Chapter 138
There is no obvious distinction between spring and autumn in Tianfu City. The afternoon at the end of October is already chilling. Although the winter lazily sprinkles some warmth, people who are already wrapped in heavy coats feel a sense of comfort in their hearts. The male compatriots who should have behaved gracefully and not warm had already been wrapped tightly in their coats by the biting cold wind.

However, the vast number of female compatriots who have the incredible ability to resist the cold are competing to wrap up in transparent and eye-catching black stockings, and appear in front of the men.

Qin Rou is worthy of being a woman who possesses the special skill of changing makeup in 3 minutes. After Wu Di and others left the venue, she waited at the door for a long time.

The king's team only felt a little familiar with the sudden appearance of the beauty, but no one could recognize that this was the real body of the super invincible beauty.

At this time, the staff of the Tianfu branch of the League of Legends also widened their eyes when they saw the famous heartthrob, and began to get a close-up look at the goddess' demeanor.

After the change of form, Qin Rou was completely different from the former [Qin Wudi], and the dozen or so staff members didn't realize that this goddess was the substitute player of the previous freckle-faced king team.

Several staff members who had dealt with Qin Rou politely came up to greet her briefly, then reluctantly moved their eyes from Qin Rou's black hair to the front, and left in a hurry.

A woman's intuition is terrible.

Qin Shuangshuang, who was getting angry, was the last one to come out of the stadium. After seeing Qin Rou, she always felt that there was something strange, but she just couldn't tell.In the end, he had to say hello to Qin Rou briefly, then gave Wu Di a hard look, and stepped on pure white high-heeled shoes to pass through the middle of the king's team arrogantly.

After the irrelevant people disappeared from his sight, Wu Di said to the other team members:

"Go back, everyone has worked hard in this game, but you should also be aware of your own shortcomings. I hope everyone can work harder, and I will always help you. In addition, tonight is the World Club Champions League In the finals, your favorite Weiwei will also appear. At that time, you can cheer for her."

Ye Wuhen heard Wu Di's implication, and said puzzledly:
"Captain, what do you mean...won't watch the final with us?"

"Yes, I still have something to do. You need to learn more from those top experts now, don't make a car behind closed doors, and use something good for yourself. Sometimes, imitation is also necessary."

Lin Xiaoxiao and Xia Ninghan have a very good relationship, although she doesn't know what happened between her and Wu Di, but out of concern, she asked softly at this moment:

"Idol, you and master...really broke up?"

Everyone's hearts tightened, and they sighed to themselves that this girl really doesn't know how to read words and expressions, and she insisted on breaking the casserole to ask the end, so they kept winking at her, signaling her not to ask any further questions, but this girl seemed to be determined after eating the weight , ignoring the gazes around him, but staring straight at his idol and master.

To everyone's surprise, Wu Di, who had been cold for most of the day, suddenly showed a knowing and sincere smile.He stroked Lin Xiaoxiao's head gently, and said with a smile:
"Yes. There is no room for turning back between me and her. What about you? What are you going to do? Do you continue to fight with me in the king's team, or go to your master?"

Lin Xiaoxiao is a simple person, and when he heard that the two of them really decided to break up, his eyes sparkled immediately.But she answered Wu Di's question forcefully.

"Although the master has always been nice to me, I know that only you can make my wish come true! I won't talk anymore, and I won't ask about your private life.

I understand, idol, I am stupid, and my basic quality is not very high, but you have been teaching me and spurring me impatiently!Don't worry, I will follow you relentlessly.Even if I can't be the main force or the substitute in the future, I will always stay by your side! "

Lin Xiaoxiao replied as if loyal, which made Wu Di stunned. He tapped Lin Xiaoxiao's forehead lightly again, and sighed:

"Following me, you will suffer a lot. Aren't you afraid? Maybe in the end, we will have nothing."

"I'm not afraid! After the new year, I will bring you a big surprise! Believe me, idol, just like I have always believed in your words and deeds!"

"Okay, the nostalgia is over. Go back and continue to work hard according to the plan I made for you.

Senior Wuhen said that this Talent Cup will allow us to directly qualify for the finals of the City Competition, that is to say, we no longer have to participate in various amateur events like going to the market.

Just now, the staff of the organizing committee told me that our king team only needs to win 15 championships to meet the standard.So far, counting this Talent Cup, we have won 13 championships in amateur competitions.As long as they win two more amateur cup championships, the task will be completed.

Therefore, I have decided that I will not be with you until the city competition officially kicks off.

You have to rely on your own efforts to win two amateur cup championships!This is my test for you.

You have been with me for so long, you should be very clear that my personal influence on you is really too great.I hope you will step out of my halo and rely on your own strength to fight and struggle.

I'm very straightforward, and I won't beat around the bush. If you can't win these two championship titles, no matter how good our personal relationship is, I will reconsider whether you can take on the main position of Kings again.

Do you understand? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the King's team fell silent.They knew that the captain was serious this time.

However, Ye Wuhen raised another key question:

"Captain, if you don't play games, we don't have enough people. If you count Chen Jiang's meteor crater, we only have four people."

Uncharacteristically, Wu Di hugged Qin Rou into his arms again, pointed and said with a smile: "Isn't this a ready-made team member? You haven't noticed it yet, have you? This is the invincible beautiful girl who fought side by side with you just now? "

Everyone instantly petrified.

Lin Xiaoxiao bounced around Qin Rou in a circle, straightened her proud chest, and said in shock:
"I think this elder sister looks familiar. It turns out that she is the Sailor Moon from just now! I heard from the staff that she is a well-known professional player. Can she help us participate in the competition? Moreover, although her strength It's not as good as you, but it's still very powerful, and her joining will definitely make it very easy for us to win the championship."

Under Lin Xiaoxiao's reminder, everyone also had an optimistic heartbeat, but Wu Di poured cold water on it at the right time.

"First, do you think her makeup-changing method is amazing? Since she can hide so many people, she certainly won't care about hiding a few more people.

Second, her strength is the mid laner, but when she plays with you guys, I don't allow her to play mid lane.You have also seen in today's finals. Her abilities in other positions can only be said to be unbeatable when facing amateur masters. "

The crowd was in an uproar.

It seems that the captain has indeed created a big problem for himself. In Tianfu City, where there are so many strong players, can they really win two amateur championships by virtue of their own strength?
Everyone kept asking themselves in their hearts, but Qin Rou whispered in Wu Di's ear in surprise and joy:
"Hey! Brother Wu Di, what are you trying to do by asking me to fight for you and hugging me without any scruples? I don't want to have these ambiguous affairs with you.

What's more, there is a more important point, my sister doesn't want to be a substitute for someone, you have to keep this in mind at all times. "

What surprised Qin Rou was that Wu Di turned his head to her and said with a smirk:
"I still can't remember what I did or said to you back then. However, I have figured it out last night. Life is short, why not enjoy yourself in time?
I dare not and will not promise you anything else, but there is one thing I will tell you clearly——I think [heartache] is something I can’t bear, it will make me collapse.

And I have more important things waiting for me to go all out!Therefore, it is impossible for me to invest too much energy in my relationship.

However, as long as you are willing to help me and have no second thoughts, I can give you another promise-as long as you are with me, I can guarantee that you will have a very happy life! "

Qin Rou blinked her big seductive eyes, looked at Wu Di's face all over, and after a while, she smiled and said:

"That's what you said, so I don't want to enlighten you sadly, my sister is not a woman who likes to ask questions, and I don't like mother-in-law and mother-in-law to reason for a long time.

OK, I promise to help you!But don't you give your sister a title? "

Wu Di continued to laugh and said:

"Are you satisfied with the title of lover?"

Under the eyes of everyone, Qin Rou suddenly put her arms around Wu Di's neck, winking and saying:
"Does this title make you feel that even if we can't finally get together in the future, you won't feel too much guilt in your heart."

Wu Di stared at Qin Rou's eyes without fear, and replied confidently:
"Yes. It's not fair to you, but I have no other choice. To be precise, I need a woman by my side now. And don't worry, you are you, she is her, and her place in my heart will never be Will change, but you will be unforgettable in my heart.

The truth is so, there is no need to hide, no need to say too much, please let the heartthrob sister make a decision as soon as possible. "

Qin Rou sighed softly and said:

"Forget it, I took the initiative to come to you, and I already guessed the final result. As you said, life is short, and instead of walking cautiously on thin ice, it is better to act according to one's heart and leave a beautiful happiness for each other memories.

Just do as you say! "

After finishing speaking, the heartthrob sister turned Wu Di's arms around her into a hand-holding gesture, and then turned around and smiled coquettishly at the other members of the King's team whose jaws fell to the ground one after another:

"Have you all heard it? The fact has already happened. I will announce that from now on, I will be your [team wife]."

Team wife?

A group of crows flew around the team members like a scarecrow making a big move...

Xia Jie is naturally optimistic, and has always followed Wu Di's lead, so he immediately stood up and expressed his respect for the team wife:

"Hello, team wife! But I have a proposal that doesn't work."

Qin Rou smiled and asked:

"But it doesn't matter."

"The name team wife is not good! I suggest we call you Sister Rou."


Wu Di took Qin Rou's hand and said coldly:

"Do you still have time to do nothing here? Don't forget the test I gave you. I hope that each of you will not let me down. Okay, disband!"


That night, two events worth mentioning happened.

The first thing: In the S10 finals, Weiwei's Shinhwa team announced their abstention and surrender after only one round of fierce battle with their opponents!

This decision puzzled the fans, but in fact, the legendary team from England once again defended the title of the finals, achieving an astonishing four consecutive championships!

The forum, the Internet and the e-sports media rushed to report on this, and all of a sudden, the legendary team's four consecutive championships became a confusing [Legend] in a true sense.

However, although everyone in the King's team watched the whole game, after the results came out, they watched with fear in front of the screen. They all thought that Weiwei would experience something strange again, but found that Weiwei not only looked calm and unscathed, but also He also participated in the subsequent awards ceremony with a smile on his face.

The second thing: Wu Di privately tore up the bet with Team Rose, which relieved all the girls.

Afterwards, he took Qin Rou to the famous lover's restaurant in Tianfu City to have a big meal, and then on Qin Rou's suggestion, he went to KTV to book an all-night show, and yelled loudly all night In the end, the two of them slept soundly in the private room until dawn.

But early the next morning, Wu Di led Qin Rou to Ye Wuhen's villa, and together they visited the mermaid Ye Ling whose symptoms had worsened.

When Qin Rou suddenly saw Ye Ling, she also felt pity for her. She was honest with her and chatted a lot.

These two beautiful professional players who had been fighting in the dark in Huaxia all the time, but because one of them suddenly fell, the fight disappeared instantly.

"Ye Ling, you need to get better! There is no winner between you and me! For you, I train hard, even if those weekly gossip magazines write about my private life, I don't care. I have given so much , in order to be able to fight with you openly one day.

But you are lying here now, and I have become the candidate to replace you.Is this the legendary trick of good fortune? "

Ye Ling squeezed out a faint smile weakly, and said playfully:

"Actually, you and I are equal in strength. Who wins and who loses depends on the state of the scene at that time. Thank you very much for coming to visit me, and you also promised the club to be my teammate. Oh, no, I About to forget all this...

However, seeing that you are holding Wu Di's hand, what is the relationship between you two?Isn't Wu Di's girlfriend Xia Ninghan?
Hmph, you playboy, be careful I'll report to Xia Ninghan. "

Wu Di was silent.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Qin Rou hurriedly added:

"This kid broke up with that eccentric woman. It's a complete breakup. Now this girl is in a lover relationship with him.

Hahaha, when you said that, I also remembered an interesting thing.

You must be envious and jealous now.When this kid molested you back then, I was not spared either. Remember the bet we made a few years ago - whoever gets this kid first will be the real big winner!

Now I have him.In the official competition, I can't beat you Bright, but I can win in private. "

Ye Lingmei's eyes rolled continuously, her expression was cloudy and uncertain.Seeing this, Wu Di immediately asked with concern:

"What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell? Do you want to call a doctor?"

Wu Di's concern was rejected, Ye Ling simply closed his eyes and thought, and ignored the two for a long time.

a long time.

Ye Ling opened his eyes, smiled and said to Qin Rou:

"Well, I am a person who is willing to gamble and admit defeat. Since you are already lovers, then I will admit defeat. But..."

Ye Ling turned his gaze, looked at Wu Di who was a little embarrassed, and said with a light smile:
"I want you to promise me one thing."

"What's the matter, you said."

"After more than 20 days, before I completely lose all memory, that is, before I completely forget about you, you must kiss me!"

"What?!" Before Wu Di could reply, Qin Rou had already jumped out and shouted, "You don't have a fever, do you? !"

Ye Ling laughed dumbly and said: "Hey, who told you to be so arrogant just now. I just want to suppress your arrogance. Aren't you and I always rivals? I have no ability to compete with you again. It's a competition, but I also want to fight with you emotionally."

Qin Rou still wanted to defend herself, but Wu Di waved her hand and said coldly and with murderous intent:

"Don't worry, I can promise you this matter. And I promise you that if there is a chance, I will do my best to find an antidote for you. I have told you before that everything is related to that legendary team!
Only when I reach the World Club Champions League Final again can I find out what it is that made you and me what I was!

Believe me, I will do what I say! "

Suddenly seeing the murderous look in Wu Di's eyes, the two women froze on the spot at the same time, and did not recover for a while.

Wu Di's promise, like a booster, made Ye Ling feel a fiery warmth in his heart.

She nodded, and asked again sharply:
"My business, I believe you can do it. But I have a question for you.

Is it because you broke up with Xia Ninghan that you suddenly agreed to become a lover with Qin Rou? "


"Are you looking for a replacement?"



"I have more important things to do. I think I have done everything I can to Xia Ninghan. She insisted on breaking up with me. I am very heartbroken. I don't want to bear this kind of heartache again, so I decided to be happy Be happy about relationships, even if they don’t work out.”

"Good excuse, good wording.

Remember what you promised me just now, treat it as the last gift to me who is about to forget everything..."

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(End of this chapter)

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