Chapter 121 Awakening
The next morning.

When Wu Di, who stayed in the Internet cafe all night, was hazily preparing to go back to the dormitory to freshen up, Ye Wuhen had already informed him of Ye Ling's situation - in a few hours, she would be sent back to Tianfu City!
After Wu Di asked clearly where Ye Ling was placed, he hurried back to the dormitory. After washing up, he ignored the teasing from his roommates and fell asleep directly.

Wu Di, who had no sleep all night, soon fell into a deep sleep, and I don't know how long it took, when Wu Di woke up groggy, it was already dusk.

There was no one in the dormitory except himself, Wu Di looked at the schedule, and guessed that several roommates should be in the classroom at this time, listening to the fluent oral English of the English teacher.With Bai Yiyi's promise, Wu Di naturally doesn't have to worry about skipping classes. He is only worried about one thing now-whether Ye Ling's situation is getting better.

The fiery red sunset swayed in from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the balcony, making Wu Di dazzled for a while.

When he just got up, Ye Wuhen called again, telling him to take a taxi and rush to the south third ring road of Tianfu City alone.

Wu Di set off immediately, took a taxi, and soon after arriving at the destination, a Mercedes-Benz S-class limousine drove towards him.

After confirming Wu Di's identity, the driver picked Wu Di into the car and started the car without saying a word.

After about an hour or so, the car stopped.

As soon as Wu Dishu stepped out of the car door, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

This is a remote place with no place name. The first thing Wu Di saw was a five-storey European-style independent villa.

Looking from a distance, Wu Di saw that the villa was majestic, implying a low-key and solemn temperament.The intentionally heightened main entrance hall and the antique sandalwood gate show the unique taste of the owner.

The white wooden fence, the pointed maroon roof, the turquoise lawn, the circular arched windows and the stone masonry at the corners are all elegant and luxurious.

Such a slightly alternative but unconventional architectural style is not a standard European-style building, but it also gives people a strong visual impression.

This exotic and original design really makes people's hearts flutter.

Just when he was deeply involved, Ye Wuhen walked out from the main entrance with a big laugh, and greeted Wu Di when he saw him.

"The first person in the world to come to the humble house, it is really full of splendor, and I am very surprised."

Wu Di scolded with a smile: "You senior, you usually talk trash all over the screen in the competition, but you can't imagine that you will become so bookish once you get to your own place. I really can't tell."

Ye Wuhen welcomed Wu Di into the main entrance hall, and after ordering the housekeeper to serve a pot of top-quality Tieguanyin, his expression immediately became serious.

"We'll save you some small talk. Captain, I want to tell you some bad news..."

Wu Di was taken aback, and guessed: "Is Ye Ling's situation not optimistic?"

Ye Wuhen took a sip of hot tea, nodded and said: "Yes, after I brought her here, I immediately used all my connections, found the most professional doctors, and conducted a full-body examination on her. As a result... Something is unbelievable!"

Seeing that Wu Di didn't respond, Ye Wuhen went on to say:

"Her body is not damaged at all, and her various physiological functions are all normal, but... she is still in a coma. The doctor checked her brain. Except for some abnormalities in the brain waves, there were no other abnormalities. In the end, Still can't find the reason for her coma."

After thinking for a while, Wu Di asked in surprise, "Is her condition very similar to when I was in a coma?"

"It can be said that, that's why my medical team concluded that she must have taken or been exposed to some kind of drug that has a serious effect on the nerves. But you don't have to worry too much, the doctors said that Ye Ling will die in a short period of time. Wake up in time, just like you were back then."

After hearing this, Wu Di immediately realized something, and asked anxiously:

"Does that mean... Ye Ling will lose his memory like me when he wakes up?"

Ye Wuhen knew that Wu Di had thought of the most serious possibility, so he stopped hiding it and replied:

"Yes, judging from the abnormalities in the brain waves, the medical team deduced that after she woke up, she might have symptoms of amnesia."

After hearing these words, Wu Di stood up abruptly, with a ball of anger burning in his eyes. After learning from the pain, he almost roared and asked Ye Wuhen again:

"Could it be that this matter is inseparable from the legendary team? Have you investigated it clearly? With your strength, can you bring them to justice?!"

"Calm down, if you really want to solve this matter properly, just listen to my analysis patiently."

Wu Di suppressed the anger in his heart and sat down, but his fists were already clenched and trembling violently.

"Captain, I thought about everything carefully last night and came to the following inferences.

Assuming that the behind-the-scenes manipulator who attacked you back then is related to the legendary team, then it is reasonable for them to attack Lu Li and Ye Ling again.Because they have already achieved a huge advantage of 2:0, as long as they win another game, the legendary team can go home.But after the accidents of Lu Li and Ye Ling, Team Bright no longer had the strength to compete with them. Even if it was delayed to a make-up match, Team Legend would be able to defeat Team Bright again 3:2 just like they defeated Team Brilliant where you were in last year, thus Advance to the final finals!

This is my first inference.The second inference... is deduced from the circumstances of your accident and Ye Ling's current situation.

The forces that are attacking you are indeed the same organization.Because of being able to deceive the world, the symptoms that experts in the medical field cannot deduce must be caused by the same drug.Moreover, the most important thing is that the sequelae after you wake up are all exactly the same.

The third inference is my intuition - your identity has been revealed!

It is very likely that a hidden conspiracy is unfolding around you. Didn't you tell me about the fake Wu Di?Since that fake Wu Di dared to appear in Tianfu City openly, in front of you who didn't know, I think, something bigger will happen next!

In fact, these counterfeit goods are bluffing around under the name of celebrities, and they still happen from time to time in China, but have you ever thought about whether the timing and location of this counterfeit goods are too coincidental?
Why is it in Tianfu City, why is it right in front of you?Don't you ever have the slightest doubt? "

Speaking of this, Wu Di's excitement gradually calmed down. He hadn't thought about the reason why the fake Wu Di appeared before. After Ye Wuhen's sharp analysis, he suddenly realized: it seems that this is not a chance either. coincide!
"Then what should we do? Do we just let the black hands behind the scenes do whatever they want? We are still in danger in China. I really can't imagine what will happen when we leave Tianfu City!"

In the tea-scented living room, both of them fell into silence.

After taking a sip of Tieguanyin lightly, Ye Wuhen couldn't help sighing:

"Forget it, I didn't intend to tell you something, in order to create an environment for you to concentrate on recovering your strength, but your frowning state also affects your e-sports development plan, let me tell you the truth , I have entrusted someone to invite a top expert in that area to help us!
So, Captain, please pay more attention to e-sports, we need you, the Kings need you!If the other party resorted to these indiscriminate means just to win the League of Legends championship, I hope that we can defeat them openly on the world stage!If we want to win, we must win as a matter of course and win the crown! "

Wu Di nodded. His straight-forward character is indeed not suitable for analyzing conspiracies like Ye Wuhen, and what he can do is to lead the king's team to stand on top of the world!

"I understand! Everyone has their own means and philosophy of doing things. What you just reminded me, I will use my own way to win the world for me, for Ye Ling, and for all Chinese people who love e-sports. Give me justice!"

Ye Wuhen stepped over, patted Wu Di's shoulder heavily, nodded and said:

"Captain, it's best if you can think this way. Everyone has their own advantages. Your advantage is your e-sports strength!

You don't have to worry about other things, I will take care of them for you. "

"Don't worry, I won't do useless work anymore. You said just now that you have hired a master to help us? Can you tell me what kind of master it is?"

Ye Wuhen pursed his lips and smiled, and replied: "I don't know what this master does or what he looks like, but this person is especially suitable for handling these things. Oh, he used to have a famous title. He was called As the shadow warrior under the moon, it is called "Moon Dancer" for short."

"Moon Dancer? Haha, this title is really a bit of a stinky fart. But there are so many amazing people in Huaxia, I believe in your choice!"

Then, Ye Wuhen saw that Wu Di was always worried about Ye Ling, so while chatting with him, he took him to a room on the third floor. This room was filled with various medical equipment and had been temporarily remodeled. It became Ye Ling's nursing ward.

Ye Wuhen gently pushed open the door, and suddenly asked casually:
"Oh, by the way, didn't you say that you refused to teach that peerless genius Wang Yuanyuan because you were trying to restore your memory in other places? How is the progress?"

This question made Wu Di a little discouraged in an instant. He sighed softly, looked at Ye Ling lying on the hospital bed, and felt sore in his heart:
"To be honest, with the experience of the previous two recoveries, the way I found was to fight against top-level players, so as to awaken my fighting spirit and memory. But... people who can help me, There are only two people in Tianfu City.

One is undergoing surgery to recover from a hand injury, and the other... is Ye Ling. "

As soon as the words fell, Ye Ling, who had been lying quietly on the hospital bed, suddenly opened her eyes—she...was awake!

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(End of this chapter)

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