Chapter 120 Doubt

Ward 303, Municipal General Hospital.

The bearded uncle closed his eyes and stood quietly beside the fake Wu Di with his ears pricked up.

Suddenly, a message came from the pocket instrument, which made him, who had always been calm, frown.

[It seems that these guys will not let go of this young man who looks very similar to Dill.

Although I don't know what the purpose of these people is, but this young man seems to be the breakthrough point of the whole incident...

Then, he must be safe! 】

The middle-aged bearded uncle sighed softly, and said to himself mockingly: "Ha, I haven't exercised my muscles and bones for many years, and I have been involved in these confusing incidents. If it wasn't for my straight-forward son, I'm afraid it would be like this forever Withdrew from the rivers and lakes, don't care about world affairs. Son, you must be filial to your great father in the future..."

After making up his mind, the bearded uncle touched the fake Wu Di here and there, and after confirming that his physical condition was fine, he swiftly took off all the instruments and held him against the ground. body, hastily left the ward.

Before going out, Uncle Hu Zha dialed a local phone number, muttered a few words, and then walked straight to the main entrance of the hospital.When he swaggered past the front desk of the hospital with a patient on his shoulders, he immediately attracted inquiries from the nurse on duty. The uncle looked up at the monitoring position, moved his body deliberately, squeezed out a bright smile, and said to the nurse :

"Ha, this is my son. He's fine. I'm here to pick him up."

The nurse was taken aback, and murmured in her heart: how can there be such a father who came to pick up his son?On your shoulders?Are you making a movie?

Just as the nurse was about to call for someone to deal with it, she felt a sharp pain in her neck, and then she fell unconscious on the front desk.

Uncle Huzha took out two peaked caps that had been scrunched up like a mess from his pocket, and put them on the counterfeit Wu Di's head and his own head one by one.

When he went straight out of the gate, the security guard at the gate also went forward to inquire about it as a matter of routine. The uncle repeated his old tricks, knocking him down the moment the security guard lost his focus, and supported him on the armchair.

Afterwards, he carried the fake Wu Di on his shoulders, and after a long walk, he stopped and waited quietly.

After waiting for a few minutes, a gray old-fashioned car, with an unknown creaking sound, and a beautiful drift, stopped in front of the bearded uncle.

The uncle opened the rear door, threw the fake Wu Di in, and then crawled into the old car that looked quite old.

After getting in the car, Uncle Hu Zha joked to the driver in front:

"Where did you find this broken car? You can hear the roar of its engine from a long distance from Nima, can't you find a fashionable sports car? As a brother, when have you ever sat in A broken car of this level?"

The driver turned his head, the beard on his face was thicker than that of the uncle.He sneered and said:

"Brother Hao, we are all old, and it is not easy to get this broken car. I know how cool your car was back then, but now you have an old man, a young man, and a virtuous wife Hui, there is no need for those good cars to support the scene.

By the way, who is the young man behind you?Looks a lot like Xiao Di?Don't tell me, he is your son Wu Di, right? "

The middle-aged uncle snorted coldly and sighed:

"He's not my son...he just looks like him. Is the private clinic I asked you to arrange? You can just send this young man there later. Remember, you must ensure his safety !

It would be the best if he could be revived. There was a big secret tied to his body, and it was related to Dill's safety. "

The driver withdrew his cynical smile, turned his head away, and while starting the antique car, he replied solemnly:

"Well, it must be a tricky target to bring Moon Dancer, who has been retired for many years, back into the arena. I will do as you say. However, Brother Hao, you have to be more careful yourself. Do this now Young people who are good at it, one is crazier than the other, and one is more powerful than the other."

after an hour.

After the bearded uncle had finished arranging the fake Wu Di, Wu Di had already wandered aimlessly on the brightly lit streets for a long, long time...

After he came out of the rental house, his heart was always in a state of ups and downs, and he was very afraid that his behavior would make Xia Ninghan misunderstand him.

Ever since he was a child, he has never rejected any of Xia Ninghan's proposals, but tonight he directly rejected Xia Ninghan's temptation, and for a while, he was caught in a dilemma.

He wanted to get in touch with friends or teammates around him, but after looking through the contacts on the phone, he found that there was no suitable person in the phone book for him to pour out his depression.

Moreover, it was already midnight, so it would be impolite to disturb others hastily.Suddenly, Wu Di thought of the only candidate, and suddenly appeared in his mind—this person must not have rested yet!

Wu Di dialed Ye Wuhen's phone number, and before he could speak, the other person asked first:
"Is there something wrong with you? Are you worried about Ye Ling and Lu Li? Don't worry, I have made arrangements. If there is no accident, my people have already picked up Ye Ling in Los Angeles. I have arranged for Lu Li's side." A helper should also be able to ensure his safety.

So you, in the middle of the night, call me?Calling a big man like me?Be forewarned - I'm not gay. "

Wu Di knew that Ye Wuhen was deliberately enlivening the atmosphere and alleviating his worries, so he smiled lightly:
"It's nothing. I know you are much more capable than me. It seems that you have responded immediately. I just want to chat with someone now, that's all."

"Oh, it seems that you have been deflated by Her Majesty the Queen. What? You are a big man, you don't come home in the middle of the night, wandering on the street, looking forward to an affair? Don't forget the championship promise you gave me, I am willing to do so Helping you, helping everyone, is to fulfill my e-sports dream. Don’t get me wrong about this.”

"En... By the way, have you noticed that Xia Ninghan is a little different recently?" Wu Di asked casually with a flash of inspiration.But he got an unexpected answer.

"I noticed it. Since she came back, I have felt something wrong these days. But what is wrong, I can't tell.

how?Why are you asking this? "

Wu Di was startled, and carefully recollected Xia Ninghan's performance these past few days. Except for being particularly enthusiastic about that matter, he never found anything wrong. He shook his head and sighed: "It's me Suspicious. Well, I won’t disturb your rest. Remember to inform me when Ye Ling comes back.”

 I hate brushes! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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