Chapter 136
The game soon fell into a dull atmosphere again.

With the advantage of winning three kills, the King's team actually adopted the tactic of retreating again after returning to the line. They were completely trapped in the struggle with the soldiers, and they ignored the opponent who was about to move.

The players of the anti-war team repeatedly wanted to provoke each other, but they were burned out by the opponent's attitude of only defending and not attacking.

Faced with this situation, Ye Qi didn't know what to do.She was completely bewildered by her opponent's actions.

Why didn't you play more aggressively after gaining an online advantage?
The opponent's approach is obviously delaying the rhythm of the late stage.However, the opponent's lineup does not have any late-game heroes such as Night Hunter Vayne. Although the male gun is also very good in the late stage, the explorer with the six gods outfit is not inferior to the opponent at all.

Ye Qi racked her brains and couldn't figure out the opponent's conservative purpose, so she had to order everyone to pay attention to the blind monk's gank. Besides, she didn't give too many instructions.

At this time, the audience and Qin Shuangshuang also looked sleepy again. Unexpectedly, after 5 minutes, the situation changed again.

It was still King's top laner blade will who initiated the initiative to attack first, and then the middle and bottom lanes also launched a rush attack at the same time.This scene is almost exactly the same as a few minutes ago.

Because Daomei got the first blood, although she is a little behind in making up the sword, she is ahead of the weapon master economically.What's more, the audience who thought Daomei would play conservatively when Daomei provoked an attack suddenly found out that after she took a blood, she actually bought two Dolan's swords and went out!
The recovery effect of the two Dolan's swords combined with the blood-sucking effect of Daomei's flying posture has created a very powerful line resistance ability for her.The consumption of the weapon master will always be recovered by her general attack on the minions after a while.

This time, the jungler spider on the opposite side was not next to the weapon master, but Xia Jie's blind monk was always lurking in the grass.

With two against one, the master of natural weapons cannot escape the fate of being killed by GANK-the head ratio is 4:0.

Ye Wuhen in the middle lane is slightly inferior to his opponent. After a fight, he just exchanged heads with the fox with Lian Lian-the head ratio is 5:1.

On the other hand, the bottom lane was played very well, and it was very lively.Originally, when Qin Rou's male gun was about to take off Qin Nu's head with Thresh's cooperation, the spider appeared behind them in good time.The male gun turned in his skills and took the head of the Qin girl, but Thresh also sacrificed to cover his escape. As a result, the head ratio became 6:2.

Another sudden attack!

Another three lines attack at the same time!
Ye Qi was shocked, and finally guessed the tactics of King's team.

Apart from Wu Di, the strength of his teammates is far superior to that of the rest of King's team.So during the laning phase, it is inevitable that you will play more aggressively inadvertently.But if the opponent just doesn't fight hard with you, over time it will make these non-professional teammates feel anxious.

However, the opponent took advantage of this impetuousness of their own team members, and when it was maximized, they suddenly made a group attack, and then caught their own team by surprise!
What a clever psychological warfare!
The level of psychological quality is one of the core qualities of e-sports players.Unless you have the strength to despise everything, then adjusting your mental state in a timely manner to be neither humble nor arrogant, neither arrogant nor impetuous, is the basic condition for becoming an excellent player.

Although my team members are potential new stars selected from thousands of people, and they have been working together for a long time, and the team's tacit understanding has reached a good level, but the mental state training can only vary from person to person.

The real king is to be able to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, so that team members can control every fleeting opportunity—are you trying to teach me this?Hehe, well, I won't give you such a chance again.

After pondering for a while, Ye Qi already had a countermeasure in her heart, and she quickly ordered into the earphone after making up her mind:

"Guys, there is no need to deal with the opponent anymore. Let's form a group in the middle. After taking down the opponent's tower in the middle, we will go to the Xiaolong to ambush! From now on, except when the pawn line reaches the tower and needs to be cleared, we must form a group at other times!"

Ah!Aren't you very strong personally?Then, we won't give you a chance to show off!
Ye Qi gave the instruction to form a group, but all members of King's Team were extremely calm, waiting for their captain to give the next instruction.

With a solid ability to make up the knife, and two sword girls with heads in hand, the financial situation is very good.At 15 minutes, she had already made a three-phase power.However, after returning to the city, Daomei stayed motionless in the pool of the base, quietly waiting for the resurrection of her teammates.

After all the heroes were revived, he gave instructions in an orderly manner: "The four of you push forward in a group in the middle, try to take down the first tower in the middle, and then join me at Xiaolong."

Ye Wuhen couldn't help asking: "Then what are you doing, captain?"

Wu Di didn't answer, but just manipulated Daomei to go down the road alone.

The team members were puzzled, but they never questioned the captain's judgment, so the four of them drove towards the middle in unison.When they came to the line, they realized that the other party was actually five people who had been waiting here for a long time!
"What should we do? The other side seems to have guessed our intentions, Captain, do you want to come over?" Xia Jie asked.

"No. Try to delay as much as possible. I'll lead the way. If two people on the opposite side disappear from view, please let me know."

Four one split push?

Seeing the opponent's position, Ye Qi couldn't help asking herself in her heart.And when she saw that Dao Mei had already revealed a three-phase power, she also understood that her single-kill ability had already surpassed that of the weapon master.

Send someone to intercept?I'm afraid it's not enough, so I have to send two people...

etc!He must have come up with this idea: he is alone all the way, and he wants us to send two people to stop her, and then we can use four against three in the middle lane to take down the first tower in the middle lane as soon as possible!In this way, we will be surrounded by Xiaolong again!If Xiaolong and a few heads can be successfully taken down, the team economy between our two parties will expand rapidly!
No, you can't deal with it like this!This is a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain!
Although the equipment of the weapon master is not as good as that of the sword girl, it can still be done by sticking to the tower!Yes, just send her to hold Daomei alone!
Still not right!I always feel that they have something terrible behind them... Since they want to split push, let's sit on the sidelines and wait for rabbits!

Ye Qi quickly calculated in her mind, and soon came up with an excellent plan!

"Assist to insert the true vision guards into the vertical grass in the river and the grass outside the opponent's red BUFF. The five of us go to the spot together! They can't see us, and they will definitely think that we are going to encircle and suppress Daomei, so they will definitely come to support ! Just lie in ambush in the grass and kill them all!"

Ye Qi gave the order, and the five of them moved in unison and immediately disappeared from the opponent's sight!

"Captain! They are all gone! The river channel and our field scout guards have expired. We just added a scout guard in the river grass, but no one was found. They disappeared in an instant!"

Wu Di scanned the small map as sharply as an eagle's eye, retreating and thinking at the same time.

Five people surrounded me?Thinking highly of me so much?

wrong!They must have ambushed in the grass somewhere, and the target should be our foursome, not me!

At this point, Wu Di immediately shouted in the earphone:

"Everyone stop! Clockwork and Thresh use their skills to detect all the grass in the river! Come and meet me!"

After the instruction was issued, Wu Di also hurried into the river. If the opponent came directly from the river to the bottom road, he would definitely be hit by himself!

However, after a few seconds, Wu Di did not find any trace of the enemy, and his teammates also searched the grass in the river, and there was no enemy in sight!
Wu Di immediately understood that the opponent must be ambushing in his own wild area, and the most likely place to ambush is in the grass on the top and bottom lanes of the red BUFF!

Above or below?
"On top!" When Wu Di was contemplating, there was a sudden yell from the earphone.

Everyone was taken aback, and turned their heads to see that the invincible beautiful girl was holding her arms around her chest, pretending to be looking deeply at her computer screen.

"Why?" Wu Di asked for everyone's doubts.

"A woman's intuition!" Qin Rou replied forcefully.

A group of crows roared past the eyes of everyone in King's team like a scarecrow making a big move.

Ye Wuhen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and persuaded him: "Sister paper, we are in the finals. Can you stop making such special sci-fi remarks? Be realistic, okay?"

However, Qin Rou still looked like an outsider, biting her lips and thinking for a while, then continued to insist on her own deduction:
"Intuition is only one aspect, I have other reasons to prove that they must be ambushing in the grass above!"

"Tell me." Wu Di said coldly.

"That girl is a smart girl, and the city looks very deep. So, I deduce...she is a cold woman!"

After hearing this sentence, everyone was dumbfounded.

Xia Jie could no longer restrain his impatience, and shouted loudly:
"Hey, little girl, don't make these unrealistic things. Don't affect the captain's judgment!"

"I'm not done yet! Listen up, you little bastards.

A person's character can easily influence her tactical choices and laning style in the game!This is an important theory supported by scientific evidence!The personalities of many well-known professional players will make them subconsciously make some actions in line with their personalities during the game.Such examples are not uncommon in international competitions.Due to time constraints, I will not give you detailed examples.

That Nizi is a bleak type of contestant, but she is actually cold outside and hot inside, so her ambush location must be subconsciously chosen in the grass above!
A cold woman always likes to attack from above... You men should know it all! "

Qin Rou's unreasonable reasoning was so logical that almost everyone believed it.Ye Wuhen, who has always been calm and composed, was the first to react and interrupted:
"The theory that character determines style you mentioned exists and is very reasonable. But your inference that the opponent will lie in ambush in the grass above is obviously a far-fetched inference. Alright, we don't have time to chat, Captain , quickly decide what to do. We are all waiting for your instructions!"

However, to the astonishment of all the team members, after thinking for a few seconds, Wu Di gave an order in the earphone calmly:
"Thresh is an actor, before he sells himself, he must use his ult; Clockwork remembers to put a shield on Thresh, and immediately after Thresh's ult is activated, he will also cast his ult; the male gun finds his own position to output or Save your life; the blind monk enters the arena after two big moves, and kicks the crispy skin in the back row to the bottom, I will come from below to outflank, and the four of you hold together.

Target - the grass above the red BUFF! "

While carrying out the captain's tactical arrangement in a daze, everyone was also puzzled: Why did the famous captain agree with that girl's deduction?

As Qin Rou moved forward, she gave Wu Di a grinning look, and when she was about to make some big comments such as [heroes see the same thing], she heard Wu Di say to her alone:
"I don't know about your inference [cold women always like to attack from above], and I don't agree with it, but I can be sure of one thing - the grass above is more suitable for ambushes! The grass below is easy to be attacked by opponents tactically. Surrounded, and lost the first mover of group control!"

Qin Rou smiled charmingly, moved the earphones aside, and took off Wu Di's earphones with a teasing mentality, and whispered in his ear: "My theory is true and credible! Because I am! Don’t want us to chat alone after the game today, so that you can see and see?”

Qin Rou just wanted to make a joke, but she didn't expect Wu Di to reply without turning her head while putting the earphones back to her ears:

"Can consider it."

These four words hit Qin Rou's heart like a bolt from the blue.She never thought that after seeing each other overnight, Wu Di would become so active and unrestrained?

Immediately, she felt that she was full of strength, and laughed loudly in the earphone:

"Hahaha, let's go, little ones, my sister will show you what crushing is!"


The four-member team of the king team detoured above the wild area from the river, and after Wu Di also entered the best outflanking position, they only heard an order from the captain:
"On Thresh! Don't hesitate!"

After receiving the order, Lin Xiaoxiao immediately let Thresh walk swaggeringly from the river towards the grass above the red BUFF.

Lin Xiaoxiao, who took on the role of an actor for the first time, seemed a little nervous. When Thresh walked towards the grass, he didn't have any scruples, but stopped and walked, showing a little timidity.

And it was this way of moving that made Ye Qi, who was extremely deep in the city, deduce that the other party must not know that the five of them were ambushing here, so they were so cautious.

"Good acting, the people behind show up! Thresh flashed into the grass and made a big move!" Wu Di shouted again.

Ever since, Lin Xiaoxiao, who thought the performance was a mess, finally took a breath after hearing Wu Di's instructions, and then flashed into the grass without hesitation, which surprised the five Ni Zhan.

Oops!They know we're here!Otherwise, it won't flash directly into the grass!
When Ye Qi yelled in his heart that something was wrong, a translucent wall of void had already risen around him and his teammates.And then a golden ball came to Thresh's head, and half a second later, a whirlpool suddenly appeared at Thresh's feet, turning his own qin girl, spider and weapon master upside down.

At the same time, the blind monk carried a cold light and used his Q skill to enter the arena smoothly!

The dragon wags its tail!The Qin girl who had just landed was accurately carried to the back row by the blind monk, and all the teammates she passed were knocked into the air.

The King's team used three big moves in the blink of an eye, causing the blood volume of the five against the war to fluctuate to varying degrees, which has won an excellent start for the team battle!

And Qin Rou's male gun has already started to output desperately at the nearest spider with excitement. With the stimulant effect of Wu Di's sentence "can be considered", Qin Rou behaved very fanatical and aggressive, wishing to end the game immediately, and then He and Wu Di live together in two trees.

After Ye Qi sneered, the anti-fighting team who had taken three big moves immediately calmed down and began to fight calmly!

"The weapon master and the spider rushed into the male gun, the fox went to find the clockwork, the piano girl followed me, and Thresh first! Their sword girl hasn't appeared yet, so they are all in full swing!"

Therefore, the weapon master drove the counterattack storm and jumped onto the male gun who had been sprayed with chicken blood, and the spider also threw out a spider web, then immediately switched to animal form, and rushed towards the male gun desperately.

Thresh turned in Flash, and finished using his ultimate move, the task was completed, so he symbolically threw away two skills to resist, and fell half pushed and fell under the explorer's gun like a young woman.

However, at this time, the health value of the entire team of the reverse war was not optimistic, they did not dare to delay, they all opened up their big moves while they were breathing, and each went to find their own target.

Right now...

A terrifying figure finally appeared in front of Ni Zhan after a long call!
Daomei rushed to the battlefield with a chilling spirit, and her first choice was the bloody choppy Qin!

After eating a set of skills, Qin Nu, whose health was dying, saw Dao Mei appearing, and reacted first, and immediately aimed at Dao Mei beside her to start her big move, but unexpectedly, Dao Mei hit her with a sharp blade. Refers to the explorers standing in the back row!And it was this micro-manipulation that would make a difference by a thousand miles, so that she escaped Qin Nu's big move.

The explorer who was approached by Daomei didn't dare to fight at all, and quickly cast the displacement skill [Secret Leap] to escape from Daomei's attack range.

Daomei made a three-phase power, and her output ability was terrifying. When she saw the explorer turned in the displacement skill, she turned her gun and aimed the magical cross weapon at Qin Nu's chest!
Balanced strike!Qin Nu was slowed down and couldn't move an inch!

Flying attitude!It caused tons of damage to Qin Nu!

Supreme Blade!Let the Qin girl who just flashed across the wall die in the end!
After successfully accepting Qin Nu's head, Dao Mei once again set her sights on the explorer.

Ye Qi knew that this team battle had lost the upper hand. Although both sides had lost a support now, judging from the battle situation, she was absolutely not allowed to continue fighting!

She had no choice but to quickly retreat towards her side, but the direction of retreat was passing by the position where the spider weapon master and the male gun were trembling!
Qin Rou is a well-known mid laner, and her daily matches and training are mainly mid lane mage heroes. Although relying on her extraordinary strength, she made a temporary cameo as an ADC, but in fact she still seems a bit unfamiliar. Coupled with the fact that her blood was boiling right now, she had lost her usual calmness, even with the blind monk protecting her, she still couldn't escape the opponent's siege.Ever since, under the attack of the spider, the weapon master, and the explorer who came later, the male gun went to see God early.

However, a professional player also has the reaction and arrogance that a professional player should have. Before she handed over her head, she insisted on using subtle operations to reduce the blood volume of the spider and the weapon master again, creating an incredible battle for her teammates. Great Harvest Opportunity!
Sword Girl has already followed, and the bloody weapon master and spider ran away quickly, but Ye Qi immediately chose the opposite escape route after a brief thought!

As we all know, the sword girl's Q skill blade impact can be reset immediately after killing the target, and the weapon master and the spider are reduced to the knife girl's one-shot food at this time. If you walk with them, you will definitely become the next one. The object of my sister's harvest.That's why she chose to escape from the other side!

The power of the three phases can increase the speed of movement, and within a few seconds, Daomei has already caught up with the slower weapon master.

Blade impact!

The gorgeous sword light flashed in front of the weapon master, and his head was taken by the sword girl in the blink of an eye.

The second head!
The will of the blade has achieved a double kill!

The spider located not far from the dead body of the weapon master kept trying to get into the grass in order to delay the harvesting rhythm of the sword girl, but in the end it was still half a beat slow!
The sharp blade impact had hit him accurately, making him the soul of Daomei's under the sword as a matter of course.

The third head!
The Will of the Blade got a triple kill!

When the player manipulating the spider sighed and shook his head facing the screen, he heard someone in the team scream:

"Spider sister, you are a spider, and your whole family is a spider! You will die as soon as you die, and lead Daomei to me to fly a plane!"

When the man heard this, he quickly looked at the screen, only to find that not far from the place where he fell down, it was the place where Clockwork and the fox were fighting alone!

And Daomei's sharp blade impact has been in a cooling state. After accepting the spider's head, it is naturally obligatory to use this terrifying melee skill on the fox.

When the fox, who had lost both sides in the fight with the clockwork, was excited to attack the head that took the clockwork, the head harvester that had already got three kills was already targeting him...

The fourth head!
The Will of the Blade got four kills!

The audience was boiling, and even the beautiful commentator Qin Shuangshuang couldn't hold back her excitement and shouted loudly:

[Daomei has already got four heads, will he continue to chase the explorer and get the terrifying pentakill?
Oh, it seems that it won't be possible... The explorer has already fled to the middle road, and the distance between Daomei and Daomei is very long.

Getting pentakilled by an opponent is a fatal blow to morale. She must not be easily chased by Daomei and let her completely destroy her psychological defense!
As far as the current battle situation is concerned, although Daomei failed to get the pentakill, they exchanged two for four and successfully won this team battle!

Qin Shuangshuang was speechless again.

Because that damned Wu Youzhi once again made her misjudgmental behavior——she yelled at the blind monk, and together they launched a final pursuit of the explorer!

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(End of this chapter)

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