Chapter 133 Weaknesses
"Hi everyone, I'm Qin Wudi, a super invincible beautiful girl who pays equal attention to beauty and wisdom, the double incarnation of devil and angel, and whose body is proportional to her strength.

With my joining, under my leadership, you will make your opponent surrender in 10 minutes with overwhelming momentum!

Come on guys, let's make the audience scream! "

This was Qin Rou's opening remarks while sitting in front of the game computer. After she finished speaking, the other members of the King's team looked at each other in amazement and looked at the expressionless Wu Di.

Wu Di looked cold on the surface, but his forehead was already full of black lines—this beauty professional player ranked second in the All-Stars not only surprised people with his ability to change clothes, but also changed his language as he said, without any flaws at all.

Wu Di cleared his throat, did not give too much explanation and description to the super invincible girl, and said in a cold voice directly in the earphone:
"No need to talk nonsense. This is our substitute player. She will help us complete the rest of the Talent Cup competition. As for her real identity, I can't reveal it for the time being. Alright, let's start the competition. Let's make a quick decision!"

In the banning process, Wu Di's powerful Rose team has been taught over and over again, and they specifically banned the three heroes, the outlaw lunatic, the king of war, and the leopard girl who left an indelible impression on them. , and he also offered a rather powerful team battle lineup:
Playing the Mummy of Wild Death, ADC Verus the Arrow of Punishment, supporting Xingella the Thorn, clockwork monster in the mid lane, and weapon master in the top lane.

The horror of this lineup is that all heroes have group control skills!
Mumu can freeze the target for two seconds in a wide range, the ultimate move of the arrow of retribution can make each hero of the opponent be fixed for one second in turn like a drum, and Zyra's ultimate move can make all enemies within the range go up to the sky to look at the stars , the clockwork big move can make the opponent be pulled, and finally the weapon master's E skill can stun the enemy for 1 seconds.

It is conceivable that when these five heroes seamlessly connect their group control ults, it will definitely become a dark moment when the opponent's nightmare comes.

Players who are a little proficient in League of Legends know that in team battles, the level of group control skills will greatly affect the final outcome.Therefore, the Rose team, which was overwhelmed by Wu Di's personal strength, decided not to get too entangled with the opponent, but directly came up with this super lineup that could win the team battle in an instant!
In order to deal with the lineup of Team Rose, Wu Di asked his teammates to choose the following lineup to fight against after a brief thought:
Top laner Kenan, mid laner Mech Pioneer (commonly known as the Three Hands), ADC Heroic Bomber (also known as Airplane), support Shining Girl, and jungler Void Nightmare.

Kenan not only has a very strong ability to start a team first, but also can protect the heroes in the back row with a big move as a backhand; the appearance of the mechanical pioneer made the audience exclaim, because from the moment this hero was born, Throwed into the warehouse by the majority of fans, and rarely played in official competitions, he is the unpopular among the unpopular.However, its group control skills and group damage ability are underestimated by everyone. With its existence, it can restrain the opponent's advance to a certain extent; Causes 10% real damage) is also very powerful in terms of output; Radiant Girl can target people, can add shields to teammates, and coupled with the powerful and extremely long-range big move, it is also an advantage in team battles.
One of the big killers; and the big move of Void Nightmare can make the opponent lose his vision and rush into the opponent's core output hero, which is naturally one of the indispensable heroes in this lineup.

Qin Rou, who came on as a substitute, was originally one of the top five well-known mid laners in China, so she naturally assumed the right to use the mechanical pioneer, while Wu Di used the heroic bombardier Kuqi who had been sitting on the plane watching the scenery.

[Wow ha ha ha, that kid chose a plane, he should be very good at masturbating! 】

[Airplane, an ADC hero, can be used by any man, there is no doubt about it. 】

[Isn't it? A man can't masturbate, is he still called a man? 】

There was a lot of teasing in the auditorium, but it didn't affect Wu Di's mood.

As soon as he entered the official battle screen, Wu Di was like a great general planning strategies, calmly and majesticly issued a series of orders, and every order was as accurate as every stitch, which made the five beauties of the Rose team frequently deflated.

In the first-level team battle, he accurately guessed the opponent's position and successfully won the first blood;

During the laning phase, the plane he controlled made everyone see a kind of sharpness like a biting cold wind blowing across his face. That kind of sharpness not only refers to the top skills of Wu Di's readily available ADC heroes, but also includes his An impression that everyone forms in their brains through a computer screen.

This kind of domineering arrogance was imprinted in everyone's mind unconsciously.

This match was puzzling, but it was also reasonable that the battle ended after 10 minutes, and the winner was naturally Wu Di's Kings team, who was in full swing.

With two top players sitting in the King's team, it is naturally not something that amateur players like the Rose team can match.Although Wu Di did not win another 10 or [-] kills, and although he became the only target locked by the opponent in every team battle, the level and momentum he showed in just [-] to [-] minutes have long been engraved like a brand. In the hearts of the members of Team Rose.

There is also a small tidbit in this game, that is, the girl [Qin Wudi] who came on as a temporary substitute was stopped by Wu Di whenever she was about to do something during the game. It's not easy to ask, but they always feel that this super invincible beautiful girl seems to have been holding back her energy, and the moment she was about to get mad, Wu Di called her back.

Qin Rou pursed her lips, feeling very upset, but Wu Di ignored her, but closed her eyes and rested her mind, preparing for the third round of the tiebreaker!

"Hey, captain, captain, call the captain?"

"Hello, hello, Invincible applied to release the imprisonment, show some performance!"

"Sister in skirt and socks, if you don't talk, I will mess up in the next game!"

Finally, under Qin Rou's constant complaints, Wu Di opened his eyes and said coldly:

"Remember what you promised me, you have no right to mess around."

"It's so fierce, don't you still owe me a request?"

"You have already used it up. When you asked me to bring you into the field just now, you have already used it up. The future games are just your obligation."

Qin Rou originally wanted to liven up the dead atmosphere in the team, but she didn't expect that Wu Di's words would get colder and boring, so she could only stare at her screen and stared blankly for 5 minutes.

Another half an hour passed quickly, and the Kings team once again took down the Roses team without any surprises and won the knockout round!
The five beauties of Team Rose had an appointment with Wu Di, and after being ruthlessly reversed by their opponents, they all lowered their heads and walked out of the game room.

Lu Xuanxuan is a person who is willing to gamble and admit defeat. When he passed by the king team, he came to Wu Di without saying a word. He took out a paper and a pen, wrote down a phone number in a hurry, and handed it to Wu Di.

"You still have games these two days. We are all willing to bet and admit defeat. After your games are over, we will cash in our bets!"


During lunch, all the members of the King's team buried their heads, focusing on finishing the food in their bowls without saying a word.And Wu Di continued the silence to the end, from the moment the game ended to now, he didn't say any more words.

Only the invincible beautiful girl put something into her mouth in a very ladylike manner, while curiously looking at her temporary teammates around her.

Although the silent atmosphere made her unable to display her lively characteristics for a while, after just a few minutes, she found the teammates around her and started talking.

Moreover, after they hadn't chatted for three sentences, Qin Rou would turn the topic to Wu Di.

"What kind of girl does your captain like now?"

"What color does your captain like now? After the accident, does he no longer like sky blue?"

"What kind of clothes does your captain like to wear now? He used to love jeans the most."

In the end, when the other teammates tacitly made contemptuous gestures to her, they restrained this invincible beautiful girl who likes to ask a hundred thousand whys.

Seeing everyone's uniform gestures, although Qin Rou suspended the inquiry work, she asked inexplicably:
"What are you doing?"

Xia Jie answered his own voice on behalf of everyone: Nima, you know everything, and you still come to ask us?

"I know about the past, I just want to know if his taste has changed now."

"Cut!" After everyone drank in unison, they ignored Qin Rou and continued to bury their heads and gobble it up.

Just when everyone thought that this [beautiful girl] would die down, unexpectedly she put down the bowl and chopsticks suddenly, raised her head and looked straight ahead, and said to herself non-stop:

"Enemy! Here comes a very strong enemy! Face is 90 points, body is 85 points, and temperament is 90 points. Well, it is a strong enemy! Although I also have high scores of 85 points for face, 93 points for body, and 90 points for temperament, but this A woman will become my strong enemy!"

All the teammates didn't understand the meaning of Qin Rou's self-talk. When they were about to ask, a familiar figure had already walked into everyone's sight.

"Captain of King's Team, can we talk?"

Before Wu Di could react, Qin Rou stood up with a whoosh, and replied first:

"If you want to talk to the captain, pass me first and report your name and measurements. Oh, no, it's the purpose. Otherwise, our captain won't talk to you."

Ye Qi smiled lightly, lightly.

"Who is this?"

"Listen up! I'm Qin Wudi, a cosmic super invincible beautiful girl! The ace member who just joined the king team!"

"Hehe, hello, sister invincible?"

As soon as Qin Rou heard the word [sister], the aggressiveness and indifference shown before immediately dissipated without a trace.Qin Rou, who suddenly felt that she was a few years younger, rushed to Ye Qi with a stride, hugged her shoulders tightly, and sighed:
"Yeah! Sister, your sister's name is really kind! Can you call me one more time?"

Ye Qi let Qin Rou hug her, buried her head, and whispered in her ear:
"Sister Heartthrob, it's enough to tell a joke once, but if you tell it a second time, it will change the flavor."

Qin Rou clenched her hands, and turned her head to look at Ye Qi: " recognize me? It's impossible. People who don't know me very well in this outfit can recognize me."

Ye Qi smiled slightly and explained: "To be honest, I really admire my sister's great way of changing makeup. I still can't recognize it with my eyes, but... when you met Wu Di, I happened to see it from the side."

Just as Qin Rou kept nodding and suddenly realized, Wu Di raised his peaked cap and said in a low voice:
"What are you here for?"

Ye Qi gently patted Qin Rou, who was similar to her personally, and said, "I have something to ask your captain, please give me some time. Sister!"

Qin Rou let it go with satisfaction, but Wu Di said:

"There should be nothing to talk about between you and me. Please go back. I'm in a bad mood, very bad."

Ye Qi remained calm and replied, "What if I want to talk to you about Xia Ninghan?"

After a while, Wu Di stood up suddenly and pointed to the door of the restaurant.

"Go out and talk."

Afterwards, Ye Qi and Wu Di walked out of the restaurant under the surprised eyes of everyone.

After coming to a remote corner, Ye Qi got straight to the point and said:

"Xia Ninghan came to me before. She told me... She wants your King's team to fall apart!"

"What?! Did she really say that?" Suddenly, Wu Di under the peaked cap began to tremble uncontrollably. This news was undoubtedly more heartbreaking than Xia Ninghan directly breaking up in public.

She was a childhood sweetheart who grew up with me, and she worked tirelessly for the team for several months, but why...why did she ask Ye Qi to say such things?
No, she definitely won't!

"You lied to me! You want to provoke the relationship between the two of us, don't you?" Wu Di said angrily.

"I didn't lie to you. You can use your smart head to think about it. Why did she abandon the team and you under such circumstances? If my deduction is correct, this is what she has planned for a long time. A plan."

Wu Di still wanted to deceive himself, but Xia Ninghan's actual behavior had already made him dispel this idea.

"Is what you said true?"

Ye Qi withdrew her smile and said solemnly:

"You know what? When she brought this up in front of me, I thought she was joking, but it was only when she dumped you a few hours ago that I really realized she wasn't joking!

You are also very curious, why did I find you alone and tell you this matter.

In fact, I really hope that something will happen to the Kings, because in this way, the champion of the Talent Cup will be in our pocket.But you are very capable, and in a short period of time, you recruited Qin Rou, who ranked second in the All-Star votes, as a substitute.

This surprised me very much. If I hadn't seen Qin Rou before entering the toilet with my own eyes, I would have thought that invincible beautiful girl was someone else.

But since your king team can play again, then I want a fair showdown!That's why I'm talking to you. "

The corner of Wu Di's mouth twitched, and he asked, "Would you be able to get rid of all the depression in my heart if you talk to me? You think highly of yourself, don't you?"

Ye Qi didn't care about Wu Di's cynicism, but continued:

"If there are no accidents, the two sides in the final of the Talent Cup tomorrow afternoon will be the king team led by you and my counter-war team!

I want to have a good fight with you again, I don't want you to be distracted by Xia Ninghan's matter, so I want to tell you about it.Based on my understanding of Xia Ninghan in the past two years, it is impossible and she has no reason to do such a thing.But things have happened, and my answer is that she has difficulties.

As for what this difficulty is, it is up to you to discover it yourself.And what I want is just a Wu Di who is at his peak. I want to face you once without reservation and in an upright manner. "

Does Xia Ninghan have any difficulties?

This formulation made Wu Di's eyes shine.

Ever since Xia Ninghan abandoned everyone in the morning, Wu Di has been looking for the root of the problem, but still racking his brains, he couldn't figure out why she would do this.But Ye Qi's words reminded herself - she has a reason!
With this in mind, Wu Di's mood improved a lot.

"Well, I am very satisfied with this answer, very satisfied! Don't worry, I am a professional player, and my attitude towards the game must also be professional. I hope we can have a good fight tomorrow.

However, I have a question.You know my true identity and have seen my strength, but why do you say that you are sure that you can defeat us?May I ask my sister, what makes you have enough self-confidence. "

When Ye Qi saw that her words were very motivating, she smiled heartily and said:
"It's true that you are very strong, so what if you are so strong that you are invincible? Hehe, I have already discovered your weaknesses."

Wu Di suddenly became interested, and said with a dumbfounded smile:

"Our weakness? Are you referring to the weakness of the king team, or my weakness?"

"You... have no weaknesses. As you become more and more mature, you will be the opponent that all well-known professional players in the world do not want to face. The weakness I am talking about only refers to the weakness of the king team."

"Tell me about it, if it's wrong, I'll correct it."

Ye Qi pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Oh! The weakness of your king team is that they can't keep up with your rhythm! In all the games you played, your strength was actually limited by your teammates. I don't know anything else, But I can be sure of one thing, until now, the true strength you have displayed in each game will not exceed [-]%!"

Wu Di clasped his arms around his chest, nodded, and said affirmatively, "That's right, then, what tricks do you have to defeat us?"

"It's very simple, as long as my teammates are one or two grades higher than your players. At that time, your players will be dragged down by our rhythm."

"Stop it, it seems that your understanding of Wang Daoliu is still not deep enough."

As soon as these words came out, even Ye Qi, who was always calm and composed, showed an inexplicable astonishment on his face.

"Don't be surprised. Although you have been deliberately hiding it, you can't hide it from my eyes. The reason why the kingly way is called the kingly way, and the reason behind it, I will explain it to you live in tomorrow's game!"

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(End of this chapter)

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