Chapter 137 My Woman
The explorer fled to the defense tower at a brisk pace. He thought he had reached a safe position and was about to return to the city to rectify, but unexpectedly, the moment he suddenly looked back, he saw two sturdy figures appearing in his field of vision. within!

Daomei has red eyes and has an advantage in moving speed. Naturally, she refuses to let go of the opportunity of pentakill, and the blind monk has a super ability to keep people. As long as the two heroes can cooperate skillfully, they will be like ducks in water. The opponent is desperate.

The explorer's pause under the tower made Daomei and the blind monk close the distance between each other.Although he hadn't received a fatal blow before, his health was still low, so he had no choice but to continue to flee desperately to the second tower.

At this moment, Daomei, who was still some distance away from her, flashed twice in a row, and she came behind the explorer in an instant!

Flashing sharp edge impact?
Ye Qi was taken aback, but her reaction was extremely fast. Arcane Leap came at her fingertips, and she barely avoided the balanced attack of Daomei. If she was slowed down by Daomei here, even if she opened the distance, she would easily catch up with her.

However, Daomei instantly put a long-preserved ignition on the quick-response EZ!

Very good judgment and response!Wu Di praised in his heart——however, he still cannot escape death!
In the blink of an eye, another figure quickly entered the field of vision - the blind monk used the grafting effect of his W skill to ride on Daomei, oh, no, it moved to Daomei's side, and landed on the ground of the explorer. The moment before, he flew out a kick accurately and hit the bloody EZ!

This kick directly made Ye Qi terrified, because the damage of the follow-up skills of the blind monk's Q skill was calculated based on the target's loss of health.The more HP the target has lost, the greater the damage of the blind monk's follow-up skills!
As long as the follow-up Q skill is used by the blind monk, and then a general attack or two, he will definitely die!
With this in mind, Ye Qi had no choice but to hand over Flash.

However, while she was flashing, the blind monk also used flashing non-stop in order to ensure the casting distance of the subsequent Q skills!

After a few seconds, the explorer fell...

Although Daomei didn't get the kill, she achieved an impressive record of four kills and one assist in this team battle!
The anti-war team is on the verge of collapse, and even Qin Shuangshuang made a timely comment based on the battle situation:

[The king team used a successful anti-ambush tactic to achieve a two-for-five team battle result, and grabbed a small dragon, and the team's economic gap instantly widened to more than 3K.From this point of view, as long as the king's team keeps going, it will be easy to snowball their advantages.

However, this is only a good amateur event after all, and the instability of amateur players is worth mentioning.If the king team made some low-level mistakes, then it is easy for the reverse team to find a chance to come back...]

As soon as Qin Shuangshuang finished speaking, she stared at the big screen dumbfounded, and was speechless again.

Suddenly, there was a violent quarrel in the match room of the anti-war team.

"Captain, why are we ambushing there? If we ambushed below the red BUFF wild area, even if the opponent notices, we can advance and retreat well, and we won't be caught by them like just now!" The stabbed male team questioned Ye Qi's command!
Ye Qi turned her head expressionlessly and said, "Oh? What do you mean... do you want to express something?"

The rest of the team members seemed about to have a fit when they saw Ye Qi, so they hurried out to smooth things over:
"Captain, don't be angry! He was just a little excited, and he couldn't hold his head up when he was suppressed by the sword girl, so his emotions fluctuated. He was just venting, so don't take it to heart!"

Ye Qi sneered and said:
"Seeing that we have been fighting together for nearly a year, I will give you one last chance. You apologize to me now, and then continue to follow my instructions. If you can't do it, get out immediately and don't affect other people!"

This team member was operating a weapon master. He thought he could completely suppress Daomei online, but after being outraged by his opponent, he enthusiastically taunted his captain, but when he saw Ye Qi After that stern expression, he immediately whispered tremblingly:

"Yes... I'm sorry, Captain. I didn't mean to get angry with you just now. I just didn't regulate my emotions well enough..."

After hearing the words, Ye Qi sneered again, playing a charade:
"Do you know? You are a blessing from eight lifetimes of cultivation. You can compete with that person in an official game! In the world of League of Legends, many people dream of having this opportunity! If you don't hurry up and study hard After a while, you are here yelling at your captain? I will now re-examine whether you have the qualifications to enter the professional league."

The thorn-headed man's eyes were swollen bigger than a bull's eye, pointing at the sword girl on the screen, he asked puzzledly:
"Captain, you mean the operator of this knife girl? What is his identity?"

Ye Qi looked at the thorn-headed man with a sneer for the third time, and said sternly:

"If you still regard becoming a qualified professional player as your goal, then show your strength and deal with this sword girl well. You don't have the right to know the identity of that person yet!

Because you can't even control your emotions!If you haven't achieved the most basic qualities of a professional player, don't talk about anything else!However, I asked you to join the team because I valued your talent. If you can understand something in the battle with that sword girl, your dream can still be realized.When you can completely control your emotions, I will tell you the true identity of that person! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Qi turned her head away, while operating the explorer, she also muttered in her heart:

Woody, is this what you're going to teach me?
The real kingly style doesn't just refer to the attack that is performed to the extreme, right?

A real king not only possesses extremely strong personal strength, but also can drive other people to exert their full strength, even supernormal performance.The king must also have a guiding role!

I see!Compared with other traditional schools, Wang Daoliu is superficially passionate, dominates the world, and focuses on showing personal strength, but in fact, it is this invincible demeanor that can guide teammates to work together tightly. Unite around yourself and burst out a strong team spirit!And the team under the dominance of this spirit is not inferior to the dragon turtle style, which is famous for its team fighting!
Are you telling me with practical actions that I am not strong enough to lead the people around me?

Hehe, that's true, otherwise, that guy wouldn't have gotten angry at me for no reason just now...

Wu Di, Wu Di, who are you?How could an outsider of Wang Daoliu have such a deep and thorough understanding of Wang Dao?Or... have you ever met the master?Have you discussed Wang Daoliu in depth with his old man?
wrong!Ever since you recovered part of your memory, you have been busy with your team so far, how could you have time to meet the master?
Ye Qi shook her head lightly, shaking off all doubts in her heart.Now is the final period, so she is not allowed to be distracted in the slightest.

However, after the Kings team won the first team battle, everyone's morale was boosted, and the situation of being suppressed by the opponent online has also been improved to a certain extent.

Ye Wuhen, Xia Jie, Lin Xiaoxiao and others were beaten by the opponent's strength at first, and they had the mentality of "I am not as good as the opponent", but now, their eyes are bright, their momentum is like a rainbow, and they have already started to fight back online!

The team members who went against the battle were indeed affected by the loss of the team battle. All of them had low morale and a haze in their hearts. With such a mentality, they were naturally led by the King's team.

When the game lasted 25 minutes, the barracks in the middle and bottom lanes of the reverse war were broken, and the sword girl whose equipment was gradually formed became a ghost that everyone in the reverse war could not avoid. As long as she appeared, there would be no more battles heart of.

Ye Qi, who had lost his fighting spirit, was powerless to recover. A few minutes later, the words "failure" appeared on the screens of the members of the Rebellion Team!
During the halftime break, Wu Di stood up abruptly, and walked outside the game room of the Inverse Battle Team when everyone was puzzled.

He pointed at Ye Qi indifferently, and hooked his fingers, signaling her to come out for a gathering.

This behavior immediately ignited the dejected counter-fighters, and they stood up in unison, staring at Wu Di angrily.

Ye Qi waved her hand, then curiously came to Wu Di's side, and asked softly:
"what's up?"

Wu Di said concisely: "Do you understand?"

Ye Qi nodded, and when she was about to ask a question, she was interrupted by Wu Di: "I'm in a bad mood, I'm afraid I can't give you a demonstration of Wang Daoliu in a teaching competition. I advise you...surrender, don't Fight, otherwise, your players will completely lose confidence."

If this word came from other people, Ye Qi would only listen to it as a harmless joke.But these words came from the mouth of the former number one in the world. For a moment, she also froze on the spot, not knowing how to answer for a long time.

Seeing that Ye Qi was hesitating, Wu Di said a few more words for the first time:

"Did you see the new style of play I used in the previous rounds? I called it... [Killing God Style]! This is a new style that I just comprehended and created recently. But after using it, you will Increase the load on the body, even for me, I can't use it too much.

However, I want to remind you that I am in a bad mood right now and I need to vent!
If you insist on fighting in the next game, then I will use the God-killing style without any scruples!

Although killing the gods will wear down my body, it will definitely make your team members completely lose their confidence in the e-sports circle!After using this genre, I will lose control, and its power will far exceed your imagination!And, thanks to someone, this new genre is nearing completion!
Trust me, I'm not kidding.You have put a lot of effort into your team, and you don't want to watch the plastic talent you found be defeated by me alone and lose all fighting spirit.

So give it up, it's no shame for you or your team. "

Ye Qi quietly looked at Wu Di in front of her, with mixed feelings.For a long time, she thought that she had seen the former king clearly.However, at this moment, she only felt that Wu Di had suddenly become an unfathomable man, completely without the immaturity and arrogance of a young man.

In an instant, Ye Qi realized it - it seemed that what happened to Xia Ninghan had completely transformed this innocent boy.

But hasn't he always rejected me?Why put yourself in my team's shoes so much?
So Ye Qi asked:
"The last question, why did you come here to tell me these things? You're doing this... you're actually helping me. Don't you always hate me? You can completely use your new style of play to beat me and me The team will be destroyed together."

Wu Di stared at Ye Qi coldly for a while, then turned and left.At the end, leave a sentence that makes Ye Qi puzzled:
"I owe your master a lot, this time I will treat him as the first favor I owe him..."


Qin Shuangshuang at the commentary seat brought a bottle of eye drops, dripped two drops into his beautiful eyes, and then blinked his eyes, preparing to never let go of the wonderful pictures that might appear on the big screen.

The captain of the King's team has already made herself dumb to eat Coptis chinensis several times, and she knows it. She doesn't want to repeat this process again.Otherwise, the golden signboard of his commentary might be buried here by that nasty kid.

Just as she regained her spirits and was about to present a wonderful commentary to the audience, the staff of the organizing committee quietly told her a fact that made her want to go to Wu Di immediately and yell at her—the Reverse Battle Team had abstained!
"Abstained? Are you sure?" Qin Shuangshuang did not give up.

The staff shrugged helplessly, and sighed: "Yes, they just submitted their application for waiver, and the organizing committee has already approved it. But I asked them why they did this as usual, and their captain said that they wanted to save Strength, the runner-up is enough. Sister Shuangshuang... Look at this weird reason... The bosses have approved it, and it is useless for us to say anything.

But it's really strange, the strength of the reverse war is so strong, it can defeat strong opponents and enter the finals, but in the end it only gave up after one battle.Amateur teams are really unreliable..."

Qin Shuangshuang was noncommittal, but just clenched Qianqianyu's hand into a fist.At this moment, her resentment and interest in Wu Di have risen to an indescribable level.

I'm going to have a good talk with this kid later!Others don't know, but I can see clearly—the reason why Ni Zhan gave up voluntarily must be that the few words he said to their captain during the break with this kid played a vital role!


After a while, the audience who were waiting to watch the second game heard the official announcement from the organizing committee:

Due to the voluntary abstention of the Reverse Battle Team, the Kings Team automatically won the championship of this year's Talent Cup!Let us congratulate the king team together!
The king team will directly qualify for the knockout stage of the city competition!
Let us look forward to it together, the winner of the city competition will become the representative of Tianfu City and participate in the second division league next season!

The awards ceremony will be held next!
Immediately, the audience seemed to have exploded, and there was a lot of discussion.

[What plane are you doing, you abstained?It's too unsportsmanlike. 】

【Yes, you have to stick to what you say.Hey, a team led by a woman is so unreliable. 】

[It's broken up, the champions have been born, what are you doing here, everyone goes back to their homes, and finds their mothers. 】

[The king's team, yes, it is indeed a strong team, take note.That guy named Wu Youzhi is also very good. In a few months, let's see if they can successfully enter the real professional league. 】


After all the spectators left the arena and the Kings team accepted the trophies and bonuses, Qin Shuangshuang, who had been waiting for a long time, came to Wu Di's side in a calm manner on high heels.

"Student Wu Youzhi, can we have a chat?"

Wu Di had a serious face, and when he heard someone calling him, he immediately turned his head to look, only to find that it was a beautiful sister in a pure white professional suit calling him.

"Who are you? Why did they surrender after talking to the beautiful captain?"

"Do we know each other? Sorry, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving in a hurry."

Wu Di's tone was not polite.

When Qin Shuangshuang saw that Wu Di didn't sell his face at all, he also sneered:
"Don't you think that if you win the championship of the Talent Cup, you can beat all the invincible players in Tianfu City?"

Qin Rou saw this scene from the side, and knew that this famous female commentator was not a cheap lamp, so she quickly reminded Wu Di:
"This is a well-known beauty commentator in China. Be polite to her. She is well-known in the industry for her narrow-mindedness. Otherwise, she will uglify you in an e-sports magazine, which will have a great impact on your image. .”

Qin Rou looked worried, but unexpectedly Wu Di made a very bold move - he grabbed Qin Rou's waist and said coldly:

"I still like to see you in black silk, go and change it for me now. Let's have dinner alone at night."

Wu Di took the initiative to show his favor, and Qin Rou was overjoyed. She didn't care about the beauty commentary, and ran out of the venue bouncing, ready to perform her 3-minute change of form again.

At this time, Qin Shuangshuang was already furious, and was completely enraged by Wu Di's indifference to words and deeds.

She snorted coldly and asked, "The team member told you who I am just now, right? Do you want me to say something [good words] for you in front of the media?"

"Whatever. If you have nothing to do, please get out of the way. Didn't you see? There is a woman waiting for me." Wu Di was still tepid.

"Woman? A child with a bigger fart, who is qualified to talk about women? Another brat who thinks with his lower body! Do you know what a woman is?
Let me tell you, anyone who offends me will end badly!I was just holding a little interest and wanted to get to know you.But you actually treat me as transparent!Let me see how far you and your king team can go!
But remember, when you officially enter the professional league, you will regret what you did!I know quite a few professional teams, no matter low-level or high-level, when the time comes, you will know what it means to be beyond the heavens and the people! "

"Are you finished? Woman."

Wu Di completely regarded Qin Shuangshuang as air, waved to his team members, and then passed by Qin Shuangshuang who was stomping his feet in anger.

However, after taking two steps, he stopped and said with a half-smile:
"For me, there are only two kinds of women. One is [my woman], and the other is someone else's woman."

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(End of this chapter)

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