Chapter 132
When the King's team re-dressed and prepared to play four against five, the audience immediately became a sensation.

The audience pointed at the players in the game room, and the most talked about was naturally Wu Di wearing a dark peaked cap.

[No way, do they really want to continue fighting?Four against five?The opponent is not a rookie team composed of elementary school students, how could they win?Think too much. 】

[Isn't that right, the captain of the King's team was dumped by Bai Fumei in public, which must have affected his spirit and spirit. Isn't it a bit difficult for him to let the players continue to fight?Or is it just to vent the resentment in my heart? 】

【It's a pity, it's a pity, this kid is so strong, he should have a chance to win this year's Talent Cup, but he didn't expect this kind of accident to happen, but... I am very optimistic about the future of this kid. 】

The five professional beauties of Team Rose didn't talk as much as the audience. Since the opponent insisted on fighting, they naturally wouldn't let it go and handed over the victory.

When the timeout was over, Lu Xuanxuan immediately asked his teammates to cheer up, and must use all their strength to deal with the king team!
The spirit of never giving up is easier said than done, and all of a sudden, the fighting spirit of the opponent infected these five beauties who love e-sports.

Lu Xuanxuan knew very well that the opponent must want to fight to the end, even if he loses, he will not compromise easily.

This is a never-say-die spirit worth admiring.

This is one of the most exciting and glorious moments in the e-sports career.

As an opponent, the only thing you can do is to go all out to show your respect for your opponent!

Soon, the Rose team found that they still underestimated the Kings team too much, or in other words, underestimated the strongest opponent who seemed to have suffered a heavy blow just now.

Wild Huntress Nedry... can Nima's Q not be so accurate!

Lu Xuanxuan and his teammates still pretended to be calm on the surface, but in fact, they had already abandoned the image of a lady that made men ecstasy, and began to curse:
[Grandma, I have good intentions to fight with you to the end, but you act like Brother Chun possessed, wanting to kill us one by one?Leopard girl, if I don't kill you in seconds, I swear I won't be human! 】

[My mother raised Leopard Girl's status to the same status as Mr. Timo's today—damn you, Leopard Girl, you must die! 】

[Sister, we are not in a group, I want you to be strong for a while, I didn't expect to be so disrespectful to my sister, Q makes my sister's ass hurt, oh, no, it's my buttocks hurting!Leopard girl, this is a mockery you asked for! 】

In an instant, all the members of the Rose team fell into a state of berserk. They no longer procrastinated to split the line, but directly marched in a group of five in the middle, and must win the king team in the shortest possible time!
But when the five of them huddled in the middle of the road, they realized that they were wrong again!
With five people together, there are many targets and a large range, which invisibly increases the success rate of Leopard Girl's javelin hit!
As long as the hero of the wild huntress does not appear on the screen, it can make the five beauties terrified for a long time.Because, that is almost a javelin throwing knife, every shot is so accurate and so ruthless!

As long as you are a little dazed or move carelessly, a huge javelin will fly towards you from an incredible angle, and then you will be hit hard by the rigidity of your control!
This is not a question of whether the chrysanthemum hurts or not, but that the health value directly drops by a large amount. If it is hit by the javelin again, it will be sent to the head like a naked fruit...

It wasn't until this moment that Lu Xuanxuan really understood how powerful Wu Di was.That is an inexplicable deterrent force, it is a kingly spirit that is superior to all heroes!
A leopard girl has already brought them such a strong deterrent force that a trace of fear was born out of thin air in their hearts?
How is this going?How could there be such a strong feeling?There are only four of them!Why is there such a strong premonition that the fight cannot be won?
Suddenly, Lu Xuanxuan looked back at the team members, and saw that they also looked solemn and anxious.If this continues, their own morale will be wiped out by Leopard Girl Q!

You can't sit still like this!Children of the king's team, don't blame your sister for being cruel!

With this in mind, Lu Xuanxuan immediately issued an order to attack, and the five beauties manipulated their heroes to jump over the tower and kill them!

And their first-choice target didn't need the captain's reminder, the spearhead was already directed at the Leopard Girl who flung the javelin so coquettishly!

At the same time, Wu Di, who was calmly controlling Leopard Girl, saw the opponent's strong attack, and calmly said in the earphone:
"The opponent's style of play is correct. Since they are no longer grinding with us, our only chance to win has been lost. The outcome of this game has been decided. Don't be discouraged. I will find the best player for you. Great substitute!"

Before the words fell, Wu Di, who had been prepared for a long time, once again made a one-word dodge step, avoiding the opponent's encirclement and suppression.As soon as Team Rose saw the Leopard girl slipping away, they immediately focused their fire on other people.

The teammates couldn't care less about taking care of Wu Di's mood at this time. Facing the opponent's strong attack, they also tried their best to resist for a while, but in the end, because of the inferior number, the formation was smashed by the opponent in an instant. .

The inner tower in the middle lane was broken, and three members of the King's team were killed!
Only Leopard Girl was left alone on the screen, still fighting and retreating, and constantly performing magical skills of flying spears!

Because the five members of Team Rose forcibly rushed to the tower, they suffered more damage from the defensive tower, and coupled with the opponent's stubborn resistance, their remaining health was not optimistic.However, none of them died.

The audience looked at the tragic situation of the King's team and lamented that the general situation is over. The Rose team has pushed the line of troops to the high ground and is about to demolish the middle high ground tower and barracks.

Just when everyone thought that Leopard Girl should consciously return to the pool of the base and give up resistance, a javelin with a dazzling golden light hit the robot with blood in it!

In the blink of an eye, the robot fell down, and one member of Team Rose was killed!
Team Rose, which did not reduce its personnel in the team battle, was killed by Leopard Q during the demolition of the tower, which made the audience's eyes shine.

A few seconds later, another desperate gun flew quickly from outside the field of vision, slamming the female policewoman with half of her health remaining, and then followed the robot into the waiting time for resurrection.

After the audience fell into a brief daze, they broke out into various discussions.

【what is this?Maybe that Leopard girl would kill all the bloody Roses by herself? 】

[A pair of five?Damn, did I time travel again?That leopard girl really figured it out! 】

[Haha, the spirit of this leopard girl is worthy of praise!Moreover, two people have been killed by Q. I wonder if the rhythm of harvesting will continue? 】

[Leopard Girl's Q is so accurate!Why didn't the bloody Rose team pay attention to their positions?It's so easy to let it Q kill two people, it won't work like this. 】

[The Leopard Girl has not flashed, Rose should immediately rush forward, so that the Leopard Girl can throw the javelin casually within the field of vision, even if you come with a hundred people, you will be killed by Q. 】

[Wonderful, really wonderful!The captain of the King's team... This is definitely a blockbuster rhythm! 】

At this time, the remaining three members of the Rose team concentrated their attention again, not only huddled behind the little soldiers, but also kept an eye out for any javelins flying in from unexpected places.

After the opponent stepped up his vigilance and quickly pushed down the highland tower, Wu Di also lost the barrier to stand guard.He immediately pushed behind the two defense towers of the base camp, and wandered around again, looking for opportunities to hit the enemy.

Soon, when the opponent forcibly demolished a defense tower, Wu Di had found another good opportunity to shoot Udyr to death!
[The third one!This is already the third! 】

[Yeah, although Team King will definitely not be able to win this match, it's still quite pleasing to appreciate the leopard girl's flying spear art. 】

[Not bad, this kid is very tenacious, I admire him very much! 】


In the end, when the super soldier appeared on the screen, Wu Di was powerless alone. Although one person was killed by Q again, and his teammates were also very dedicated to making the final resistance, Team Rose still broke through the base without any danger. , won the game!

However, after Team Rose won the victory, they all showed expressions of relief, and beads of sweat the size of beans oozed from their tense foreheads.

"It's too strong, he's too strong! I'm afraid I'll have nightmares tonight." Lin Huanhuan was so outraged by the Q.

"That's right. Fortunately, there are few of them. Otherwise, we would definitely lose."

Facing the venting of his teammates, Lu Xuanxuan also breathed out a sigh of relief, and then encouraged:

"Don't be discouraged, everyone. As I said earlier, League of Legends is a team game. As long as the five of us work together, we will be able to defeat them. Although he is a bit ridiculously strong, we are stronger as a whole!"

"Captain, will they play a second game?"

"'s hard to say..." Lu Xuanxuan agreed with his mouth, and his heart was also in a state of panic. If they really wanted to fight again, their chances of winning would be almost zero—if it wasn't for the sudden reduction of the opponent's staff, otherwise, We have already lost!

After the first match, Wu Di patted the shoulders of the other three, without leaving a single word, he walked out of the stadium gate alone.

After arriving outside the stadium, Wu Di quickly took out his phone and dialed a phone number he got yesterday.Before he could make a sound in the future, the receiver on the other side had already said first:
"Your strength is still so terrifying. I saw what happened just now. Is that girl who said to break up in front of you your girlfriend? Oh, is it your ex-girlfriend?"

Wu Di was expressionless and did not answer, but asked directly:

"Help me once. I only have 10 minutes. As long as you agree to help me this time, I will owe you a huge favor."

"Haha, are you... are you begging me? Favors are unreliable. I hope you can come up with something more practical."

Wu Di suddenly closed his eyes, opened them suddenly after a moment of silence, and replied:
"Whether I break up or not has nothing to do with you, but I urgently need to find a substitute for the team now, and regardless of your strength or the current situation, you are the best candidate. As long as you promise to help me this time, I can promise to help me in the future." You do one thing. As long as this thing does not violate human nature and does not touch the law, I can promise you!"

"Oh? Is there such a good thing? Then I will say my request now - I will be your girlfriend!"

"I can't promise you this matter, because I still need to confirm some things. You don't have to say your request so quickly. I will do what I say! Now, will you help, or not?"

"Oh, you are begging others, can't you have a better attitude? Oh, you must be in a bad mood now, so I will reluctantly accept your attitude."

Wu Di interrupted:
"It's not a pleading! It's an exchange! You don't have to agree to me. Without you, I will still fight with the opponent again with four of us."

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you. Really, I have no sense of humor at all. You come to the public toilet next to the right door."

"You... promise to help me?"

"Nonsense, if I don't help you, who will help you?
Send you this piece of high-energy carbon in the snow!You have to remember what you promised! "

"it is good!"

3 minute later.

In front of the public toilet outside the venue, Wu Di met Qin Rou, who was dressed up beautifully.

As soon as he saw Qin Rou, Wu Di suddenly frowned, and couldn't help asking:
"Wait! How can you compete like this? Didn't the fanatical fans at the scene recognize you easily?"

Qin Rou smiled mysteriously, and asked back: "Excuse me, when I was looking for you in the stands yesterday, did other people recognize me?"

Wu Di was taken aback for a moment, recalling the scene of the meeting yesterday, and indeed did not find anyone calling out Qin Rou's name.

"No need to think hard. When I appeared in front of the official games and the media, my image was far from my current image. Of course they would not recognize me. But just to be on the safe side, make sure that I will not be recognized by those give me 3 minutes! I have a surefire plan!
Let you experience it, my most famous 3-minute makeup changing method! "

So, under Wu Dilue's ecstatic expression, Qin Rou hurriedly carried her big satchel like a cunning fox, and rushed into the toilet with a whoosh.

Another 3 minutes passed, and when Qin Rou appeared in front of Wu Di again, Wu Di was too surprised to say a word.

A beautiful woman with outstanding looks turned into... a school girl in an instant? !
The long hair was tied into a ponytail, and the sexy and provocative black silk was replaced with jeans. The deliberately sketched face was removed from the expensive makeup, and turned into a slightly pure, slightly lively youthful face.

What is even more unbelievable is that there are many more spots on the originally pure and flawless face, which makes Qin Rou's appearance drop by more than three levels!
Is this... still Qin Rou?

Wu Di's eyes were bulging, and he was completely stunned by it.

Qin Rou was very satisfied with Wu Di's surprised expression. After she spun around in front of Wu Di like an elf, she pouted playfully and asked coquettishly:
"My dear, what's the matter? Have you recovered yet? I'm Rourou."

Wu Di shook his head, and didn't bother to ask Qin Rou how to achieve the process of instant transformation, so he said coldly:
"The appearance is fine. If you don't look closely for a few minutes, almost no one will recognize you. But you are playing in the mid laner. Can you play ADC?"

Qin Rou glanced at Wu Di disdainfully, and said dissatisfiedly: "What international joke are you making? My sister is a professional player. In this kind of amateur competition, she can be competent in any position. You must not know how good I am. Hmph, I'm going to steal your limelight later!"

Wu Di waved his hand and vetoed: "No, you can't be too eye-catching. Otherwise, your identity will be exposed."

Qin Rou curled her lips, and immediately showed a bright smile again:

"Well, everything is up to you. But you have to keep your word, I can ask you to do one thing."

"Well, with a word from a gentleman, it's hard to chase after a horse."

"That's good! I have a request now! I want to hold your hand and go back to the e-sports hall!"

Wu Di was startled, he never expected that this girl would make such a request so quickly, and it was still such an ambiguous request?
"Hey, I haven't even asked you to be my boyfriend. This request is not too much. If you promise, I won't go."

In order to win, Wu Di is determined to go all out.He nodded and stretched out his arms to Qin Rou actively.

Seeing this, the satisfied Qin Rou immediately clapped her hands, and happily took Wu Di's arm.

When Wu Di led Qin Rou, who was pretending to be nervous and timid, back to the venue, the audience's exclamation was louder and louder.

[I wipe!This Wu Youzhi is completely between Niu A and Niu C!He was forced to break up with a goddess-level woman just a few minutes ago, and now he brings back another pure and innocent girl? 】

【Are you mistaken? That student girl's beauty is not inferior to the one just now.In addition to the many freckles on his face, he is also a beauty... This kid's popularity with women is too good. 】

[He brought back such a girl after only a few minutes out... Don't tell me, this is their team's substitute player?This student sister is going to play in the game?It wouldn't be a temporary find to make up the number. 】

[Why do you care so much, watch the game and watch the game! 】


As soon as he came in front of the referee, Wu Di said that the girl was a substitute player of his team, but she just went out in a hurry and didn't bring her ID card, so she could accommodate her.

The referee uncle had already become a fan of Wu Di, so naturally he would not take it too seriously. After a simple inspection, he called a staff member of the organizing committee and applied for a substitution.

This staff member is naturally familiar with all the well-known professional players in the e-sports circle, but when he saw Qin Rou, he was startled by the [freckles] on Qin Rou's face and took two steps back.

He coughed twice in embarrassment, and without looking at him for a few moments, he immediately announced that Qin Rou could be substituted.

Qin Rou is very satisfied with the shocking effect brought by this [freckle], and it is naturally its credit for being able to get away with it so easily.

Ever since, Wu Di took Qin Rou by his arm and walked slowly towards his competition room...

Finally, the unrecognizable Qin Rou officially debuted as a substitute player of the King's team!
 Ask for a subscription.

(End of this chapter)

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