Chapter 134 Heartache
Ye Qi's mind was as confused as a paste. She didn't know how Wu Di saw her own school, nor did she understand what the "true kingly way" he mentioned was?
Wang Daoliu, isn't it a style of play that plays offense to the extreme?There are other meanings?

Seeing that Ye Qi was puzzled, Wu Di smiled lightly and said:
"Do you know why the king is called the king?"

Ye Qi shook his head dully.

"A real king is a king when he is alone, and he is also a king when he leads his teammates. You should try to understand this sentence. If you can understand it, then your kingly style can truly reach the point of perfection."

Ye Qi was stunned for a moment, repeating what Wu Di said before in her heart, but she was still at a loss.

Seeing this, Wu Di thought to himself that since this woman is the master's closed disciple, strictly speaking, she is also his junior junior sister, so it should be his duty to help her understand Wang Daoliu.

So, Wu Di interrupted her contemplation, and said calmly:
"Well, let me tell you a story, knowing that every time you are promoted to a rank in the public server, you have to play a promotion match."

Ye Qi raised her head and held back a glance, surprised at Wu Di's beginner-like question.

"When promoting to a small rank, the best-of-three rounds system is adopted, and when promoted to a large rank, the best-of-five rounds system is adopted. This is the most basic common sense, of course I know."

Wu Di smiled secretly, and replied: "Just know, I'll start telling the story.

In a qualifying match, the purple side's bot lane is a combination of the piano girl and the male gun.Not long after the game, the purple side's bot lane collapsed.The male gun was caught and couldn't line up, couldn't make up the knife, and had already caused the opponent to kill more than four times in a row.At this time, all the teammates began to scold the male gun as a disheveled dog and a scammer, but only his assistant, Qinnv, did not make a sound. She silently sold the only piece of equipment on her body, the Philosopher's Stone, and bought all of them. Guard, and filled the entire bot lane.In this way, the male gun ushered in a short period of development, but the good times didn't last long, and the opposite side brought real eyes, but the Qin girl had no more economic buying eyes, and the map suddenly became dark again... So, the opposite side The blind man came to catch the male gun, and the Qin girl fearlessly blocked it for the male gun, and sacrificed to death; the opposite AP came to capture it, and the Qin girl continued to sacrifice and die for the male gun without hesitation; It turns out that Qin Nu also used her sexy body to kill the man... Five or 10 minutes later, Qin Nu, who had died 15 times, finally raised a male gun with a 6 god costume. During the battle, the male gun seemed to have been injected with chicken blood. The more he fought, the more courageous he became, and unexpectedly he got a quadruple kill. The Qin girl behind him also looked at the male gun quietly with a smile. Wonderful performance, but the policewoman who was barely escaping on the other side of the wall despicably made a big move on the bloody Qin girl.At this time, the male gun flashed across the wall and killed the policewoman with a critical shot, leaving Qin Nu to survive.

At the end, the male gun typed a sentence on the screen: Now it's my turn to protect you.At that moment, everyone was silent.

This is a true story, because the male gun that caused Qin Nu to be raised after countless rounds was me, and this game was also an ordinary qualifying match before I became a professional player.

The greatness of a support is nothing more than that, and the essence of a game is nothing but that.I am an ADC, and the support will take the ward for me, and I will sacrifice for the support position. When I am magically equipped, I just want to say-don't hurt me as a support, now, it's time for me to protect you.


However, when we won the game and quit the game, at the last moment, Qin Nu said to me - this is my promotion match, otherwise I would have scolded you bloody hell!
Hehe, this is a real joke, but it also contains the real kingly way in it.In order to impress you, I will tell you this joke of mine.Hope you can realize something from it. "

After listening to this story, Ye Qi had already listened to it with gusto, but the last words that the Qin girl said still made Ye Qi, who had always been calm, burst out laughing.

"Wu Di, when did you become so humorous? In this story, there is the true meaning of Wang Daoliu? This is just a joke that happened to you."

Wu Di, who had always been smiling slightly, suddenly became serious. He didn't continue to explain, but said to himself:

"You should have heard of my previous account. The one called [Invincible King]."

Ye Qiqi said: "Of course I have heard of it. It used to be known as the world's number one account. Anyone who has played League of Legends for several years should have heard of this account."

"You know the record for the longest winning streak I won, right?"

"47 consecutive victories."

"Yes. But in fact, I have a partner I have never met. Its ID is [The Watcher Behind the King], that is, the Qin girl who has been holding back until the end of the game.

It was her performance in that game that gave me a deeper understanding of Wang Daoliu.

Well, let's end this conversation.Tomorrow I will use my actions to let you see what the real kingly way is.Wang Daoliu is a style of play that only kings can use. If you want to understand its true meaning, you must first become a king!And the real king, regardless of good times or bad times, will lead his teammates to the final victory!

In addition, you don't have to worry that Qin Rou will affect my performance.Come on, senior. "

After finishing speaking, Wu Di walked straight towards the restaurant without looking back, leaving behind Ye Qi with a dazed expression.

What this kid said today is more than all the words he has said in the past combined...

He knew that we would have a duel tomorrow, so why did he say so much so earnestly?

and many more!

Qin Nu's performance... For the final victory, Qin Nu would rather sacrifice all her stats than raise the male gun!A king is not only domineering, but also a strong person, and he should also be a person who has the courage to sacrifice himself for the sake of the team!
I kinda get it!Although Wang Daoliu is superficially a play style that plays offense to the extreme, but for the final victory, the necessary sacrifices are acceptable!What does he mean...his teammates are willing to sacrifice for him, so that he can become the super god player of CARRY?
Maybe he was trying to tell me this...

No wonder the master told me to fight Wu Di.No wonder the master said that Wu Di would let me experience the real kingly way.

It seems that this kid's understanding of Wang Daoliu has surpassed everyone, even the master.However, the master never said that he is one of the descendants of Wang Daoliu?
Ye Qi was confused, but she quickly put aside the trivial matters and continued to delve into the story Wu Di told.


that night.

Wu Di guessed that Xia Ninghan must have ulterior motives, that's why he did that extreme thing, so as soon as the competition was over, he returned to the student dormitory, came to a secluded tree, took out the phone and made a call .

But the phone rang for a while, Xia Ninghan still didn't answer the call, which undoubtedly made Wu Di even more worried.

But at this moment, a long-lost phone number appeared on Wu Di's phone screen.

Wu Di was taken aback for a moment, stared at the phone number for a while, and then answered, and his father's voice like a bell came from the opposite side of the receiver:

"Di, how are you doing recently? Has your fiancée come to see you?"

Wu Di was shocked, and immediately remembered that Weiwei had been to his home and lied about being his fiancée. He was sweating and hurriedly explained:
"She's not my fiancee, she's just my younger sister. Don't worry about it, old man."

"Hahaha, of course I know she's not my daughter-in-law, but I can tell that the girl has a soft spot for you. What's the situation with you, have you lived together?"

At this time, Wu Di had the urge to squirt blood. His father had always been careless, and he never paid attention to the world. The topic of cohabitation immediately made Wu Di feel ashamed.

"Where did you go! Stop talking nonsense, what did you call me?"

"Stinky boy! Talking to father like this is looking for a fight? By the way, I just called you to tell you a very strange thing.

Not long after your fiancée left, I found out that the old man of the Xia family had suddenly closed the door. I went to look for him, and was turned away.Later, the more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong, so I resorted to extraordinary means and went to his house to see what happened.As a result, the old boy was drinking beer and eating big fish and meat at the same time, so happy!Asked why he didn't open the door to see no one, he said he wanted to be alone.

I call his grandma, he is an old man with the same virtue as me, he is a guy who can't stand loneliness, I think he must have something to hide from me!But still relying on my hard work, he didn't show any flaws.

Hasn't her daughter been back for more than a week?Before your sister Ninghan left, I noticed that the old man's eyes were a little weird, so I wanted to ask you, how is Xia Ninghan doing recently? "

Wu Di frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he responded:
"You're asking the right person, father. Sister Xia Ninghan has been behaving abnormally lately. It makes me a little bit confused by Monk Zhang Er."

"Did something happen?"

"This..." Wu Di just wanted to explain, but suddenly realized that his family was disgusted with his e-sports career, so he replied vaguely, "There is indeed something wrong with her, but it doesn't affect anything. Okay, it's okay If so, I hung up the phone."

While holding the phone, Wu Tianhao listened carefully to the voice from the monitor, nodded, and said:

"Hold on, I think... I've cleared up a few things..."

Wu Tianhao's phone call was inexplicable, but what made Wu Di even more crazy was that 5 minutes later, his beautiful counselor teacher gave another news like a bolt from the blue:
Xia Ninghan agreed to join the [Flowers Are Not Flowers] team!
"Student Wu Di, your girlfriend is drinking tea and chatting with me, how about it, you said before..."

Suddenly, Xia Ninghan's cold voice came from the other side of the receiver: "He and I have already broken up, we are not boyfriend and girlfriend anymore, Mr. Bai."

Bai Yiyi was stunned for a while, then asked:

"Wu Di, what's going on? I was rejoicing that student Xia Ninghan took the initiative to join my team, but you broke up?"

"Well, I know you want to pull me into the team, but I won't leave King's team. There are still some unclear things between me and her."

"Teacher Bai, let me have a word with him."

Xia Ninghan took the phone from the suspicious Bai Yiyi, and said coldly:
"I will give you one last chance. I want to join the Huafeihua team. If you still want to restore our relationship, join me in the Huafeihua team. Remember, this is your last chance."

Wu Di's eyes widened, completely at a loss.

a long time.

"It's impossible for me to leave the King's team, although I know you must have difficulties in doing so, I hope you will reconsider the matter between us."

"Okay, the last chance, you have wasted it. We have nothing to talk about in the future. Breaking up is our only way out. That's it, you and I have become the past tense, don't have any more thoughts about each other .”

Xia Ninghan hung up the phone on her own initiative.

Wu Di was messed up in the wind, his mid-length hair fluttered listlessly with the wind, and there was a blank in his heart. Xia Ninghan's words just now were so unforgettable, so heart-piercing.

The determination in those words cut Wu Di's heart one after another. He didn't know what he did wrong, or what Xia Ninghan really had to do.

Everything can be discussed, and everything can be faced together!Why use the worst means of breaking up to end the relationship between the two?Have all the sweet memories before come to naught?
Is everything... irreversible?

The heart hurts, is this the feeling of heartache?
Why did I obey her with all my heart and mind, but in exchange for this result?
The feeling of heartache, I don't want to bear it anymore!From this moment on, I will have no heartache!


The next morning.

When the sky turned white, Wu Di had been sitting under the two-person tall tree for a whole night in a daze.

His eyes were bloodshot, his face was covered with dirt, and the look in his eyes was gone.

It wasn't until the phone in the bag rang again that he recovered a little look in his eyes.

When Wu Di rushed to the Brilliant E-sports Arena in a mess, his teammates were all stunned by his decadent demeanor.All the team members spoke out to express their concern, but Wu Di waved his hand to signal everyone not to ask any more questions.

Qin Rou could see Wu Di's concern at a glance, but she didn't dare to express her concern too much, so she could only walk towards the game room silently with other teammates.

The whole morning's game passed quickly, and the King's team also showed its strength as always, defeating strong enemies in succession, and entered the final of the Talent Cup!

Although Wu Di didn't say a word from the moment he met everyone, but once he entered the game, Wu Di's state reached its peak in an instant.

In the knockout rounds in the morning, he actually used the pair of killing gods that were extremely heavy on the body again, and achieved a terrifying record that made people sweat down the back.

In the eyes of the audience and opponents, a terrible phantom seemed to appear.The captain of the King's team descended from the sky like a god-shattering god, crushing his opponents to pieces in the match, leaving him in an extremely embarrassing situation.

After that, during lunch and lunch break, Wu Di still didn't say a word, exuding a terrifying aura of keeping strangers away.

The teammates didn't dare to disturb him, so they could only quietly surround him, playing with their mobile phones in boredom.

Finally, after two hours of living like a year, the finals of the Talent Cup officially began!
In order to increase the gimmick of the competition, the organizing committee specially invited Qin Shuangshuang, a well-known e-sports commentator who once played briefly in the "Hope Cup", as the final commentator.

And when this beautiful commentator who had a relationship with Wu Di saw Wu Di, her eyes widened, and she consulted the staff about the current situation of the King's team.

The organizing committee naturally had information about the Kings team. Qin Shuangshuang quickly checked the recent results of the Kings team on the computer. Here, he has won more than a dozen championship titles in amateur competitions!

"This King's team is not easy... I remember that the first amateur cup they participated in was the Hope Cup jointly organized by all universities in Tianfu City. I never expected that after not seeing each other for more than two months, they would become a popular team. Scary Killing God team. As long as they participate, the champion will definitely not be left behind. It's amazing, it's amazing."

Qin Shuangshuang sighed very much, but the staff next to him reminded:

"Sister Shuangshuang, it's only their captain, that student named Wu Youzhi, who is amazing."

"Oh, how powerful is he? I've seen his strength. He's quite powerful, but in this talent cup, is he already so powerful that he can crush all opponents?" Qin Shuangshuang suddenly became interested.

The staff touched his forehead and said with shame:
"It's not just crushing opponents, you don't know, in the first two days of the game, he showed a strength that is enough to stand out from the crowd.

And in the few games this morning, although his performance was more eye-catching, he faintly felt that his aura was very terrifying, like a killing god. With so much power, the opponent is completely helpless. "

"Oh? Then I have to observe carefully. Maybe he will become another new star rising in our Tianfu City."


[Hello everyone, I'm Qin Shuangshuang, and I'm in charge of the commentary for the final of the Cup of Excellence.Hope you all have a good afternoon.

After an extremely fierce fight in this Talent Cup, the Kings and Reverse Teams became the final victors and successfully reached the finals.

Next, let us enjoy a wonderful fight between dragons and tigers together. 】

Although Qin Shuangshuang's appearance caused a commotion at the scene, Wu Youzhi's killing performance in the morning was still vivid in the minds of most of the audience.They were very much looking forward to whether this little-known student contestant could compete against the anti-war team led by the number one school girl in Fu City that day!

[Well, the two sides have entered the banning stage. First, the anti-war team began to ban heroes.Oh, Wu Youzhi, the captain of the Kings team, must be a serious concern for them, so ban the hero he is good at... Well, let me see, in the competitions these days, Wu Youzhi is only good at... what?Wu Youzhi only played three games with Leopard Girl, and used a different hero in each of the other games?A total of 22 heroes have been used in this Talent Cup? !And... KDA combined for an astonishing 27! 】

Qin Shuangshuang looked at the statistical data handed in by the staff in disbelief, and was stunned in front of the microphone for a moment.

Are you good at top laner, mid laner, ADC, support, and jungler?

After a brief absence, Qin Shuangshuang, who was used to seeing big scenes, came back to his senses and continued to explain:

[For the anti-war team, it is difficult to suppress the opponent by banning any hero, so they can only be banned regularly...

The ban was completed, and the anti-war team really banned some regular strong heroes, and the two sides began the stage of hero selection.

Ha, what position will Wu Youzhi play?

oh!Wu Youzhi chose [Blade Will]!
This heroine who has been reduced to a tragedy in the version...appears again! 】

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(End of this chapter)

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