Chapter 129 Servant Game
While the rest of the teams were struggling, Team King's game ended very early, and Team Rose also defeated a good amateur team in this round of the game. In a large area, at this time, they met in the top 32 match without prejudice!
After the team that seems to be the most capable of winning the Talent Cup collided with the most pleasing team of all the teams, composed of five professional beauties, the entire e-sports venue immediately erupted with deafening shouts.

[Wow!look!That's Team Rose, every member is enough to be a team of goddesses. 】

[Haha, this is something to watch, I wonder if the males of the king team can resist the strong visual impact on the other side...]

[Wu Youzhi looks very calm, and the other players don't have much emotional fluctuations. Well, it seems that the King's team is a well-trained team.I bet they win! 】

[It doesn't matter who wins, the kid in front, put your head down, I want to shoot those five beauties all the way! 】

[Tsk tsk, as the saying goes, a hero is sad and a beauty passes, let's stop talking nonsense, it's important to watch the game! 】

Despite the hustle and bustle in the arena, the staff of the organizing committee came to the two captains and routinely asked if the two teams needed to rest. Finally, Wu Di and Lu Xuanxuan, the captain of the Rose Team, said in unison that there was no need to rest and the game could start directly. .

When Wu Di turned around and was about to return to the competition room, Lu Xuanxuan, who had curly hair with a lot of flamboyant waves, stopped him.

"Hey, boy, you are very strong, let the sisters wait for a while."

Wu Di turned around and replied politely: "You are welcome, you are several years older than us, and you are all older sisters, so you should let us go."

Unknowingly, Wu Di made a big taboo: saying his age in front of women!

Sure enough, Lu Xuanxuan raised his eyebrows twice, and the previous kind face immediately became cloudy.Lu Xuanxuan, who turned his face faster than the book, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said ruthlessly: "Young boy, don't think that you are complacent because you won some rookies. Dare you have a gamble with your sister?"

At this time, the other four girls of the Rose team also smiled and stood behind their captain. One of the beauties said:

"That's right, the five of us like to gamble, do you dare to take it?"

Seeing this, Wu Di suddenly became interested, and said with a smile, "What are you betting on?"

"You take over?"


"Okay! It's not bad for a little courage. Ever played the servant game?"

Wu Di was taken aback, he had been immersed in the League of Legends, and naturally he had never heard of such a game.

"The servant game is very simple. Whoever loses will be the other party's servant for a week! What the servant has to do is also very simple. Except for insulting personality and breaking the boundaries between men and women, other things can be done by the other party!

Of course, there are five of us, and if we lose, the five of us will take turns being your servants for a week!But if you lose, you will be a servant for each of the five of us for a week!

Dare to take this bet! "

After hearing the bet, Wu Di immediately understood that the other party was only targeting himself.He rolled his eyes, guessing that this bet would not drag the team down, so he agreed.What's more, he never thought that he would lose!
Lu Xuanxuan gave Wu Di a hard look, and then walked back to his own game room with the players.As soon as he sat down, a pretty girl from the team asked:

"Captain, that kid is very powerful, you are so sure that we will win!"

Lu Xuanxuan smiled secretly, and replied: "You idiot, although he is very strong, what about the others? Don't you find that other people's standards are average? As long as he blows up other roads, what can he do alone? League of Legends is A team game, no matter how strong a person is, there is a limit!

I'm not sure, would I bet so big with him?Remember, the magic weapon to win is to blow up other roads!Let him not go crazy alone! "


The two top-notch teams met in the top 32 match, which naturally attracted everyone's attention.Suddenly, the atmosphere in the venue quietly climbed to a peak.

After the words Kings vs. Roses were displayed on the big screen, the match officially began!
As soon as they entered the banning stage, Team Rose decisively banned Wu Youzhi's two heroes who won the MVP before: King of War and Outlaw.

In the end, Lu Xuanxuan's mouse stayed in the position of Leopard Girl for a long time. After considering Wu Youzhi's previous performance, his ability should be able to control the unsolvable night hunter Wei En in the later stage.

Therefore, Team Rose banned Wei En after weighing it up.

When the audience saw that Team Rose didn't ban Leopard Girl, there was a lot of discussion, and they all thought that Team Rose was a big show.

However, Lu Xuanxuan smiled softly at a beautiful long-haired team member:
"If he chooses Leopard Girl, you should know what to do."

The beauty nodded, and replied: "I know, I will let him have no chance to throw the javelin! My robot is rare in Tianfu City!"

It was Lin Huanhuan who was dubbed "God Hook Girl" by the team members who spoke.

When the other team members heard it, they also joked: "Yes, yes, Ms. Huanhuan, who is invincible in hooking men, your robot must be more accurate in hooking that kid, and don't let him run away easily. We have a bet on us, let this It’s not bad for a young man to run errands for us and accompany us to shop.”

When several beauties in the workplace of Team Rose are in infinite reverie, Wu Di has once again chosen the wild huntress Nedry who once made his opponents despair!
"Haha, I didn't expect him to dare to choose. That's fine, Huanhuan, you can choose a robot, and let him see your incomparably accurate seduction skills. Of course, it's only in the game."

Lin Huanhuan squinted her eyes and calmly chose the robot.

But when these beauties are whimsically preparing to teach the ignorant young boy a lesson in the bottom lane, they have overlooked one of the biggest problems-although the Leopard Girl's appearance rate is low at this stage, she often plays in amateur games. Appears as a support, however, it can also perform in other positions!
At this time, Wu Di has adjusted the lineup again, and he joked to his teammates in the headset: "I'm a mid laner, if you don't give it, give it away!"


When the game entered the game waiting screen, the audience and the beauties of the Rose team suddenly discovered that the leopard girl was no longer carrying the weak summoner skill, but replaced it with ignite!
That is to say, he can't play support?The mid laner who has been using Radiant Girl before is the real support?
Lu Xuanxuan slapped his forehead suddenly, and shouted: "We underestimate the enemy! Once the Leopard Girl in the mid laner lets him make a quick outfit, her Q skill is really fatal! Remember, you don't need to come up and down the lane in the jungle! , directly crushing the middle lane!"

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  In addition, today is my birthday, haha, I hope everyone is happy every day, wish me well.

(End of this chapter)

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