The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 127 The Heartbreaker

Chapter 127 The Heartbreaker

In the e-sports arena, the neon lights are constantly flashing alternately, rushing across the cheeks of the stunner in front of him over and over again.

Wu Di was well aware of the principle of not going to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, and he had heard many people mention the case of a beautiful woman, so he adopted a policy of ignoring it, and did not answer this sudden beauty.

In his heart, he still had serious doubts about Ye Qi's identity.

Some time ago, when she was fighting against her, she used Teemo, but she didn't realize what kind of sect her style of play belonged to. Today, from the perspective of God, he was able to see through the hidden Deep mystery.

If she was really the master's close disciple, why didn't she reveal her identity to herself?Or does she have other plans?
In fact, Wu Di never thought that Ye Qi didn't even know that he and her were from the same school.And Ye Qi never thought that before she worked so hard to worship under the founder of Wang Daoliu, her master had already accepted three brothers and sisters who were all-powerful in the League of Legends e-sports circle.

Seeing that Wu Di had been silent and frowning, the beautiful woman thought that she hadn't expressed enough sincerity, so she took the initiative to sit down beside Wu Di and started talking with him again.

"Handsome brother, how about this, let's play a game, if you can beat me, I will leave immediately and stop harassing you, how about it?"

game?What game are you playing?What games can be played between men and women?

Numerous thoughts flashed in Wu Di's mind instantly. Just as he was questioning what the intention of this active beauty was, the beautiful woman interrupted his thoughts, and said with a charming smile:

"It's easy. Let's just play a counting game."

"Counting? An idiotic game like one, two, three, four, five, six, seven?"

Wu Di's mind was as confused as a paste, he really couldn't understand that a strange big beauty came to him to play a counting game?Her life is already as lonely as snow, so boring?
"Of course it's not that simple. This game requires you to close your eyes and count silently in your heart. Of course, you can also count in a low voice, as long as it's not too loud.

How about it?If I lose, I will leave immediately. If you lose, will you allow me to chat with you?This request is not too much.

How about this, I'm older than you, I'll let you count first, with 1 minute as the limit, open your eyes immediately after counting, and then let me close your eyes and count, you supervise, whoever has the smallest error will be the one winner. "

In desperation, Wu Di glanced at his teammates who were already preparing for the sixth round of the knockout round. Anyway, they are idle, so let's play with this beauty...

After subconsciously checking his wallet, mobile phone and other valuables, and confirming that the beauty will not take the opportunity to do some sneaky things after closing his eyes, Wu Di said:
"Then you start shouting, if you lose, don't bother me anymore."


After one minute passed, Wu Di counted 1 times silently in his heart, then opened his eyes, and a huge mobile phone screen immediately appeared in front of his eyes like a ghost, but the time displayed on the screen was 60 seconds.

"Haha, you're a second behind. It's my turn, you start calling."

Wu Di curled his lips, reconfirmed that he hadn't fallen into some fairy dance routine, and after taking the beauty's mobile phone, he drank lazily and started.

Another minute passed by.

At the same time that the beautiful girl opened her eyes, the screen of the phone in Wu Di's hand jumped to 60 seconds.Wu Di was taken aback for a moment, and before she had time to raise the screen to the beauty, she clapped her hands happily and said with a smile:
"Haha, don't look at it, you are still too tender, no one can beat me in this game, I have never failed."

The stunner happily took the phone back, then fumbled in her satchel, and soon found a business card.

Then she lowered her head slightly, and handed over the business card respectfully.

"Don't reject people like this. Although I know that experts always have some eccentricities, but I really don't mean any harm. This is my business card. Whether you are interested in getting to know me or not, I am very interested in getting to know you !

I've already won that game, so you must chat with me. "

Wu Di glanced at the business card, and immediately attracted all his attention by the big characters on it - it was a name: Qin Rou.

This a little familiar, where have I heard it?

"Hey, my name is Qin Rou, do you think I look familiar? Of course, I am the main player of the Tianya team, the third-ranked team in the Chinese League of Legends Super League this year. In addition, if not That girl Ye Ling is more attractive than me, maybe I won't have to be inferior to her in the All-Star selection for three consecutive years. However, the second place in votes for three consecutive years is not bad."

oh!Wu Di finally remembered.Some time ago, under the strong instigation of the male team members and dormitory wolf friends, Wu Di reluctantly made up the list of the most famous female e-sports players in China today.And this Qin Rou is ranked second on the list, second only to Ye Ling.This Qin Rou is not only known as the top five mid laner in the country, but also has a famous title called [Thousand Fan].

But for a beautiful woman, gossip always follows.Under the fuel and jealousy of the wolf friends in the dormitory, this charming beauty has formed an unbreakable image in Wu Di's heart-ten thousand people sleep!

Thinking of this, Wu Di couldn't help shivering again.Such a woman should be avoided even more.

Qin Rou saw the contempt and vigilance in Wu Di's eyes at a glance, but she didn't care, and continued to say:
"Hey, have you heard a lot of rumors about me? I'm a heartthrob, a million-dollar sleeper, a peach blossom eye attracts a peach blossom disaster, or a professional third-party household or something like that?"

This time it was Wu Di's turn to be surprised. He didn't expect that this beautiful woman would announce her nicknames so blatantly, let alone that she was still blushing and breathless, with a calm expression on her face. calm.

"Ha, you don't need to show such a dazed expression. I don't like to explain, and I don't like to justify. If I say that those titles are all rumors deliberately fabricated by men who can't get me, do you believe it?"

For a moment, although Qin Rou maintained that faint smile, there was a hint of ruthlessness in her eyes.

Wu Di was originally a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and he had no intention of getting acquainted with this charming beauty, so he replied very flatly:

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. Are you that kind of person? Do you have anything to do with me? Tell me, what do you want from me? If it's okay, don't bother me."

When Qin Rou saw that the other party could not wait to issue another order to chase away guests, she couldn't help laughing and said:
"Is that why you want me to leave? To tell you the truth, we will have many chances to meet in the future. I have heard about your situation from Lu Li..."

Speaking of this, Qin Rou buried her head with her long curly hair and the fragrance of Chanel, and whispered in Wu Di's ear like a mosquito, "My dear friend, you molested my sister back then, Are you going to renege on your debts today? For you, I have been chasing butterflies and bees every day, and I have been guarding myself like a jade.

Don't think that you can be irresponsible because you are in a state of amnesia, my little brother Wu Di! "

enemy?Molesting?Where is this Nima?Could it be that he was really a Chu Liuxiang-style love saint who was merciful in the past?
Wu Di's back was already covered in cold sweat, and even his palms were covered with cold sweat. He never imagined that the beautiful woman in front of him knew him so well.

Wait, she said she heard from Lu Li?Granny Bear!This tall, rich and handsome junior brother really hurt me.

Although there was a huge wave in Wu Di's heart, he still showed no surprise on his face.

"Oh? Do you know my real identity? Do you know Lu Li? It's interesting, not much else. As far as I know, the base camp of your Ya team is far away in SH City. Why did you come all the way to the mainland? Come on vacation?"

Qin Rou flew a charming look that was enough to make any normal man tremble, and moved the slender and beautiful legs wrapped in bright black silk to Wu Di's eyes, and said with a sneer:
"You heartless bastard, if it wasn't for Team Bright's accident, their chairman personally begged me and asked Lu Li to do ideological work for me, I didn't know you had already recovered part of your memory. I came here to inspect Cui Can, but actually I came to meet a heartless person like you.

How about it?When you said that people were airports and women, you never thought I could be so sexy, hehe.

My sister raises three cups of papaya milk every day, and practices yoga for three hours, in order to look forward to seeing you again and bring you a big surprise. "

Wu Di moved his gaze to one side, puzzled and said:
"Chairman Brilliant, begging you? What are you begging for? Don't be kidding. You are nothing more than a star beauty contestant. What qualifications do you have to let those business tycoons come forward in person? Also, you are so close. There is nothing about you in my mind." If I really had a deep friendship with you before, then you should know that I already have a girlfriend, and please take back those gestures, no matter what your purpose is!"

At this time, Qin Rou was very sad, her eyes were full of unwillingness and sadness, she only heard her change her tone, and said lightly:
"That's right, that Xia Ninghan grew up with you, and she is also smart and knows what men need most, so you have never considered me. Two or three years ago, when you were just a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old , I'm just a woman who wants to be in the front but not in the back, and it's reasonable for you to look down on me... You and Xia Ninghan have officially confirmed the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend. I heard about it from Lu Li. I will not force others, after all, twisted melons are not sweet.

And, as Lu Li said, you have indeed changed a lot...

Well, the private matter is over, I'll talk to you about the business again.Do you know why Chairman Can Can invite me in person?

That's because he already knew about Ye Ling's situation. I watched the live broadcast of the semi-finals and thought it was just an accident. I never thought that the biggest competitor I recognized would bid farewell to e-sports like this..."

"Wait!" Wu Di suddenly interrupted, "You said that Chairman Cancan knew about Ye Ling's condition? What's the situation?"

"Of course it's a condition of permanent amnesia. You don't know? Lu Li said that you know." Qin Rou looked blank.

Wu Di thought about it for a second, and with the power behind Ye Wuhen, he must have met Chairman Cancan, and he knew it for granted.

"What does Chairman Can Can want from you?" Suddenly, Wu Di had an ominous premonition.

"Look for me? Talk to me about the transfer. Ye Ling will definitely retire early. As the boss of the club, he naturally has to plan ahead and plan for next season first.

Moreover, my contract has expired and I have received invitations from many clubs, but the sincerity is the most sincerity. Not only did the chairman pay a personal visit, but also let Lu Liren, the number one ADC in China, call me non-stop when he was in Los Angeles. Telephone.And at that time, I told him a condition for me to join Bright, that is, let me get in touch with Wu Di!Lu Li and I talked about you when all the professional players had a dinner in the All-Star Game last year.I can see that Lu Li seems to know and be familiar with you, so he made this suggestion.

I thought you were still in a state of amnesia and wanted to meet you, but I didn't expect it to be a big profit. You two turned out to be brothers from the same school. He naturally agreed and told you everything It's up to me, but the condition is that I must transfer to Team Brilliant. "

Nima, the rich and handsome junior [betrayed] himself again!Damn it, when I come back, I have to fix him properly.

However, when he heard that Chairman Can Can was not concerned about Ye Ling's physical condition at the first time, but to make arrangements for the future of the team, Wu Di's heart was really a little bit cold.

People's hearts are not old, Ye Ling has played for Cuisan for so many years, and together with Lu Li, brought Cuisine to the top four in the world, but he didn't expect that he would end up in the end where no one cares about him.

Seeing Wu Di's sad eyes and gloomy expression, Qin Rou also guessed his thoughts.

"Ha, you have really changed a lot. In the past, this expression would never have appeared on your face. You don't have to worry too much. When Chairman Brilliant flew over to look for me yesterday, I have already said that I will bear all Ye Ling's medical expenses and all her future living expenses. She can become a double giant in the business world and the e-sports world, but she has a courage that you can't imagine."

After hearing this, Wu Di changed his view of Chairman Cancan, but... Ye Ling's revenge, he must avenge it!He will use the heavy world championship to fight back against all those who look down on and slander e-sports!
When Qin Rou saw Wu Di's solemn expression, her mind turned quickly, and then she smiled coquettishly, and leaned over again.

"Aren't you fond of the mermaid? Hehe, I know everything about the relationship between you and her back then. I heard from Lu Li that you were very kind to the mermaid sister?"

Wu Di responded awe-inspiringly: "I treat her well because she helped me! Don't think about it!"

Qin Rou's eyes rolled, and then she smiled and said: "Then I am very good to you, I know that you are in a state of amnesia, and you can't remember what happened back then. But he treated you wholeheartedly back then, so don't let him down. "

Immediately, Wu Di was sweating all over his face. He really couldn't remember what happened to this heartthrob sister.

It seems that women who have had an encounter with Wu Di like to see Wu Di's anxious expression. Seeing that the temptation is effective, Qin Rou hurriedly hit the rails while it's hot:
"Oh, my sister won't make things difficult for you. Knowing that you have a girlfriend now, I can only support you silently behind your back. My sister is a master in the mid laner. I heard that you are still working hard to restore the memory of the mid laner. Work hard? Do you want to think about it and ask my sister for help?"

Wu Di was startled, but immediately realized that it was Gao Fushuai who sold himself for his team again.

While admiring Wu Di's dilemma, Qin Rou recalled the promise Lu Li made to herself late last night with a smile on her face:
"Hahaha, heartthrob, to tell you the truth, Wu Di is my elder brother! We are both the heirs of Wang Daoliu! Come on, the elder brother is studying at university in Tianfu City, and he has formed a team himself. He wants to make a comeback, you Come to Bright to have the advantage of geographical advantage!"

"Hey, Sister Rou Rou, I know you have a brother fetish, and you have a special liking for my senior brother, right? That's easy to say, as long as you join the bright, I promise to do my best to help you pursue your senior brother!"

"Ha, big brother's memory has only partially recovered, and he is trying to restore the memory of the mid laner. You are a well-known player in the mid laner. As long as you join Bright, after this, this, and this, I guarantee that he will look at you with admiration. Promise."

"HOHO, heartthrob, don't worry. Although the elder brother has a girlfriend, I don't think the relationship seems to be harmonious recently. You have a lot of opportunities. As long as you join the bright, won't you be the first to catch the fish?"


And just as Wu Di was analyzing Qin Rou's words carefully, Junior Brother Gao Fushuai actually called at this time.

"Hey, master brother! Your good fortune is not shallow. Look, junior brother, I brought you another sexy beauty to your side? Do you really want to thank me? That beauty is Qin Rou, an all-star The number of votes is second only to Ye Ling, lordosis and back curl, sexy and sultry, guaranteed to make you want to die, can't stop!"

"She's here with me right now, you goddamn..."

"Haha, you don't have to be embarrassed, you and I are brothers in the same sect, and we love brothers and sisters. The reason why you found a beautiful woman for you is to restore your strength. Don't get me wrong."

"I want to scold..."

"Oh, well, I've said so much, and you haven't said anything, it means that you have acquiesced to my approach. Great, wait for me for two days, I am fine, and I can come back to see you soon is you."

On the other end of the phone, Lu Li, who had a ghost in his heart, spoke at a speed similar to that of his hands, leaving no room for Wu Di to insult him. When his mouth was dry and he finally stopped to catch his breath, Wu Di said Then he cursed:
"You scum, you actually use me as a bargaining chip for your team to poach people! It seems that you have healed your scars and forgot about the pain, come back quickly, I will eat you alive!"

Lu Li pretended to be stupid and said with a smile:
"Oh, it turns out that women are the most untrustworthy, you know that. But things have happened, master brother, let's look forward to a better future."

"No! I must kill you!"

"Hey, the heartthrob sister is beautiful and generous, for the sake of helping you recover your strength, please spare me?"

"Forgive you? Yes, without a mental damage fee of 80, I can't spare you!"

"Ha, it turns out that the money can be settled, it's easy to talk about! One million, no more bargaining, I agree!"

"How long?"

"It's free, I'll give it to you if you're free, and besides, ask weakly, is it okay to pay with flesh?"

"Go away! You dead glass!"

Wu Di originally wanted to scam Gao Fushuai's junior brother, but was trapped again in the end.Seeing Wu Di acting like this, Qin Rou's eyes were also bright and flickering.

"You really can't remember me?"

"Yes, although I have restored the memory of several positions in the League of Legends, I can't remember what happened in those five or six years, and the people who have intersected with me."

Very good!
Qin Rou yelled in her heart, then squeezed her graceful body over, and said pitifully:

"Do you know? Wu Di, what you did to me back then was even more extreme than what you did to Ye Ling."

"What?!" Wu Di's eyes widened.

"You once promised him that if he has enough femininity, you will be his lover!"

Wu Di was in a mess immediately, and Ye Ling's lesson from the past had already made him fearful.

"This... that... did I say that?"

Qin Rou made a look of wanting to cry but no tears, nodded with pear blossoms in her eyes and said:
"As you said, look at her now, is she feminine?"

"Yes..." Wu Di mechanically nodded, his mind went blank.

"That's right, from this moment on, I will be your lover?" Qin Rou secretly rejoiced, this trick really worked!
Wu Di blushed, and it took him a long time to reply: "This won't work... I have a girlfriend, and I can't betray her. What's more... what's more, I don't remember you at all."

"It's okay! Feelings can be cultivated slowly! As long as you agree, we will get on the bus first, and then make up for the fare!"

Qin Rou dragged her chin very womanly, stared at Wu Di intently, and carried on the teasing to the end.

"No! If you are really willing to help me restore my memory, I am sincerely grateful, but if you want me to do something that is two-footed, I will flatly refuse!" Wu Di raised his eyes and looked at Xia Ning who was focused on the competition field Han, solemnly rejected Qin Rou.

Following Wu Di's gaze, Qin Rou also saw Xia Ninghan who looked like a queen, so she narrowed her eyes, and after thinking about it, she sighed:
"Well, I don't like forcing people. You did say those things back then, but you haven't recovered your memory, so I won't say more.

Let me ask you one last question, if your girlfriend cheated on you, would you break up with her? "Qin Rou showed a rare seriousness.

"I don't know...but she won't betray me...never..."

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(End of this chapter)

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