Chapter 139 The Return
Three days later.

Lu Li and Weiwei returned to Tianfu City, China together.

When Wu Di took Qin Rou's hand and walked into the private room of Gui Xingyuan, his two classmates stared so hard that they were about to pop out of their sockets, and they didn't recover for a while.Lu Li exaggeratedly pointed at Qin Rou, and said incoherently:

"This... is this a heartthrob? My future teammate? Brother master, why did you [lead] her here? Where is your real girlfriend? Could it be that you have two feet on your feet?"

To the surprise of Lu Li and the others, Wu Di did not force out a wry smile full of wind and frost, and patiently explained the reason to them. Instead, he raised the corners of his mouth uncharacteristically, and said in a cynical and cold voice:
"I broke up with Xia Ninghan, very thoroughly. Besides, I don't know the reason, it's ironic enough. Qin Rou is a good woman and promised to help me, so I became lovers with her. This is what I bring The reason she came."

Weiwei on the side was also taken aback, and asked suspiciously:
"How can you be so good, you can divide it if you say it? And... you have a new love so soon?"

"Okay, no big deal. Let the past go.

I'd love to hear about your experience with this Finals! "

Wu Di's eyes are no longer pure, and his whole temperament has long since got rid of the immaturity of an innocent boy, which makes his two classmates puzzled.Especially the second junior sister, Weiwei, with her charming big eyes wandering around Wu Di's body, as if she wanted to see this elusive senior brother clearly again.

But what happened was that Weiwei no longer felt the simplicity and persistence that Wu Di brought to her during the special training, but was replaced by a feeling of "I would rather let the world lose me than let the world lose me" Scary look.

However, when Wu Di shifted the topic to the most critical matter, the two quickly put those trivial feelings behind them.

Lu Li and Weiwei were stunned for a short while, then they looked at each other, and they both sighed helplessly.

"Let me say it," Lu Li continued after consulting Weiwei's opinion, "We have indeed been slapped hard this time. I really didn't expect those people to be so bold as to dare to spread the word around the world. He did it openly during the live broadcast! Moreover, it was done so seamlessly that no one could trace it.

I told you last time that I won the bid because I drank that cup of clear water, and when Ye Ling won the trick, we investigated for a long time afterwards and found no clues!

Your good teammate Ye Wuhen is right!Everything is indeed inseparable from the legendary team!
Do you know why Weiwei surrendered without a fight?This is not because the Legendary team has reached the invincible strength of being an army without a fight, but because the second senior sister received a text message from an unfamiliar number 5 minutes before the start of the match!

The text message said, if you don't want to become a symptom of that Chinese woman, you should obediently give up!After the game, we immediately tracked down the mobile phone number, and it turned out that the number has been invalidated!

His grandma's bear!I feel very useless now. Since his debut, he has never encountered such a useless thing.I was calculated into a mess, but I didn't have any evidence to go crazy! "

Lu Li told the truth about Weiwei's surrender, which also made Wu Di and the other two feel tight.As soon as he thought that Ye Ling would turn into a poor woman who lost all his memory in twenty days, he wished he could immediately confront the legendary team and bring them to justice.

However, I and all the people around me are helpless about this, and there is nothing I can do about them.

There was silence in the private room.

After a while, the calm Weiwei broke the silence in the private room.

"The legendary team is not the real culprit. The man behind the legendary team is an organization that is more powerful than you can imagine. I don't know the name of that organization and how many members it has.

But about the rumors of that organization, I have heard more or less in Europe.

They are a large group that has been active in Europe and America for a long time.After charging a high commission, he is responsible for helping some top rich and powerful people deal with some difficult matters that cannot be brought to the table.

This is a powerful underground force.It's just that I didn't know that it had extended its tentacles to the originally pure gaming circle!

The hidden secrets in this, with my ability, I can't go deep into it. "

Lu Li frowned and couldn't help asking:
"Then what do you mean, these guys should have collected commissions from legendary teams and helped them win the World Club Champions League Finals?

This doesn't make sense, Second Senior Sister.Although the prize money for the champion is extremely generous, reaching 500 million US dollars, but asking that organization to make a move will definitely cost more than this figure in commission.How did they calculate this account?Either he was caught in the head by the door, or he was a typical representative of people who are stupid and have a lot of money. "

However, after calmly thinking for a while, Wu Di suddenly looked at Weiwei coldly with sharp eyes like a blade, and asked directly in a cold voice:
"Two questions, first, where did you get the news about that organization?
Second, from your tone of voice, you should have known that organization would attack the Bright Club in the finals. Before you left Huaxia, you warned me and Lu Li at the airport. I recognize your sincerity.But why did Ye Ling and Lu Li still fall for it? !Why can you come back here from Los Angeles unscathed? "

Wu Di's straightforward questioning made De Luli and Qin Rou's spine shudder. If Wu Di's deduction is true...then Weiwei is an extremely dangerous person!

They thought that Weiwei would act panicked, but unexpectedly, facing Wu Di's questioning, Weiwei just smiled lightly and said noncommittally:
"First, I have worked hard in Europe for many years, and I have my own contacts and channels to get this news. As for how I got it, you don't need to know.

Second, I am also very sorry that Ye Ling had an accident. The means of that organization are indeed beyond my imagination.But I can tell you one thing clearly, the reason why I was able to escape in Los Angeles was because someone reminded me to give up the finals immediately.I didn't take that text message seriously at first, and I hired someone to be responsible for my personal safety, but that expert told me that I can't afford to provoke that force. If you consider the safety of your family, it's best to Give up now!

That's why I can stand before you intact!

It is understandable for you to doubt me.I do know some inside information, but now is not the time to tell you all. "

After finishing speaking, Weiwei put her arms around her chest and said no more.

When Lu Li saw that the two were fighting each other, he quickly changed the topic and said with a foolish smile:
"Ha, I believe that the second senior sister is on our side. Don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face. After all, we are all brothers in the same school.

Oh, by the way, this force is so arrogant, didn't they get rid of them?Are the heads of those European and American powers eating dry food?This is obviously an organization that can threaten national security!They don't care? "

Weiwei smiled lightly and replied:

"Control? How? I forgot to tell you that although this organization has superpowers, they don't actually have any murders! No matter what methods they use to help their employers, they will never let a person fall into a permanent sleep !
Don't you see our elder brother and Ye Ling are living examples?
Moreover, those European and American powers that seem to be showing off their might sometimes rely on this organization to help them deal with some difficult events that are beyond their power or difficult to come forward.

You said, if it were you, would you take the initiative to attack this organization? "

The bold and unrestrained Lu Li shook his head and swears:
"Mother Xipi, what you said is indeed reasonable. Such an omnipotent organization is indeed not easy to be attacked. According to our statement, there are people above its sister!"

While the two were chatting, Wu Di kept looking directly into Weiwei's eyes, and his mind was running fast.

"What are you looking at? Do you think I'm just making a show when I came back from Europe all the way and left the team behind to start special training for you to restore your strength? If I wanted to harm you, you'd be out of action long ago!"

There was obvious suspicion in Wu Di's eyes, and naturally he immediately ignited Goddess Knife, but Weiwei had a good traditional education since she was a child, so she didn't yell at her.

After staring at it for a long time, Wu Di looked away, his eyes wandered, and the smirk on the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious. At this time, he opened his mouth and said something that surprised everyone present:

"Weiwei, until now, I've been skeptical about you. If you still want to stay with us, I have a good proposal - I only trust my woman."

Everyone on Earth understands the implication of Wu Di's words.Suddenly, not only Lu Li was completely petrified, but even Qin Rou, who had just been with Wu Di for half a day, was stunned on the spot, not knowing what to do.

In name, she is indeed just Wu Di's lover, and has no proper status to interfere with Wu Di's private life, but deep down, she feels inexplicably uncomfortable.

Although Wu Di was extremely flamboyant back then and didn't take anyone seriously, he was essentially just a naive big boy with a ruthless mouth, which made him fall in love with the former king.

However, the current Wu Di gave her a chill in her heart.That inexplicable feeling made Qin Rou hug her arms tightly, and her whole body trembled involuntarily.

Seeing this, Wu Di laughed heartily, hugged Qin Rou's small waist like a water snake without any scruples, and said softly:
"Is it cold? Do you want me to ask the waiter to turn up the air conditioner?"

... That's all!My sister is going all out, since she agrees to be his lover, she must be prepared to bear everything!Isn't it just multiple women?My sister doesn't have anything, but she has the ability to make this kid completely devoted to her!

Thinking of this, Qin Rou also completely let go of those so-called secular and so-called fetters, cooperated with Wu Di to lower her head shyly, and said softly: "Well, you won't be cold when you hug me."


Gao Fushuai looked at his senior brother, then at his future teammates, then at his senior sister, he could only shake his head and joked to himself:

"Grandma's bear! Brother master, you are slapping me in the face mercilessly in front of me, a tall, rich and handsome man!
Thinking of my generation, I have everything from luxury cars to villas, and I was also born in a beautiful and suave manner, but I didn't expect that you, a kid, are far more beautiful than me.Are you staging a diaosi counterattack? "

Qin Rou smiled charmingly, and said, "Hey, the number one ADC in China, why does he talk like he can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour? If you have the ability, go and build a harem. With your unparalleled charm, It’s still easy to do.”

Unexpectedly, Lu Li took out a cigarette, took a deep breath, put on a dejected posture, and sighed:
"Hey, brother is waiting for my true love."

While the two were laughing and talking, Wei Wei fell into a strange silence, her heart was not as calm as that of Qin Rou before.

She met Wu Di earlier. Although Wu Di lost his memory and forgot the little things that happened with him, the special training made her regain the long-lost warmth.

But Wu Di, whose temperament changed drastically today, not only pointed the finger at himself first, doubted his good intentions, but also said such words in public...

Could it be that woman named Xia Ninghan completely changed the elder brother whom I respect and love?

Seeing that Weiwei had been silent all this time, Wu Di took the initiative to raise the topic:
"Have you considered it?"

Weiwei shook her head and said provocatively, "Do you really want me to be your woman? Be your lover like the women around you?"

"That's right. From that special training, I can see that you have an inseparable bond with me."

"I can't forget the kindness you treated me in the past. Although you have forgotten all of it!"

"In that case, why are you still hesitating?"

"Heh, do you want me to fulfill your dream of hugging left and right? Well, it is true. You once said in front of me that you had such a dream."

"You are wrong, you are not the second. You are the third." Wu Di said flatly.

"What?!" The other three were dumbfounded.

"Ye Ling, I have already promised her to kiss her before she loses her memory completely."

"You mean...after Ye Ling can't remember everyone, you will always take care of her?" Wei Weiqi asked.

"That's what it means. So, if you want, you can only be ranked third."

"Can you promise me something?"

"Sorry, I don't promise anyone, but I will treat you well." Wu Di always kept a faint evil smile on his face.

Weiwei, who possesses the temperament of a natural queen, was also unwilling to be molested by Wu Di, she stood up with a bang, stepped on high heels, came to Wu Di, bowed her head gently, and asked:
"To be your lover, do I need to have sex with you?"

This question really stopped Wu Di's evil smile.Lu Li didn't have time to adjust his breathing, he was coughing and wheezing from the puff of smoke.

The charming and fiery Qin Rou temporarily restrained her body and mind, and stared at the man beside her. This question is indeed very sensitive and important!

But after a while, the slightly unruly evil smile appeared on Wu Di's face again.

"Look at the mood, look at the needs, look at the status!
However, let me explain in advance, you may think that I have become a philanderer because of Xia Ninghan's matter.

To tell you the truth, I just don't want the girl I like and the girl I like to suffer from lovesickness!
This is my fallacy, you may think that I am a flirt, or that I like to play ambiguously, but this is what I really think.

I don’t know if you have tasted that kind of heartache. I have tasted it. It hurts so much that it hurts more than losing my memory and world championship!So, I don't want this to happen again!

And, since you're so blunt about asking this question, I'm going to be honest - I'll only have sex with one girl, and the first and last woman I'll have sex with, I'll marry her! "


The meal was long and weird. Ever since Wu Di uttered the words [I will marry her] that surprised Lu Li, everyone seemed to have a tacit understanding and began to bury their heads in silence. Dine up.

Gui Xing Yuan's dishes are very distinctive, especially their signature dish - aged fish with five flavors.

This dish implies five flavors of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty. After eating in the mouth, these five flavors will go straight to the brain through the taste buds on the tongue, giving people a wonderful and special feeling.

The four of them ate this signature dish in silence, each with mixed flavors that fit the occasion.

Qin Rou had already been shaken by Wu Di's words.Although she appeared to be calm on the surface, deep in her heart she had already been planning various plans for the future.

While thinking, her memory went back to three years ago...

She and Wu Di met at the dinner after the All-Star Game more than three years ago.

At that time, Wu Di was in full swing, and countless little girls were chasing after him.But at that time, in Qin Rou's eyes, Wu Di, who was just a little girl with no hair yet, rejected all the beautiful young girls who came to strike up a conversation with her, and instead raised the drink cup to the height of her body and temperament at that time. In front of the inferior self, and drank the drink in the glass, half joking and half serious, said to himself:
"Sister Rourou, you actually look very good-looking, very attractive. Especially your eyes, I like them very much, they have a feeling that can take away my soul. But, you are just too handsome It doesn't match your face at all, haha. If you will become a sexy woman one day, I will definitely come after you!"

It was this seemingly unintentional sentence that was deeply engraved in Qin Rou's mind.

Since Qin Rou's debut a few years ago, she has been ranked among the top five domestic mid laners with her extraordinary strength.However, she has always been criticized for one thing, and that is her appearance.

Before e-sports has entered its heyday and prosperity, most of the remuneration that professional players can get is the salary provided by the club.The gimmick of beautiful professional players was very popular at that time, and there were very few female players who were strong and good-looking and worthy of the audience, so as long as there was a female player who showed up, the club would deliberately cultivate her to become a female player. Become a hot otaku killer or a public goddess, and then get enough advertising sponsorship fees for the club to operate better.

The appearance of Qin Rou really made her club shine. The club began to spend a lot of money and energy to deliberately train her to become a sexy female player. However, the final result made the club's senior management very dissatisfied.

No matter how it is cultivated and how it is trained, this female player seems to be only immersed in the game, and does not know how to be an attractive woman at all.In the end, the club had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​cultivating her into a "beautiful player", and then she was indifferent to her, and she was no longer valued by the higher-ups.

In fact, Qin Rou has been very unconfident since the day she joined the professional gamer.Her face is not considered a standard beauty model, but her tall stature of nearly 1.7 meters and talking eyes can help her become a peerless beauty contestant.

At that time, she was very inferior.

She has always thought of herself as an extremely ordinary woman with low self-esteem, the kind of transparent person who would be immediately overwhelmed by the surrounding crowd if thrown on the street.

If Wu Di hadn't said those words to her back then, it is very likely that she would have always felt inferior.

Confident women are the prettiest!

Qin Rou didn't know what other women thought of this sentence, but relying on Wu Di's words at that time, she became a beauty contestant who was glamorous.

Therefore, for Qin Rou, Wu Di is a man who brings her confidence, even though this man is several years younger than herself.That is, from then on, she developed an indelible affection for Wu Di...

[I don't care how many women he has, as long as they treat me well! 】

When the memories of that past flashed through her mind, the thought-through Qin Rou smiled, picked up the tissue like a lady, and gently wiped away the food residue from the corner of Wu Di's mouth, her eyes were full of gratitude and care.

"I can't stand it, I can't stand it, master brother, stop showing off in front of my brother, I was wrong, and the underwear is wrong. Well, I admit that you are indeed more cunning than me!" Lu Li couldn't help crying and laughing. I had no choice but to take out the cigarette and continue to smoke it fiercely.

Wei Wei, who was sitting opposite Wu Di, also twitched her mouth, feeling extremely complicated in her heart.

She and Wu Di are almost the same age and have known each other earlier. In theory, if he hadn't voluntarily withdrawn from Wang Daoliu and blamed his master back then, they should be a match made in heaven now.

Thinking of this, Weiwei, who is full of queen style, is still somewhat sad.

Just when she was struggling, Wu Di gently put down Qin Rou's hand, and then said with a wicked smile to herself:
"How is it? Master Goddess Knife? Have you considered it clearly?"

"I'm going to think about it for a few days."

Wu Di shook the red wine glass in his hand, and smiled even more unscrupulously:

"Oh, this is not possible, the only chance is this one time."

Weiwei frowned, and said coldly:
"What exactly do you want to do?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just expressing my feelings in my own way, that's all." Wu Di withdrew his smirk, and replied solemnly, "You can choose to be strangers to me from now on, or you can choose me I am not forcing you, but there is no need to be twitchy about many things. Although I have lost my memory, I have a very special feeling for you in my mind, so I don’t want you to disappear in my current memory !"

Weiwei snorted coldly, causing the third junior brother next to her to be choked by the smoke again:
"Okay! It's just a matter of doing some work on the surface, anyway, there won't be anything real, I promise you that's it!
However, I have a condition. "

"You said."

"After you fully recover your memory, I hope you will seriously reconsider our relationship! Including other women around you."

"no problem."


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, more than 20 days have passed.

In the past [-] days, Wu Di would persevere in the training room to study the mid laner video materials carefully prepared for her by Ye Ling. Coupled with Qin Rou's deliberate support from the side, his mid laner memories It's a sign of recovery.

Moreover, something happened during this period that surprised everyone in the Kings team—the peerless imitation genius Wang Yuanyuan knocked on the door of the training room again a week after the Talent Cup ended.

After the Talent Cup ended, everyone thought that this kid would run away with Xia Ninghan, but they didn't expect that he came back alone?

After Ye Wuhen asked a few questions vigilantly, Wang Yuanyuan's answers were fluent, without any flaws or doubts. In addition, Wu Di always felt that this kid was related to Xia Ninghan's sudden change of attitude towards him, and the team was really short of people, so he So Wang Yuanyuan was allowed to stay in the team.

On the other side, in order to better take care of Ye Ling, who was getting more and more ill, Qin Rou had already obtained the consent of other people, and took her into her second apartment with a luxury elevator to live with her.

However, as time passed day by day, Ye Ling's condition gradually worsened. She began to gradually forget everyone she knew. Names such as Qin Rou and Lu Li began to disappear from her mind one by one. Twenty days later, she actually only remembered the name of one person—Wu Di who was beside her, looking at her with concern.

"Wu Di, who are these people? Why did I get so many people I didn't know when I woke up after a night's sleep?"

Wu Di stroked her hair and said with a smile:

"They are all good friends of yours, and they all came to see you. What do you think?"

"I'm dizzy, as if I can't remember anything. Hehe, but don't worry, I remember that today is a one-month deadline, and you promised to kiss me. Now before I forget you, Come on, I'm ready!"

Wu Di looked up at the people around him, nodded and said:
"Okay, just kiss on the face."


Just as Wu Di lowered his head and was about to kiss his cheek superficially, a familiar beautiful figure suddenly pushed the door in, eyes wide open, looking at the scene in front of him in horror!
The owner of this figure is none other than Xia Ninghan who hasn't seen him for a long time!

And the moment Xia Ninghan pushed the door and entered, Wu Di quietly kissed Ye Ling's cheek.

Xia Ninghan was startled, and suddenly shouted:

"Wu Di, what are you doing?"

Wu Di was taken aback for a moment, and immediately retorted: "You and I have already broken up, do you have the right to control me?"

"Break up? You broke up with me because of this woman?" Xia Ninghan looked bewildered.

"Are you pretending to have amnesia, or are you pretending to be time-traveling?" Wei Wei and Xia Ninghan seemed a bit incompatible when they met for the first time, and at this time she was also unceremoniously holding Wu Di's arm, and said to Xia Ninghan provocatively.

"You! Okay, don't say anything! Break up and break up! I didn't expect you to be this kind of person, so I misread you!"

After finishing speaking, Xia Ninghan turned and left angrily, before leaving, she muttered to herself:

"Damn! Why can't I remember what happened this month? This kid actually broke up with me?"

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(End of this chapter)

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