Chapter 122 Gifts
Seeing this, Wu Di rushed to Ye Ling's window and stared into her eyes in surprise.At the same time, he kept praying in his heart: Don't...don't...

What is very gratifying is that Ye Ling opened his eyes, and the first thing he said after seeing Wu Di was: Why are you here?Where am I?
Very good!She has no symptoms of amnesia!
Wu Di cheered and jumped for joy in his heart, but after a short period of joy, he found that Ye Ling's clear eyes gradually became cloudy, and he quickly turned his head to ask Ye Wuhen for advice:
"Senior Wuhen, what's going on? Look quickly! Ye Ling's eyes!"

Ye Wuhen was taken aback for a moment, and immediately rushed to the bedside, looking into Ye Ling's eyes.Indeed, as Wu Di said, Ye Ling's eyes suddenly became erratic, and the original clarity was gradually disappearing!

Ye Wuhen hurriedly pressed the emergency button in the room, and after a while, a large group of men and women in white coats who looked like doctors rushed in.

A gray-haired veteran expert led by him immediately conducted a comprehensive inspection of Ye Ling. After a while, he turned his head and shook his head at Ye Wuhen and the two with disappointment in his eyes.

"Professor Ma! What's going on?" Ye Wuhen asked quickly.

Professor Ma, who is over sixty years old, sighed softly: "Young Master Ye, although this girl's awakening is inevitable, after our careful examination, she will show the symptom that worries us the most. When her When her eyes become completely dull, she loses her memory completely. If this is the result of some kind of drug, she will always be in this state of amnesia until she gets the antidote...

With the current case data, we can't do anything about it.

According to our deduction, since this girl's willpower is extremely firm and far beyond ordinary people, she will not lose all her memory immediately, but will only lose it bit by bit as time goes by.

Conservatively, we think that after a month, she will lose her memory completely!By then, she might not even remember your names. "

Hearing this, Wu Di was about to run away violently, but found that Ye Ling, who was lying on the hospital bed, suddenly moved his snow-white lips and called out softly:

"Wu Di, come here."

Ye Wuhen frowned and thought for a moment, seeing that Ye Ling's amnesia was a general trend and could not be changed, so he had to ask the experts to leave the ward first, and then he also exited the door, creating a space for Wu Di to be alone with Ye Ling.

Wu Di couldn't help coming to Ye Ling's side, and asked worriedly:
"Ye Ling, are you okay?"

Ye Ling was unexpectedly strong, she actually sat up from the bed by herself, leaned against the head of the bed, and showed a sweet and knowing smile to Wu Di.

"I'm very happy, the first person I saw when I opened my eyes was you."

That affectionate gaze caused Wu Di to turn his head away, and sighed softly, "Don't be like this... I just don't want anything to happen to you, other than that, I have no other thoughts."

The mermaid sister was noncommittal, but just buried her head and muttered to herself: "When I played yesterday, you must have watched the live broadcast in front of the TV, right?"


"Then during the short period of my accident, I couldn't speak, but I have been desperately simulating the mouth shape of what I want to say to the broadcast screen. Can you see it? What I want to say..."

"I see it. You're saying—Wu Di, save me."

Ye Ling smiled in satisfaction, revealing her charming dimples, then she took the initiative to change the topic and asked:

"Is this Los Angeles?"

"This is Tianfu City. Ye Wuhen had someone pick you up from Los Angeles overnight. If you stay there, your situation will be quite dangerous. That's how he inferred."

Ye Ling pursed her lips in a contemplative state, and after a long time raised her head and continued to speak calmly:
"I have been paying attention to my diet. I just ate a pastry that filled my stomach before the game. I guess that thing made me look like this. By the way, how is the game? I remember that before he passed out, Lu Li had already Clutching his stomach, he ran out of the game room, is he alright?"

"Why are you so calm?" Wu Di suddenly yelled, "You know what? After a month, you will become a person with no past! Why do you still care about others? He's fine, he just has diarrhea It’s just exhaustion! Your game will be replayed, but the brilliant team that lost your two pillars will definitely be eliminated by the legendary team!”

What surprised Wu Di was that Ye Ling kept a calm face from the beginning to the end. She forced a gratified smile and said:
"You are so excited, is it because you care about me? Hehe, I am very satisfied, and I have nothing else to ask for."

"You're about to lose the past! You don't care at all?" Wu Diqi said, he didn't understand women's heart at all, and he couldn't figure out why Ye Ling could still laugh in such a situation.

Ye Ling gently raised his hand and asked, "Wu Di, can I feel the warmth of your palm?"

Wu Di was stunned for a moment, thinking that Ye Ling would become what he is now, his heart was tormented, so he couldn't help himself, he stretched out his right hand tremblingly, and tightly grasped Ye Ling's extremely cold and beautiful hand.

"It's so warm... What you mean by losing the past... Does it mean that I will lose my memory like you did back then?"

Wu Di nodded silently, with sadness in his eyes.

"Amnesia...Maybe it's a good way to let me forget you. I know you like your girlfriend very much, and I can tell that she likes you too. I really shouldn't have touched those extravagant thoughts, hehe , forget you, I don't have to be so entangled."

"Are you not worried about your situation at all? You are going to lose all your memory! Although I also had this symptom back then, I only lost the memory of the five years I played in the professional league, and you are completely Amnesia! After a month, you won't even remember your own parents!"

Ye Ling showed a haggard look for the first time, and followed Wu Di's words:
"I was an adopted orphan, and my parents were not my biological parents. At first, they were very nice to me, taking care of me as if they were their own children, but when I was ten years old, they had their own After that, I stopped paying attention to me and left me to fend for myself. After I was 12 years old, I ran away from home and started to support myself.

It was at that time that my e-sports talent was discovered, so I entered the reserve team of a professional team and started my professional career... Hehe, based on this calculation, I have been an e-sports player for more than ten years. I'm a professional player, and I'm a little tired.

do you know?Wu Di, when I met you for the first time and humiliated me among you, I really wanted you to become Dongfang Invincible... Hee hee, but then, for some reason, although I hated you very much, I always hated you in my heart. It was for no reason that I remembered your cynical smile back then. Until I met you again after amnesia a few months ago, I found that you had completely changed, and I forgot how I hated you. The opposite emotion began to fill my brain, you You should be able to tell - I'm starting to like you. "

Ye Ling, who was a few years older, poured out everything in his heart without hesitation, which made Wu Di dumbfounded.

"This... I really didn't see it."

Ye Ling made a coquettish cry, puffed her cheeks angrily, and snorted coldly: "What an elm head, now that I am a woman, I have said it so bluntly, you should know now, right?"

"Now... I know." Wu Di was at a loss, and simply put on a classic pose.This is what he has learned from most of the online novels he has read.Often when this happens, the hero does exactly the same thing—he scratches the back of his head.

Ye Ling let out a snort, laughing like a flower, she covered her stomach and said with a smile:
"Do you know that although you used to be the gaming king of the League of Legends and were once invincible in the world, but you treat girls like a newcomer, and your combat power is completely scumbag."

Hero Wu Di nodded in the same way, curled his lips, and replied: "This is indeed the truth..."

"I'm really worried about your girlfriend. A guy who doesn't know how to fall in love at all, his other half suffers too much."

Wu Di's eyes were bulging, and he asked puzzledly: "How do you know? It seems that you are very experienced?"

Ye Ling glanced contemptuously, and said with a charming smile: "Sister, I left the society a long time ago, and I have experienced much more than you, a palm treasure who has been raised under the care of your parents. Hehe, sister will ask you again. It's a question of privacy—have you ever had a relationship with that Xia Ninghan?"

In an instant, Wu Di's entire face turned red with a bang.

"What's so embarrassing about it? If you have it, you have it, if you don't, you don't have it. They're all adults, so let's just say it."

At this moment, Ye Ling couldn't tell that she was a girl whose body was about to undergo a major change. She was just like a devil holding an apple to lure Xiaozheng to commit a crime. The cunning in her eyes made it difficult for Wu Di to cope with it.

After a while, Wu Di suddenly raised his head, and said sternly: "There has never been a relationship between me and her! Moreover, because of this matter, I have had a lot of conflicts with her! So, you are satisfied, right?" ?

One more thing, I shouldn't have told you at this time, but you have been aggressive, and I have to say it.I am indeed worried about you, but this kind of concern is only between friends. I have no thoughts about you as a man or a woman. Xia Ninghan is my childhood sweetheart who grew up with me. He has accompanied me through the ups and downs. I like her very much, so I can't betray her. "

Ye Ling turned a deaf ear to Wu Di's righteous words, but a faint sadness appeared on his face.

After both parties fell into a strange silence, Ye Ling took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and handed it to Wu Di.

"Originally, I wanted to help you fulfill your wish personally... But it seems that this is not realistic. This is the last thing I can help you, take it.

You can think of her as my first and last... gift to you. "

Wu Di was startled, and immediately asked, "What is this? A gift?"

Ye Ling raised his head, looked at the ceiling faintly, and explained:
"This is a mid lane video I made myself. It includes mid lane hero selection, mid lane hero in-depth analysis, mid lane hero lane skills, etc. It can be said that this is the essence of my ten-year career."

Wu Di, who has recovered the memories of three locations, naturally knows that the energy and time spent on making such a thing must be unimaginable.He was shocked and said:
"You handed this thing to me? How long did it take you to make it?"

Ye Ling fiddled with his jade finger, bit his lips and muttered to himself before replying: "It took me more than three months of free time. You know, as a professional player, daily training is a must." Indispensable, if I had a little more free time, maybe this thing could have been handed over to you a month ago."

After seeing Ye Ling's serious and slightly playful expression, Wu Di only felt two soul-like guys popping up in his mind at the moment, and they were fighting a war of words in his own consciousness.

One of them, who looks like a devil, is hoarsely instigating Wu Di: This is a good woman who has devoted herself wholeheartedly to you, why don't you just accept her, you are not married, and you are not bound, come on, I support you!

And the other guy with a halo like an angel is persuading Wu Di delicately: Wu Di!This is a good girl, but in order to be responsible to Xia Ninghan and this girl, you must not make drastic moves!Just treat her as a good friend!
Wu Di shook his head violently, shaking the two annoying guys out of his mind without a trace.Furthermore, he took the USB flash drive and expressed his gratitude to Ye Ling in his own unique way of gratitude.

He held Ye Ling's hand tightly, and said in an unquestionable tone:

"Thank you for your kindness. Don't worry, I will definitely let you recover! This is my promise to you. I, Wu Di, will do what I say!"

Ye Ling stared blankly at the sincere Wu Di, and took a long time to drink: "Why, it hurts my hands! My sister is also a few years older than you, and she has experienced more storms and waves than your kid." Well, since you have promised me, I will wait for your good news. Don't let me down, otherwise, even if I lose my memory, I will try my best to remember that there was a fool named Wu Di Boy, you gave me a promise, if he can't keep it, I will definitely pester him!"


Wu Di gently covered Ye Ling's body with the quilt, took his hand from her hand, and then left the room lightly.

After arriving at the living room, Ye Wuhen had been waiting for a long time.

"How is it? Her mental state is okay. Experts say that because her willpower is very strong, as long as she continues to maintain this state, it may delay her complete amnesia."

Wu Di replied weakly: "Well, she is very optimistic."

Ye Wuhen glanced sideways at Wu Di, then took a sip of the fragrant tea, and said with a smile:
"What? Our captain got confused by the blunt confession of the mermaid sister?"

Wu Di was shocked and said angrily, "Are you eavesdropping on our speech?"

Ye Wuhen glanced at him like an idiot, and explained: "In order to ensure her personal safety, I installed monitoring equipment in her room. Why, do you have an opinion?

Well, forget about the little things.You can rest assured that she is here with me.

According to the game plan that Xia Ninghan made for us, tomorrow our team will participate in a large-scale cup competition. This cup competition is very important to us, so you should go back and rest first, and recharge your spirits. There may be a fierce battle tomorrow. "


"This cup is very special. It is organized by the League of Legends Committee. I heard that if you win this tournament, you can leave a good impression on the organizing committee. After winning this cup, even if you don't win 30 It doesn't matter if you win an amateur cup, you can directly become the final seed team of the city competition, and compete for the only qualification to enter the second division!"

This news immediately lifted Wu Di, who was a little downcast, and said strangely:

"What? There is also a city competition? Doesn't it mean that if you win 30 officially recognized amateur cup championships, you can enter the second division?"

Ye Wuhen laughed dumbly and said: "That's the official propaganda. If it's so simple that you can enter the professional league, then wouldn't the professional league be completely reduced to a rich man's game."

"Oh, how do you say that?"

"Think about it, for example, if someone with my strength directly organizes [-] cup matches and then buys off a capable amateur team, wouldn't that easily qualify him to enter the professional league? The official purpose is to avoid this The situation happened, so a city competition was held, so that all capable amateur teams can compete for the opportunity to enter the professional league."

Wu Di nodded thoughtfully, and asked, "That means tomorrow's cup match is a championship we are determined to win?"

"You can't say that. According to Xia Ninghan's arrangement, we can win enough championships before the start of the Second Division next year. It's just that tomorrow's match will definitely attract all the strong teams to compete. We must go Yes, because we can meet all future competitors there."

"Okay, I'll show up tomorrow too!

Oh, there is one more thing, you can also pay attention to it for me. "

"You said."

"Help me plan how to enter the Chinese Super League in the shortest possible time!"

Wu Di forcefully stated his request, but Ye Wuhen was stunned.

"I know you are impatient, but you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. You have to be patient."

"Patience? I'm already very patient. Now it's the end of the year, and we can only participate in the Second Division after the turn of the year. In this way, wouldn't we have to wait until the Year of the Monkey before we can officially become a member of the Super League?
Ye Wuhen, I, Wu Di, have never asked anyone else, but this time, I hope you can do everything possible to let us enter the top league as soon as possible.I can't wait to get to those guys! "

"I understand. In fact, before you open your mouth, I have studied the mechanism of the league. I can promise you that as long as we qualify for the second division, I will have a way to let us reach the sky! Next year at the latest By the end of the year, we can qualify for the top flight!"

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(End of this chapter)

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