Chapter 143 Dacheng
Facing Chen Linlin's full armor, Wu Di was very surprised.

The proud son of heaven or the proud daughter of heaven with special talents, more or less have some unknown eccentricities.

Wu Di smiled knowingly, and immediately calmed down, made mental preparations, and signaled Chen Linlin to start.

Uneasy Chen Linlin couldn't stand Wu Di's request, so she had to hypnotize him again solemnly.

With the lessons learned from the past, Wu Di has created a shadow of fear that she was afraid of snakes after being bitten by a snake for ten years. She deliberately kept a distance of more than one meter from Wu Di, and then used a unique hypnotic method to make Wu Di enter again. In a trance.

When Chen Linlin instilled the psychological suggestion of "I can use all the mid laners of the League of Legends" into the mind of the hypnotized Wu Di, the terrifying aura haunted Wu Di's body again, and Chen Linlin was taken aback. He couldn't help but took two steps back, only to find that although Wu Di had become ferocious and terrifying this time, he didn't act outrageously like yesterday.

Then, she tremblingly gave Wu Di instructions: go to the computer and play League of Legends.

This time, when Wu Di sat in front of the computer, Chen Linlin only felt that the terrifying aura pervading his body expanded several times in an instant.

How is this going?

Although it is said that hypnosis can sometimes fully stimulate a person's potential, and through strong psychological hints, allow him to gain power beyond imagination in a short period of time, but the breath on Wu Di's body will skyrocket every time he passes , This unbelievable scene of breaking the rules made Chen Linlin feel as if she was watching the legendary martial arts master make a breakthrough in retreat, which was a novelty.

Just in case, Chen Linlin subconsciously raised the inflatable hammer in front of her with her left hand, while her right hand hugged the carefully selected soft pillow, and she looked like a warrior with a weapon in her left hand and a large shield in her right.

Sitting in front of the computer, Wu Di started a match with Chen Linlin's account in a daze.

Chen Linlin's account is naturally the top account with all the heroes. I saw Wu Di's right hand dangling quickly on the heads of all the mid lane heroes. Can't keep up with the rhythm of his swing.

Chen Linlin was shocked, and stood not far from Wu Di more cautiously, quietly observing his every move.

At the moment when the election time ended, Wu Di actually chose the second-second sharp weapon of the evil little mage!

In the League of Legends, if you ask which hero has the strongest second-hand ability, the little mage is definitely on the top of the list, and it deserves to be the first!

Is the trick enchantress stronger in seconds?

That's because she has the silence skill, which can temporarily make the opponent helpless, but if anyone has the higher damage ability, it is undoubtedly the little mage's four-stroke combo.

A skilled little mage, within 1 seconds of using [Twisted Space] to summon a pentagonal barrier to fix you, you can use the Q skill Dark Sacrifice, W skill Dark Matter, and all big moves Energy Burst for three combos , Let you fall down instantly!

Voidwalker is stronger in seconds?
He is just a mage hero who relies on equipment to combine harvesting and dashing.In terms of absolute damage ability alone, it is naturally inferior to the second-hand ability of the little mage who is the only one in the world.

In the later stage, a little mage in a god costume can even take away the most fleshy tank set.Little Mage is one of the few growth-type heroes in the League of Legends. The Q skill can permanently increase his spell power, so in the later stage, a tank hero with 4000 health is vulnerable to him. (This is theoretical data. It is still difficult to kill the opponent's flesh in an actual battle. Especially the opponent's reckless accumulation of magic resistance equipment will greatly reduce the ability of the little mage to kill instantly.)
As for the remaining high-explosive Mage heroes, such as Annie, Dark Head, Fox, etc., they can only rely on the ultimate move at level 6 to kill some crispy heroes in seconds, and if they really use [seconds] to calculate the killing time If so, the little mage can definitely send a crispy soul back to heaven within 1 seconds.

Chen Linlin has already reached the Platinum group, so she naturally understands these basic knowledge, but she just can't figure it out-why the hypnotized Wu Di would choose this extremely difficult second-hand hero.

After more than ten minutes passed, Wu Di's aura reached a peak, his eyes gradually became clear during the duel, and the blur in his eyes showed signs of disappearing!

Chen Linlin looked at Wu Di in shock, feeling incredible in her heart.

Could this kid be able to interrupt the hypnosis by himself and get out of the trance?

This is unscientific. Although people's spiritual abilities vary from person to person, people who can independently rely on their consciousness and spirit to struggle out of hypnosis are as rare as a feather.Perhaps among millions of people, there will be such a strange thing.

With Chen Linlin's in-depth observation, she found that Wu Di's hand speed had reached an unreasonable exaggerated speed.If it could only be described as [dazzled] before, now it can only be called [amazing]!
Chen Linlin rubbed her bright eyes, and suddenly found that Wu Di's hand speed was faintly beyond the resolution ability of her naked eyes!
This... His APM is probably close to 600... No!It may have exceeded 600!

Wu Di in front of the computer is still silent, staring at the screen intently, although the haze in his eyes has disappeared, but in fact he is only in a half-awake half-dream, in essence, it should be called half-baked. Hypnosis is half waking state.

It took only 7 minutes for this game, and Wu Di's side pushed down the opponent's base and won the victory.

And Chen Linlin squinted, Wu Di's record is: 17 kills, 0 deaths, 3 assists!

The whole team only took 20 heads, and he took down most of them by himself. This record undoubtedly made Chen Linlin stunned on the spot, dumbfounded.

The most unbelievable thing for her is that under such a high hand speed and such high-intensity operation, Wu Di did not make any mistakes, even the simplest forward or backward, all followed the best route, And did not make the slightest useless work!
Among the top professional players, the competition is not about who is stronger, who is more commanding, but who has no mistakes!
Whether it is individual manipulation or team action, whichever side makes fewer mistakes will be invincible!

Although Chen Linlin is a girl, she is still very clear that it is very difficult to operate without any mistakes within ten to twenty minutes.

No one is perfect, even the strongest player will make some imperceptible small mistakes in the game due to various reasons, and Wu Di did not make any mistakes in the previous ten minutes of the game. mistake!

too strong!In layman's terms, this is called flawless...

Isn't League of Legends a team game?Didn't it mean that no matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to defeat an opponent by himself?

Granny Bear!Isn't this kid's performance a powerful and resounding slap to this theory?
Chen Linlin is just an amateur player, so naturally she doesn't have a deep understanding of what "team games" are.And the reason why Wu Di was able to win the game by himself in this game is largely because the opponent's strength is too weak!Compared with Wu Di, it's like one is the bright moon in the sky, and the other is the light of fireflies on the ground.The level difference between the two sides is several series, so naturally they cannot be compared.

After finishing the game, Chen Linlin breathed out a sigh of relief, but unexpectedly something happened that shocked her again——Wu Di fell down in front of her computer again with a thud.

God!He fainted again... It won't be like last night, he suddenly got up and looked for [pillows]...

Thinking of this, Chen Linlin hurriedly threw the pillow in her right hand away from Wu Di with foresight, and then ran to the entrance of the stairs on the second floor in a hurry, ready to run if something bad happened.

However, Chen Linlin miscalculated.Because Wu Di's naive snoring sounded softly again - he subconsciously fell asleep hugging the throwing pillow...

The big stone in my heart finally fell to the ground. It seems that this kid really didn't mean it last night. He was just too tired and needed to find a cushion to sleep on.

Chen Linlin laughed at herself, and tiptoed to Wu Di's side, and when she was about to put a blanket on him, something strange happened!

Wu Di jumped up from his seat again like a spring man, and then a hungry tiger rushed to eat, directly throwing Chen Linlin down on the carpet again.

Afterwards, he closed his eyes tightly, hugged Chen Linlin's small waist, and put his head on her chest again, muttering to himself constantly:

"Hmm... That pillow just now has no scent, and I didn't sleep well. It must not be the comfortable pillow from last night.

Huh?This scent is so familiar, this is the pillow from last night!kindness!You must hug it tightly, this pillow is disobedient, if you want to move it casually, you must hug it tightly! "


Chen Linlin cursed Wu Di's whole body in her heart!Even so, she already knew in her heart: this time she fell again!

With her strength, it is impossible to break free from Wu Di's grasp.

She wanted to die already!

I hypnotized him with good intentions, trying to help him get back his memory, with good intentions, who did I offend? !Not to mention being eaten tofu once by this kid, now in broad daylight, it's the second time!

In desperation, she glanced at Wu Di with murderous eyes, only to find that this guy was sleeping like a dead pig, with that leisurely and complacent smile still hanging on his face.

Then, inadvertently, Chen Linlin, who was furious, suddenly noticed many clearly visible scratches around Wu Di's right wrist, which was hugging her!
What's more, what surprised her even more was that Wu Di's entire vein in his right hand was exposed, and the blue blood vessel was very swollen.

Chen Linlin thought about it carefully, and knew that this must be the side effect of Wu Dibiao's frightening hand speed and impromptu performance without any mistakes just now.

After all, a human being is a physical body, no matter how strong he is, there is a limit. The 600+ hand speed and the maintenance of the supernormal state seem to have caused great side effects on his body.He is only about 20 years old now, if he continues to play in that state, it will be a rhythm of death.When he wakes up, I will have a good talk with him about this matter.

Basically, I also know that my hypnosis can temporarily make him have the memory of the mid laner!There is no doubt about this, but this temporary effect will also make him unconsciously enter an unbelievable state. Although he is strong enough to control the progress of the game by himself, the lethality to the body is too huge!

Damn it!How can I care about this stinky man who ate Miss Ben's tofu twice with the same trick!

...Forget it, his current behavior is also unconscious, and those who don't know it are innocent... After all, he was once my absolute idol.Being able to help him restore his memory and recreate the style of the king, I still have a great contribution, um, forget about the unpleasant things in front of him, he doesn't remember anyway.

Just like that, Chen Linlin's face was like the summer weather, sometimes it became cloudy and cloudy, and unconsciously, there was an imperceptible smile on her face.

In her bedroom, until now, there are still posters of Wu Di from that year. Sometimes when she is bored, she will take out her mobile phone and stand under the posters, pretentiously [taking a group photo] with her idol.

When Wu Di abruptly withdrew from the League of Legends, she stood under the poster with tears in her eyes and stared at it blankly for half an hour.Thinking of this, Chen Linlin's eyes on Wu Di eased a lot.


After an hour has passed.

Chen Linlin was still thinking wildly, but Wu Di who was lying on her body suddenly woke up!
He opened his eyes, and the first sight he saw was naturally the strange picture of himself hugging Chen Linlin.

Shocked, he immediately moved away and bounced off the ground.

He looked at Chen Linlin, his face blushed, he looked away from her uneven body, and said in shame:

"I'm sorry, Miss Chen, I don't know what's wrong."

Chen Linlin sat up from the ground thoughtfully, looked at Wu Di, and casually said:

"It's okay, just pretend nothing happened. After all, those who don't know are innocent. By the way, I found that my hypnosis is still very effective for you. Do you remember what happened while sitting in front of the computer just now?"

Wu Di nodded forcefully, and said with a sigh of relief:
"Hmm! Although I'm a bit confused, I remember it very clearly. The lost memory appeared in my mind! And I still remember that I used the little mage to kill the opponent without leaving any pieces.

Hey, why is there a dull pain in my wrist? "

"Yes, I was about to tell you about this. Although my hypnosis can temporarily restore your memory, it put you in an unexplainable state. Under that condition, your competitive state It has reached a jaw-dropping level. You completely defeated your opponents by yourself!
However, it also has a great impact on your body load. Look at the scratches on your wrist and feel the fatigue of your entire arm. Do you feel that you can no longer lift your arm? "

Wu Di shook his arms and moved his limbs, confirming that what Chen Linlin said was true.

Then, he closed his eyes and thought for a while, and came to a conclusion: the [Killing God Flow] developed by imitating the fake Wu Di before was actually hypnotized by Chen Linlin, and he was done!
Although it will cause unimaginable hidden injuries to one's body, although it can only be fully displayed in a hypnotic state, it allows oneself to have a big killer at the bottom of the box!
In the past, he was originally the one who looked down on the crowd and surpassed all e-sports professional players as a Terminator, but now he, on the basis of retaining three-fifths of the strength at that time, added the [Killing God Style] For this secret nuclear weapon, for a moment, Wu Di was full of absolute confidence in standing on the world e-sports stage where the strong are like clouds.

The God-killing style cannot be used casually!But as long as it is used in the arena, it will surprise everyone and ensure that it can defeat the opponent in one fell swoop!

Seeing that Wu Di had been silent all this time, Chen Linlin thought that hypnosis had other side effects, so she hurriedly asked with concern:
"Do you feel your brain is still tired? Or is there something else wrong?"

Wu Di opened his eyes, smiled refreshedly and said:

"No, there's nothing wrong with me! Thanks to you, one of my self-developed genres is finally done.

But... I think, in a short time, I can't live without you..."

Such a thought-provoking word reached Chen Linlin's ears, which naturally reminded her of some scenes that made her feel ashamed and annoyed. She quickly took two steps back and said in a cold voice:
"What can't you do without me? What do you want to do?!"

Wu Di came to his senses, quickly touched the back of his head, showed a harmless and innocent smile, and said:
"Ha, don't get me wrong, Ms. Chen. My implication is that in the near future, I may disturb you frequently. Because without your hypnosis, I can't use that genre at all. I think You hypnotize me a few more times, let me get familiar with that state, maybe after getting familiar with it, I can enter that state by myself.

Moreover, your hypnosis can indeed allow me to temporarily retrieve those lost memories. I want to repeat it a few more times so that I can better remember those memories. "

I see!Boy, next time you speak, remember not to leave half of it!

Chen Linlin felt dark in her heart, and said calmly:
"I can't hypnotize you anymore!"

"Why?" Wu Di was puzzled.

"Because... because of you after hypnosis, you always want to sleep!" Chen Linlin couldn't explain.

"Uh, this is natural. That kind of play will make me physically exhausted. Of course I will want to sleep. So you are worried about this matter. It's okay. You can just lay me a floor on the ground. I will absolutely It won't affect your rest."

A black line appeared on Chen Linlin's forehead. She expected it to be soft, but hard.So, with a dark face, she said coldly:
"Are you dependent on me? In this way, since you are my idol, I won't take any money for these two hypnotizations!"

Wu Di's brain turned sharply, and he suddenly realized:

"Oh, I see. Ms. Chen must have a boyfriend. If I disturb him often, he will misunderstand. Well then, I will pay you according to your charging standards. Next time you When hypnotizing me, come to my training room. This way there will be no misunderstanding."

These words hit Chen Linlin's heart again.

"I don't have a boyfriend! I just don't want to hypnotize you anymore!"


In the end, despite Wu Di's rhetoric, the determined Chen Linlin no longer agreed to hypnotize him.

In desperation, Wu Di had to leave angrily.However, the moment he stepped out of the door, the smile on his face stopped abruptly.

He looked up at the sky with a calm face, but he muttered in his heart:

With Chen Linlin's help, restoring memory is a sure thing. Next, it's time to meet up with old friends. Everything is for rising!

 Ask for a subscription, ask for everything.

  I work hard and work hard, in addition to hard work, I still work hard!

(End of this chapter)

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