Chapter 145 Brothers
Money is not everything, but nothing is impossible without money.

When Wei Wei and Qin Rou heard from Wu Di that they went to Quancheng for money, they froze on the spot, and their expressions froze instantly.

These two beautiful contestants, one is the top three top laner in the world, although they rejected all the sponsors' packaging and promotion, but still rely on their extraordinary strength and popularity to become a top e-sports player with an annual income of tens of millions and the other, with her sexy and enchanting figure and charming temperament, has won the sponsorship of more than ten top women's brands in China, which also makes her among the ranks of Bai Fumei contestants.

In the eyes of these two beauties, they have not worried about money for a long, long time.Although they are far from the top tycoons, the annual income of more than [-] million has put them on a different starting line from ordinary people.

And now, the two mutual lovers, once the world's strongest, are actually worrying about money?The two were very puzzled.

Seeing the disdainful, worried or confused expressions of the two, Wu Di also laughed dumbfoundedly and said:
"Don't think I've lost my memory, I've even lost my heart, you're afraid that I'll get caught by money. Don't worry, I have my own sense of propriety."

Weiwei has always been far-sighted, so she couldn't help asking sullenly:

"How much do you want? My bank deposit is more than eight figures, 100 million, or 1000 million? I'll give it to you! But, I hope you don't do anything too extreme!
If you really fall into the eyes of money, I will wake you up immediately! "

Wu Diyun smiled lightly and shook his head.Seeing this, Qin Rou didn't want to be looked down upon by Weiwei, so she immediately jumped out and said anxiously:

"I also have an eight-figure deposit here, and I will give it all to you! If it is for money, you will have to leave Tianfu City. I think it is an unwise move! Here, your safety factor is much greater!"

The sincere words and deeds of the two daughters made Wu Di feel very warm in his heart.However, he had a magical turning point.

"Heh! Thank you both for helping me out. I appreciate your kindness. However, even if you add up your entire net worth... it won't be enough!"

"Not enough?!" The two girls exclaimed in unison.

"Yes, it's not enough. Now that things are up, I won't play charades with you. The main purpose of my trip to Quancheng is to get back some things that belong to me!

I told you about the hypnotist helping me restore my memory.Her hypnosis was very effective, not only allowed me to restore my memory in a short time, but also reminded me of a very important thing!
And the benefits that can be obtained from this matter are related to how far the king's team can go in the future!

You don't have to worry, didn't senior Wuhen arrange two bodyguards?Moreover, as long as I get my things, our team will be able to gain soaring capital! "

The two girls were confused, but seeing that Wu Di was still unwilling to reveal the secret in her heart, she didn't force her anymore.

Weiwei is extremely smart, and suddenly realized Wu Di's plan, so she quickly interrupted and asked:

"Do you want to make the team bigger and stronger? Do you want to make it a club? That's why you need a lot of money? That's why you say that our combined net worth is not enough?"

Surprised, Wu Di fixed his eyes on Weiwei, then pursed his lips and smiled, saying:
"It seems that I can't hide anything from you... Just as you inferred, I want to make the King's team a club, and I want to make it the number one club in China!
The development of e-sports venues, training rooms, player dormitories, living quarters, and peripheral products, all the things that top clubs are doing, I will implement in the king team! "

The two girls looked at Wu Di with bright eyes, and they all opened their mouths, completely stunned by Wu Di's plan.

Weiwei was the first to come back to her senses and said:
"No wonder... No wonder you said that we don't have enough money... To run a club, of course, the money needed is in units of [-] million. Moreover, throwing a few hundred million into it is like sinking into the sea, and it will not cause any waves.

If you go to Quancheng, you can get enough funds to run the club? "

Weiwei pointed out the crux of the problem.

Wu Di waved his hand and said with a smile:
"It's useless to talk too much. I know that to build a top e-sports club requires a lot of money, and if I go back this time, even if it goes well, the money I get back won't be enough to run the club..."

"Then why did you reject us? Although it's just a drop in the bucket, it's better than nothing! Now your team is just getting started!" Qin Rou was a little angry, and she was quite critical of Wu Di's rejection.

Wu Di withdrew his smile and said in a deep voice:
"First, I never use women's money. Except, of course, my mother's money when I was a child.

Second, I either don't do it, or I have to be the strongest!
I don’t know what you guys think of me, do you still remember what thousands of fans used to call me—they used to call me [King], the invincible king, but as a king, I have never won The MVP of the finals has never won a world championship.Such a king, not worth mentioning!

Chen Linlin's hypnosis reminded me of something buried deep in my heart, and I realized that my previous words and deeds were indeed too naive.I can neither protect those around me nor myself.So I made some tweaks to my plan...

In fact, my goal is also very simple, I want to create an undefeated team of kings myself!The e-sports industry is developing rapidly. If you only fight as a player, you will inevitably be influenced by that [organization] to control your life and death.In order to keep me invincible, I changed my original intention - I want to build an e-sports empire with my own hands!
At that time, no one and nothing can prevent the king team from reaching the top!
All right, all right, stop staring at me like you're looking at aliens.I'm still me, nothing has changed. I won't take your money. If one day, you don't want me anymore, your money will be your generous dowry...


Wu Di laughed and left the training room.

Wei Wei and Qin Rou looked at Wu Di's back, and couldn't help sighing: "I can't understand this guy more and more..."


The next day.

When the intoxicating sunset disappeared into the sky with the lazy afterglow, Wu Di, wearing a dark peaked cap, led two big men in black and appeared on the platform of the railway station in Quancheng.

"I'm back. Everything here is so familiar. The so-called innocence can only be awakened in my hometown."

Wu Di called Lu Tian, ​​and half an hour later, Lu Tian, ​​the captain of the Brilliant team, was absent from the team's training for the first time due to [being unwell], and came before Wu Di.

The four eyes met, there was no nonsense, no greetings, the two stepped forward quickly, punched each other hard in the chest, and then hugged each other tightly, pressing each other's shoulders hard...

There is a joke devoted to friendship between men and women.

The women laughed, chatted, drank tea together, and went shopping together, and they seemed very harmonious. However, after a year, because they didn’t communicate often, the friendship between the two disappeared; while the men didn’t spend much time together, but after ten years passed , still hit it off at first sight, with a simple gesture and a look, both parties can understand each other's thoughts, this is true friendship.Some gangster men call it [Brotherhood], while men with a little literati temperament call it [Friendship].

Good brothers, forever, true friends, let's go together.

Lu Tianzu hadn't seen his good brother for more than a year. After a warm hug, he immediately cared:
"You bastard, why didn't you notify me immediately after recovering your memory? If I hadn't put my number online for more than a year, you wouldn't be able to contact me at all!
Who is behind you?Granny Bear!You're doing well now, have you brought bodyguards? "

After hearing Lu Tian's extreme but sincere approach, Wu Di also felt a surge of enthusiasm. He pressed Lu Tian's shoulders firmly, and said calmly:

"It's not that I won't contact you, but my situation is a bit special... The people behind me are here to protect me."

Afterwards, Wu Di told Lu Tian everything that had happened in the past few months.Lu Tian was a witness at the scene of Wu Di's accident, so naturally after Wu Di's reminder, he understood the ins and outs of the incident.

He clenched his fists and said harshly:

"I knew that what happened back then was not that simple! After your accident, the organizing committee made a simple investigation, but after the investigation, it was prevaricated by the fact that you had abnormalities in your body. received bribes or threats from that organization.

Speak, brother!I know you won't stay under others for a long time, so if you have any thoughts, tell them all, and I will go through fire and water, even if I go through fire or water! "

Wu Di slammed Lu Tian's shoulder with a fist, and he couldn't laugh or cry:
"What is going up the mountain of swords and going down into the sea of ​​fire? Do you think it's a martial arts movie? I came to see you, there must be something important. This place is not suitable for talking, go, find a place, and I will have a drink with you!"

Declare first!You know I never drink alcohol, I drink very poorly, I drink one, you drink three! "

Lu Tian agreed with one gulp, and said with a smile:

"Okay! Haha, if you have wine today, you will be drunk today. I will talk about things that bother you and your brains after you wake up tomorrow!

Let's go, I've booked a private room at the Dynasty Hotel long ago, and my two brothers will definitely not return tonight without getting drunk! "


three hours later.

Wu Di exchanged one for three. Although he had a very poor capacity for drinking, he still made Lu Tian drunk.

Lu Tian sat unsteadily on the armchair, his emotions were very high, and after drinking a cup, he actually started pulling Wu Di to shout "My Good Brother" together.

In your glorious hour, let me sing a song for you;
My good brother, you tell me when you are in pain;

Walk the road ahead together, even cross the river together,

Bitter and tiring, so what?
When you need me, I will spend time with you;
My dear brother, you tell me when you are in pain,

Life is full of ups and downs, but we still have to live strong;
Cried and laughed, at least you still have me.

The friendship of friends is higher than the sky and vaster than the earth. We will definitely remember those years, the friendship of friends in this life,

The greatest rarity is like a glass of wine, like an old song.

Lu Tian sang and sang, a few tears came out of the man's eyes, which surprised Wu Di, and quickly comforted him:
"Hey, hey, it's a good thing that our two brothers are reunited. Don't be too emotional. You're acting like a bitch."

Lu Tian wept with joy, laughed heartily and said:
"Do you know? After your accident, I went to your house to look for you, but your parents kicked you out! They said that it was because of a friend like me that you didn't do your homework every day. You only knew how to play games and wasted your studies!
At that moment, I really thought that I would never be able to contact you again..."

Wu Di remembered what Xia Ninghan said when his memory first recovered, "People's hearts are not ancient", and used it to describe Lu Tian who had a good personal relationship with him, but he didn't expect that he had visited him long ago, but was His family was kicked out.

For a moment, Wu Di felt quite guilty.

Before he made up his mind to find Lu Tian, ​​it's not that he didn't think about Xia Ninghan's words, but in the end he believed that brotherhood is for life, and he didn't believe that Lu Tian would change, so he contacted him at the first time, only to find out now The secret of this matter.

He proudly raised his wine glass, filled a whole glass of red wine himself, and then said to Lu Tian:
"Don't ask me why, and don't ask me why I punished myself with a drink in front of you, everything is in the wine!"

Wu Di drank it all in one gulp.

Lu Tian was taken aback for a moment, but later he became more drunk, and Wu Di drank by himself without any affectation, so he poured two full glasses of red wine again.

"Life is full of ups and downs, and friendship is like heaven and earth! Come on, don't ask me why, let's drink this cup together!"

After two glasses of red wine, Wu Di, who can't drink enough, immediately felt top-heavy and a little unstable.

Seeing this, Lu Tian didn't force himself.So the two, who were full of wine and food, supported each other and staggered out of the private room.

Unexpectedly, Wu Di's foot slipped, and his body fell to the side at a very high speed. Lu Tian was so strong that he couldn't help him, so he could only watch Wu Di crash into a passing young woman.

The woman was wearing a sleeveless, low-cut woolen sweater, and a tight leather skirt with black legs on her lower body, which looked very high-end and foreign.

But the woman couldn't dodge in time, and after a coquettish cry, she was still bumped into her arms by Wu Di.

However, it was the buffer provided by some kind of bulging utensil that shocked Wu Di, and finally controlled his figure without falling to the ground.

"You're looking for death, you! Security guard, security guard! Come here quickly and drive this drunk out!"

The woman stared arrogantly at the stiletto heels of more than ten centimeters, clutched her chest in shame and anger, and shouted.

After hearing the words, Lu Tian was about to have a fit, but after taking a dazed look at this woman, he found that although this woman looked sexy and enchanting, her bulge was too obvious, so she thought she was a standard artificial beauty.

Ever since, he was drunk and laughed, and said loudly:
"Ha, brother, thanks to the air cushion on this woman's chest, you bounced back. You have to thank others. It is this beauty who keeps you from falling to the ground and being treated as a laughing stock."

Wu Di drank in a daze, and didn't carefully distinguish Lu Tian's words, and apologized to the woman in a naive manner:
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, miss, thank you for your air cushion, otherwise I'm going to make a fool of myself."

"You are the air cushion, you are all air cushions!"

The woman was furious, furious, and when she was about to curse, a flower protector came out from behind her.

The man was of medium build, about 25 years old, wearing a set of expensive formal clothes, and the most memorable thing was his eagle-like sharp eyes.And behind him, there are four big men with the word "Bodyguard" carved on their foreheads.

He gave Wu Di and the two expressionless glances, then turned around and said softly to the angry beauty:
"Xiaoqing, don't be so knowledgeable with such people. These people probably picked up their wallets or got lucky enough to make up enough to spend in this high-end place. Just ask the security to drive them out. Don't get angry, get angry with this kind of person, and lose your identity."

When the woman heard this, she felt that what this man said was very reasonable, and she glared at Wu Di and the two of them angrily, waiting for the security guards to arrive.

A moment later, the lobby manager of the Dynasty Hotel led four security guards who were tall and rough, and came in front of everyone.

"Ha, it's Young Master Xue! Oh? And Second Miss Xue!
What a good day it is today, to have you come and make our hotel flourish. "

The fat lobby manager recognized the man in black formal suit at a glance.This person is none other than Xue Tianyue, the only son of the Xue family, a business tycoon in Quancheng.And the beautiful woman next to him who was hit by Wu Di is his biological sister Xue Tianqing.

The status of the Xue family in Quancheng is like that of the Ye family in Tianfu City.

When Xue Tianyue saw that the lobby manager recognized her, she also said seriously:
"My little sister and I came here for a light meal, but we were turned off by these two drunks. I wonder how your hotel should deal with it?"

After the lobby manager was surprised, he immediately observed his words and realized that there were two drunks who disturbed Young Master Xue's meal, so he quickly gave the security guard a wink and prepared to [friendly] invite Wu Di and the others out of the hotel.

When the bodyguards in black behind Wu Di saw this, of course they would not stand idly by.The two stepped forward quickly, protecting Wu Di and the others behind them.

The double opponents stared wide-eyed, and the tense atmosphere immediately permeated the scene.

Xue Tianyue had extraordinary eyesight, seeing that these two drunks even brought their own bodyguards, their identities must not be underestimated.After some thought, he stood up, and said to the drunken-eyed Wu Di in a high-ranking tone:
"You almost knocked my little sister to the ground just now, you have to apologize. After you apologize, you must leave this place, otherwise, you will bear the consequences."

Lu Tian was already used to pointing fingers at others in the Brilliant Team, how could he bear such a provocation when he was drunk.

"My brother apologized just now. Well, if it's okay, get out of the way, good dogs don't get in the way!"

Xue Tianyue narrowed her eyes slightly, and replied coldly:

"What a crazy tone! In Quancheng, no one dares to talk to me like that!"

Lu Tiantian was not afraid of anything, took a step forward, and stared at Xue Tianyue without giving in:
"Just now, didn't someone talk to you rudely?

You rich kids are really funny.I know you, Xue Tianyue, because I relied on a powerful father.Why do you always like to impose the prestige brought down by your parents on yourself? "

Xue Tianyue smiled instead of anger.

"Heh! I recognize you too. Captain of the Brilliant Team, Lu Tian. Do you know that when your boss sees me, he will give me three points?"

"He's him, I'm me, I'm not familiar with you, so get out of the way if you have nothing to do."

"Oh, I suddenly had an interesting idea. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, I let you and your friends leave like this, and I, Young Master Xue, can't bear face.

Lu Tian, ​​do you dare to go with me to the black market of the LOL underground game? "

 Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass.

  There is a long way to go in life, and I will continue to work hard.

(End of this chapter)

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