Chapter 142 Pillow
A living person collapsed in his home after being hypnotized by him. This scene made Chen Linlin, who had always been calm, at a loss.In an instant, her pretty face turned pale, and panicked and helpless, she hurried to the bathroom to get a large basin of clean water.

She is going to use the most common cold water in the legend to awaken Dafa.

As a senior hypnotist, she is used to seeing big scenes. Even if there are some small episodes during the hypnosis process, she will lightly dissolve them invisibly.

It's just that this time Wu Di's situation came too suddenly, completely beyond her common sense, which forced her to use the most common and tried-and-tested cold water to wake up Dafa!

Chen Linlin was so anxious that she didn't care whether the room and the computer would get wet or not, she just threw the washbasin, half of the basin of cold water poured down like a slanting rain, instantly drenched Wu Di into a drowned chicken.

However, after Chen Linlin waited for a while, she discovered that the legendary cold water awakening Dafa was useless!
How to do how to do?
Chen Linlin was already anxious like an ant on a hot pot, undecided.

I am a high-level hypnotist, if someone finds out that such unbelievable emergencies happen in my home, my reputation will plummet.

In the end, she had no choice but to come to Wu Di's body, and punched Wu Di's body, and while beating Wu Di with all her strength, she also shouted in a panic:

"Wake up, hey, wake up quickly!"

After all, Chen Linlin is a pampered and delicate woman, her strength is not strong at all, and after a burst of intense exercise and panic screaming, she is already sweating profusely from exhaustion.

Unexpectedly, no matter how hard she tried, the damn guy was still lying in front of the computer, motionless.

In the end, after a battle between heaven and man in her mind, she made up her mind—reputation is a small matter, and human life is at stake!

She took out the computer and quickly pressed the three numbers 120.

At this moment, Wu Di, who had no reaction at first, raised his head with a whoosh, jumped vertically, and jumped from the armchair in front of Chen Linlin.This move undoubtedly scared the worried Chen Linlin to death.

People who don't know think it's a fake corpse.

Chen Linlin just wanted to open her mouth to ask about Wu Di's situation, but found that although Wu Di seemed to be acting as usual, his eyes were hazy and there was no sign of sobriety.

This...he is still being hypnotized by me!
Chen Linlin quickly made a judgment, but what happened the next moment made her pores shrink and her back felt chilly.

Standing Wu Di's eyes were blank, but his whole body exuded an awe-inspiring and decisive aura. If he had to use one word to describe this aura, Chen Linlin would call it-【Murderous Qi】.

It's terrible, how could he have such a heavy killing spirit?What the hell am I hypnotizing out of his body?
What made Chen Linlin even more terrified was that after Wu Di stood there for a while, he approached the thinly dressed Chen Linlin step by step, muttering to himself:

"It's so's so hot, my head hurts, it hurts...I want to lean on it...I want to find something soft to lean on..."

Just like the dog-blood plots that are often staged in dog-blood TV dramas, the unconscious Wu Di staggered towards Chen Linlin, but his erratic gaze was locked on what looked like a soft cushion. thing.

Chen Linlin was at home, only wearing a windbreaker-like silk pajamas, and on the front of the pajamas, that is, on the belt, the manufacturer ingeniously added two groups of decorative patterns. , looks like a pillow!

But Chen Linlin, who was in a panic, didn't know that Wu Di was looking for a pillow to sleep on. When she saw Wu Di's expression as if possessed by a demon, her face turned pale with fright.

"Don't...don't come here! Men and women can't kiss each other! You...what are you going to do?!"

Wu Di, who was originally slow-moving, was stimulated by Chen Linlin's words. Suddenly, he rushed to Chen Linlin's body in a daze, and hugged her sexy waist.

Afterwards, as if he had found something to rely on, under Chen Linlin's shocked gaze, he put his head on the pattern on the pajamas.

Since Wu Di was exactly half a head taller than Chen Linlin, and also weighed a lot more than Chen Linlin, under this pounce, Chen Linlin's foot slipped, and she immediately fell backwards.


Chen Linlin fell to the ground, but Wu Di's suffocating and murderous aura before disappeared, replaced by a satisfied sweet smile.

But... this guy dared to put his head on me without fear!

Chen Linlin was shocked, and quickly pushed Wu Di, but found it was useless.


Looking at Wu Di who gradually calmed down, a strange sense of satisfaction appeared on his face, and for a while, Chen Linlin also had mixed feelings, not knowing what to do.

If you want to break free from him, the three of you combined may not have the strength; if you want to wake him up, neither splashing water nor violence will work at all.

And now that Wu Di is lying in such an ambiguous posture on his body that has never been touched by the opposite sex for more than 20 years, Chen Linlin is angry, annoyed and anxious.

In this way, after classmate Wu Di hugged Chen Linlin for about twenty minutes, his breathing became extremely gentle, and he even made a few light cries in a naive manner.

Fell asleep? !

Chen Linlin was overjoyed, and quickly moved Wu Di aside from her body, and struggled to get up from the ground.

Angrily, she kicked Wu Di hard, although the force was not heavy, but it also made Wu Di groan in his sleep.Moreover, this moan is not the scream of ordinary people after suffering pain, but a cry that is easy to imagine!

This is a high-end villa complex!In the middle of the night, the surroundings must be so quiet that even the sound of a needle falling can be clearly heard!And when Wu Di entered the door, the door of the hall on the first floor, which can play a good role in sound insulation, was not closed!
Therefore, Wu Di's seemingly innocuous moan could easily be heard by the patrolling security guards!
As soon as Chen Linlin thought of the terrible consequences, she immediately yelled, ran to the door and slammed the living room door tightly.

Chen Linlin, who gradually calmed down, was annoyed at Wu Di's unconscious behavior before, but she couldn't get rid of it when this happened. She looked at Wu Di who had fallen into a deep sleep, and said to herself dumbfoundingly:
"Hey, he really scared me to death just now! I thought he would do some vulgar and scandalous things to me, but it turned out that because I was too tired and my hypnotic ability made him sleep during this period of time. All the exhaustion accumulated in the depths of my heart was stimulated by myself.

I was too nervous.Hypnosis is not only a means to allow the target to receive strong psychological hints in a trance state, but also to help people who are exhausted but unable to fall asleep peacefully enter deep sleep.

Oh, why did I forget the most basic truth...

But it seems that this kid has been extremely tired recently!And it seems to be quite serious!Otherwise, he should have fallen into a deep sleep directly in front of the computer, and those incredible things would not have happened. "


Chen Linlin couldn't bear to see Wu Di lying on the ground. Although the ground was covered with a high-grade soft wool carpet, it was not a place to lie on. So she once again broke the limit in fighting power, and she dragged Wu Di to the ground with her extraordinary perseverance. On the side of the padded sofa.

Panting for breath, she fetched another blanket for Wu Di and put it on him.

Afterwards, exhausted, she also walked up to her bedroom on the second floor, and was so tired that she went directly to play with Duke Zhou.

Silent all night.

The next morning.

When the first ray of winter light shone on Wu Di, he was quick-witted, stretched himself out of the sofa, and woke up.

He looked and looked, and finally confirmed that he must have slept here after hypnosis yesterday.

And what surprised him was that he slept quite soundly and comfortably this time, and all the fatigue of the recent period was swept away.Moreover, my mind was empty, with an indescribable refreshingness.

In a word, the whole person feels very comfortable!

Last night... what happened?Why do I feel as if I fell asleep holding something soft and round?
What is that thing?
This is what makes me sleep comfortably...

Wu Di scratched his head, but couldn't think clearly for a long time.

After a while, Chen Linlin, who heard the movement downstairs, also walked down the stairs with her big red eyes bulging.

"Are you awake? How do you feel?" Out of professional ethics, Chen Linlin couldn't help asking first with concern.

Unexpectedly, the first time this guy looked at him, he focused his gaze on his... chest!
Chen Linlin subconsciously shielded her chest with both hands, and said in horror:
"You...what do you want to do?"

Naturally, Wu Di didn't know about the charming things that happened last night, so he replied suspiciously:

"Miss Chen, I'm sorry last night, after you hypnotized me, I just felt a lot of things suddenly popping up in my brain, and I couldn't feel anything around me.

I remember, you asked me to play a game of League of Legends, but when he walked to the computer to select a player, he felt overwhelmed by the sudden appearance of many hero skills and advanced knowledge in his mind , I just want to find a soft pillow to sleep on... and then... there is no more... I can't remember the rest.What happened to me, Miss Chen, you must know by the side. "

Chen Linlin's face darkened, and she immediately pretended to be calm, and said coldly:
"Well, you passed out yesterday, so I put you on the sofa, put a blanket on you, and then you fell asleep. Nothing strange happened to you."

Which pot does Wu Di not open and which pot to lift, touching the back of his head, whispering to himself:
"It's strange. Although I was unconscious yesterday, I always felt that I caught a particularly elastic and bulging pillow. I slept on the sofa... I didn't see any pillows."

After hearing this, in order to restore her reputation, Chen Linlin had no choice but to suppress the burning anger in her heart, not to let it flare up for the time being.But her face was cloudy and uncertain, making one feel that a murderous aura was slowly spreading to the surroundings.

In such a strange situation, her body, which is as guarded as jade, was touched all over by this young man. Thinking of this, Chen Linlin gritted her teeth with hatred.

When Wu Di saw that the beautiful hypnotist seemed to be in a bad mood, he expressed concern:
"Miss Chen, I fainted suddenly yesterday, didn't it cause you any trouble?"

After hearing the words, Chen Linlin hugged herself tightly almost involuntarily, and asked calmly:
"It didn't cause me any trouble. Are you...really unable to remember everything that happened yesterday?"

Wu Di was taken aback for a moment, and replied:

"I really can't remember. Did I do something wrong to you? If so, I solemnly apologize to you here!"

When Chen Linlin saw Wu Di's sincere expression, it didn't look like she was weaving a lie, and she temporarily let go of the big stone in her heart.She squeezed out a smile, pretending to be calm and said:
"Okay, idol. I tried my best to hypnotize you yesterday, but it doesn't seem to be effective. It has no other effect except to let you sleep comfortably. My hypnosis Looks like a failure.

I think that's all I can help you with.I'm afraid you have to hire someone else. "

The implication is that the beautiful hypnotist politely issued an order to evict the guest.

Unexpectedly, Wu Di slapped his forehead and said loudly as if enlightened:
"I understand! I was too tired yesterday! Your hypnosis has restored my mental state to the best state!
Although the hypnosis was not successful in the end, it refreshed my spirit!

Also, I vividly remember that many forgotten things came to my mind after hypnosis!In the end, the hypnosis failed because I was too tired and wanted to find a soft pillow to sleep on.

After waking up this morning, those forgotten things can't be remembered again...

Well, you've actually made it!It was only because I was physically and mentally exhausted that it happened.

After Chen Linlin scolded Wu Di in her heart, her face was still calm.

"Student Wu Di, there are times in your life, and there is always time in your life. Don't force it! Since I tried my best last night, but your memory can only flash in your mind, so if you hypnotize me again today, it will definitely have the same result.

Why are you in such a hurry?Take your time, you will recover your memory sooner or later. "

The strong-willed Wu Di couldn't stop there, so he began to tell Chen Linlin about his painful experience and the reason why he wanted to restore his memory so urgently.

Under Wu Di's hard work, Chen Linlin finally nodded helplessly and agreed to Wu Di—hypnotized him again!
10 minutes later.

Chen Linlin dragged the following items from her home:
A pneumatic hammer;
A bucket of crystal clear ice cubes;
A Simmons mattress;
Soft...a pillow!
Finally, she wrapped herself in three layers of clothes that she would only wear in the cold winter months and came before Wu Di.

"Okay, let's start! Let me declare that this is the last time."

"Okay...Miss Chen, are you feeling unwell, or do you think the weather is too cold?"

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(End of this chapter)

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