The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 135 The Elegant Sword Girl

Chapter 135 The Elegant Sword Girl

Irelia, the will of the blade, is commonly known as the female sword, also known as the sword sister.

When the League of Legends first landed in China, it was all the rage.

The blade impact (Q skill) can quickly shorten the distance between the two sides, the flying posture can cause tons of real damage, and the balanced strike can play an important role in turning the world around whether it slows down the opponent or stuns the opponent, and the R skill supreme flying Blade is a BUG skill tailor-made for the power of the three phases. After the Supreme Flying Blade is activated, Daomei can launch a total of four throwing knife attacks within a certain period of time, and every time the flying knife is thrown, it can trigger the three phases. Force passive effect.

And what scares the opponent the most is her passive skill [Ionian Zeal]!

This heaven-defying passive skill, paired with mercury shoes that also have the same effect of reducing restrictions, can make Daomei an output weapon that is almost uncontrollable in team battles, and can attack the opponent's core heroes at will.

Many, many years ago, the sword girl who made the three-phase power was the nightmare of all crispy heroes.The sword girls of that era were known as the top single tyrants. When facing heroes who naturally suppressed themselves, such as Spartan weapon masters, they could choose double-salary outfits and adopt conservative tactics of steady development; when facing AP or other heroes When you are on the single hero, you can choose to use violence to control violence, and use powerful attack power to make the opponent dare not fight with him.

However, things have changed, and Daomei has been weakened enough to withdraw from the stage of history.

The most common jokes players said back then were:
The explorer is too strong, the development company should weaken the sword girl;

The weapon master can fight three with one, it's too BT, it's time to weaken the sword girl;

Snake Girl's skills are too heaven-defying, she should weaken Sword Girl...

Almost every hero who is strong with the version will involve the innocent Daomei. Therefore, the will of Daofeng is constantly weakened, and gradually loses its status as the top laner and becomes an unpopular one.

Today's blade profession rarely has the opportunity to show up, and it itself is a hero that eats a lot of levels and equipment, coupled with the weakening of wages and equipment, so in the increasingly fast-paced official games, it naturally retreats to the third four lines.

When Wu Di chose Blade Will as the top laner hero, the audience gasped, because they saw that the Reverse Battle Team had chosen Weapon Master as the best candidate to suppress Blade!
The weapon master passively increases the attack speed, and is not afraid of the real damage of the sword girl at all, and the existence of [Counterattack Storm] makes him ignore all melee heroes.

[Haha, although that Wu Youzhi is powerful, but in the finals, he chose this tasteless knife girl, isn't it a bit exaggerated?The weapon master can hang the sword girl up and fight. 】

[This must be the case. Weapon Master has a very high appearance rate in this version. He is a popular hero. The captain of the king team will not let us remember the days of the sword girl, this is the final.I don't like him very much. 】

[It's hard to comment on who wins and who loses.It's not like you haven't seen his terrifying strength in these few days of competition.Oh, by the way, I forgot to remind you that so far, the heroes he manipulated have maintained a record of zero casualties.

I'm afraid even if professional players come to play this Talent Cup, they can't achieve zero casualties. 】

[Watching the game and watching the game, what qualifications do you craters have to judge others? ! 】

Qin Shuangshuang's commentary stand was located not far from the auditorium, so he could clearly hear their discussions.

Zero casualties?
This is indeed a bit against the sky.Well, let me have a good look at you in this game, Wu Youzhi...

Qin Shuangshuang put Wu Di's game data aside, cleared his throat, and continued to explain:
[The lineup of both sides has been finalized. The lineup of the king team on the red side is as follows: top laner Blade Will, mid laner Clockwork Demon, jungler Blind Sin, ADC Outlaw Madman, and support Tauren Chief.

The lineup of the counter-war team on the purple side is: top laner weapon master, mid laner fox, jungler spider, ADC explorer, and auxiliary piano girl.

Um?Known as the Goddess of Housewives, Ye Qi, the number one campus belle of Tianfu University, who has always been known as the top laner Timo, has chosen another hero—the explorer Ezreal!

Blessed are you guys, it seems that this is the first time that Ye Qi has used a hero other than Teemo in an official game!
This is a highlight of this game.Ye Qi's classmate Teemo is indeed a rare opponent, so how are her other heroes playing?Could this be a big move to deal with the seemingly incomprehensible classmate Wu Youzhi?
However, Wu Youzhi will not play the ADC position in this game. We can only look forward to the next game, whether there will be a scene of fighting between dragons and tigers.

Alright, let’s get down to business. Judging from the lineup, the two sides seem to be evenly matched. So, let us wait and see who is the final champion! 】

After a short wait, the game entered the duel screen.

Both sides are very cautious. In the past one or two minutes, they have firmly defended their wild areas, and no first-level team battles broke out.

And Wu Di expected that the opponent would not be able to invade his own wild area, so he came to the grass above the river early, quietly waiting for the arrival of the soldiers.

The point of blade will at the first level depends entirely on the characteristics of the opponent.If you are facing a strong hero, then use Balanced Strike. If you are facing a hero who is crispy and does not have too much suppression ability in the early stage, you should use Blade Strike.

What Wu Di is facing at this time is the current version of the popular weapon master, and he will definitely not get any advantage in the early stage, so his starting outfit is cloth armor, four bottles of red medicine and one bottle of blue medicine, which is uncharacteristically adopted. Conservative tactics.

The teammates were stunned for a moment, and immediately understood that such a choice was due to helplessness. The main output of Blade Will comes from the real damage caused by the [Flying State] close behind, while the weapon master ignores the opponent's general attack [Counterattack Storm] ], this is the natural enemy of all melee heroes.

At this time, after everyone went to the front line, Wu Di said the first sentence of the day in the earphone:

"Xia Jie, don't worry about the middle and bottom lanes, just grab the top lane, Ye Wuhen, be more conservative in the middle lane, pay attention to the opponent's position, Lin Xiaoxiao and Qin in the bottom lane... are invincible, and safety is the priority.

In addition, when you see me making a move, make a move together! "

After speaking, Wu Di has already manipulated the will of the blade to show up on the road, and started to make up the knife steadily.

After 3 minutes of the game without any surprises, the audience was completely silent, falling into a strange silence.Even Qin Shuangshuang, who was ready to show off his extraordinary speed of speech and ability to dissect the competition in depth, died down and remained calm for a long time.

The auditorium, which should have been extremely noisy, became quiet, and finally some people couldn't hold back the loneliness and emptiness in their hearts, and began to whisper:
"Hey, the atmosphere is a bit weird. What's going on? Even Qin Shuangshuang, the lover of my dreams, is so bored that she can't talk anymore. What's the matter? She's a professional commentator, and sometimes she's at a loss for words. ?"

"Are you crazy personally, can't you see the situation on the field clearly? If you want to comment passionately, you have to play brilliantly! Didn't you see that the style of the King's team has become completely unfamiliar? Their game was originally They are very passionate and able to arouse the emotions of the audience, but you see now, their various routes are mainly conservative, and they will never fight head-on with their opponents. Even the captain who had high hopes turned out to let his jungler He has been squatting on the road, waiting for the opportunity to move! He himself has also changed his previous aggressive style of play, and has become extremely wretched!"

"Oh, I understand a little bit. You can wake up the dreamer. It turns out that the style of King's team is completely determined by their captain. If the captain plays aggressively and proactively, their players will also behave equally aggressively." , and if the captain adopts safe tactics, their team members are also extremely wretched."

"Wretched fart! The reason why the anti-war team is so strong that they have defeated the popular Invincible team and the top team in a row is because each of them is very strong! Although the leader is the first school beauty of Tianfu University, but in fact you didn't find it. Is it? Every member of the reverse war can take out one at random, and can occupy the absolute main position in any team!

The strength of the King's team is actually a bit exaggerated. Their strength is only the captain. The other players, with all due respect, are not very outstanding.

I think that the Kings team adopts this conservative tactic to prevent the shortcomings of their own players from being quickly magnified. "

And just as the two of them were discussing, there was a lot of surprise in the audience.

【Moved!That kid finally made a move! 】

your sister's!If you fight more dullly, if you get into the turtle shell like a turtle, I thought you would just make up for the last time!

Qin Shuangshuang finished complaining in her heart, and her mouth was unambiguous. Seizing the opportunity to explain, she quickly burst out the energy that had been suffocating in her body.

The game has started for more than seven minutes, and finally a gank and anti-gank show broke out on the road!
[The anti-war spider has been hiding in the grass on its own side, waiting patiently for an opportunity, but at that moment, Blade Will made a mistake in positioning and was caught by the spider's web. Now the weapon master has jumped on her body, And opened a counterattack storm that can stun for a second!

If Daomei didn't hand over her flash at this time, she might have confessed her blood here!
Um?A wave of light flashed across the field, and a fierce figure came in front of the three of them with the momentum of thunder!Ha, this is the blind monk's counterattack!It seems that Daomei's being caught by the net before is probably Wu Youzhi's trick to lure the enemy!

Alright, the blind monk has used the Q skill to successfully enter the enemy formation, and then used the E skill to slow down the enemy's movement speed and attack speed... But this is not appropriate, the counterattack brought by the weapon master's storm The shield has been opened at the same time, and Daomei and the blind monk are fixed in the field together!
The spider turned into an animal form, and stretched out a sharp claw towards the immobilized Daomei!This is its Q skill, which is a powerful skill that loses blood according to a percentage. In an instant, Daomei's life value has dropped wildly.

Oh, my God, due to the existence of passive skills, Daomei regained her freedom after just over half a second!She took aim at a little soldier with residual blood, and used her Q skill to successfully escape the siege of the two!

This is not the most eye-catching place!
It was precisely because of this well-timed Q skill that she successfully pulled the spiders with their sharp claws over!
Let me briefly explain why this happens.

This is a special screen after the system determines that all skills are effective.For example, if the blind monk kicks the enemy with the Q skill, but after the opponent moves away from a certain distance, the blind monk cannot use the follow-up skill of Q.However, if the blind monk uses the follow-up skills immediately after kicking the enemy, the whole person will fly into the air and rush towards the opponent. (such as Thresh), the blind monk will follow like a GPS tracking missile locked on the target!

The spider's Q skill will allow the spider to move forward for a short distance, and Daomei's sharp blade impact just now used the forward effect of the spider's Q skill to drag it to the other side of the battlefield!
Hey, that little soldier has been killed by Daomei Q, and the cooldown of Blade Impact has been reset. She used this skill again and returned to the battlefield!The spider was pulled to the other side, and the situation changed in the blink of an eye!

Now it's Daomei and the blind monk who are seizing this fleeting opportunity to beat up the weapon master with two on one!

The master of weapons surrendered the flash!He fled into his own half of the grass!

Indeed, being stuck by the BUFF of the blind monk and the real damage caused by the sword girl flying into the sky, and without the existence of the counter storm, the weapon master can't reproduce the legend of the single-handed king with a dozen N!
Okay, the spider has rushed back, the life value of Daomei is not optimistic, and she should retreat immediately.However, the state of the blind monk is not bad, and he can still fight the spider for a while.

What?Daomei handed in a flash!Daomei is going to chase the fleeing weapon master!
Although this is an excellent opportunity to get first blood, the sword girl with residual blood will definitely be killed by the spiders and the large number of soldiers following behind.

Hehe, student Wu Youzhi has always been very aggressive and aggressive. This kind of behavior is very in line with his style. This is no longer a question of whether he can get first blood, but a matter of his own style.

Strange...why didn't the blind monk help Daomei?Is the blind monk so confident that the sword girl can kill the opponent, or does he think that the sword girl is already doomed, and there is no need to take the risk of going to the opponent's half area.

Ha, the blind monk is already cleaning up the minions in boredom...

Okay, the weapon master with less than 150 HP was hacked to death by Daomei.

A blood is born!

The spiders also rushed over at this time, it seems that one for one...]

As soon as Qin Shuangshuang uttered the word "一", she opened her mouth wide in surprise, unable to close her mouth for a long time.

Daomei, who has less than [-] points of life left, thinks that she is already a fish on the cutting board in the eyes of the audience and opponents, and Daomei moves!
When the spider stepped into the grass and was about to use the Q skill to finish off the blade, an afterimage flashed across the spider's eyes, slightly opening the distance between the two!

【Blade Impact】!Daomei is still making the last fight!
snort!Still want to escape?
The contestant who operated the spider snorted coldly, and had already skillfully switched to an adult form, allowing Daomei to enter the casting range of her Q skill.For the spider's Q skill, the cast distance in the human form is far greater than in the animal form, so this action should definitely kill the sword girl.

However, within half a breath, he showed the same shocked expression as Qin Shuangshuang.

The target of Daomei's sharp blade impact is a soldier with residual blood!The little soldier fell, but the cooldown of Daomei's blade impact skill was refreshed!
Another [Blade Impact]!
Like a martial arts master who can shift shape and change positions, Daomei used two sharp blades in a row to attack and escaped beyond the range of the spider's Q skill!

ran away!She ran away!

After a while, thunderous applause and cheers came from the auditorium.Every audience cheered at the exquisite operation of Daomei's escape from a desperate situation.

After adjusting, Qin Shuangshuang suddenly realized:

【Hey!Before I said that the blind monk was cleaning up the minions in a boring way, it was a wrong judgment!He wasn't pushing the line aimlessly, but was aiming to disable the health of some soldiers so that Daomei could use these soldiers as springboards to escape!
This is the real teamwork... The blind monk who seems to have left Daomei behind, unknowingly, laid a shocking conspiracy for her escape.

Daomei is soaring, she is really elegant...Yi...

oh?What? !The second blood has also been born?This second blood... comes from the bottom lane!Let's take a look at the replay...

So it turned out that during the fight on the top road, the male gun on the bottom road used a hammer to hook Qin Nu and launched a strong attack!Although both parties handed over all the summoner skills, Qin Nu did not escape in the end and handed over the head to the male gun!
Although only one head exploded, Ye Qi, who controls the explorer, is worthy of praise for her operation and consciousness—the outlaw lunatic who was facing her was very powerful, huh?I remember that the ADC of Team Kings is a beautiful woman?

Oh, my god!The third head was also born at the same time!Let's... watch the replay again...

The clockwork monster in the middle lane successfully lured the fox to the tower, and then took the fox's head by using the defensive tower and his ultimate move!

In this way, the king's team actually won three heads in just a few tens of seconds!The head ratio is 3:0!

I know that everyone has been drowsy from the dull game before, but the King's team suddenly went berserk and made trouble, which still brought us a surprise.In particular, the shocking escape staged by Wu Youzhi's classmate Daomei was a highlight. 】

Qin Shuangshuang finally seized the opportunity to show his narration skills, kept speeding up his speech, and deeply analyzed the previous wonderful shots.But he couldn't help cursing two words in his heart:

Is your team of kings playing for fun?At the beginning, the fight was muffled, and suddenly the third line was dispatched at the same time, so I didn't have time to explain the scene in the middle and bottom lanes.Wu Youzhi, can you give me a clear reminder next time?

But at this moment, Wu Di, as the captain and conductor, issued a second command in the earphone:

"For another 5 minutes in the lane, still adopt a conservative strategy. The blind monk still comes to squat on the road, don't care about other roads. After 5 minutes, push in groups!"

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(End of this chapter)

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