Chapter 141
"The skill of making up the knife is relatively solid, and he is not too far behind the opponent."

Wu Di checked the status of the hero, and found that although Chen Linlin died more times, she did a good job of basic last damage.

"Of course, Miss Ben is a master! If it weren't for these people talking non-stop, I would have killed my opponent long ago."

Wu Di looked at the opponent's lineup again: mid laner Barrel, top laner Golem, jungler Prince, ADC outlaw lunatic and support Thresh.

After checking, his head was full of black lines, and he couldn't help asking:

"The team control on the opposite side is very strong, and there is a powerful team-starting hero like the prince who is framed like a pig. Why do you still choose an ADC without displacement skills?"

Chen Linlin snorted coldly and said:
"Do you think my sister is a rookie? I was the first to choose a hero. Of course, I didn't expect such a terrifying team battle lineup! If I had known in advance, I would definitely not have chosen this Miss Lucky! "

Wu Di glanced back at the confident Chen Linlin, but muttered in his heart:
You know you are the first choice, but you still have to choose an ADC without movement skills. If you are not a rookie, who is?

Although he felt dark in his heart, Wu Di still pulled himself together and prepared to deal with this inevitable defeat in the eyes of ordinary people.

But before starting to act, Wu Di typed a sentence on the big screen:
[Substitution, substitution.Everyone stop making trouble, fight hard, we can win! 】

When the teammates saw Miss Lucky walking out of the pool at the base, they were also thinking about winning, and the previous rough words were no longer there.These teammates above the gold group 1 also want to win from the bottom of their hearts. They don't want to break the pot, because they know that League of Legends is a team game.

It's's still a bit too difficult to turn the tables.

And the blind monk who scolded Chen Linlin the most fiercely also joked imaginatively in order to ease the atmosphere:
【Ha, you should have come out sooner. If you let your woman get into this situation, no matter how strong you are, it will be difficult to come back. 】

Wu Di ignored Chen Linlin, who was about to spit out her anger behind her, but replied directly:

【Okay, okay, she was coaxed to bed by me, let's continue. 】

When Chen Linlin heard this, she immediately ran away.

"Boy, what did you say?!"

Wu Di replied without looking back: "Oh, Ms. Chen, I did this to appease my teammates. Don't worry, don't worry. Don't affect me. This is your last promotion match. Can you Successful promotion to the Platinum rank depends on this one.

If I were any more distracted, I would really be powerless. "

After finishing speaking, Wu Di ignored Chen Linlin's murderous eyes and concentrated on coping with the match.

When the headcount ratio and team economy lag far behind, what can be done to recover from the defeat?

Wu Di has already sensibly typed a sentence on the screen:

【Everyone, confronting them head-on right now is a deadly act. Let's go and ambush them.They will definitely go to fight the baron, hurry up, and lie in ambush in the grass in the wild area.

If this ambush fails to take the head, we can really surrender directly. 】

After hearing these words, the characters of the others obviously showed signs of stopping in place, but after a while, they all came to their senses.

[Good boy, you are right!Just now I had a big argument with that girl, and I lost my cool.Walk around, the grass is my home, the story of the grass is very pornographic and violent! 】

【Well, the robot is the first, the fox is the second, and the blind monk depends on the situation to get mad. In the end, the weapon master, your positioning and output ability are the key to victory.If we can kill one of them in the first time and let them all have residual blood, we will have a chance to come back. 】

After clearing the line of soldiers, under Wu Di's instruction, everyone brought two real eyes, and marched to the three-pronged grass at the bottom right of the defensive tower on the top road, patiently waiting for the opponent's arrival.

Someone raised the question: What is this for?Don't you want to ambush?

Wu Di quickly typed out his thoughts with both hands as if playing the piano:

[They will definitely fight the big dragon, everyone is sure.Then, if we ambush in the vertical grass and curved grass in the middle road, they will definitely be inserted by the detection guards to see our whereabouts.Therefore, this is the safest place to ambush.Dalong has set up his eyes there, so that he can see when they fight the dragon. 】

Some people are still wondering: just look at when they started playing Baron?Without vision, we are likely to be counter-ambushed.And it's not easy to estimate the time to go up and grab the big dragon.

Wu Di smiled and knocked again:

[Mentality.Their state of mind determines their behavior.If there is no accident, they will directly open the dragon after clearing the eyes around the big dragon canyon.As for your question about not being able to snatch the baron, rest assured, with me here, I know when is the best time to attack. 】

After the teammates saw the words on the screen, they were also very suspicious of Wu Di in their hearts.However, this game has reached this point, and if they don't do anything, they will be defeated immediately.

Since this kid spoke so confidently and seemed to be very confident, let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

So, the teammates sneaked into the grass with Wu Di in unison, quietly waiting for the opponent's arrival.


Although a player of this level can be regarded as an amateur master, compared with a real professional player, the psychological quality and manipulative behavior are still far behind.

At this moment, relying on a huge advantage, the opponent has already rushed to the vicinity of the Dalong Canyon in a mighty manner, and is ready to take Dalong with all his might.Relying on the gap in their equipment, they explored the bushes alone without fear, and conducted a routine inspection.

Then, after using [Zhen Zhi Ming] to eliminate the enemy's scouting guards near the big dragon, they brazenly started beating the big dragon.

Wu Di squinted at the moment when the scouting guard disappeared, and the countdown had already begun in his heart.

Through the guard, he has checked all the equipment of the opponent, so it is not difficult for professional players to deduce what kind of equipment will take how many seconds to beat the dragon.

After 15 seconds, Wu Di typed a word on the screen: Go!

Everyone was puzzled, but they still got out of the grass collectively and marched towards the big dragon.Because they can also simply deduce that the dragon must have nearly half of his health at this time, isn't it too early to attack?

Regarding this, Wu Di knew very well: Dear brothers, it will take nearly ten seconds for the journey.

As soon as they entered the opponent's field of vision, the stone man on the opposite side rushed towards them with a big move-this was obviously to delay their own approach.

However, everything is in Wu Di's calculations!

[Don't worry about the Stone Man!Weapon master and blind monk fast into the canyon! 】

As soon as Wu Di finished speaking, the wine barrel threw a thick wine barrel over, blasting the robot and the fox, and Wu Di used flash at the right time to avoid this big move.Immediately afterwards, the Miss Luck he manipulated screamed [wahahahaha], this is her big move [Bullet Screen Time]!
But the weapon master and the blind monk had already rushed into the enemy's formation through their own displacement capabilities, and began to mess around.

The fox locked his eyes on the wine barrel, and a set of skills began to hit him accurately.

The opponent was stunned by the sudden impact.They never expected that the opponent on the disadvantaged side would dare to grab the big dragon with such a high-sounding appearance.

But surprised, his own state is no longer optimistic!
The big dragon caused a lot of consumption to them, and the opponent also caused tons of damage to himself in an instant.With no other choice, they had no choice but to continue beating the dragon, preparing to snatch the anemic dragon!
This is an extremely wrong judgment.

First of all, with the blind monk staring at him, it is unknown whether he can capture the big dragon.The blind monk player with extraordinary skills is one of the experts in dragon grabbing.

Secondly, since the opponent has attacked, although their own equipment has a greater advantage, with the help and consumption of the dragon, the two sides have actually been pulled into a balance.At this time, the most important thing to do is to fight back immediately to defeat the opponent's final counterattack in one fell swoop, instead of adopting delaying tactics in an attempt to accept the dragon.

Faced with this situation, Wu Di sneered, showing a murderous and terrifying expression, which made Chen Linlin behind him startled, and stared at his back in disbelief.

When this guy plays games, he has a kind of domineering look at the world... It seems that the idea of ​​being entrusted with inhumanity will be dispelled...

Tens of seconds later, relying on the big counterattack staged by the Jedi, Wu Di's team actually snatched the dragon in one fell swoop and wiped out the opponent!
What surprised the beautiful hypnotist behind him the most was that, relying on the recovery effect of the dragon, Wu Di led his teammates to push three towers in the middle of the road with great momentum, and pushed down the opponent's middle barracks.

All of a sudden, the morale of one's own side was greatly boosted, and the situation was brought back to a considerable disadvantage.

After 10 minutes passed.

Wu Di led his teammates to successfully complete this epic turnaround in the eyes of amateur players!
At this time, Chen Linlin looked at the system notification that she had been promoted to the Platinum group, and was already behind her in surprise from ear to ear.It wasn't until Wu Di stretched out his palm and shook it in front of her that he regained his senses.

"Miss Chen, I've already won this game for you."

"Oh, oh." Chen Linlin was still immersed in the wonderful scenes before.

"Miss Chen, do you have time to talk to me about something serious now?"

Chen Linlin suddenly realized, and finally woke up completely, and immediately said politely:

"Ha, it's easy to say, since you have helped me advance successfully. Naturally, our bet will take effect immediately.

Well, tell me about your situation and I'll see if I can help you.Wait, let me pour you a glass of water first. "

Looking at Chen Linlin who suddenly became attentive, Wu Di couldn't help sighing in his heart: Unexpectedly, e-sports players also have spring.Who said e-sports can't do things?
After Chen Linlin put the water glass in front of Wu Di, a look of joy appeared on her glamorous face:
"I didn't expect you to be so powerful. You managed to turn the tide of the inevitable defeat. It's amazing! Now, my sisters won't laugh at me anymore! I'm finally a member of Platinum! Hehe."

Wu Di said modestly: "That's because you haven't missed the last hit and laid the foundation for the comeback. In fact, the strength of the five of you just now is not bad, it's just that you are not united..."

Chen Linlin held her big red water glass, nodded, and said straight to the point:

"Well, anyway, thank you this time. Closer to home, do you want me to hypnotize you for you?
Tang Hao just said that you need hypnosis, but did not explain your symptoms.You may not know that although our hypnotists can hypnotize people anytime and anywhere, for the sake of safety, I need to know your details. "

Wu Di frowned and thought for a moment, then asked directly:

"Do you hypnotists also keep secrets like psychological counselors?"

Chen Linlin frowned suspiciously, nodded and said, "This promise. You can rest assured that we are obliged to do so."

Wu Di continued:

"Well, I'll just say it straight. Actually... I'm Wu Di, um, don't be so surprised, I'm the one who had an accident more than a year ago."

Chen Linlin shook her hands and almost dropped the water glass on the ground. She stabilized her mind and said happily:

"Are you really Wu Di? I'm your loyal admirer.

If you are Wu Di, the super god-level performance just now can be explained.But... Isn't the real Wu Di amnesiac?Are you really Wu Di? "

Wu Di shrugged helplessly and sighed:
"Yes, I did lose my memory, and I have only recovered part of my memory now. The purpose of my visit to you is to hope that you can help me hypnotize me, and see if I can recover all my memories."

Chen Linlin's expression froze suddenly, and she asked solemnly:

"I will definitely help you, no matter who introduced you, and no matter whether you helped me to advance to the promotion just now. Tell me about your whole situation in detail, um... It starts from the process of your accident more than a year ago rise."


Wu Di spent more than half an hour telling Chen Linlin everything that happened to him.The beautiful hypnotist was sometimes indignant, sometimes sad, sometimes excited, and sometimes sighed.

Finally, after Chen Linlin closed her eyes and thought for a while, she came to her own conclusion.

"Whether hypnotism is effective for people with amnesia has no theoretical basis. I can only try it reluctantly, but I can't guarantee whether you will have any side effects after being hypnotized.

To be honest, I am very worried. If my hypnosis hurts you, I will regret it. "

Wu Di laughed and said:

"Hehe, don't worry, Ms. Chen, this is my own choice. I don't have the word regret in my dictionary. Come on, as I said just now, recently I am thinking about how to restore the strength of the mid laner. At a loss. This time you give me a psychological hint like [I can play all the mid laners in League of Legends well].”

"Okay! I will do my best to help you, but I will also say the ugly words first. If you have any abnormal words and deeds, I will stop immediately."


5 minute later.

Chen Linlin changed into a dark professional OL suit, which caused Wu Di to keep his eyes on for a while longer.

However, Chen Linlin turned a blind eye to Wu Di's appreciation, and just smiled lightly:
"Well, although you are my idol, you are still limited to League of Legends. First, I want to explain to you what hypnosis is.

Hypnosis is not sleep. In essence, it has nothing to do with sleep.

To put it in a popular way, hypnosis means that the hypnotist puts the subject into a state of "trance" through certain means and guidance.

This trance state is characterized by a tendency to be highly suggestive, followed by relaxation and imagination.

It differs from true sleep, since the subject is always alert.It is often compared to daydreaming. To give a simple and popular example, do you often have a feeling of "forgetfulness" when you are reading a book or watching a movie?That's the trance state!
In fact, in that state, you are fully conscious, but ignore most of the sensory stimuli around you, and just focus on the matter at hand to the exclusion of almost all other thoughts.

And the reason why I want to explain the meaning of hypnosis to you is because I can impose the psychological suggestion [I can play all the mid laners of League of Legends well] on you who have amnesia, but I cannot guarantee that you can really do it.

Your situation is special, because the psychological suggestion I imposed on you is a real event.You used to be the number one genius in the world and knew all the heroes well. This is an established fact, but now you are in a state of amnesia, forgetting the skills and basic knowledge of mid lane heroes, which makes you lose this [true] event】.

Under such circumstances, it is very risky to hypnotize you, are you sure I want to do this?I can't be sure what will happen after hypnosis... I can only guarantee that if you experience any abnormalities, I will immediately wake you up from the trance state! "

After Chen Linlin explained the definition of hypnosis to Wu Di in an easy-to-understand manner, Wu Di thought for half a minute before agreeing:
"Miss Chen, originally I wanted to take a step at a time, but many things happened around me, so I had to think of some extreme methods to restore my strength as soon as possible.

Since you were able to wake me up immediately, there must not be too many problems.Let's go, I'm ready. "

So, after obtaining Wu Di's consent, Chen Linlin began to hypnotize him.

Chen Linlin put Wu Di into a trance state with ease, and kept instilling the concept of "I can play all the mid laners of League of Legends well" to Wu Di who was in a trance state.

After a while, Wu Di got up from the sofa in a daze, and then, under Chen Linlin's intentional guidance, came to the computer in the corner and sat down.

Afterwards, Wu Di skillfully used Chen Linlin's account to start a matchmaking mode.

When he entered the selection process, he kept waving the mouse over the portraits of the mid laners, not sure which hero to choose for a long time.

And just as the selection time was about to end, Wu Di suddenly yelled, and immediately lay down in front of the computer, losing consciousness...

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(End of this chapter)

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