Chapter 144 Spring City
Quancheng has a long history and rich cultural heritage. In ancient China, several kings once established their capitals here.

Times have changed, time has passed, and today's Quancheng has become the number one e-sports city in China after years of development!
In the streets and alleys here, you can hear anytime, anywhere, from elderly people over half a century old, down to elementary school students walking happily on the way to school with their schoolbags, discussing various deeds of the League of Legends.

The popularity of the League of Legends in Quancheng is the most extensive among all the first-tier cities in China, not one of them.

Because, here, there used to be a city's pride, a city's hero, who defended the honor of the No. [-] e-sports city for a long time and resisted the challenges of all latecomers. This person was once the No. [-] in the world Genius - Wu Di.

In the e-sports circle, Wu Di's influence on Quancheng is at the imperial level. His every move has touched the hearts of all e-sports fans in Quancheng.And he fell at the speed of light more than a year ago, and disappeared without a trace, causing the e-sports fans in Dequan City to lose their spiritual support in an instant. From that moment on, Quancheng's reputation as the number one e-sports city has gradually faded , although people are very melancholy, but also helpless.

Wu Di's home team, the [Brilliant] team that had played for several years, has fallen from the top of the pyramid to a team that aims at relegation within a year. This is the Quancheng gaming circle at this moment. true portrayal.

Lu Tian made an emergency return in the middle of last season. In the end, the whole team united as one, bursting out with amazing fighting power and resilience, and finally allowed the glorious team, an absolute veteran team, to be relegated. This event once again inspired everyone in Quancheng. E-sports fans, they firmly believe that sooner or later, there will be a person who can grow up quickly, and then replace Wu Di as the king, and lead the brilliant team to rebuild its glory!

After waiting for more than a year, the Brilliant Club was unwilling to reduce their team to a bully team in the Super League. So after the season ended, they launched the "Beyond, Start from This Moment" slogan. [Supernova] Excavation cultivation plan.

And the target of this plan is the absolute newcomers emerging in the e-sports circle.

These newcomers have no fame, no affiliation, and some are even tired of running around for a full meal all year round, but they have one common characteristic: talent!
Hand speed, responsiveness, psychological quality, team awareness, these are the basic elements to decide whether to become a top professional player, these rookies have everything, and what they don't have is just an opportunity, an opportunity to make a blockbuster!

That's why the major clubs are scrambling to find extremely talented young rookies among the people. Even, for some geniuses that are rare in ten years, these clubs will fight openly and covertly, trying their best to dig the rookies to their own side.

Since ancient times in Huaxia Kingdom, there has been a famous saying: the masters are among the people!

Even Wu Di, who was the world's number one player back then, was a talent unearthed by the Brilliant Team among the people.After more than a year of silence, some geniuses who are not inferior to Wu Di have gradually entered people's sight after the [Supernova] project was launched.

As Quancheng, known as the first city in China's e-sports, has never lacked newcomers with excellent basic qualities. After the acceptance of the season, the [Supernova] excavation plan of the Brilliant team has found a group of players in just a few months. Plastic talent.

Under the deliberate training of the club, these people have become a new force that cannot be underestimated!

Quancheng Brilliant Club training room.

The three young men, about seventeen or eighteen years old, dressed in brilliant team uniforms, had already entered the empty training room, and consciously started devil training with increased volume and no price increase.

These three young people, namely Durex, Liu Mang, and Mapi, are the three extremely talented rookies that the Brilliant Club has recruited after the implementation of the Supernova Project.

However, one of the fatal flaws of newcomers is that they are supercilious and never know the true meaning of the famous saying that there are heaven and there are people outside the sky.

While carrying out the basic training of professional quality, several people chatted like no one else was there.

Durex: Hey, getting up so early every day and having to do these boring training every day is really boring.

Liu Mang: Yes, our quality is so strong, even better than some old players!However, we can only do these pediatric training repeatedly in the training room. When will we be able to play.

Mapi: Stop making trouble, you two, train well.Every professional player comes here like this.How can one step to the sky?You two don't really think that you are invincible, do you?
Back then, Wu Di, the pillar of the team, was all-powerful and prosperous, but he was not able to lead the brilliant team to win the world championship by himself. We three little guys who have just entered the industry, we should be more patient.

Durex: Humph!What is Wu Di?Didn't it just rely on the lack of people in the e-sports circle before, and it soared into the sky.If I were in his age, I would still be able to achieve results no less than his by virtue of my talent.I've watched his game highlights, he played very aggressively, and it made the audience's blood boil. This style of play is also easier to capture the hearts of those e-sports fans.

But according to my observation, I can also do his final style of play!Isn't it just to select people in a targeted manner after being proficient in all heroes? A talent like mine is enough to accomplish such a thing.

Moreover, my style of play must be more aggressive than his!Let me tell you a secret, don’t tell the instructor——I am studying Lu Li’s Wang Dao Liu, and with my outstanding talent, I have already comprehended some core things by watching his game videos!
The other two were startled, and laughed in unison and asked:

"Just by you? After watching a few game videos, can you comprehend the invincible genre that can only be achieved through hard work?

Also, do you think it's easy to get familiar with all heroes?Hey, didn't you listen to the instructor?To recognize a hero, you need to play [-] games with it, to be proficient in a hero, you need to play [-] games with it, and to truly master it, you need to play at least [-] games with it !

You're not ashamed to say it, well, our big teeth are almost laughing out. "

Durex snorted coldly, and argued:
"How does a sparrow know the ambition of the swan? Compared with me, the talents of the two of you are far behind!
It is normal for you to be unconvinced, I am such a peerless genius that makes you jealous!Others need to play dozens of games to get familiar with heroes, but I play a few games is enough!

Anyway, after I practice Wang Daoliu and achieve some success, I will show you two a demonstration, so that you can clearly understand that genius is incomparable to ordinary people! "

The proud Durex stopped talking nonsense with the two teammates who joined the team at the same time. He was a little angry when they were provoked by the two. In a rage, he turned off the basic training software, opened the League of Legends, and entered his account number , Started to abuse rookies.

While the three of them were chatting unhappily, the door of the training room was quietly pushed open, and a tall and mighty figure appeared in the sight of the three of them.

This man was born with a strong back and a waist, and his figure was unusually tall, estimated to be about 1.9 meters tall.And what envied the three of them the most was that this guy was full of explosive power all over his body. His bulging muscles supported all the team uniforms.

When the three newcomers saw this person, they first showed a little surprise, then they sneered at him and started to go about their own affairs.

"You three? Who is speaking ill of Wu Di?" The man shouted loudly, with a provocative aura.

Durex let out a loud snort and stood up.

"It's me, I just think that Wu Di, whom everyone is proud of, is not very good! He is just a benchmark that was deliberately set up in response to the rapid development of the e-sports circle. In fact, his ability is not strong.

Zhang Ting, what I said is the truth, it is not a bad word! "

Du Leisi's righteousness ignited Zhang Ting's heart at once.With an extraordinary figure, he arrived in front of Du Leisi's eyes in three steps instead of two, grabbed his collar and lifted him up out of thin air!
"You... what are you going to do?! You trash, don't mess around! This is the training room!"

"Trash! With your performance, you dare to slander Wu Di! You want to die!" After finishing speaking, Zhang Ting imprinted his Kong Wu's powerful forehead on the top of Du Leisi's head, and immediately knocked him into staring eyes. ,feel sleepy.

When Mapi and the others saw Zhang Ting appearing, they hurried over to persuade them:
"Zhang Ting, everyone is in the same team, so don't destroy the internal unity."

Zhang Ting snorted coldly and said solemnly:
"I'll only say it once, as long as I hear you say one bad word about Wu Di, I'll hit you once! If you dare to say ten words, I'll hit you and send you to the hospital for half a month, remember!"

After throwing down this ruthless sentence, Zhang Ting let go of Durex, then turned to a computer in the corner, and began to conduct professional quality training in a regular manner.

Du Leisi gritted his teeth, shot a fierce look in his eyes, and greeted the eighteenth generation of Zhang Ting's ancestors in his heart.However, due to the terrifying force he displayed, he didn't dare to say a word of nonsense on the surface.

Looking at the two companions who are also newcomers, he asked in a low voice:
"Damn it, why did this trash react so strongly? What happened between him and Wu Di? Why did he want to beat me impulsively when I mentioned Wu Di?"

Ma Pi came over and patted him on the shoulder, explaining in a low voice:

"You idiot, why are you so loud! I heard from old players that Zhang Ting is the person who believes in Wu Di the most in the Brilliant team! It is said that if Wu Di hadn't spoken to the club's senior management, he would have been kicked out by the club! In this way, Wu Di is Zhang Ting's greatest benefactor. You have to be careful in the future, even those old team members who have criticized Wu Di dare not speak out in front of this kid!"

Dureisi turned his head to look at Zhang Ting, turned his head and snorted coldly:

"A trash who can't even beat the second-tier players in the brilliant team, why can he still stay in the team and show off? I also heard that his professional quality score is only 69 points! He didn't even reach the average of professional players! In this way Why should the club stay as a piece of waste?
If it was before, I can think that there is Wu Di backing him up, but what about now?His good-for-nothing idol has disappeared, so can this little good-for-nothing like himself continue to run rampant?

What are the higher-ups thinking, it is this kind of waste that remains in the team that restricts the team's development..."

Before Dureisi could finish his sentence, a person walked quickly from the door of the training room to behind him, and then under the watchful eyes of everyone, he came up hard behind Duraisi with lightning speed. fist.

"Who the hell dares to hit me?!" Du Leisi burst into a rage under the pain, and immediately jumped up from the seat, ready to fight with the people behind him.

But when he turned around and found out who it was, he immediately fell silent.

Lu Tian, ​​the current captain of the Brilliant team, is the benefactor of the club who brought the team back from the brink of relegation by virtue of his own all-star strength!In this brilliant team now, Lu Tian's prestige is close to that of Wu Di back then, almost no one dares to disobey his words.

Moreover, this captain, who has been in office for more than half a year, has always been known in the e-sports circle for his iron-blooded management, so when he appeared in front of the three newcomers, the three of them immediately shivered with fear and quickly stopped talking.

"Team...Captain!" The three rookies bowed their heads tremblingly.

Lu Tian stared at Du Leisi with both eyes, and said coldly:
"You are the newcomers recruited by the club with all their efforts, you don't train well to strengthen your own strength, but here you are like a bitch, muttering like a mother-in-law!

Double your training volume today!If you can't finish it, you are not allowed to leave the training room!Also, don't talk about Wu Di behind his back in the future!
Wu Di is the banner of our Brilliant team, he has brought great honor and glory to our Brilliant team!

A person who forgets his roots will never achieve great things, remember? "

The three newcomers hurriedly nodded their heads obsequiously like knocking on a wooden fish, and then Lu Tian signaled them to go back to their respective positions and start training.

Then, he walked smoothly to the corner and came to Zhang Ting.

"Zhang Ting, why did you beat up your teammates?" Lu Tian said with an irresistible majesty.

"Captain, I don't want to do anything, but... you heard it too! They look down on Wu Di!"

With no expression on his face, Lu Tian directly punched Zhang Ting on the right shoulder, but Zhang Ting stubbornly met the captain's eyes and didn't even hum.

"This punch is your punishment for destroying the unity of the team! In addition, your training task today is also doubled. If you don't complete it, you are not allowed to leave the training room! Do you have any opinions?"

"Yes, Captain! I have no objection!" Zhang Ting yelled loudly forcefully, and it also allowed the three newcomers not far away to see their captain's methods—clear rewards and punishments!
After dealing with this routine internal unity problem, Lu Tian also entered his special training room as usual.

Now that he is the captain of the Brilliant team, he naturally has certain privileges. After entering the training room, he turned on a computer as usual, logged in to his account, and checked the online status of his friends.

The name [Invincible King] has been on the list of friends in the dark. After Lutian Gubo looked at it for a while, he turned on the computer and prepared to carry out the daily routine training items.

At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a phenomenon that shocked him unceasingly—the dark and dull [King Invincible] actually lit up impartially!

Lu Tian was both surprised and delighted, and was about to seize this fleeting opportunity, and when he was about to ask some questions, unexpectedly, the other party sent a sentence first:

【oh?Such a coincidence?I just went online with the attitude of giving it a try to see if you were online, but I bumped into you.

Are you Lu Tian?I'm Wu Di. 】

Lu Tian stared wide-eyed, and his hands were trembling. He was overjoyed and quickly replied:
【Yes, I am, Wu Di, are you okay?Have you recovered your memory? 】

Wu Di didn't say much, but directly typed another sentence:

[I'll arrive in Quancheng tomorrow night at the latest, do you have time for a get-together? 】

Lu Tian is the best friend of Wu Di in the Brilliant team, so he naturally agreed.

【good!no problem!I'll give you my cell phone number, and when you arrive in Quancheng, call me directly! 】

[Meet and chat. 】

After throwing down these three words, King Invincible went offline.

Lu Tian clenched his fists tightly, and his blood flowed all over his body in an instant.When he visited Wu Di's home, he was kicked out by his parents unexpectedly. He was disheartened and ready to retire. Finally, he was strongly persuaded by the club chairman to stay. Then he came back in the middle of the season and led the Brilliant team to relegation.

The past is like smoke, but now my brother seems to have recovered his memory, which is undoubtedly great news.

[Come on, brother, I know you are definitely not a guy who is willing to be mediocre!Now that you have recovered your memory, you will definitely make a comeback!As long as you open your mouth, I will spare no effort to help you! 】

Lu Tian looked up at the soft sunlight outside the window, and felt extremely comfortable...


Wu Di, who was in Tianfu City, immediately set off to book a train ticket after contacting Lutian, preparing to go to Quancheng.After Ye Wuhen learned about it, he immediately arranged for two big men in black to monitor Wu Di 24 hours a day, so as not to compromise his personal safety.

In the training room, Wu Di hugged every team member emotionally, including Lin Xiaoxiao, the lovely and fierce girl.

"Everyone, we have a long way to go. The purpose of my trip to Quancheng this time is kept secret for the time being. You must work hard. I hope that when I come back, you can complete the test I gave you ahead of schedule.

When I'm not around, if you encounter difficult things, you can find senior Wuhen. "

Although everyone was puzzled by Wu Di's decision, they still chose to acquiesce.After a few blessings from everyone, Wu Di dragged Qin Rou and Wei Wei into the 【Grand and Resentment Room】.

He said solemnly to the second daughter:
"I originally wanted to entrust the management of the team to Xia Ninghan...but she left me, so I have no choice but to take care of the team myself! This time I decided to go to Quancheng to meet some old friends, The purpose is to allow the king's team to develop rapidly in a short period of time!
When I'm not in the team, I hope you can help me take care of it.

Qin Rou, you are in the Brilliant Club, in Tianfu City, so you can naturally help me manage the team.Weiwei, you will be returning to Europe soon, I hope you can use your connections to help me find out all the information about that organization! "

After Wu Di explained, the second daughter also nodded in agreement.

Finally, the thoughtful Weiwei asked puzzledly:
"What is your real purpose of going to Quancheng?"

Wu Di looked out the window with an inscrutable look. After a while, a word came out of his mouth: "Qian..."

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(End of this chapter)

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