The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 130 One Word Flash Step

Chapter 130

The middle unit is an extremely special and important position.Not only can it quickly support up and down roads, but it can also have more economic advantages than other roads.

Between two points, the straight line is the shortest!After minions set off from the base, the time to reach the lane is the shortest in the middle lane, followed by the bottom lane, and the longest on the top lane. Therefore, heroes in the middle lane can get more last hits in principle than other lanes.In addition, the mid-lane hero is very close to the four ghosts in the jungle. Normally, as long as the jungler is not in the jungle, the mid-lane hero will push the pawn line under the opponent's tower and take away the jungle that is refreshed every minute. Strange.If things go on like this, even without any kills or assists, the mid laner can get a lot of money in order to make powerful equipment that can increase the power of his skills.

And once Leopard Girl takes the mid laner position, even if she doesn't have the ability to roam around and gank, she can still make equipment with her good skills in making up attacks, and exert a frightening deterrence in team battles.

That kid, will he be mid laner?Or...will they find another way, make half-meat physical equipment, and serve as the upper unit?
The Brilliant Girl is weak, so she will naturally play as a support, so the Leopard Girl will definitely take up the other two positions.

All the beauties of Team Rose stared at their computer screens, constantly thinking about it.

The moment he entered the official game, Lu Xuanxuan said coldly: "Judging from his previous performance, he will definitely occupy the middle unit! The economic situation of this position will exceed that of other lanes. In this way, we adopt a lane change tactic! Two people in the bottom lane The team goes to the middle lane, and the mid laner goes to the bottom lane! Huanhuan, you must use your abilities to the fullest, with your robot intimidating the middle lane, you can naturally suppress his development to the greatest extent!"

After more than a minute, Wu Di's leopard girl appeared in the middle of course, but what surprised him a little was that the opponent used a lane change tactic to suppress him? !

After being surprised for a short time, Wu Di took it calmly, feeling a little admiration for these beautiful sisters who were in the workplace.

Others don't know, but he himself knows it well: if he doesn't adopt such a tactic, with his strength, even if he can't get any kills or assists, once he makes a smooth transition to 18 minutes later, then in team battles, Leopard Girl The power of the javelin will definitely make the opponent's hair stand on end.

The maximum effective range of the Leopard Girl's javelin will exceed the hero's visual field of vision, so crispy heroes such as ADC and support will be very afraid of the Leopard Girl's javelin.

Wu Di knew very well that as long as he sticks to the middle lane and honestly makes up the knife, after more than ten minutes, he can make a large piece of equipment and raise the power of javelin throwing to a higher level.

When the pawn lines of both sides reach the middle, the line-up begins.The robots of Team Rose naturally stood in front, keeping a close eye on Leopard Girl who was hiding behind the soldier.With such a deterrent position, as long as the Leopard girl moves carelessly, she will definitely be pulled to her side, and she will be crushed. The mid laner Leopard girl is also a crispy hero who can be easily killed in seconds.

Moreover, the ADC of the Rose team also chose the fierce Piltover policewoman in the laning phase. This heroine who has the uniform and temptation capital is very domineering in the early stage.

Wu Di sensibly gave up the first wave of small soldiers to make up the knife, but kept moving in translation, always paying attention to every move of the robot.

As long as you can ensure your own safety, you don't have to worry about making up a little behind.

The ADC of the Rose team is their captain Lu Xuanxuan. While she skillfully completes the last knife, she also makes Lin Huanhuan's robot play more aggressively.

After four waves of small soldiers, the policewoman has already pushed the line of soldiers to the opponent's tower by virtue of her strong suppression ability!
At this time, the robot has just reached the third level, and has the E skill that can knock the opponent into the air. So, the robot immediately activated the W skill that can accelerate, and the motor was fully activated, and it quickly approached with a domineering aura. Leopard girl.

This is a classic style of play after robot level 3: use the acceleration effect to quickly approach the opponent, and look for opportunities to knock the opponent into the air. If the opponent retreats quickly, calculate the opponent's retreat route, stretch out the mechanical flying claws, and grab the opponent. .

At the same time that the robot was running towards Leopard Girl, Udyr, the jungler of Team Rose, the beast spirit, had come out from the grass under the opponent's four ghosts, and went straight to Leopard Girl from behind Leopard Girl!


This is a classic gank tactic, first let the multiplayer push the pawn line under the opponent's tower, and then the gank heroes go around and outflank, forming an excellent situation of three against one!
The initial heroes have low blood volume and low skill levels. As long as the control skills can hit the opponent, they will definitely be able to get the first blood smoothly!

Team Rose used two people to suppress Leopard Girl in the middle lane before, occupying the upper hand on the scene. At this time, with Udyr's gank, unless Leopard Girl can flash away in the first time and is not hooked by the robot, all Everyone thinks that Leopard Girl's first blood must be explained here!
Someone in the crowd sighed: I'm afraid I have to explain the zero casualty record of the player named Wu Youzhi here...

At this time, Wu Di was highly concentrated, and when he suddenly saw the robot rushing towards him with exhaust fumes, he knew that the opponent would definitely have a backhand.When he saw Udyr's figure on the small map, he immediately evacuated the small soldier pile and fled to the tower.

The escape route of the robot is a straight line when it sees the opponent. In addition, the teammate breaks and outflanks, and the distance between the two is very close.
Lin Huanhuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and decisively let the robot stretch out its flying claws!

The flying claw is extremely fast, and it completely predicts the opponent's retreat route. Unless the opponent surrenders the flash, otherwise, even a professional player may not be able to dodge it easily!And when he handed over the flash, Udyr could slap her unconscious with a slap, and then go up and knock her into the air. Coupled with the policewoman's basic attack and skills, she will definitely be able to take away the blood that is close at hand!

And if the opponent doesn't need to flash and is hooked by him, then the next thing will be easier, and the crispy leopard girl will definitely hand over the first blood faster!

When the mechanical flying claws were half a millimeter away from hooking the leopard girl, Lin Huanhuan had already simulated all the subsequent scenes in his mind, and exclaimed excitedly in advance:

Half a second later, the other members of King's Team suddenly heard a moderate impact sound, and everyone was so startled that they immediately focused their attention on the source of the sound—in front of the computer where Wu Di was sitting.

They stared dumbfounded at Wu Di gently rubbing his right thumb, and then heard Wu Di apologize to everyone in the earphone:
"Hehe, I'm sorry, I exerted too much force just now, and touched the keyboard when I swung the mouse, which affected everyone. Don't mind, don't mind, you guys continue. I will take care of it in the middle."

Before the words fell, the glamorous and noble female voice of the system was already heard in the ears of the team members - FIRSTBLOOD!

A blood?

The moment we turned our heads, blood had already erupted?

The startled people hurriedly turned their heads to look at their computer screens at the same time, and their expressions froze instantly!
A message was displayed on the big screen: The wild huntress killed the spirit of the beast!Got first blood!

Then, the bewildered team members hurriedly retreated their heroes to a safe position, and then immediately switched the screen to the middle.

They found that Leopard Girl was standing between the first tower and the second tower at this time, and directly in front of it, the robot in the opponent's hand was frozen in front of the first tower, motionless.And not far from him is Udyr's corpse!
what happened?
What exactly happened just now?
When everyone had doubts, they heard thunderous applause from the tens of thousands of spectators outside the competition room after a brief silence, resounding across the sky of the dazzling e-sports arena.

What happened?
Everyone was a little anxious, wanting to know what happened before, and the loud discussions of the audience had clearly told them the answer.

[Damn it, what was that just now!He avoided the robot's magic hook by moving at a right angle, and then flashed away at the moment when Udyr's giant palm slapped the Leopard girl on the ground.

Although Udyr's stun skill has been determined to take effect, Leopard Girl is already far away from them!There is no room for mistakes in every operation!Otherwise, Leopard Girl will definitely surrender her blood! 】

【what is this!Didn't you see that the leopard girl took a blood just now?Didn't you see the leopard girl flew out a deadly javelin immediately after the dizziness ended, and hit Udyr who was running away?Didn't you guys see the tower's super attack deal tons of damage to Udyr?
Leopard girl actually got first blood?This is the bright spot, cheaters! 】

[This is a fart!You all overlooked a problem!Udyr knew that he couldn't resist twice, and after the leopard girl hit him, he immediately fled from the tower, but...he was still dead!Do you know why?That was the moment when Udyr caught the Leopard Girl, and the Leopard Girl put the ignition on Udyr's body without realizing it!
If there is no ignited damage, how can it be possible to accept Udyr's head and get the blood that blinds everyone? ! 】

Some amateur players with good strength swelled their eyes as big as bull's eyes, pointed at the slow motion playback on the big screen tremblingly, and kept repeating in their mouths:

[This is... This is a quick step!If I remember correctly, this is the one-word flash step that Wu Di used back then!I heard that every time I use this one-word flash step, my right hand will collide violently with the keyboard because of too much force. It is because of too many side effects, so Wu Di will not use it often! 】

[One-word dodging... top-level dodging skills combined with right-angle walking and flashing!Did you see that, after Leopard Girl walked at a right angle, she formed a straight line with the flashing foothold!This is where the name of the word flash step comes from! 】

[Too strong, he is the captain of the king team, right?This kind of anticipation and hand speed are already at the professional level, why are you still playing amateur games here?Are the scouts of the top teams all blind? 】

【His name is Wu Youzhi... I have already memorized this name, and in time, this kid must be a superstar in the e-sports world.

That calmness in the face of the opponent's three-person attack, that brilliant top-notch operation, that god-like anticipation awareness, it's hard not to be famous...]

At this point, the name Wu Youzhi began to spread rapidly among League of Legends fans in Tianfu City...

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(End of this chapter)

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