Chapter 124
There are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky.

Of course, Wu Di will not think that his King's team is invincible as before, but Ye Wuhen, who is serious, can admit that a team that is comparable to the King's team has attracted Wu Di's attention.

"The team you mentioned called Tianshang, do you have any characteristics? For example, the style of play."

Ye Wuhen curled his lips habitually, and replied: "I don't have much information, I only know that the strength of these five guys is amazing, and there is no shortcoming at all. When it comes to playing style, these five guys are all amazing. Individuals have mastered the essence of a genre, and team battles and overall tactics are out of order. However, such a seemingly chaotic style can easily make opponents underestimate the enemy. Many times, the teams they are fighting against are in unknown He was defeated without any reason.

That's why I listed them as our number one opponent. "

Wu Di thought for a while and asked again: "If their opponent is Ye Qi's counter-war team, what are their chances of winning?"

"Sixty to seventy percent. And this is just my conservative estimate. After all, Ye Qi's team has been established for too short a time, so it's hard to tell how deep it is. But the Tianshang team has been famous in Tianfu City for a long time."

"Oh? Since they are so powerful, why haven't they entered the official professional league yet?" Wu Dicky said.

"Do you know the definition of weird?" Ye Wuhen answered the wrong question, leaving Wu Di at a loss.

"Is this related to strange flowers?"

"Yes, they are the real weirdos. Two years ago, they had already had few opponents in Tianfu City, and they could enter the professional league. But these five weirdos refused any sponsors, rejected any advertising contracts, and finally They were not able to participate in the Second Division due to the lack of official registration funds. What is even more puzzling is that some top professional teams were optimistic about their potential and invited them. Guess what happened? Asking those professional teams for the main position and the jaw-dropping high annual salary naturally scares all those clubs back—no one knows what they really want, but they are almost invincible in the hearts of amateur players Well, of course the scope is limited to Tianfu City.

Oh, by the way, there is another important thing, if we play against them, there is a person who may require you to deal with it yourself.

In the Tianshang team, there is a guy nicknamed Madman, who is very troublesome.

Remember that impostor named Wu Di that you fought against a few days ago?Although you successfully suppressed his performance, didn't he enter a weird state after talking to himself?When the man called the lunatic went mad, although he was not as extreme as the impostor, it was almost the same.

But anyone who has fought against him will be limited by his crazy style of play, which is an unreasonable style of play. "

"Oh? What position does he play?" Wu Di suddenly became interested.

"Just like you, all-round, you can play in any position. Of course, compared with you in your heyday, you are still a lot worse."

The two were chatting vigorously, but Xia Ninghan, who was wearing a dark blue denim suit, walked up to Wu Di without making a sound, and snorted coldly: "Still chatting? The sign-in time is about to end soon! What are you doing? Hurry up!"

After hearing the words, Wu Di immediately stopped talking like a mimosa, but followed closely behind the team and went to the Bright E-sports silently.

When the King's team stepped into the bright e-sports arena, everyone's eyes became hot.The resplendent and dazzling neon lights of the e-sports arena have already shocked everyone.

Is this the home of top professional teams?
Are we here to play games?
Lin Xiaoxiao, Chen Jiang, Xia Jie, and the youngest Wang Yuanyuan have never seen such a battle. They opened their eyes curiously, looking around, completely stunned by the scale and momentum of the bright e-sports arena up.

Wu Di and Ye Wuhen, although their expressions were not as exaggerated as others, but their hearts were deeply immersed in a wonderful state, as if this is the paradise of professional players, the battlefield of professional players!
The structure of the bright e-sports arena is very similar to that of an indoor basketball stadium.The densely packed cushioned chairs are layered in the four directions of the southeast, northwest, and these audience seats are connected end to end, enclosing a space the size of a basketball court.This space is composed of two parts.One part is the rest area for the rostrum and club staff, and the other part is composed of two closed translucent rooms, which are the so-called official game rooms.

In the center of these two parts is a combined screen composed of four giant display screens as high as two people, which is specially used to broadcast the game screen.

With the vigorous development of the e-sports industry, it is said that the ticket price of the home game of the Can Can team has climbed to several hundred yuan, but this does not stop countless fans from buying tickets on the Internet or in the field. After the team releases the live tickets for the home games, they will definitely be sold out in a short time.

When all the amateur players and spectators present were amazed by the enthusiastic on-site atmosphere, suddenly, a friendly reminder came from the rostrum in the center of the venue:
"Hello, players who have come from afar, please be quiet. The teams participating in the Talent Cup will be randomly matched by the computer to determine their respective opponents. Then, captains, please pay attention to your team's playing time, and pay attention Listen to podium broadcasts so you don't miss the game.

After randomly matching opponents, each team is invited to sit at the designated seat.In order to make the event run in an orderly manner, the organizing committee decided that the first day of the game would not be open to the public, and only spectators would be allowed to enter the arena from the second day onwards.

Moreover, in order to speed up the progress of the event, we have reached a consensus with the Brilliant Club, and they will provide us with ten more dedicated game servers and one hundred computers.

Please wait a moment, we will immediately fine-tune the rostrum and game room so that they can hold ten games at the same time. "

Then, as a burst of exciting League of Legends promotional music sounded, the four screens in the center began to flicker continuously, matching the neon lights in the e-sports arena, making people dazzled. It took a while before I barely got used to it This can make the audience feel the atmosphere of animal blood boiling in an instant.

And a large number of Bright Club staff also entered the arena immediately and began to arrange the scene.

Nearly an hour later, all the more than 1000 participating teams have been matched, and all teams are divided into four regions, ABCD.The scene has undergone a simple transformation and has become a competition field that can accommodate hundreds of people at the same time.

The King's team was assigned to Zone A, and according to the tournament arrangement, they will be playing soon, which made all the players unable to contain their inner excitement.

Just when Wu Di made up his mind to unleash all his strength, Ye Wuhen poured cold water on him at the right time.He looked up at the absent-minded Xia Ninghan, and after making sure she wasn't paying attention to Wu Di, he said softly to Wu Di:
"Looking at your appearance... it seems that you are going to show off your skills. But this is extremely inappropriate. I think you'd better keep a low profile. My suggestion is that you still don't appear if you can."

Wu Di felt extremely uncomfortable because of the matter of Ye Ling and Xia Ninghan. He wanted to vent his anger in the competition, but unexpectedly, Ye Wuhen wanted to keep a low profile. After thinking about it, he immediately understood what he meant. intention.

"You mean, are you afraid of my identity being exposed? I've thought about it carefully. If the impersonation of Wu Di is a masterpiece of the forces behind the scenes, then no matter how much I hide, I won't be able to escape their eyes.

Rather than covering up like this and hiding behind you like a girl, it's better to be generous and vigorously win applause and reputation for yourself again!
I thought about it all night yesterday. Today's Talent Cup is the best time for me to return to the e-sports circle in the name of Wu Di!
I want everyone to know that whether they support me or plot against me, I can make it back to the top again! "

Ye Wuhen, who has always been out of his mind, shook his head, denying Wu Di's idea.

"You are wrong, captain. Now is not the best time for you to rectify your name. Although the nature of the Talent Cup is slightly different, it is at best an amateur event that attracts the participation of a large number of amateur players.

Believe me, my inference is not wrong.The moment when our king team officially enters the top league is the best moment for you to announce to the world "I'm back"!
Only at that time can your value be maximized.But now, you still can only choose to endure. "

After repeated calls from Ye Wuhen, Wu Di had already awakened. He chuckled, looked at the big screen thoughtfully, and couldn't help sighing:

"I understand what you mean. That's when the team needs me the most. I can use my fame to get a lot of sponsorship for the team, right? Looking at the majestic momentum of the bright e-sports arena , I also realized a truth.

If you want to truly make King's team into a world-class strong team, you can't do it with just a few slogans and passion.If we don't invest a lot of money, we can only be regarded as a grassroots team whose reputation and strength do not match.

Sometimes, money is really a symbol of strength! "

Ye Wuhen patted Wu Di's shoulder appreciatively, and said appreciatively: "I'm very pleased, Captain, you've really got the hang of it. I believe that with your ingenuity, you will definitely lead the King's team into a world that has never been seen before or since. peak!"

"Haha, don't flatter me too much. I'm just an ordinary person who has lost everything. I still have all the emotions and desires I should have. Your suggestion is correct. I still can't reveal my identity in this competition. But... In order to make our journey easier in the future, I will do my best to let the League of Legends fans in Tianfu City experience a new style of play that I have only recently realized!"

Ye Wuhen was taken aback for a moment, unable to react for a while.

Doesn't the captain only know how to play kingly style and finishing style?Could it be that he has recently made a breakthrough and comprehended the third style of play?However, hasn't his memory fully recovered yet?
Seeing Ye Wuhen's doubts, Wu Di laughed heartily and said:

"Finally, I can make you, senior, show such an expression of surprise. I'll keep it a secret for now, but I can tell you that this style of play is what I learned from that fake Wu Di.

It's just that this is an unfinished brand new style of play, and it can only be finally completed after I recover the memory of the five positions!Well, don't look at me like a monster, I'm just a mortal, at most I have some extraordinary comprehension and talent in the battle game League of Legends.

Everyone, are you ready?It's time for us to play! "

As soon as Wu Di's voice fell, the two sides of the next match were announced on the rostrum: Team King VS Team I want to become a god.

Two 10 minutes later.

The King's team took down this very hard-working team without bloodshed, and Wu Di handed over a terrifying record that made the scene booed: 29 kills, 0 deaths, 15 assists, of which, four hits were made. Three kills, three kills and three kills, KDA is a staggering 44!

Relying on this phenomenal performance that made people's scalp tingle, Wu Di was also elected as the MVP of the first round!

Since the competition venue has not yet opened, all the players present are amateur teams who have come to participate in the Talent Cup.When they saw the results of the first-round MVP selected on the screen, they immediately whispered and discussed.

[Oh my god, even though this is an amateur game, in one game, he played three quadruple kills and three triple kills, his strength is a bit too strong. 】

[He chose an outlaw lunatic. I think he is as domineering and powerful as Lu Li, the number one ADC in China. He will not lose the head that deserves him, and he can snatch the head from his teammates if he doesn't deserve it. ah. 】

【No, can you see his style of play?It doesn't have the characteristics of all the genres that are popular today. In short, this person gives me a feeling that his style of play is very weird...]

After seeing Wu Di's performance, some powerful teams also gave their own opinions.

[Strange, really strange, he is not very aggressive online, and he tries his best to avoid the opponent's first wave of attacks in team battles, but why can he take so many kills? 】

[I can't see any clues in a game, just pay attention to this person later.He was so good, maybe the biggest stumbling block in our way. 】

And the young boy who blocked Wu Di's way before the Invincible Team had his eyes swollen, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

"Captain, is the MVP on the screen really the man wearing the peaked cap just now? So powerful?"

"Pengfei, don't be petrified by your opponent. It's only the first round. There are a lot of big teams. With our strength, we can achieve such a result! Don't let your opponent's ambition be too high and destroy your prestige. We are Came for the championship."

Team Roses.

Five beauties with different styles are enough to attract people's attention wherever they go.But at this time, the five beauties were all frowning and thinking, with surprise on their faces.The shock that Wu Di brought to them in this first match was big enough.

One of the beauties with long straight hair and big eyes glanced at the outstanding peaked cap, then turned to another woman with short hair and asked:
"Are you sure? His performance doesn't have much to do with the support, and even sometimes, the support slows down his rhythm a bit."

The short-haired beauty showed two sweet dimples, and said calmly: "I need to work hard to survive the battle. At that time, you have to come and gank more, I'm afraid I can't bear it alone. "

The long straight-haired beauty laughed coquettishly, and said teasingly, "Hey, yo, our No. [-] female ADC in Tianfu City will be overwhelmed by a big boy. Why can't we take it? Mentally or physically?"


Team Tianshang.

Five men with completely different ages, appearances, and personalities are staring at the excellent performance of Wu Di who is returning to the screen. The expressions of the five people are also varied, some are smiling, some are putting on a bitter face, and even more so. What's more, he was sleeping...

"Brother Tian, ​​this guy seems to be very powerful. You said that lazy pig who is still dozing off is his opponent?"

"Don't worry, your brother Lei hasn't met any opponents in Tianfu City yet. Except for Lu Li of Team Bright, he really doesn't take anyone else seriously."

"That's fine. Except for the ADC, everyone else in King's team is very average. As long as Brother Lei can restrain that guy's performance, it will be no problem to win them."

Two hours later, the team who pointed at and commented on the Kings and Wu Di before had their eyes widened, staring at the big screen as if they were monsters.

What was shown on the big screen was the MVP of the second round, and the winner was still the player named Wu Youzhi from Team King.

The results are as follows: 31 kills, 0 deaths, 15 assists, including two triple kills, three quad kills, one penta kill, and a KDA of 46.

And what surprised all the participating teams is that this guy is no longer using an ADC hero, but a top lane hero-Spartan Pantheon!

Granny Bear!


your sister!

Your whole family!
All the members of the amateur team roared like a galloping horse in their hearts, and they already listed Wu Di as the number one rival in their hearts!
"It's still not for people to play. Nima, if he only knows ADC, it will be easier to target, but this time he used the top laner. Friends, are you shocked, are you there?"

"He is definitely a BUG. Even the top laner can achieve zero casualties! The Killing Sword has accumulated to 20 floors. It is really a god to kill a god, and a Buddha to kill a Buddha. It's too scary!"

"Where did this super master come out? This is definitely professional-level strength, please his mother, call him home for dinner, he is here, let's play a fool."

The Invincible team fell silent.

There are three members of Team Rose, and they have already made up their minds that no matter whether they can fight Wu Di or not, they must get his phone number!

Brother Lei, who was sleeping in the Tianshang team, had already been shaken awake, and fell into silence after seeing the replay of the wonderful scene.

In the end, Wu Di returned to his seat, smiled at everyone in the King's team, and asked:
"How about it, everyone, my newly developed, unfinished version of [Killing God Style], isn't it very powerful?"

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(End of this chapter)

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