Chapter 140 Hypnosis
Xia Ninghan, who had just taken a few steps, suddenly stopped, full of doubts.

[Wu Di, after losing his memory, has always behaved well-behaved and obeyed me, never disobeying my will.What's going on today?Dare to say goodbye to me in front of the public?And how dare he kiss that mermaid and hold Weiwei?Could it be that I ate leopard gall, or that my eyes are blurred?

I went back to Quancheng a month ago to look for potential players, and then...then I fell asleep at home.After waking up, a month has passed?

What's going on here?
No, I want to ask clearly!
But...but he kissed another girl in front of me...he was intimately held by a third woman's wrist in front of me...]

At this thought, Xia Ninghan unknowingly burst into tears.

【I have only been away from him for a month, yet he has become so careless and forgetful.He is no longer the Wu Di I know.Before he lost his memory, he liked to mess with flowers and grass everywhere, and he never got tired of it.It seems that I am redundant in front of him...

No!I am not reconciled, I want to ask clearly! 】

Xia Ninghan left and returned.

As soon as he pushed open the door, he asked Wu Di, who was a bit sluggish, righteously:

"I'll ask you one last time, are you sure you broke up with me?"

Wu Di was taken aback for a moment, and immediately thought of the painful memories of that sleepless night under the sycamore tree outside the dormitory, and then thought of Xia Ninghan's severance against him, he simply became cruel, and said coldly:
"The question you asked is really funny. Don't we have nothing to do with each other anymore? Are you coming to the door so aggressively to show off your queenly temperament that you have always been proud of?"

Although Xia Ninghan is bold and uninhibited, and doesn't like to care about trivial matters, but her personality is also fierce and will not be manipulated by others.When she heard Wu Di's tone, there was no room for turning around, and she also witnessed Wu Di's previous excessive behavior. In an instant, she was completely enraged by him, biting her lip and said viciously:

"Oh! It seems that your confidante can help you better by employing people forward instead of backward. Sister is not a person who can't let go of her, and she won't stalk you relentlessly.

It's just that I didn't expect that I thought you had already embarked on a bright road, but I didn't expect that you were stepping into the dead end of the past.It is useless to say more, since you have made up your mind, I can only be a joke for you to see me here again.

However, Wu Di!You have to remember, you will regret your words and deeds today for life! "

After throwing down this cruel sentence, Xia Ninghan turned and left angrily with a surge of anger.

Everyone present was only surprised by Xia Ninghan's sudden visit and furious expression, but did not think about why she was so angry.They just thought it was the last farewell between Wu Di and her.

However, Wu Di, who still couldn't let go of Xia Ninghan deep in his heart, heard something strange from Xia Ninghan's words.Just when he was thinking about it, Ye Ling, who had accepted the promised kiss, suddenly yelled, and everyone couldn't help but focus on this sad mermaid.

Ye Ling's whole body trembled, his lips turned white, and his clear eyes were filled with a lot of heat, making his eyes look like they were covered with a layer of white mist for no apparent reason.

Ye Wuhen hurriedly told everyone to leave the room quickly and let the medical team come for diagnosis and treatment.

So, everyone had to leave the room anxiously, praying that nothing would happen to her.

After more than 30 minutes passed.

A gray-haired old expert who was the head of the medical team came out of the room.Sweat covered his forehead, and his face was full of regret.

Unwilling to give up, Wu Di rushed forward and asked loudly:

"How's it going?"

The old expert shook his head and sighed:

"It can't be helped... Her symptoms have completely deteriorated. She can't remember anyone now... She has lost all memory. That is to say, from this moment on, although she is a 20-something A normal woman, but her mind is only filled with some common sense of life, and there is nothing else.

We did our best.After examining his whole body, only one thing was certain. "

Wu Di asked anxiously: "What's the matter? Is there a possibility for her to recover?"

"We can only be sure that she lost all her memory because of a neurological drug. Of course, if we can find the formula for this drug, we can try our best to see if we can formulate the solution. The medicine comes.

In addition, through the simple consultation of the few of us, the neurological drug that Ms. Ye mentioned is a new type of drug that has been developed. If my inference is correct, the organization or factory that manufactures this drug must be capable of producing it. The antidote to drugs! "

Wu Di clenched his fists, unconsciously, the man in dark glasses that made him fall into a place of eternal doom appeared in his mind.

This damn man!This time it must be a good thing he did!

Later, the old expert told everyone that although Ye Ling had forgotten everyone, his normal life would not be affected at all.When she wakes up again, they will come to check her health again.

Ye Wuhen sent all the experts out of the room, then mysteriously pulled Wu Di aside who was still angry, and said in a low voice:
"Captain, my people have already contacted [Moon Dancer]. Although I haven't seen that person with my own eyes, that person has promised to secretly help us investigate the ins and outs of the matter! You don't have to worry about it anymore. The most urgent thing, Restoring your strength is the most important thing! In two or three months, we will be fighting the city competition!

There were many things in the past two days, so I forgot to remind you.Although the organizing committee has stipulated that as long as you win more than 30 amateur championships, you can directly participate in the second division league, but because the second division league is based on the city level, each city can only have one representative team, so this is the reason. City competition.Its appearance is to determine the champion among all the teams that are eligible to represent Tianfu City in the Second Division, so as to obtain the qualification to represent Tianfu City in the Second Division!
The test you gave us, we will definitely live up to your expectations, but you have to put everything aside and concentrate on recovering your strength.

You, must not be distracted! "

Wu Di, whose mood is becoming more and more mature, naturally understands Ye Wuhen's good intentions, he nodded, and said coldly:
"Well, you guys come on, and I have to retreat for another month. I have reached a bottleneck in restoring the memory of the mid laner. It is strange. I used to train with Lu Li for a month, and the ADC memory recovered; After Wei's intensive three-week special training, my top laner memory recovered; but this time, no matter how much Qin Rou helped me, it has been almost a month, and I just feel that there are signs of recovery, but in fact There is no progress!"

Ye Wuhen frowned and thought about it, and said doubtfully:
"Is it because Qin Rou's strength is not enough to trigger your memory? You see, Lu Li is the number one ADC in China, Weiwei is the top three top laner in the world, and Qin Rou is only a top five player in China. The mid laner..."

Wu Di calmly said:
"I have thought about what you said. But Ye Ling once gave me a mid laner video material, which included all the skills and knowledge that mid laners need to master. In essence, during this period of time, Ye Ling actually Ling and Qin Rou are helping me recover. However, I still can't break through the bottleneck. "

"Then is there anyone else who can help you? Apart from Qin Rou and Ye Ling, I can't think of anyone else who can help you." Ye Wuhen was also extremely anxious.Even though he was calm, he was also disturbed by various sudden events.

Suddenly, Wu Di slapped his forehead and said pleasantly: "Hey, you reminded me that there is another person who can help me! Although he said it casually at the time, I can see that he seems to be very interested in restoring my memory. confident!

It's time, time to see that acquaintance. "


that night.

Wu Di, wearing a dark peaked cap, stood in Ward 303 of the Municipal General Hospital, staring intently at a man lying on the hospital bed.

The man sat up with one hand supporting his body, and said with a smile:
"Please sit down. If you visit late at night, you must go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing."

Wu Di nodded and said:
"Tang Hao, I'm not a person who likes to beat around the bush. I'm here this time because I want you to help me."

Tang Hao took a Camel cigarette with one hand, lit it himself and took a deep breath, then exhaled a big smoke ring, and continued laughing:
"How come this day came so early? Well, I won't argue with you either. If you want me to help you, there are conditions."

Wu Di was startled, raised the brim of his hat, and stared at Tang Hao again for a while.

But when he thought of the mistakes he made when he was young, he also responded with a serious face:

"You said, as long as it is within my ability, I will agree to your conditions! But, you have to make sure that I can restore my memory!"

Tang Hao continued to smoke cigarettes calmly, and said calmly:

"I can't guarantee whether I can really help you. But if you want me to help you, you must agree to my conditions.

Hehe, this seems unfair to you, but the initiative is in my hands, not up to you. "

Without any hesitation, Wu Di said solemnly:

"No problem. What I owed you back then, I will have to pay it back sooner or later! As long as your condition doesn't require me to cripple my hands, anything else is fine!"

Tang Hao saw Wu Di's determination from Wu Di's eyes, so he also opened the skylight to speak frankly:
"My condition is very simple-although I let go of the things of the past, human nature always has a dark side. When I see myself in the mirror, I will think of you.

How about this, it's like giving each other a step down, I just ask you to pay my medical expenses, all of them.

The amount may be a bit scary. In order to give you a vaccination, I also said it directly. The initial medical expenses plus the later recuperation expenses are a total of 150 million. "

Tang Hao's tone has always been tepid, without excitement, without ups and downs, as if he was telling a fact that will come naturally.

Similarly, when Wu Di faced this man who had a great relationship with him, he remained calm, as if he had expected such a situation long ago.

After a brief silence, Wu Di agreed:
"No problem. I promise to pay all your medical expenses. But I can't afford so much now, can you give me a certain amount of time? You know, I'm just a student."

Tang Hao laughed so hard that Wu Di couldn't figure it out.

"Boy, you are still so young. Are you not afraid that I will deliberately pretend to be able to restore your memory, and then cheat you hard to get revenge for everything you did to me back then?"

To Tang Hao's surprise, Wu Di didn't show any hesitation, but just nodded and said:
"Even if I was tricked by you, I will admit it. Isn't there a saying like this? If you come out to mess around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later."

"Okay, I won't play charades anymore. The reason why I think you can recover your memory is based on some reason." Halfway through the words, Tang Hao raised his right hand, which was heavily casted, and shook it at Wu Di. Huang continued, "My right hand, which was smashed by you, had no chance of recovering. But Yin Yue, my boss, knew a friend who made me believe that I could recover. Then a miracle happened."

Wu Di suddenly became interested.

He once heard Xia Ninghan say that he had indeed made a terrible mistake back then. He injured Tang Hao's wrist and directly injured his hands. In theory, there is no possibility of recovery.

But in that Fuyao Cup, he saw Tang Hao's next game with his own eyes, and he even fought with himself.Tang Hao in this state really made Wu Di feel unbelievable.

At this moment, Tang Hao mentioned this matter again, which immediately attracted Wu Di's full attention.

"Oh? I'm really curious. Your hand, theoretically, cannot be restored."

Tang Hao laughed again and again, and said:
"My boss' friend is a top hypnotist."

"Hypnotist?" Wu Di's mind whirled, and he wondered, "You mean, you can have the so-called miracle because the hypnotist hypnotized you? Then you firmly believe that you can do it with your strong spiritual power. Recovery, so there is such a miracle?"

Wu Di is a little messy, it seems that such a plot can only be seen in movies or TV.

Tang Haoyun nodded lightly: "That's right, although it sounds unbelievable, it is the truth."

"The implication is that the hypnotist can help me? But my situation is fundamentally different from yours. You are injured, and I am amnesiac. These two conditions are not the same. Are you sure? So the hypnotist is useful to me?" Wu Di raised his own doubts.

Tang Hao took a sharp puff of his cigarette and said with a smile:

"Yes! That's why I said I'm not sure. But the power of hypnosis is really unexpected. After the hypnotist hypnotized me, I was able to move my wrist and do some movements that I couldn't imagine before. up.

Then, after I had been hypnotized by her for a month, I was surprised to find that my hands had already dealt with the intensity of the next game!I was ecstatic at this point.

Later, her hypnosis gradually lost its effect, but my hands improved. Finally, under the recommendation of my boss, I entered this hospital and found a famous surgeon who did this for me. The risk is proportional to the reward. surgery. "

It wasn't until now that Wu Di realized that he had forgotten to ask about Tang Hao's condition, so he asked with some embarrassment:

"Your hand...was the operation successful?"

Tang Hao exhaled a huge eye circle at Wu Di, smiled and said:

"Seeing that you are still serious, I won't joke with you.

The operation was a success!I'll be out of the hospital in a few more weeks.Don't worry, I said I would help you before, and I will definitely help you!What I said before that you should bear the medical bills is just what I used to test you.If you don't agree, then I will definitely not help you. "

Wu Di was ashamed, but towards Tang Hao, he always felt guilty.

"Don't say that, I will pay the fee. It's just that I don't have the ability to get such a large amount of money now. Give me some time."

Tang Hao stubbed out the cigarette butt and said optimistically:
"Okay, don't act like a mother-in-law. My hand is almost healed, and I don't need any compensation from you.

You should focus on how to restore your strength.

In the city competition in a few months, I will not show mercy.At that time, if you use the excuse that your strength has not been fully recovered to prevaricate, I will really be angry. "

"To be honest, why do you want to fight me so much? If you really let go." Wu Di was puzzled.

Tang Hao laughed, and said: "I think you really have amnesia. You were once the world's number one powerhouse. If I don't aim at you, what challenge is there?
Okay, take this business card and say I introduced you.The hypnotist is in Tianfu City, if you are in a hurry, you can go to her now.Whether she can help you depends on whether you are attractive or not.

And please remember, don't underestimate the power of the spirit, it is an intoxicating and mysterious power. "


Eleven o'clock at night.

Anxious, Wu Di hurried through the street full of feasting and feasting, took a taxi, and went straight to the gate of a high-end villa complex in the southern district of Tianfu City.

The security guard at the gate stopped Wu Di, and after some inquiries, he contacted the owner of one of the villas through the walkie-talkie.

A lazy female voice came from the opposite side of the intercom: Let him in, he is a friend I made an appointment with.

【Okay, Miss Chen, I'll let him in right now. 】

Walking in the lush forest path, Wu Di was instantly attracted by the environment of the villas.

This place occupies quite a large area, but after Wu Di counted it carefully, he found that there are only five villas in this vast area.

Wearing a peaked cap, Wu Di followed the instructions and walked to the deepest part of the forest path. When he came to a pure white Mediterranean-style villa, he politely pressed the doorbell in front of the fence.

After a while, a plump woman wrapped in silk pajamas appeared in Wu Di's sight.

With the help of bright street lights, Wu Di carefully looked at the woman who was about to deal with him.

The woman is about 25 or six years old, with wavy curly hair scattered generously on her fragrant shoulders, her charming red phoenix eyes meet Wu Di's four eyes coldly, without any sign of flinching, her delicate face is not extremely beautiful, but it gives people a sense of beauty. A glamorous temperament like a thousand-year ice cellar.

The graceful body wrapped in pajamas has uneven curves and extremely beautiful curves, especially under the pajamas, the seemingly inadvertently exposed white thighs can make a normal male's blood spurt immediately.

This is a sexy stunner who is not inferior to heartthrob Qin Rou.

The woman's eyes were tired, but she still opened the electronic anti-theft fence and let Wu Di step in.Then, he turned his head and walked towards the back room, and asked in a cold voice:

"Are you that college student named Wu Youzhi?"

"Yes, I hope Ms. Chen can look at Tang Hao's face and help me diagnose."

"Tang Hao's face? How much is it worth? I help him for Yin Yue's sake, and you are just a young boy recommended by him. Whether I help you or not is another matter." .”

Wu Di was startled. This woman was indeed as Tang Hao said, with a perverse and rebellious temper.

He silently followed Miss Chen into the living room on the first floor, and stood motionless at the door.

The woman turned her head, twitched the corner of her mouth slightly, and said with a contemptuous smile:
"I can't see, you are much better educated than that Tang Hao. You know that if I don't speak, I can't just sit in other people's homes. Go, sit on that sofa and wait a while. I have business to do now, busy It's over, let me talk to you briefly."

So, the woman stepped on the plush slippers under her feet, walked to another corner of the living room, and sat down by herself.

Wu Di took a closer look, and in that corner, there was a home-decorated desktop computer that was worth a lot of money at first glance.What surprised him even more was that the "business" that the woman said was actually playing games!

Moreover, this game is the most popular League of Legends in the world today!

Wu Di only felt it was funny. It seemed that he was [-]% sure that he could let this glamorous beauty help him...

Soon, Wu Di noticed beads of sweat oozing from the beauty's forehead, and her hands were moving faster and faster—it seemed that she was caught in a hard fight.

good chance!
Wu Di quietly moved to the not far behind the beauty, at a distance of two or three meters, checked the game situation of the beauty:

The highland towers and barracks in the middle lane were all destroyed, and the outer towers in the upper and lower lanes were all gone, but none of the opponent's outer towers were lost, standing proudly on the map.

Wu Di looked at the head ratio again, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: 15:30.

In the eyes of ordinary players, this should be a decided game.

The curious Wu Di stretched his neck again to see what hero this woman was playing and her record.Unexpectedly, after seeing this, he suddenly felt a little dumbfounded.

The beauty chose the ADC hero Miss Lucky. Although the graceful figure of this heroine is comparable to that of the beauty, the record of the beauty is embarrassing: 0 kills, 10 deaths, and 1 assist.

This is completely the performance of the crater.

What made Wu Di even more interesting was that the beauty was nestling in the spring water of the base at this time, and she was having a spat with her teammates.

The keyboard was crackling by her, and her pretty face was already flushed, and her cheeks were also swollen, as if she was very angry.

Wu Di squinted his eyes again, and found that this beautiful woman can't spat at all...

[You bastards!If you don't know how to protect me, you still spray me!snort! 】

【What are you humming?Thought you were a girl?Even if you are a personal demon girl, the trap is the pit, why don't you admit it?With your skills, you still grab the position of ADC, go to bed early! 】

【you! 】

【What happened to us?You can give 10 heads to the opponent alone, and directly raise the opponent's ADC to a super god!Still have the face to blame us?We didn't greet your family members, it's already giving the game of LOL a big face! 】

【you you……】

The beauty froze and typed you several times, but couldn't think of what words to use to fight back.All of a sudden, that pretty face became redder and redder, as rosy as a beauty coming out of a bath.

Seeing this, Wu Di finally couldn't hold back, and let out a chuckle.

The beauty was so angry that she turned around suddenly and saw Wu Di who hadn't had time to retract her smile, and immediately vented her anger on Wu Di.

"What are you laughing at? You can go back! I won't help you! No!"

Naturally, Wu Di would not be an obedient child, so he simply enlarged his smile and asked playfully:

"It turns out that Ms. Chen also likes to play League of Legends? Why, have you encountered any difficulties? Do you want me to help you?"

The beauty squinted at Wu Di, and said contemptuously:
"It's just you? I know that kids nowadays like to play LOL, but not many of them have a high level! You are just a college student in your twenties. I have a toe and I want to know how good you are!
Do you think you can help me?This is the last promotion match for me from the gold rank to the platinum rank!
You are at most a silver level, if that Tang Hao comes to help me, maybe there will be a turning point.

You go back, I'm in a bad mood today and I don't want to talk to anyone. "

However, what surprised the beauty was that her expulsion order did not play any real role.The young man was still looking at himself with a smile on his face.

"Well, Miss Chen, if I can help you win this promotion match, you agree to help me, how about it?"

The beauty looked at the computer screen, then at her horrible record, and said sarcastically:
"Don't make fun of me. My record, for an ADC, is already powerless. Do you think I am a rookie who just learned League of Legends? I reached this level entirely by my own strength! I can't I didn't ask anyone to fight for me!"

This time it was Wu Di's turn to calm down, and he said with a steady smile:

"You can talk to me a few more words. If you delay for a few more minutes, you will really be unable to recover. This is the last match of your promotion match. You can't win anyway. Why don't you let me win?" Let me try?

A dead horse is a living horse doctor. "

The beautiful woman frowned, and said with a sneer, "Let you try? In the current situation, I can guarantee that even if Wu Di, who was the world's number one, won't be able to win the opponent!
Forget it, stop talking nonsense with you kid.You go, I'm not in the mood today. "

Wu Di raised the brim of his hat, smiled brightly and said:
"Well, let's make a gamble. If I can help you win this losing game, you promise to help me. If I lose, I will immediately disappear by your side! I will never bother you again! "

The beauty thought about it, and felt that this bet was a good deal. Anyway, the defeat of this game was already decided, and she didn't want to help this young man. In this way, Tang Hao would not have to be offended, so she readily accepted.

"My name is Wu Youzhi, what's my sister's name?" Wu Di sat in front of the computer and adjusted the shortcut keys.

"Chen Linlin."

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(End of this chapter)

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