Chapter 126
Everyone in the king's team looked at Xia Ninghan's back as he went away, all in a daze, not knowing why.But when everyone was puzzled, Xia Ninghan suddenly turned her head and smiled, and blinked mysteriously, adding to everyone's surprise.

I do not know.

The amateur players around had already fallen in love with Her Majesty's smile, but Wu Di frowned deeply, completely unable to guess what her real intention was.

She had made everything clear, but without knowing her, Xia Ninghan left the team arbitrarily, and had a good chat with Ye Qi——what is she trying to do?
Wu Di stood up, ready to chase after and question the queen who was completely incomprehensible, but Ye Wuhen grabbed her.

"Captain, what happened between you and her?"

"I... hey, it's a long story, put your ears close." Wu Di sighed, his face full of melancholy.

"Whispering? Damn! Others don't know, they think we are good friends. Let's go, let's go to a place where no one is around, tell me well, maybe I can help you." Ye Wuhen was very contemptuous He glanced at Wu Di anxiously, but unexpectedly drew suspicious looks from the other team members.

"A place where there is no one... Are you really the legendary gay friends?"

Ye Wuhen's head was full of black lines, so he could only sigh: "Just... let's talk about it here."

Therefore, Wu Di told Ye Wuhen all about Xia Ninghan's abnormal behavior in the past few days.

Ye Wuhen closed his eyes and thought for a while, but he didn't see anything wrong.It is not uncommon for a girlfriend to want to live with him, which is not uncommon in college life, but because the man refuses, it may make the active woman feel embarrassed for a long time.

Ye Wuhen told Wu Di the result of his consideration.Wu Di nodded to admit it, and didn't want to delve into it any further—Maybe Xia Ninghan just wanted to give herself a little flair...

However, to the surprise of all the members of the King's Team, Xia Ninghan and Ye Qi left the cafeteria to chat in the casual coffee shop, and they were discussing how to buy the King's Team!
Mozart's "Serenade" reverberates melodiously in this tasteful casual cafe for professional players. Whether you are familiar with classical music or not, it is as exquisite as pearls, as warm and warm as sunshine, and full of youthful vitality. The music makes people feel refreshed and can't stop.

Xia Ninghan took a sip of the rich and mellow Blue Mountain coffee, and said with a light smile:
"Senior sister, how long has it been since we sat and chatted comfortably in the coffee shop like this? One month? Three months? It seems that we haven't met alone since the establishment of the king team."

There was only a glass of water in front of Ye Qi, and she stared at her former girlfriend like a torch, recalling the good times when they chatted together, but in the end she found out that Xia Ninghan's boyfriend was the first day in the world After Wu Di, the friendship between the two also disappeared in an instant.

She knows that on the road to success, friendship is not needed, what is needed is the thunderous means that will not give up until the goal is achieved!
"That's true, Ning Han, since you helped your boyfriend run the team and play amateur games, we have never been alone together again. Why? Today you suddenly opened up and wanted to catch up on the old days. Is there something special about it? something important?"

Ye Qi had no expression on her face, and she didn't show any emotion, and the reason why she liked to contact Xia Ninghan before was because she could tell that Her Majesty, who appeared carefree and bold on the surface, was actually a very smart and powerful woman in her heart.

Birds of a feather flock together.

She thought that the establishment of the King's Team had caused her to lose this once extremely speculative best friend, but she never expected that this woman would actually find her on her own initiative, and said the Zen saying "letting the enemy grow is just digging one's own grave" .

Oh, did she already know?It seems that she is still as smart as ever.

"Of course there is something wrong. We are all smart people, so I won't play charades with you. Team King is already your enemy. Don't you want to watch it grow and finally become a hindrance to your entry into the e-sports industry?
In this era, the most important thing is not money, not talent, but opportunity!

If my inference is correct, the next three to five years will be a critical moment for the reshuffle of the e-sports industry and the establishment of thresholds.If you miss the best opportunity to enter the market, then if you want to get involved in this industry in the future, there will be many barriers and resistance.

I think, with your ingenuity, you must be aware of this, and then you are willing to spend a lot of energy and material resources to build a team. "

Ye Qi showed a knowing smile, nodded and admitted:
"You are right. The next three to five years are indeed the best time to enter the e-sports industry, but what does this have to do with Team King? Besides, Wu Di is your boyfriend. Not compatible, but with your deep friendship with him, will you help me deal with him?
Hehe, Ninghan, I can't see you through.Or, is it you who have changed? "

Xia Ninghan did not explain, but continued:

"Team King will make you lose the best opportunity to enter the e-sports industry! The reason is also very simple, because of Wu Di's existence!"

"Oh? What are you talking about, how can he influence my plan?"

Xia Ninghan's expression froze, and she stretched out three fingers:

"Firstly, each city has only one qualification to enter the second division league every year. His King's team must aim for this. Don't you think your reverse team can beat the King's team with Wu Di? If you are a year late Entering the professional league will definitely delay your precious time for a year!

Second, who is Wu Di?The former number one genius in the world, not to mention the popularity behind him, even in the King's team, there are at least three loyal fans who are willing to follow him!Think about it, if Wu Di could reappear in front of thousands of League of Legends fans, wouldn't there be an unprecedented grand occasion?Although he has never won a world championship, he was once the leader of Huaxia e-sports. Even if he loses, his popularity cannot be erased. This is unmatched by any professional player.So, if he reveals his identity, will it seriously affect your plan to promote your team?
Although you know his details, you have never disclosed his identity to anyone, isn't it also because of this reason?Although he has not recovered yet, his name is synonymous with popularity!

Third, since he can attract thousands of fans, why can't he attract top business giants to sponsor him?At that time, it shouldn't be too difficult for those big companies that can easily spend more than [-] million yuan in liquidity to build a base of the size of the Bright Club, right?With Wu Di's fame and strength, coupled with the powerful support of the giants, I think the rise of the King's team at that time... even the Chinese can't stop it.

And when these giants who are determined to make a big splash in the e-sports industry make a move, your plan must encounter unprecedented pressure.

In short, if you want to get a big piece of the e-sports industry, you must first get rid of the king team and get rid of Wu Di! "

Xia Ninghan's eyes became cold and heartless, and even Ye Qi, who thought she knew her well enough, was stunned by her determination.

However, Ye Qi, who was educated by the best businessman since childhood, asked calmly after thinking calmly:
"Why are you helping me? He should be your closest person."

After hearing this, Xia Ninghan smiled exaggeratedly, and replied mysteriously:

"You are a smart person. Some things have nothing to do with the overall situation. You don't have to worry about it. As for what I said, you will judge whether it is true or not. Now, I just told you this idea. If you figure it out Yes, you can call me anytime.

However, I don't have much time to help you, only about a month.So, please make a decision as soon as possible. "

After finishing speaking, Xia Ninghan picked up her satchel and was about to leave, but Ye Qi stopped her just after taking a step.

"OK. I really don't need to know the reason why you helped me. Whether you and Wu Di turned against each other or not has nothing to do with me. But, I agree with what you said. Then, can you tell me what I should do, How can I eliminate the influence of the king's team on my plan?"

Xia Ninghan stopped, looked ahead, and after a while, said coldly:

"Within a month, the Kings won't be able to win all the amateur competitions they participated in! Today's Talent Cup is the first!"

After speaking, Xia Ninghan stepped on her slender high heels and left the cafe, leaving Ye Qi alone.

Ye Qi stared at the glass of clear water in front of her in a daze, and murmured to herself after a long time:
"What you mean...I understand. Then, within a month, let the King's team disappear from Tianfu City!"


Soon, Xia Ninghan returned to the king's team, laughing and playing with other members as usual, completely different from when she was in the cafe before.

But she still ignored Wu Di, making Wu Di's classmate turn around anxiously like ants on a hot pot.

Seeing this scene, Ye Wuhen had no choice but to persuade from the side: "Captain, a woman's mind...don't guess, don't guess."

"Guess your sister!"


Two o'clock in the afternoon.

The players of the Talent Cup have been full for a long time, and finally left various leisure venues reluctantly after the friendly reminder from the staff of the organizing committee.

And the members of King's Team have already geared up and are ready to fight hard.Especially after the captain personally promised that he would not use the "head-grabbing" style of play in the game, everyone saw a great opportunity to make a blockbuster.

These players live under Wu Di's halo on weekdays. Although they admire Wu Di's strength, as long as they are determined to become professional players, who doesn't want to perform in front of the spotlight?

Looking at the team members' rising fighting passion, Wu Di naturally understood what they were thinking.Ever since, he made a rare rapid retreat.

"Ha, the look in your eyes has changed? Oh, it's just that in the two games in the morning, I won two MVPs. Alright, alright, as your intimate captain, I have already decided— — I won’t be playing in the afternoon game.”

This exciting news spread to the ears of everyone, immediately won thunderous applause for Wu Di.

"Wahhahaha, I finally won the chance to play!" This was the voice of Wannian's substitute Chen Jiang.

"Don't worry, Captain, leave it to us! If it doesn't work, you can ask Senior Wuhen to repeat the old trick. After Chen Jiang is knocked out, you can replace him!" This is the blatant expression of Xia Jie who vowed to follow Wu Di .

Wang Yuanyuan, the youngest, poked his hands excitedly, while full of anticipation: "Wow! Captain, can I play? Great! Is this the game? It's so exciting!"

"Master, when the time comes, you can use your mobile phone to help me take a few photos of the competition. I want to keep them as souvenirs!" The fierce girl Lin Xiaoxiao excitedly handed her new extra-large mobile phone into Wu Di's hands.

However, Xia Ninghan's brows tightened and then loosened, and she remained silent.

In the end, only the cautious Ye Wuhen asked softly: "Captain, is it okay if you don't play? If you encounter a strong opponent, do you really want to use that brute force substitution method?" Looking at Chen Jiang, De Wannian's substitute quickly avoided his gaze.

Wu Di laughed dumbly and said: "Don't worry, I have already read the schedule. The strong teams you mentioned and the strong teams we have encountered before will not appear in the opponents in the afternoon, so you can rest assured to show your skills Bar.

I know, you all want to prove yourself, so this afternoon's game is a perfect opportunity. "

"Okay!" Ye Wuhen, who had always escaped from his composure, couldn't help but clenched his fists, a sense of fighting welled up spontaneously.

Then, after a short wait, everyone in the Kings team embarked on the journey of the game, while their captain sat alone in the stands, quietly watching the performance of his teammates.

The third round...the fourth round...the fifth round, three hours later, the Elite Cup has completed five rounds of knockout rounds.

In the past three rounds, the Kings team without Wu Di has never won the MVP title. On the contrary, some teams that are favored by fans have gradually emerged.

The third round MVP: Liu Yaxin, captain of Team Rose. 21 kills, 1 death, 11 assists, KDA32.

The fourth round MVP: Lei Ge, ADC player of Tianshang team. 20 kills, 2 deaths, 20 assists, KDA20.

Fifth round MVP: Ye Qi, Captain of the Anti-Fighting Team! 23 kills, 0 deaths, 13 assists, KDA36.

Ye Qi!It turned out that Ye Qi won the MVP of the fifth round!

And, to the surprise of all the participating teams, the hero Ye Qi used was... Teemo!The timillion who claims to die millions of times on the official server every day!
Some teams with a purely playful attitude were still watching the rest of the game with great interest after being eliminated. When they found out that Ye Qi used Teemo to win the fifth round of MVP, they immediately became heated discussions.

[Is there a mistake, you can get the MVP even if you raise a million?How terrifying is the strength of that beautiful girl?These days, the appearance is all floating clouds...]

[Hey, you don't know, that beauty is called Ye Qi, and she has been the number one beauty of Tianfu University for two years.According to friends, her best hero is Teemo!This cutie who dies millions of times a day is a symbol of invincibility in her hands. 】

However, Wu Di, who was sitting in the stands and lowered his peaked cap, sat up straight in an instant, staring at the data announced on the big screen, and his mind began to spin.

He once made an assessment of Ye Qi's strength. Although he knew that Ye Qi and the Rebel Team had reservations about their strength in the Hope Cup, but when he saw Ye Qi's performance, he immediately listed Ye Qi For the top of the list of noteworthy opponents.

Is this a joke, or is it a slap in the face for amateur players?
Teemo, who has no movement skills, no super explosive power, and often plays soy sauce roles, can get such an impressive report card in Ye Qi's hands. If he is replaced by a real mainstream ADC hero, wouldn't he be able to win the same Can you match or surpass your own record?
Wu Di was serious, and it was the first time he was serious about an amateur player.In the bottom of his heart, there was an indescribable feeling that the true strength of this senior had reached a daunting level!

After patiently watching the wonderful MVP images played on the big screen over and over again, suddenly, his eyes bulged and his mouth opened in surprise.

This is... this is Wang Daoliu's style of play!
Although Timo, a hero, can't fully demonstrate Wang Daoliu's style of play, Wu Di, who has integrated Wang Daoliu into his bones, can see it thoroughly at a glance!

Could it be... is she only using soy sauce heroes like Teemo to cover up her own style of play?

Where did she learn Wang Daoliu?With me, Lu Li, and Weiwei's game video, it is impossible to integrate Wang Daoliu?Although I can't remember the learning scene back then, Weiwei once told me that if you want to master the essence of Wang Daoliu, you must go through his special training plan before you can barely master it?
Could it be that her talent is exactly the same as Wang Yuanyuan's, that after witnessing all kinds of skills with her own eyes, she can immediately imitate them perfectly?
wrong!Wang Yuanyuan can only imitate the skills, not the concept of the genre, but I watched Ye Qi's wonderful video playback, it is obviously the result of practicing Wang Daoliu for a long time!

Could it be that the master is hiding something from us, that Ye Qi is the real closed disciple? !

Lu Li and Weiwei are still in Los Angeles, and the phone call cannot be guaranteed, otherwise, I really want to ask clearly!
Just when Wu Di was in a state of confusion, a strange but touching voice sounded softly beside his ears:

"Handsome brother, is there a seat next to you? Can my sister sit down and have a chat with you?"

Wu Di was taken aback for a moment, and when he raised his eyes, a graceful figure appeared in his sight.

The woman who spoke was about 24 years old, with a good face and a curvy figure. Although she was not very beautiful, the charm in her bones made Wu Di shiver.

If he had to find a word to describe this woman, Wu Di could only think of the only one - stunner.

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(End of this chapter)

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