The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 123 Tianfu 3 Strongest

Chapter 123 Tianfu Three Powers
Yinyue had nowhere to hide, and the unwilling loneliness gradually flooded Wu Di's body. When he walked downstairs to the two-person world where Xia Ninghan was renting, he stopped and called Xia Ninghan's phone number.

The phone beeped for a long time, but no one answered it. In desperation, Wu Di had to leave a text message: I will play tomorrow.I hope that the matter between you and me will not affect our plan...

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Wu Di packed up in a hurry and went to the venue of the Cup of Excellence, which Ye Wuhen said was held by the League of Legends Organizing Committee.

Every year, the city where the League of Legends National Competition Organizing Committee has set up a branch will hold the [Califest Cup]. Chance to take the lead.

The prize money of the [Cup of Excellence] is not high, but winning the championship will qualify as a seed team to participate in the city competition, which undoubtedly gives all teams a shot in the arm.As long as you win here, it is equivalent to stepping half a foot into the second division. Once you enter the second division, sponsors, advertisers, private investment, etc. will flood in. The funds that most trouble the team's development The problem will be solved.

Therefore, every year in the [Heroes Cup], all kinds of unpopular and dark horses emerge one after another. Some strong grassroots teams that do not have enough funds to run teams or participate in enough competitions will rush forward to catch up with this cup.

This year's Talent Cup in Tianfu City will be held in the Brilliant Club.The purpose of doing this is to allow fans and amateur players to see the daily life and training environment of a real professional team, and to feel the unique atmosphere of a professional team. The base of the brilliant club that has been struggling for many years in the Super League can host the largest [Cup of Excellence].

The particularity of the Talent Cup will naturally attract a large number of amateur teams to participate. Whether it is a strong team that is struggling with management due to lack of funds, or an amateur player who is completely holding a round game and only wants to enjoy the battles of masters, they are all eyeing this cup. .

Thousands of amateur teams went to the organizing committee of Tianfu City to complete the registration process a few months ago, so on the day of the competition, just this huge team will give some smaller Internet cafes to Squeeze.Therefore, the organizing committee will hold the Talent Cup at its base after obtaining the consent of the Brilliant team.

According to official statistics, this year's Talent Cup in Tianfu City attracted 1288 amateur teams to participate.Originally, the organizing committee originally planned to complete the competition within three days, but this year's participating teams are too large, so they had to add two more days to the original plan.

Of course, Team Brilliant performed outstandingly in the League of Legends finals for the first time, reaching the semi-finals, which also attracted countless spectators to visit here.

Bright Club has been in operation for many years, and all kinds of infrastructure are naturally complete, including training rooms, competition rooms, supermarkets, dormitories and other necessary facilities.Looking down from the sky, the Bright Club, which covers an area of ​​nearly [-] mu, looks like a condensed version of a small city. It is precisely this kind of environment that allows professional players to train with peace of mind, eat and drink, and focus on improving their strength for their own responsibility.

China's Super League adopts a home and away game system, so Brilliant Club naturally has an e-sports arena that can accommodate nearly [-] people, and the official venue of the Heroes Cup is in this stadium named after the club.

[Brilliant] The e-arena is the home field where the Bright team will face off against all kinds of powerhouses. The interior decoration is also extremely luxurious and dizzying.

As a local team in Tianfu City, Team Brilliant naturally has a large number of local fans. The Talent Cup has not yet officially started, and thousands of fans have already entered the base and started looking around in small groups.

This is the only opening time of the Brilliant Club once a year. Of course, fans should take advantage of this excellent opportunity to wander around and see everything here.

Looking at the mighty participating teams and the tens of thousands of spectators and fans, Wu Di also had a strong fighting spirit in his heart—to be able to win the game under the spotlight and under the eyes of thousands of people, win applause and Flowers, this is the scene that every professional player desires most, and it is also the stage that Wu Di has been away for more than a year.

While Wu Di was in a reverie, several fans who passed by Wu Di started discussing in his ears.

[Hey, the Brilliant Club is really impressive.It is indeed a strong team that has reached the top four in the world. 】

[What's this?The boss of Cancan was originally a giant in the advertising industry. After taking over Cancan a few years ago, he continued to expand the scale, and recruited the No. Gave the strength to challenge all the strong Chinese teams.In my opinion, the success of Brilliance has a lot to do with the management of their boss.Without this e-sports-loving boss who invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the early stage, Cancan would not be where it is today. 】

【Well, this man is very reasonable.By the way, did you watch the Final Four match yesterday?Grandma's Xiong, how come the two brilliant female stars have problems at the same time!I think there must be something tricky in it! 】

[Yeah, Lu Li seems to have a sudden gastroenteritis. It is said that after he came out of the toilet, he was so weak that he couldn't even hold the mouse. And I don't know what happened to my favorite mermaid sister Well, I logged into the e-sports website this morning, but I didn't find any news about her. 】

[Hey, don’t mention it, it’s already 2:0, as long as we win another game, we can enter the finals and create the best record in China that Wu Di set back then, but... If you talk too much, you will be in tears. 】

[Forget it, let us fans who are not even amateur players stop worrying about it here. Team Brilliant has reached the top four in the world, and in the battle against the three-time champion, they won the championship. With two victories, this achievement is enough to make all Chinese people proud. 】

[Okay, let’s discuss the closest thing to us... I heard that this Talent Cup has almost attracted all the experts from Tianfu City.Which team are you most optimistic about? 】

[Haha, I am most optimistic about the anti-war team led by Hua Yeqi, the first school of Tianfu University!Leaving aside appearances, their unfathomable strength is enough to make them proud of the crowd. 】

【Wow!Can't tell, you still know Tianfu City's amateur teams very well. Although the Rebel Team is very strong, it's not the strongest yet!Speaking of the team that can win the championship, I have a suitable candidate in my mind-the top team that collectively practices Dragon Turtle Style!Their boss is also a top-notch young woman who still has a good looks, and their leading player is a hidden top player. Although I don't know his name, I have seen his dominance that can shock the audience when he comes out. .

You must have never seen him make a move.He has only played two games so far, and it didn't last long. The first time he played, he defeated the anti-war team you were optimistic about before, and the other time he played...]

[Hey, I was there for the other time I played against a team called Kings.He was off, but after playing for 15 minutes, he voluntarily announced his surrender.The person you mentioned seems to be called Tang Hao, I don’t think he is very strong. 】

[You know what the hell, that's because his right hand has been injured all the time, otherwise, if he played from the beginning, it would be no problem to win the King's team! 】

【Stop arguing, but what you said reminded me that I am more optimistic about Kings.Their leading player is a college freshman named Wu Youzhi, who is good at ADC and can perform phenomenally in almost every game. As far as I can tell, his strength is infinitely close to the professional level.But I don't know why I didn't see him play in the last few high-level games, and he didn't even come to the scene.But as long as he plays, the King's team will definitely have a chance to win the Talent Cup this time. 】

The fans who supported the top team before immediately nodded and expressed their opinions:

【You're right, that guy is really strong!A strong man who can speed up the onset of Tang Hao's hand injury is indeed not a fuel-efficient lamp.But you can look forward to it. According to inside information, Tang Hao has successfully undergone an operation in Tianfu City. After a while, he will fully recover. His strength is already at the professional level! 】

A few fanatical fans were having a great discussion. After Wu Di passed by and listened to it for a while, he pressed his huge peaked cap and was about to meet up with his team. Suddenly there was a sound from behind the fans.

"Captain, look, these frogs in the well are discussing which team can win the Talent Cup. Listen to their tone, what about the anti-war team, the top team, and the king team with an even more stinking name, why have I never heard of it? pass?
According to the current dick mentality, the more high-profile a guy's name is, the less powerful he is. "

Wu Di frowned, followed the voice, and saw this boastful guy - this is a big boy aged [-] or [-], with well-regulated short hair and Nike limited-edition sports suits, all showing that his family background should be good.

And beside him stood a few young men who were obviously much more mature. From the looks of it, this should also be an amateur team that came to participate in the Talent Cup.

However, in this day and age, arrogant and arrogant people are really disgusting. After hearing the other party's more stinking words,

Wu Di raised his eyes and held back his eyes, then snorted coldly, and was about to walk past them, but unexpectedly, the big boy could hear the slight snort clearly.

He deliberately stepped out of his team and stood in front of Wu Di.

"Hey, old guy who pretends to be mysterious, what did you mean by that cold snort just now? Is there anything wrong with what I said?"

Wu Di raised his head slowly, glanced at the boy out of the corner of his eye, and said hoarsely:
"I'm in a bad mood, you'd better not mess with me. Get out of the way!"

After the big boy heard the words, he laughed outrageously, and after winking at the team members beside him, he stood in front of Wu Di even more recklessly.

"Old guy, I just want to mess with you, what can you do? Did I just say that those three teams are not good enough to anger you? Are you a fan of those teams, or are you a member of those three teams?" one?!"

Wu Di raised his head, his eyes were as sharp as blades, exuding bursts of suffocating chill.If eyes can kill a person, then this big boy should have died thousands of times.

The big boy was obviously stunned by Wu Di's aura, and hurriedly took a small step away from Wu Di, but he still shouted unceremoniously:

"What? Did I hit it? Haha, you must be one of the members of the three wretched teams. Let me tell you, as long as our invincible team participates in the competition, the final champion must be ours!"

When Wu Di heard the name of the team with the same pronunciation as his own, Wu Di withdrew his intimidating aura in an instant, and burst out laughing: "Good name! The e-sports industry is booming, and all kinds of There are endless talents, but this is the first time I have seen such a strange person like you who slaps his face swollen from the left and the right. Thank you for your appearance, which opened my eyes again."

The big boy immediately shouted: "What's wrong with me?"

"Didn't you just say that the higher the name in this era, the lower the strength? Then you are all named invincible, so isn't it that you are just a team that is slaughtered, no matter which team can find confidence in you The fish belly team?
Haha, well, it's not my style to talk nonsense with you. If you really have that strength, just let me see it on the field.In addition, I don't change my name when I go or sit or change my surname, Wu Youzhi, the captain of the king team. "

Behind the big boy, a tall young man in his 20s immediately stood up from the crowd after hearing the name, but his attitude was a hundred times worse than the boy's.He squinted his eyes slightly, looked Wu Di up and down, and then sneered:

"Boy, speak in a respectful tone! Do you know the identity of our Invincible Team? The five of us are the famous Tianfu Five Young Masters in Tianfu City! With your attire and your arrogant tone, please restrain me, otherwise... ..."

"Otherwise, what will happen?"

While talking, a person took the conversation not far away, Wu Di turned his head to look, only to find that Ye Wuhen was leading the other members of King's Team towards him at a fast pace, Wu Di was stunned, and stood in the crowd. They looked for Xia Ninghan's figure, but Her Majesty the Queen was at the back of the line, and she looked at Wu Di reluctantly.

She is still here.

Wu Di was overjoyed, Zhao Xia Ninghan showed a innocent smile, and then joined the team members.

Ye Wuhen walked up instead of Wu Di, curled his lips, and continued: "Five Young Masters of Tianfu? Five dudes who visit remnants of flowers and willows every day, are they worthy of shouting here? Don't let us meet you! Otherwise , will beat you to tears!"

"It's Young Master Ye!" Two of the five people called out in unison. Obviously, they recognized the distinguished Ye Wuhen.

The big boy is used to being arrogant and domineering on weekdays, and he never knew Ye Wuhen's background, so he shouted even more ostentatiously:

"What is Ye Shao not Ye Shao? The big deal is to have an amazing dad. He is not very capable, otherwise he would not have created such a grassroots team that doesn't even have a team uniform!

You are the king team?That's great, I really hope that I can meet you and let you know how powerful the Invincible Team is! "

The two of the five looked at each other, nodded to Ye Wuhen, and immediately dragged the boy away one after the other.

The boy fluttered around for a while, but he still had no advantage in strength, so he had to be pulled away by his team members for a long time with a blank face, but he still said mercilessly: "Master, my name is Duan Pengfei, remember my Name! Don't be beaten all over the floor by me!"

After watching the invincible team leave, Ye Wuhen withdrew his previous high-profile, and whispered to Wu Di:

"Although that kid is a frog at the bottom of a well, but the Invincible team is very strong! They will probably be one of the stumbling blocks on our way forward."

At this moment, Wu Di's heart was already calm, and he hid all his breath deeply.He just wants to play the game as soon as possible at the moment, he hopes to use the game to vent the frustration in his heart - especially after seeing Xia Ninghan ignoring him, he suddenly feels like a stick in his throat, some things and emotions must be found to vent mouth!
Therefore, he didn't care about whether this invincible team was strong or not.

But the cautious Ye Wuhen continued to talk about his opponent in this competition.

"Before this competition, I have collected all the opponent's intelligence. The Invincible team is a strong enemy, but there are two other teams, we still need to pay more attention."

Seeing Ye Wuhen's serious expression suddenly, Wu Di let go of his underestimation and asked:

"Which other two teams? It won't be the two teams that have fought against us before and the top two?"

"Of course not. I have already explained the nature of the Talent Cup this time. Therefore, many powerful teams that have only appeared in the pan will participate. According to the information I have obtained, one of the other two teams is called the Rose Team. They The five members are all gorgeous beauties, and they are all in-service employees who have already graduated."

"Wait? They are all working people? Then they should be quite old, how can they still participate in this kind of cup competition that is almost tailor-made for the selection of talents in professional leagues?" Wu Di was puzzled.

"Hehe, you are ignorant. Women can stay professional longer than men, and they usually retire a few years later than men. Moreover, these beauties are all around 23 or [-] years old. Years, so their strength should not be underestimated."

"Understood, who is the other team?" As for women, Wu Di had no choice but to bow his head helplessly—he really didn't understand women's psychology and physiology, and could their careers be longer than men's?This is indeed an anecdote that Wu Di heard for the first time.

"The other team is called Tianshang, and it's made up of five young people with weird tempers. Their strength...according to my guess, they may be on par with us!

Team Invincible, Team Rose, and Team Tianshang are what amateur players call the top three in Tianfu! "

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(End of this chapter)

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