Chapter 131 Betrayal
It's not very difficult to perform one-word flash step, but in that moment, to make a right-angle move requires not only extraordinary reaction, but also extremely high hand speed, both of which are required to complete this operation.

Moreover, this technique usually allows the hero to advance in a straight line at the bottom right first, then move to the left at a right angle and then use flash, thus forming a large-scale one-line movement picture, so holding the mouse The right hand tends to collide violently with the keyboard when using a left-handed right angle.

Among the professional players in the e-sports world, there is an operating habit that can barely be called a weakness, that is, the right wrist that holds the mouse is often more flexible when swinging to the left than to the right.Of course, the opposite is true for left-handed pros.

This is also the reason why the one-word flash step will cause the right hand to collide violently with the keyboard.


The morale of the Rose team plummeted.

I thought that the three of them would encircle the middle road, and they could catch the turtle in the urn and win the first blood, but I didn't expect that stealing chickens would not lose the rice.

This undoubtedly caused a lot of damage to the five beauties of Team Rose.

E-sports players are different from ordinary sports players. Their morale comes directly from their hearts.If the scene is played smoothly, the spirit will naturally rise, and super-level performance will be easier to appear; but if you are suppressed by the opponent everywhere, and after the opponent obtains key resources or wins a team battle in a superior situation, you will often have a mentality. Subtle changes will occur.And these subtle changes will directly affect the judgment of e-sports players, so that they cannot complete normal operations.

The heated discussion among the audience has already let the other team members who cannot see the replay understand everything that happened just now.

All of a sudden, the members of Team Rose were sluggish and listless.They are amateur masters, so they have naturally heard the prestige of one-word dodging, and the guy who accepted the bet was able to use this top-level dodging skill, which made them suddenly feel powerless and timid-[They can't beat the king's team ] This thought began to grow in his mind.

Wu Di's quick step and the sudden javelin left an indelible impression on the hearts of the five beauties.

After confirming what happened before, all the members of King's Team also glanced at the captain who was rubbing his wrist with concern, and asked:

"Captain, is your wrist okay?"

"It's okay, just leave me alone and take care of yourself."

And Ye Wuhen once specialized in all styles of play that are prevalent in the League of Legends today, and naturally realized that one-word flash step is one of the signature skills that Wu Di first developed back then, so he quickly reminded:
"Captain, such a technique... don't use it... remember what I told you before the game. It's not the time yet!"

Wu Di nodded and said with a smile: "Hehe, it's just a temporary itch, there will be no next time. I know what to do."

After confirming that there is no need to worry about the captain's status, the players also came to the line again and continued to deal with their opponents.

At this time, the mid-lane duo of Team Rose had been absent-minded for a short period of time, and they were fully motivated again, continuing to suppress Wu Di's Leopard Girl in the mid-lane.

"It's just a fluke first blood. Don't be discouraged, you girls. Although it looks like the top-notch one-word flash step, it can't be ruled out that this is his performance after hitting a big luck. Team King The strength of the players in other lanes is very average, you should gain the online advantage as soon as possible, remove the outer tower, and then we will directly push forward in the middle lane to speed up the pace of the game!"

As the captain, Lu Xuanxuan naturally wanted to appease the team members, and his analysis of the battle situation was also very reasonable.From the point of view of CS, even if it is as strong as this leopard girl, it is nearly 20 blades behind her own ADC CS, and the top lane is even 30 blades away. However, because the bottom lane is the metal master who clears the soldiers the fastest among the mage heroes, so the last knife is not far behind, only seven or eight knives less than the opponent's ADC.

With the captain's timely encouragement, the beauties of the Rose team also lifted their spirits, swept away the haze in their hearts, and continued to concentrate on the game.

Indeed, as the captain said, it is too early to talk about the outcome!

Half a minute later, the top laner of Team Rose manipulated the vampire to successfully take away Lin Xiaoxiao's Prince Demacia and got the second blood.The head-to-head ratio also became a 1:1 tie!
"The captain is right! The fighting power of the rest of them is scum, and this top order is a mess. Come on everyone, we will definitely win!"

Rose's top laner was named Chen Yuanyuan. After taking the opponent's head, she immediately burst into a terrifying queenlike aura like a queen with a whip.

When the other team members saw that Chen Yuanyuan's vampire still had nearly [-]% of its health remaining after the battle, they naturally guessed that the top laner of the King's team was very low-level!The news cheered up the five beauties in the workplace again.

Lin Xiaoxiao was killed by her opponent, with a frustrated face, she complained in the headset:

"Master, look, I said I can't be the top laner, but you insist on letting me be the top laner. Let's do it now. I was killed by the opponent. This is the end of the bet, and the top lane is about to explode."

Wu Di comforted softly in the earphone:

"It's okay, you can hide under the tower to make up the knife, Xia Jie, go to the top lane to help more, don't use it in the middle and bottom lanes."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly took a look at his team's last hit data and the situation on the field. Wu Di was very puzzled by a phenomenon that shouldn't have happened.

Xia Ninghan!
Although Xia Ninghan's ADC strength can't be called professional level, but among amateur players, it is definitely top level!But why hasn't she burst out after the game has been going on for so long?They are two against one in the bottom lane. Why is the metal master's last hit only a few knives behind?Could it be that she was waiting for an opportunity to kill with one blow?
Well, maybe she was waiting for a chance.

Being suppressed by the two opponents in the middle, Wu Di didn't have much thought to continue to care about his teammates. He quickly restrained his thoughts and continued to do his best to complete every possible last attack.

After 15 minutes passed.

A tower in the middle road was blown up by a policewoman.

Lin Xiaoxiao's Prince Demacia was singled out three times by his opponent.

Xia Jie's blind monk in the jungle didn't have the right chance to gank, so no one got any kills or assists, but just reversed the opponent's two BUFF monsters.

Going down the road...Xia Ninghan and Ye Wuhen turned out to be the little soldiers who peacefully made up with the opponent for more than ten minutes!

Seeing this scene, Wu Di couldn't hold back anymore, and tried to control his emotions and asked in the earphone:

"Sister Ninghan, why are you a little out of order today?"

Of course Xia Ninghan knew what happened to her body, she snorted and said coldly:
"You don't need to worry about it, I know how to fight. You can deal with yourself."

As soon as these words came out, not only Wu Di noticed that Xia Ninghan was indeed very prejudiced against him, but even the innocent girl Lin Xiaoxiao could hear that there seemed to be gunpowder in this tone.

"Take care of myself? Of course I will hand over the dominant data, but what about you, are you playing at half the usual level now? Is there anything, can we talk about it after the game is over?"

Ye Wuhen would never have thought that this was a plot secretly brewed by Xia Ninghan, and asked in puzzlement:
"Xia Ninghan, the blind monk came to the bottom lane gank twice before, and you attacked them hastily and desperately, allowing the opponent to see through the gank. This is not like you at all. You see, just follow what the captain said, first Win the game, let's have a good talk, there is no knot that cannot be untied."

However, Xia Ninghan's eyes were fixed on the screen, but there was an imperceptible smile on the corner of her mouth.

Finally, his deliberate preservation of strength, and his acting skills comparable to Oscar-winning actresses, put the Winner team at a very obvious disadvantage in this game!

Wu Di was suppressed by others, his equipment formed very slowly, and a tower in the middle lane was destroyed, so he didn't dare to leave the middle lane easily; Lin Xiaoxiao, who was on the road, had never played a top laner before, so naturally he seemed very unfamiliar in all aspects, and he appeared faintly. In order to let the opponent's top laner become a god rhythm; Xia Jie's blind monk roamed up and down the lane frequently, but he did not get any kills or assists, and had lost the deterrence of the early stage; Let the metal master successfully develop!

[It's almost time... the foreplay has been done enough, it's time to show off your acting skills. 】Xia Ninghan thought to herself.

Just listen to her sneer at all the team members in the earphone:

"I'm normal, very normal, you and your captain... are you questioning me?"

"We're not questioning you, but your behavior is too abnormal." Ye Wuhen said.

Xia Ninghan simply flicked the mouse, took off the earphones, folded her arms around her chest, and said coldly:
"What? Am I abnormal? Don't think I didn't see it. When we played the last few rounds yesterday, your captain was having a hot chat with a hot and beautiful sister. In the end, he asked him how he answered last night. Well, guess how he answered?

He didn't answer!
He refused to tell me everything about the woman who approached me!
I find that trust has been lost between me and your captain.League of Legends is a team game that requires the trust and support of teammates the most.But he didn't trust me enough, and I myself don't trust him anymore!
So, I don't want to play this game anymore, I don't want to be teammates with people who don't trust each other!
Isn't he very strong, then let him alone lead you to victory in the future! "

Before she finished speaking, Xia Ninghan suddenly got up, stepped on the slender high heels and walked out of the competition room!
Wu Di was taken aback for a moment, completely dumbfounded.

Xia Ninghan has never asked herself about Qin Rou. If she wanted to ask, she would definitely tell her everything. How could she refuse?

Why would she invent such an obvious lie?

What is she trying to do?
Before the rest of the team could react, Xia Ninghan had already come to the on-site supervisory referee, and applied for a personal withdrawal request, and the reason was: She was not feeling well!
Everyone in King's Team looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Wu Di came to his senses, immediately got up and rushed out, calling Xia Ninghan who had already walked a long way.

"Sister Ninghan, what do you want to do?"

Xia Ninghan didn't turn her head back, and said coldly:
"Stop calling me by my name...

I don't want to do anything, oh yes, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you.Starting today, you and I will make a clean break and officially break up! "

"What?" Wu Di was taken aback, obviously not guessing the serious consequences.

"Don't use that naive look to confuse me anymore. I have already seen through your heart. You have betrayed me... That's it, we don't need to contact any more in the future!"

After finishing speaking, a big boy jumped up to Xia Ninghan's side, pulled the corner of her skirt, and asked innocently:

"Sister, are we leaving?"

Xia Ning nodded as cold as frost, and then led Wang Yuanyuan, and the two walked straight out of the gate of the e-sports hall.

The audience in the stands and everyone in the Rose team discovered the change in the King team. They stared at Wu Di who was still on the field in disbelief, and their eyes widened in surprise.

[This... which play is this acting in?The main player retired? 】

[Sister in skirt and socks, have I time-traveled?Is this the scene of a movie? 】

[The undeniable fact is that the beautiful contestant has already retired!what to do?Didn't King's team have to admit defeat?Are they having infighting? 】

[Although Team King is suppressed by Team Rose, the economic gap is not that big. What is this girl going to do?Are you so arrogant that you don't care about the life and death of the team?Hey, it seems that the League of Legends is really not suitable for girls...]

[This is not considered explosive, didn't you hear it just now?What did the girl who left say to their captain?It's a breakup! !Wu Youzhi's classmate fell in love?Or was someone offered to break up, and mercilessly? 】

[Yes, yes, this is the biggest gossip of this year's Talent Cup.Although he couldn't see the real expression under the peaked cap, he must be heartbroken. Can he still compete? 】

[It's still a fart, there is one less staff, and the strongest captain is still in public, and he was dumped by Bai Fumei!In this case, they must have surrendered.I don't know if the player named Wu Youzhi can survive this blow. 】

[The world is so big that there are no surprises.Nima, this kind of thing has happened to me.I will write this incident into my novel when I go back!Excellent theme!The title is just that—Secrets: Bai Fumei angrily dumps Gao Fushuai.Subtitle: How can e-sports and love have both? 】

During the match between the Roses.

Lin Huanhuan looked at Xia Ninghan who rushed out of the door, confused.

"Captain, what are they trying to do? Halfway through the game, a player suddenly ran away?"

"Yeah, is this the rhythm of their surrender?"

After Lu Xuanxuan frowned and thought for a moment, he ordered to the team members:

"Everyone sweeps the snow before their own doors. We don't need or have the right to take care of their team's affairs! Just do our own thing!"

Lin Huanhuan suddenly asked again: "In that case, we won't be able to win by force. They must be unable to fight and will surrender. Then, will the bet between us and Wu Youzhi still be valid?"

"Of course it works! No matter how we win, we win! His level is very high, we must make good use of him to improve our own level!"


Everyone in the King's team was worried, and they were all stunned on the spot, helpless.

They were worried that Wu Di's mental state would collapse suddenly, and they were also worried that the King's team would just surrender for no reason?

After Wu Di was absent-minded for a moment, he pulled down his peaked cap heavily, turned around decisively and returned to the competition room.

Just when the team members wanted to ask what happened, Wu Di said in a low voice with an indifference like ten thousand years of ice:
"Leave her alone. Let's keep playing."

"But, but there are only four of us? How do we fight?"

"That's right, how could four people defeat five people? Besides, Sister Ninghan is playing ADC, without this main output, our chances of winning are almost zero."

At this time, the referee also came to ask Wu Di if he wanted to continue the game.

"Let's continue. Referee, in this case, can the team be subbed?"

The referee replied impartially: "Yes, yes, but you don't have any substitutes? The only substitute has been taken away by that girl."

Wu Di's mind was running fast, and it was fixed on a figure.Then he asked again:

"We don't need a substitute for this game, just four against five. Can we find a substitute for the next game?"

Seeing that Wu Di insisted on fighting, the on-site supervisor suddenly lost his mind, so he replied gently:
"I can't make the decision either. Let me ask the leadership of the organizing committee for you. To be honest, I like watching your games very much. Regardless of your age, I am also passionate about e-sports. I will try my best Help you."

"Thank you."

Ever since, under the surprised expressions of the audience, the game between the king team and the rose team was suspended for 5 minutes.

Immediately afterwards, a news came from the radio on the rostrum, which caused a sensation in the audience.

"After discussion by the organizing committee, considering that the King's team still persists in the game with one less player, this kind of competitive spirit is worth advocating, so we made the following decision-in this game, the King's team will continue to play four against five; but In the next game, if Team King can find a non-active professional player as a substitute within 10 minutes, we will allow them to continue the game.

Of course, if they can't find a substitute, we will disqualify them! "

There was a lot of discussion in the e-sports hall in an instant, some were sweating for the king team, some were adding insult to injury, but most of them took a wait-and-see attitude.

The on-site supervising referee hurried into the game room of the King's team and sighed:

"Student Wu Youzhi, you should have heard the broadcast. I have tried my best to speak well of you in front of the organizing committee."

Wu Di nodded forcefully and said: "Thank you uncle referee, we will not give up, never will!"

The referee patted Wu Di on the shoulder with satisfaction, and suggested:

"This game... just give up. You were already at a disadvantage in the early stage, and now there is one less player, so you might as well save your strength and prepare for the next game. By the way, can you call a substitute?"

Wu Di looked up at a corner of the stand, fixed his eyes on the worried long-haired woman, nodded again and said:

"I can find a substitute!
And, we won't give up on this game!
Even if you lose, you have to stand up and lose. Our king team will do everything possible! "

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(End of this chapter)

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