? It’s drizzling in front of me. But recently, my inspiration has dried up, so Just came out and walked around...

But you gave me a lot of inspiration just now, I want to thank you sincerely, I am preparing to write an online novel combining League of Legends and martial arts! "

The man in black didn't believe the middle-aged man's nonsense at all. When the middle-aged man was about to talk about his creation history, he saw a chance for the other party to be distracted, and stabbed at his right thigh again. !
The man in black was stopped back by the wall for the third time.

"Oh, this is the third inspiration you gave me! Your movements are very similar to the killer who throws a knife in the League of Legends - Talon the Shadow of the Blade! Mmm, I will definitely include it in my novel , arrange a villain role for you, your eyes are very suitable for this kind of role..."

The middle-aged man suddenly changed the topic again, and said seriously:
Well, it seems that what you just said gave me another good inspiration.I will let you live. Now, tell me where you are from, and what is the organization behind you?My patience is very limited, give you 1 minute.According to my experience, if you have companions, then they are likely to appear in 1 minute. "

The man in black was shocked again.

This old guy is familiar with all his ways of doing things, and even his support will show up after 1 minute.

I still have a heavy responsibility, and I cannot fall into his hands!
The man in black made up his mind and slowly took off his headgear, revealing his curly golden hair with two eyes.

"Ah? Are you a foreigner?" The middle-aged man was taken aback.

"I can't beat you, but...don't even try to do anything to me!"

Before he finished speaking, the man in black suddenly shook his head, and from his golden hair suddenly threw out several tiny flying needles that implied a silver light!

In the blink of an eye, the flying needle flew towards the eyes of the middle-aged man, causing him to turn his head quickly, narrowly dodging this highly secretive sneak attack.

When the middle-aged man turned his head and was about to be furious and capture him, the man in black had already rushed out of the door and disappeared from sight, leaving only the open door swinging non-stop. There was a harsh, creaking sound.

"Ha, run away, it seems that I am really old. Even a tender boy can easily slip away under the nose.

However, the truth that ginger is still old and hot, you will not understand until a long, long time later. "

While the middle-aged man was talking to himself, he took out a small pocket-sized machine from his bosom, disassembled a part of it and put it in his ear.

"I shamelessly begged this new type of bug from an old friend. I don't know how it will work... But, if you don't leave Tianfu City for a day, I can keep track of your movements every day. An old friend said that the effective range of this new type of bug can cover the whole city."


In Xia Ninghan's rented house, Wu Di and Xia Ninghan fell into silence again.

After Wu Di answered Weiwei's call, his attention was completely on his fellow disciples.Xia Ninghan racked her brains aside, only one thought in her mind, that is to let Wu Di get her own body tonight!

This is an irresistible mission issued by the organization, and obeying the order is also the only way for her to save her younger brother!

What she didn't realize was that in the short ten minutes before, a middle-aged uncle with a bearded face had already let his younger brother step into the gate of hell with one foot. After going around there for a while, he returned to the world...

Xia Ninghan, who wanted to hand herself over, did not want to procrastinate any longer. She bit her lip and risked everything. After comforting Wu Di's excited mood like a routine, she gently took Wu Di's hand and came Got to the bed.

She sat on the edge of the bed first, and then pulled Wu Di's whole body onto her with a violent force.

"Di, I really don't want you to have trouble sleeping and eating like this. Since we have already confirmed our relationship, tonight, I want to give myself completely to you! I hope you will cherish my feelings for you in the future."

Wu Di wanted to support himself up, but found that Xia Ninghan exerted all his strength, making him unable to move.

"Sister Ninghan... I really didn't think about that kind of thing today. I will cherish your feelings, but I will talk about this kind of thing after I calm down... I don't want to use you as a tool to vent, if If I really do this, then I am inferior to a beast! This is what I say from the bottom of my heart, and it is also my true thought, I hope you can understand me."

Xia Ninghan looked up at those incomparably clear and charming eyes, her heart was already in an extremely tangled state.

This man... is really a man worth loving with all his strength... I really don't want to hurt him, but if I don't, that organization will be against my brother!
For my brother, my only family member, I have to feel sorry for you, Wu Di!

Xia Ninghan quietly put her right hand into the bedside table next to her pillow, where there was an extremely small pinhole camera!
Then, desperately, she pressed Wu Di tightly on her proud body, and tried her best to use her body to seduce Wu Di.

Wu Di is just a hot-blooded young man, so naturally his body can't stand such explicit stimulation. Just when his mind was occupied by some primitive desires, a figure of a woman appeared in his mind for no reason.

Ye Ling!

In the haze, Wu Di saw clearly the owner of that figure, it was Ye Ling's figure!
Immediately afterwards, an image that he might never forget appeared in his mind——Ye Ling's silent call before coma resounded in Wu Di's mind over and over again. In an instant, Wu Di's bath Under this call, the fire also faded by more than half.

He hurriedly stood up, and struggled to get up from in front of Xia Ninghan, then he turned around resolutely, and said to the woman behind him in a low and deep voice:

"Sister Ninghan, I'm sorry, my mind was very messed up just now, I'm already a little confused.

I don't want and can't have anything to happen to you tonight.I will always guard by your side and not let anyone bully you!But, I can't stay here tonight.

I go first. "

After finishing speaking, Wu Di directly rushed out of the small rental house, leaving his good sister who grew up with his childhood sweetheart alone in the empty house.

However, the moment Wu Di stepped out of the room, Xia Ninghan couldn't control the grievance and helplessness in her heart anymore, two lines of crystal clear teardrops slid down the corners of her eyes.

Just when she was about to have a splitting headache from this situation, her phone rang suddenly.

She held the phone in front of her eyes, and after a closer look, it was an unfamiliar number.And it was such an unfamiliar number that already made her whole body tense and tense.

At this moment, she kept praying in her heart: her brother must not have an accident!

She answered the phone tremblingly, and said vaguely like a frightened bird: "Please... please give me a little more time! I will definitely complete the task within these two days!"

The man on the other side of the phone gave a hoarse smile, but interrupted her words of determination.

"It seems that you haven't succeeded yet..."

"Please rest assured! I have reached the last step. If there were not some accidents tonight, I would have completed the task!"

"Hehe, don't be so nervous, don't worry, your only half brother is fine, he's fine, very fine!"

There was a sudden silence on the other end of the phone.After a long time, he continued:
"Forget it, since the real protagonist has already appeared, your original mission will not have much impact on the overall situation.

I am contacting you this time to inform you of something.

Due to the appearance of some key figures, the plan needs to be adjusted!
Your previous assignment is officially cancelled.Next, you just need to complete a new mission.

The test product of the No. 1 drug, that is, the Chinese woman named Ye Ling, has been secretly taken away. As for who took the shot, the organization is still investigating.And even if we find out who dared to do something under our noses, the counterattack will not be implemented until after the League of Legends World Finals.

You listen up!Your new task is - after she appears in front of Wu Di, you just need to make the relationship between Wu Di and [Xia Ninghan] as tense as possible!However, you can't directly freeze the relationship between the two. As for how to do it, you can figure it out yourself.

Remember, the task time limit - one month! "

 Please subscribe.I hate brushes, with all my heart!

(End of this chapter)

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