The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 128 The Scary Leopard Girl

Chapter 128 The Scary Leopard Girl
The sudden appearance of Qin Rou made Wu Di fearful for a long time, but when he saw the hidden smile in the eyes of the heart-throb sister, he realized that he had been fascinated by her.

"Have you been teasing me? Didn't the things you said happen to us before?" Wu Di came to his senses, this beauty is a woman who is aggressive, and she must not show weakness in front of her.

Qin Rou covered her mouth and giggled. After a while, she said in relief: "Hee hee, I didn't expect you to become so cute after a catastrophe. What I said before is exactly the same as the truth. If you If you don't believe me, you can ask your rich and handsome junior brother.

Alright, the greetings are over here, you and I will come to Japan for a long time, and there will be opportunities to meet each other, of course, if you want to recover your strength as soon as possible, my door is always open for you.There is my phone number on the business card, and I allow you to harass me if you have anything to do. "

After saying that, she got up and wanted to leave.

"Is the title of ten thousand people sleeping real?" Wu Di suddenly said a very hurtful sentence.

To his surprise, Qin Rou didn't get angry, but just smiled lightly, and replied:

"For men, the most precious thing is what they can't get. I'm not stupid enough to take the initiative to throw myself into my arms to increase my popularity. I think you can feel the same about the prosperity of e-sports brought by the League of Legends. I am the only one who can make decisions about my life!"

Looking at Qin Rou who gradually disappeared from sight, Wu Di benefited a lot.

My life, only I can decide.


More than an hour later, the sixth round of the competition ended, and the King's team won the opponent in the sixth round without any suspense, and their performance was still eye-catching.It's just that Chen Jiang, a handicapped guy, couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the game, and was beaten up every time, which added a lot of pressure to the friends.

Fortunately, Ye Wuhen's stability and Xia Ninghan's outstanding performance guaranteed the victory, but everyone joked:

Next round, this guy has to go back to the bench!
Chen Jiang lowered his head and looked depressed. He thought that he could keep up with everyone's rhythm after overloaded training, but he didn't expect that he would drag everyone down because of his hand damage.

"Yes... sorry! I will try my best."

Wu Di stepped over, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Your strength is not playing and confronting people. You are the tactical analysis master of our team. From now on, our tactics will be decided by you. Work hard on this."

With the captain's affirmation and encouragement, Chen Jiang immediately swept away his depression, and he put his hands on his hips, pointed at the team members in a radiant spirit, and said with a laugh: "Did you hear that, the captain said it himself, you will definitely Listen to my tactical arrangements!"

"Well, you still have a crucial task, which is to take care of our Wang Yuanyuan like a daddy, isn't it, Master Tactician, oh, Master Dad?" Lin Xiaoxiao teased.

However, at this time, Wu Di did not join in the laughter and slapstick of everyone, but dragged Ye Wuhen aside, and said in a low voice:

"I discovered an incredible fact. Ye Qi, his style of play is domineering!"

Ye Wuhen was shocked, his eyes widened, and he said, "You can't read wrong, right? Wang Daoliu is very difficult to practice, and if his talent and perseverance are not up to the standard, he can only learn a little superficially. Ye Qi is really a king." A descendant of the stream?"

Wu Di looked at the familiar figure not far away, nodded and said:
"There is nothing wrong with it. She is indeed trying to hide her style of play, but the things in her bones cannot be easily hidden from my eyes. Besides, is there any help for Ye Ling?"

"Don't worry about who Ye Qi studied under. If you don't ask me, I still want to tell you. Ye Ling's state is very troublesome. Experts say that she may forget something every day, which makes them helpless.

But...she told me yesterday that if you are free, I hope you will visit her every day.She is not demanding, even if it is a hasty meeting with her.

She said... If there is a day when you forget everything, she hopes that you will be the last person she forgets..."

Wu Di was taken aback for a moment, but soon understood the meaning of Ye Ling's words.

He already knew that Ye Ling had no relatives, and only relying on his own pair of skillful hands and extraordinary talent in e-sports, he came to today's glory, but God ruthlessly deprived her of everything, and even made her forget everything .

And is she very important to her?If Xia Ninghan visits her every day, will Xia Ninghan be more indifferent to herself?

When he subconsciously touched the mid laner video that Ye Ling spent several months in his pocket, he felt that he could not be an ungrateful person again.

Wu Di was heartbroken and fell into confusion. He turned his head to look at Xia Ninghan, only to find that she had lost her former vivacity and did not mingle with her teammates. Her beautiful long hair covered her cheeks. Suddenly, Wu Di discovered that he had a strange feeling...


The six rounds of competition are over, and the first day of competition has officially come to an end. After a whole day of hard work, only 64 teams are left to appear in tomorrow's competition.

The arrangement of the organizing committee is very ingenious. Knowing that many of the registered teams are for soy sauce or just playing for tickets, the first day of the competition adopted an elimination system to eliminate those teams with weak strength. By 64 After the strongest game, the three-game two-win system will be adopted, and in the second day's game, most of the temporary computers will be removed, and instead of playing ten games at the same time as on the first day, only Two to three games.In addition, fans and spectators were allowed to enter the stadium on the second day, which undoubtedly increased the atmosphere of the remaining teams.

The next morning.

After the top 64 team coefficients of the Talent Cup arrived, the bright e-sports stadium, which can accommodate nearly [-] people, was full of seats and very lively.

All the teams also felt the strong atmosphere of the scene in an instant, gearing up for a big fight.

Under the watchful eyes of all the members of King's Team, Chen Jiang sat down in the stands in an orderly manner, while Wu Di went into battle again, leading the King's team to the competition room.

After the first day of the competition, the organizing committee naturally knows which teams will definitely be expected by the audience, and the king team is one of them. Their top 64 competition is arranged in that luxurious competition room. Immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

【Wow!That is the king team!What a domineering name!I like! 】

[You bum, can your name represent your strength?However, there is a very fierce guy in the King's team. I heard that the MVP of the first three rounds was arranged by him, and he had a record of zero casualties! 】

【cut!Most of the teams in front of him are first-round teams. Starting today, he will not be able to achieve such arrogant results. 】

[You are really frogs at the bottom of a well. When you see someone powerful, you say he is invincible.Let me tell you, there are many people who are stronger than him.In China, everything is missing!There is no shortage of talent! 】

【I'm neutral, to be honest, that guy is very strong, but as for whether there is anyone stronger in this competition, I think only the captain of the anti-war team, that beautiful player Ye Qi can surpass him!You know, she has been using Teemo since the game!Nima, have you ever seen a player who uses Timon to take the MVP? 】

【Haha, this man has a unique insight. It is indeed as you said. That beauty is the first campus belle of Tianfu University. Not only is she beautiful and hot, she is also a real LOL master.I can't imagine how strong she can be when using other mainstream ADC heroes! 】


The heated discussion among the audience did not affect Wu Di's mood at all.As soon as he sat in front of the competition computer, he had already restrained his mind and body, and devoted himself fully to it.

With the role of the captain as a benchmark, the rest of the team members naturally did not dare to neglect, and began to calm down and prepare for the challenge.

The opponent of King's team in this round is a team called [Desire], which is composed of five men with a strong social atmosphere.

And Chen Jiang has already done a good job of team analysis and enemy investigation, and before Wu Di and others left the field, he told all the information about the Desire team:
Team Desire's overall strength is good, but their style of play is extremely aggressive, and they often provoke attacks recklessly; they will not fall behind their opponents in all positions.In addition, it is worth noting that among the five of them, the most powerful ADC player should be their ADC player. Although he did not win the title of MVP in the first six rounds, his KDA also remained at around 20, and the number of kills accounted for the entire More than half of the team should be their core.The appearance is also very conspicuous, lol, that guy with red hair like Sakuragi Hanamichi is him.


Before the game started, these men who could scare a three-year-old child into tears provocatively through the transparent window, made a classic thumbs-up gesture to everyone in the King's team. If it wasn't for the referee to issue an interference warning , They may have other extraordinary actions.

Among them, the red-haired man with the strongest expression in the world, even after the referee interfered, he kept pointing his middle finger at the Kings team, mocking all the players arrogantly.

Uncle can bear it, aunt can't bear it!

Xia Jie, who was more aggressive, couldn't bear it anymore, and when he was about to reply to the international gesture, Wu Di gently stopped his hand, and said with a low laugh:
"Xia Jie, you are a little unstable. How can you make such a gesture?"

Xia Jie replied angrily: "Captain! These guys look like unscrupulous young people who have been out of society, there is no need to be polite to them!"

Wu Di waved his hand and continued: "We are e-sports players, not gangsters. If you do this, aren't you just like them?"

"I just can't swallow this breath!" Xia Jie was still full of enthusiasm.

"Young people, they are just too passionate. If you really want to impress them, you can see the truth in the competition."

Xia Jie curled his lips in dissatisfaction, "Captain... It seems that I am a little older than you..."

Wu Di smiled, seeing that Xia Jie had stabilized his mood, he stopped talking.

Whether in the past or now, Wu Di, who is highly professional, remains indifferent to these provocations.Because he knows very well what is a real master!

However, these guys were too rampant, and Wu Di didn't want his team to lose momentum, so after entering the banning stage, he whispered to everyone in the headset:

"In this game, everyone should adjust their positions a little bit. Sister Ninghan, you go to play top laner, Xiaoxiao plays ADC, and the rest of the positions remain unchanged."

After hearing this, the team members asked in unison after a while:

"Ah? Captain, you... you play support?"


"Those guys are so arrogant, how can you play support? You should play an output position, so that they can be abused until their family members don't know each other!"

Wu Di laughed and said, "Who said that support can't abuse people? Do you think the role of support is just to get in the way, and it's over to harass and harass the ADC?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering: "Isn't that so?"

"Of course that's not the case..." Wu Di smiled mysteriously, "you will know later. Oh, yes, Xiaoxiao, you just need to replenish your soldiers later, and don't worry about anything else, even if I am killed by them It's too strong, don't worry about it, just do a good job of making up the knife.

You have been laying down the road for so long, the basics should still be very solid, this time it is just an exercise. "

Lin Xiaoxiao asked in a low voice with a guilty conscience:

"How about asking Yuan Yuan to come up to fight? He has been sitting on the bench, very lonely. And he should be very strong."

Wu Di laughed dumbly and said: "Hehe, you have to have confidence in yourself. Yuanyuan has no experience yet and needs to observe more, which is why I have not let him play. Don't worry, you just need to make up the knife. If you have time If so, come and grab the head with me..."

In the end, under the surprised eyes of everyone, Wu Di chose a hero who puzzled the audience and opponents: Nedry, the wild huntress!
As we all know, Nedry is commonly known as the Leopard Girl. She doesn't have any control skills. She can be used as a mage or a half-meat single. However, her most famous one is the Q skill [Javelin Throwing] in a mage's outfit and in a human state. !
This is the skill that Leopard Girl is famous for, and it is also the most lethal skill.

[Javelin Throwing] has an extremely long range, and when it hits the opponent, the farther the distance between the two sides, the greater the damage.As long as a player who knows how to operate Leopard Girl can unexpectedly cause the opponent's health to drop sharply, losing the capital of reckless fighting.

In the later stage, the leopard girl in a god costume can basically take away the crispy hero with two flying spears, which will undoubtedly bring great psychological pressure to the opponent.And after reaching level 6, the leopard girl can also turn into a leopard form, and with another set of skills, it is easy to make the opponent go to heaven in an instant.

However, in official professional leagues, its appearance rate changes with the version changes. A few years ago, Leopard Girl in the top lane was the king of consumption and a sharp weapon for pushing the line. However, at this stage, Leopard Girl has become a soy sauce hero. , the attendance rate is extremely low.

Therefore, when the audience and opponents saw Leopard Girl appearing on the stage, they all showed snorting expressions, and they didn't care about this soy sauce hero at all.

Wu Di has already recovered the memory of the top unit and support position. In addition, the hero Leopard Girl can support and top lane, so Wu Di will be more handy in using it.

The game entered the login state. Just when all the audience and opponents thought that Leopard Girl would be an AD outfit and take up the top laner position, they saw through the big screen that Leopard Girl actually had a [weak] summoner skill!
Anyone who has played League of Legends will know that the [Weakness] skill is one of the must-have skills for bottom lane support heroes.

When everyone saw the leopard girl's summoner skills, they realized that the leopard girl was playing as a support!
Leopard Girl has become an unpopular hero, but now she is used as a support. Although this often happens in low-end rounds, this is the top 64 of the Talent Cup!

This is too much to look down on the opponent... Or that they have given up the game?
The five members of Team Desire were stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing, writing arrogance and arrogance on their faces without the slightest shyness, with a look of ridicule beyond words.

"Haha, did this kid get up early and didn't take his medicine? He chose a hero like Leopard Girl, yo, she's still weak. It seems to be a support."

"Hey, brother Li, this is the rhythm that Chiguoguo has made you super-godly. Don't disappoint your opponent's expectations."

"It seems that these little brats have already known our strength and gave up the game, so let's fulfill them..."

Five ten minutes later.

The audience who once questioned the strength of the Kings team and Wu Di's level opened their mouths wide open, posing in a classic O-shape, unable to recover for a long time.

Because, the king team once again won the opponent with a score of 2:0 without bloodshed, and the controversial man named Wu Youzhi, who was wearing a dark peaked cap and looked like a student, once again handed in a jaw-dropping result one:
A total of 23 kills in two games, 0 deaths, 38 assists, KDA30 in a single game!

This is not the most surprising thing, the most frightening thing is that Nima's position is... support!It's an assistant!

The hero he uses is Leopard Girl!

King's team is just a new team, and there are not many fans, but most of the audience who are not familiar with it have already begun to discuss it.

【what is this!Did you make a mistake, you can hand over such a report card with an assistant? 】

[Did you see that Leopard Girl's javelin is so accurate!Almost ten shots can hit nine shots!This makes the opponent play a fart. 】

[I don’t know if you have noticed that every time Leopard Girl flies out of the javelin, she immediately switches to the leopard form and jumps backwards. This is to open the distance between the target and the target again at the limit distance, so as to increase the damage again. ! 】

【No way?Is this a bug? 】

[No, I have watched videos of top players, specifically testing this style of play, and the result is effective!Damage will increase! 】

[No wonder the captain of King's team dared to use Leopard Girl. At first we thought they would be abused, but in the end they crushed their opponents like rookies. 】

The five players of Team Desire were dumbfounded.

When the red words of failure appeared on the game screen for the second time, their expressions were exactly the same—the hands that clenched the mouse were not put down, and their eyes were dull and lifeless.

They were completely dumbfounded by Leopard Girl's javelin Q. Almost every time they saw the sudden javelin, they would be ready to fight, but every time they seemed to be ready to defend, they were hit by the javelin in the blink of an eye. chrysanthemum.

Such scenes cleansed their souls again and again. When the match was over, the five of them left the match room in a panic, even skipping the routine of shaking hands with their opponents.

At this moment, Wu Di raised his head and looked at the big screen. After seeing his opponent in the next match, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he said with a smile:

"Guys, it's going to be a tough fight for the next match. Our opponent is... Team Rose!"

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(End of this chapter)

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