Chapter 125 Side Effects

The True Essence of Killing Gods

"Shashenliu, isn't this name high-end and elegant? Although I have always been low-key, luxurious and connotative..."

Wu Di's smile was not a smile, and the look in his eyes was unpredictable, but what showed most was a look of complacency.

Eyes are the windows to the soul.

When all members of King's Team saw the triumphant look in Wu Di's eyes, they also sincerely worshiped him from the bottom of their hearts.As the captain of the spiritual pillar, he actually comprehended the breakthrough again without a sound, which is indeed very exciting.

Kill God?This novel term is indeed the first time everyone has heard of it.

Ye Wuhen has studied all the genres of League of Legends today, so he naturally has the most say.

"Captain, your genre, I think it looks like you were born to grab people's heads. I despise it, oh, no, we all despise it! Come on, everyone make contempt gestures with me , and then chanted 【Despise Human Headed Dogs!】”

Everyone was laughing up and down all of a sudden, and they were all amused by Ye Wuhen's seemingly serious, but actually escaping behavior.

Wu Di snorted through his nostrils, and responded, "What do you know? I took everyone's heads, and it wasn't for the team!"

Lin Xiaoxiao, Wu Di's loyal fan and apprentice, didn't take it seriously. For the first time, he had a disagreement with his idol.

"Master, I think Senior Ye's words are very correct. What kind of murderous style of yours is stealing people's heads! Head-grabbing is not a good behavior. You must know that distributing the economy equally to each member is a good idea. That's what a strong team should do."

Everyone nodded in support.

Wu Di looked at the sneering expressions of the audience, and could only sigh, and explained patiently:

"Okay, do you think my genre is stealing people? Well, let me tell you why I do this.

First, the more heads I take, the better equipment I have as an output character?I'm better equipped, isn't it?

Is the output more powerful?The more powerful I output, the faster I can deal with the opponent?The sooner you solve the opponent, the easier it is to win the team battle?

Second, if I have taken too many heads, am I supernatural?Is my head worth more?Have I replaced all of you and attracted all the hatred of the opponent?Have they already regarded me as the biggest thorn in their side, wishing they could immediately peel me off and kill me quickly?Then, do you have a better output environment and output location?

Third, as we all know, as long as someone in the opponent has a murder sword or a murder book, which uses heads and assists to accumulate equipment, will he definitely become the target of public criticism?No team will allow someone in the enemy to accumulate killing books or killing swords to 20 floors.And I kept taking heads, getting three kills, four kills, and even five kills. You said that if it was you, would your morale be severely hit?If the morale of a team is lowered, its technical and tactical performance will definitely be at a disadvantage.

Even if the two teams are not much different in level, it is the same reason that the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road.

So, my good comrades-in-arms, you have to understand my good intentions.Although I acted like a head-grabbing brainless, in fact, only I can use my positioning and awareness to try to drag down the opponent's team battle formation. Don't you think that every team battle is Is winning so easy and fun? "

Everyone was silent.

Indeed, as Wu Di said, after they recalled the scenes of the team battles in the previous two games, they suddenly realized that their side had indeed won all the team battles with relatively little casualties.

And all of this is because Wu Di used his mad dog-like head-grabbing performance and continued to hit three kills or more records, which made his opponents angry and wanted to end his superb performance at all costs. On the road of relentless pursuit...

Ye Wuhen thought for a moment before agreeing with Wu Di's approach.

"Your god-killing style has indeed created this effect—the enemy's hatred is completely concentrated on you alone. It is also because of this that they can lose their composure in the process of chasing you, and then they are defeated by us one by one. Alright , I admit that until now, I didn't understand your good intentions.

However, I believe that in Tianfu City, only you can tease your opponent's feelings while retreating completely.

It is impossible for any amateur player to achieve a record of zero casualties. "

As soon as these words came out, Wu Di, who was full of spring breeze, also changed his expression in an instant. He nodded solemnly, and said:
"Yes, among amateur players, this tactic is of course very effective. But our future opponents are the top professional players, so there is still a lot of room for improvement in my style of play, which is why I call it The reason for the unfinished version.”

At this moment, Wang Yuanyuan, who was the youngest in the team but the most savvy, blinked her big bright eyes, tugged at the corner of Wu Di's clothes, and asked in a low voice coyly:
"Team...Captain, I want to use this God-killing style in the next game, is that okay?"

This sentence immediately attracted the attention of all the team members, especially Chen Jiang, who had never had a chance to play since Wang Yuanyuan joined, was also looking at this little guy in surprise.

"You... learned it again? Grandma's bear, is there any reason? Are you really a peerless genius who is once in a century? You only read it once, and you learned it again?"

It's unbelievable.However, Wang Yuanyuan has used his extraordinary performance during this period of time to make everyone look forward to him.Because almost everyone used the tricks in front of him once, all of them were imitated perfectly by this little guy lightly, and there was even a faint sign that the blue was better than the blue.

Due to the many emergencies in the recent period, Wu Di, as the captain of the team, also has no time to take care of this little guy who is a genius. He touched his head and said:

"Little guy, it's not that the captain is selfish, but that this genre is not suitable for you. When I have time, I will personally teach you some suitable skills for you."

Ye Wuhen was puzzled, and couldn't help but blurted out and asked: "Captain, why isn't it suitable for this little guy? If he learns this genre that attracts hatred the most, wouldn't he be able to completely liberate you? And, It also allows you to hide behind it and play a more critical tactical role."

Wu Di sighed, and didn't want to hide too much in front of his close comrades, so he had to shake his right hand and explained:
"Look... I'm holding the right wrist of the mouse?"

Everyone fixed their eyes on Wu Di's wrist in bewilderment, only to find that his right wrist was already bruised!
How is this going?

"See, this is one of the side effects of the God-killing style... The reason why I named this style of play the God-killing style is not just because its name is domineering and high-end, but it is a pair of operations in itself. Very demanding style of play!
You can tell by looking at my wrists. During team battles, my hand speed almost reached the limit that my body can bear!Although you won very lightly, but my physical burden is not small - I have to use various skills to avoid or chase opponents.

The performance of zero casualties seems to be infinitely beautiful, but it is actually very risky.

You should also know that in the confrontation between professional players, whoever is in better condition can better grasp the fleeting opportunity.And in the previous competitions, in order to grasp all the opportunities, my body was already overwhelmed...

Now, you know why I don't let the little guy play this way, even though he has mastered it. "

Looking at the bruises on Wu Di's wrists, the team members realized that the ease of their previous team battles was won by the captain's overloaded style of play.

Thinking of this, everyone showed a trace of guilt.Because they knew very well in their hearts that if it wasn't that their own strength was not enough to crush their opponents, then their captain wouldn't have to work so hard!

As Wu Di's closest person, his girlfriend Xia Ninghan listened silently for a long time, but she unexpectedly didn't care about Wu Di's physical condition. On the contrary, she was very interested in killing the gods.

"You said just now that the heavy burden on the body is only one of the side effects of the Killing God Style. So, does it have other side effects?"

This was the first sentence Xia Ninghan said to Wu Di after the meeting today. Although it was not a greeting of concern, it also made Wu Di very pleased - Her Majesty finally agreed to talk to herself!

Wu Di smiled and said: "Yes, it has another side effect. And this side effect is more terrible than physical damage. So, Wang Yuanyuan, you must remember that without my permission, you must not use this style of play! Otherwise, you will definitely go mad!"

When the other team members saw that Wu Di even used the high-end vocabulary such as obsession, they were all immediately cheered up, and asked in unison: "What is its other side effect?"

Wu Di looked at everyone one by one, then stretched out a finger, pointed at his temple, and said mysteriously:

"Here. Here is another side effect of it!"

Ye Wuhen is so smart, when he saw Wu Di's unusual action, he immediately understood what he meant like a divine enlightenment.

"Oh! I understand. You said before that you learned this style of play from an opponent! I was not there, can you tell me how you got the inspiration for this style of play? "

Therefore, Wu Di told everyone the scene when the counterfeit fought against him before, and everyone listened with great interest, especially after the counterfeit talked to himself, it seemed like a different person Yes, and evenly matched with the captain, no difference.

"The situation is like this. It is because of the sudden rampage of this counterfeit that I have a thought in myself - I am thinking, is it possible to arouse all my fighting spirit in an instant like him? , and use an almost crazy style of play to win the game.

Ever since, my killing spirit came into being as it should.

Don't you think so?During the game, I didn't say a word, didn't I make a single extra move?That's because I used an original method to trap myself deeply in a wonderful state. In my sight and mind, there was only one thought of defeating the opponent!Let me tell you the truth, sometimes I really didn’t intend to steal your heads, but after entering that state, it seemed to be driven by instinct, so I did such things.

The side effects of killing the gods are these two, no matter which one it is, it will be very detrimental to the future development of the little guy, so no matter what the situation is, not only me, but even you must always stop him from using it. This style of play.

Some things... can't be turned back. "

At this moment, after Ye Wuhen thought about it in his heart, he suddenly turned his head and said to Wang Yuanyuan:
"Little boy, you must listen to the captain. This style of play is too dangerous, you have to forget it all now! And this style of play has not yet been completed. I really can't imagine what kind of terrifying existence it will be after this style of play is completed. ..."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Wu Di worriedly again, and suggested:

"Captain, I suggest that you don't resort to this style of play lightly. This style of play is really too weird. Although your mental state is maintained well, it is still extremely difficult to control this extremely fanatical killing style." Barely.

If you really want to perfect this style of play, wait until you have fully recovered all your memories before implementing it.

Such a style of play is very burdensome to the body and mind... It is better not to touch it now! "

Wu Di understood and knew that Ye Wuhen was worried about him, so he said to everyone in relief:

"Okay, everyone. The warm-up is over. Next, we will meet a relatively good opponent. This is the end of my trial of killing gods, and you don't have to worry about me getting stuck in it."


The matter of how Wu Di comprehended the killing spirit made everyone bewildered, but Xia Ninghan was hiding behind her back, and her palms were already clenched in a lot of cold sweat.

She knew that the impostor who was very similar to Wu Di in terms of appearance and strength... was her only relative in this world!If my deduction is correct, that person is the half-brother she has been thinking about day and night!
Everyone discussed together for a while, until the announcement of the lunch break came from the rostrum, and then the discussion ended, and the other opponents filed out, leaving the majestic and bright e-sports arena.

Before leaving the gate, Xia Ninghan called Wang Yuanyuan, who was bouncing around and was amazed by everything around her, and landed at the end of the line together with him.

"What's the matter, sister." Wang Yuanyuan's eyes were extremely clear.

"Yuanyuan, listen to my sister. After you go back, remember to record all the key points of the captain's killing god style, and then give it to me."

"Understood, Yuanyuan will listen to my sister."

Xia Ninghan smiled coquettishly, grabbed Wang Yuanyuan's chubby round face, and continued:
"Yuanyuan, do you miss your mother? If you miss your mother, you must obey your sister's orders. What I told you last time has changed in time."

Wang Yuanyuan kept nodding his head, and promised, "Yuanyuan must miss my mother, sister, you must take me to see my mother. I will always listen to my sister."

"Okay, Yuanyuan is so good, my sister has a mission for you now, you have to keep it in your heart."

"Sister, tell me, Yuanyuan will definitely do it!"

"Within one month, record everything the captain knows!"

Xia Ninghan stared at Wu Di's back, thinking of another similar figure in her heart, and there was a decisive ruthlessness in her eyes!

According to the arrangement of the organizing committee, all participating teams, regardless of whether they are eliminated or not, can eat in the canteen of the Bright Club. The participants in the competition are mainly young people. everything.

Of course, as they chatted, they would talk about the teams that performed well in this Talent Cup, and they would naturally bring up the topic of Wu Youzhi, who had been elected MVP for two consecutive rounds.

【Hey!Do you think that King's team can aspire to this year's Talent Cup?Their captain, the player named Wu Youzhi is really too strong! 】

[Enen, I also feel the same way. In the entire Tianfu City, almost no one can limit his performance. 】

[They will definitely appear in the afternoon, and then we can enjoy his performance again...]

The heated discussion among the crowd made Wu Di pull down the brim of his hat again, fearing that someone would recognize him.But just as he was carefully watching the surrounding situation, a familiar voice sounded in his ear:

"Student Wu Youzhi, it looks like you're recovering well."

Wu Di was startled, and naturally he had already guessed the owner of the voice—Ye Qi, the number one school belle of Tianfu University.

【Look!It is the anti-war team led by Ye Qi! 】

【Wow!Beauty, what a beauty!The beauty is proficient in masturbation, and God can't hold it. 】

[The prostitute, the prostitute, I never thought that Xiongtai could write a good poem. 】

And Wu Di ignored all kinds of eyes that were quickly concentrated around him, and replied without turning his head: "What's the matter, senior sister?"

Ye Qi looked at this figure with mixed emotions in her heart. After thinking for a while, she asked:
"If I still want to become a stake in the King's team, is there still room for negotiation?"

"No... that's possible. Sister, you should focus more on your own team."

Ye Qi glanced at Wu Di, then at Ye Wuhen, who was concentrating on eating, smiled freely, and said:
"Understood. Oh, by the way, Young Master Ye, how have you been recently?"

While stuffing a piece of fat into his mouth, Ye Wuhen replied vaguely:

"Well, well, well, Miss Ye must be busy with work, so it's easy to say no."

Ye Qi narrowed her eyes and stared intently, then said with a smile:

"It seems that Young Master Ye has made up his mind. Then I can only choose to quit. Well, I wish the two of you all the best."

Just as Ye Qi was about to turn around and leave, Xia Ninghan suddenly stood up and walked to Ye Qi's side, smiling all over her face.

"Senior sister, I have something I want to discuss with you, may I?"

While Ye Qi nodded, she heard Xia Ninghan whispering in her ear:
"Let the enemy grow up, in the end it's just digging your own grave..."

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(End of this chapter)

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