Chapter 146

Quancheng is the number one e-sports city in China, so it naturally has its own unique characteristics.The LOL underground game black market is a special product of the vigorous development of Quancheng's e-sports business.

The biggest feature of the underground game black market is that you can bet on the daily underground game!The dealer sets up a handicap, and the audience chooses their favorite or optimistic team to bet, and finally settles according to the relationship between victory and defeat.

And its other eye-catching feature is that there are often professional players playing games here!Although his identity will be kept secret, his level of performance is definitely superior to others, making the audience stand out.

As we all know, top professional players have to participate in heavy training every day and participate in various cup competitions according to the dense schedule, and they have to fight against each other on weekends to compete whether they can represent China in the Super League of the World Finals. More rest time.

Except that after the end of the season, there will be a short vacation to adjust the body and mind and state, in addition, there are no rest days throughout the year.

With the development of the e-sports industry for so many years, the income gap between professional players is also uneven.Some star players have an annual income of tens of millions, while some second-tier players or substitute players can only earn a living, and what's more, their income can only barely cover their belts to live poorly.

It is under this difference in treatment that a black market for LOL underground competitions should emerge.

Here, you don't need to report your name, tell the organizing committee your real name, or even show your face, you can compete alone in an absolutely confidential private room under the arrangement of the organizing committee.Even if you are willing to report your name, after the organizing committee passes the verification, they will keep your identity strictly confidential.

Then, the organizing committee will set the appearance fee according to the level of the contestants, and get a certain percentage of commission bonus.

If your team wins and the organizing committee is in a profitable state, it will give the participants a share in proportion; and if your team fails, you will not get a share, but the most basic appearance fee , or will be delivered to you by the organizing committee as soon as possible.

The most important reason why the underground competition black market can attract a large number of second- and third-tier professional players to participate is that its appearance fee can range from a few thousand yuan to as high as six or seven figures!

So, here is an excellent way for unknown professional players to earn high income.For those professional players who have problems with food and clothing, and are unwilling to seek other ways out, this is heaven!
For those rookies who think highly of themselves and have certain strength and talent, they are also particularly fond of this place.They often directly report their names, and then in the ongoing underground games, with their outstanding performance, they attract the attention of the top clubs. Those who are lucky can easily be spotted by the top clubs, thus giving A relatively lucrative rookie contract.

Gradually, the underground game black market in Quancheng has become a sacred place that all professional and non-professional players yearn for.Here, second- and third-tier professional players can get generous rewards, and rookies even get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make their mark.


Of course, just like the underground boxing market, thousands of spectators gathered here, and most of these spectators were children from rich families.They feasted and feasted all day long, drinking and drinking with their friends, and the decadent day passed like that.In their spare time, they also have a common hobby - that is to go to the underground to compete in the black market, throwing away a lot of money without blinking an eye, and gamble with a daughter of Zheng here.

Winning or losing is a trivial matter for them. The most important thing is to fill their lives with a little bit of suspense, and the suspense is that they don't know in advance who will win in the black market. Which side has the most professional players.

The black market of the underground game was originally a product strictly prohibited by the League of Legends official organizing committee, and professional players are strictly prohibited from participating, otherwise, they will be disqualified from participating in the current season.

However, Quancheng is a pioneer city in the development of the e-sports industry, and has been in business for many years. The atmosphere of e-sports is strong. Some wealthy families have opened up relationships with the ability to reach the sky, making the underground black market a [legal organization] in Quancheng.

Among them, the Xue family, one of the best big families in Quancheng, is one of the major shareholders of this underground game black market.With the support of them and the other two families, this kind of underground competition not only attracted the attention of the rich children of the entire Quancheng, but also often attracted children from other cities to come here to gamble and have fun.In other cities, if there is an underground game black market, one will be banned, so one of the topics of chatting among the rich is the Xue family in Quancheng and the other two families. To what extent has the power reached...

After several years of painstaking efforts in the underground competition black market in Quancheng, it has become quite large. Not only does it have sufficient credibility, but it also has a magnificent and fully enclosed competition venue.

The space in the center of the venue is not large, and there is no special competition room, only a few rostrums where the staff of the organizing committee and commentators sit.This is because in order to keep the identity of participating professional players as secret as possible, they often do not go to the venue to finish the game in person, but use other methods to participate in underground games not far away or in different places.

In addition to a few rostrums in the center, the venue is surrounded by various private rooms built in various shapes.

The competition venues are set up according to the standards of top club home venues, and the auditorium is also divided into three, six, and nine grades.The top tycoons sit in the fully enclosed luxury VIP private room, which has everything you need. Here, you can enjoy all the comfortable services like an ancient emperor. Of course, the luxury VIP private room here adopts an annual fee system. And it is open in a limited amount, and only viewers who have accumulated more than [-] million bets can apply.

In addition to the luxurious VIP private rooms, the rest are private rooms classified according to the seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.The lowest level is the private room with a red appearance, and the highest level is the purple private room.

Don't underestimate those special audiences who can only enter the red private room, it is often these inconspicuous audiences, the amount of betting will be blockbuster!
Here, only the audience in the luxurious VIP rooms are regarded as real rich people, other than that, there is not much difference.


Dynasty Hotel.

Xue Tianyue's eyes were as sharp as an eagle's, staring at Lu Tian closely, without saying a word, only the provocation in his eyes was clear at a glance.

At this time, Lu Tian's drunkenness also eased a little, he knew that Xue Tianyue was provoking him.As the captain of the veteran and powerful team, the Brilliant Team, he certainly cannot defy his own methods and make such mistakes.

He pulled the corner of his mouth and said with a sneer:
"Unexpectedly, Young Master Xue's tricks are so despicable. You clearly know that I am the captain of the Brilliant team. Participating in the underground competition will undoubtedly bring extremely serious negative effects to the team. It is meaningless for you to do so.

Well, my brother did apologize just now, if it's okay now, we're leaving.There will be no period! "

After finishing speaking, Lu Tian grabbed Wu Di and prepared to pass by Xue Tianyue.But unexpectedly, Xue Tianyue stepped forward and stood on the path of the two of them again.

"Don't say that. I'm not an arrogant and unreasonable person. Your friend offended my little sister before, and I can write it off. But, I really want you and me to go to the underground game black market, I always want to know, The well-known full-level players, what kind of ability can they pull the brilliant team out of the abyss of relegation.

Speaking of which, I'm still a die-hard fan of Team Brilliant. "

Xue Tianyue's face revealed a sinister look.It's true that he is a fan of the Brilliant Team, but he doesn't like anyone who offends himself or his family and can get away unscathed!

This time, he has already made a vicious plan in his heart - he must ruin the reputation of this kid named Lu Tian!

Seeing that Xue Tianyue made this trip, Lu Tian would not give up easily. When it comes to who in Quancheng can cover the sky with one hand, the Xue family really does their part.

Although the two can walk out from here without any effort, there will undoubtedly be huge hidden dangers left behind.He still doesn't know the real purpose of Wu Di's return to Quancheng, but he also doesn't want Wu Di to be hindered by avoidable things in the future.

Lu Tian thought about it in his mind, and after many considerations, he didn't want to drag Wu Di down, so he let go and couldn't help asking:

"What do you want to do? It's impossible for me to participate in the underground competition."

Xue Tianyue observed the words and demeanor, and naturally saw the compromise in Lu Tian's attitude, then he laughed and said:
"Team Lu is really quick-talking. I think I don't want to drag down my friends, so I'm ready to bear it all by myself. Actually, I really don't want to embarrass the two of you, but look, my little sister is still pouted. As her Brother, it is only natural for me to seek justice for her."

"Stop talking nonsense! What on earth are you trying to do? Do you need me to apologize again? I can apologize to this young lady again." At this time, Wu Di was too drunk and gradually sobered up.

After hearing the conversation between the two, he absolutely did not allow his good brother to bear all this independently.

Xue Tianyue waved her hands and laughed loudly:

"The friends of the Lu team are also very proud, and they stood up to support you so quickly.

Actually... I just want to witness the strength of Team Lu and see if you... can lead the Brilliant team to another glory in the next season! "

"How to witness?"

"It's simple, you don't even have to go to an underground venue, but you have to play five underground events!

I know that you are very worried about your identity being exposed and the team being adversely affected.I will guarantee that no one will know that you have participated in the underground competition. How about this condition is fair. "

Lu Tian frowned and thought about it, and said doubtfully:
"You want to use network grafting technology to let me have an underground match in other places?"

Xue Tianyue snapped her fingers and said contrivedly: "Bingo! Team Lu is really smart, he can understand everything. In order to protect your reputation, it is imperative to do so.

In order to increase your interest in participating, your participation fee is 50 yuan per game, a total of [-] yuan for five games! ——This worth should be worthy of your status.

As long as you win, no matter how much the black market dealer wins in the handicap, I will give you a high commission of [-]%!
Sincere enough.

Moreover, this time I am going to bet 200 million on each game alone... I will lose you!The ugly words are up front, if you lose, I will not look for those betting people and dealers, but I will ask you to pay me double compensation!This is a private bet between you and me!

how?Give me an answer.I think with the courage of the Lu team, this bet is still capable of accepting it. "

As soon as these words came out, not only Wu Di and the other two were taken aback, even his younger sister Xue Tianqing blinked her big charming eyes and looked at her brother in confusion.

Leaving aside why Xue Tianyue confidently raises 200 million bets against Lu Tian in each game, the most critical point is: Will Lu Tian lose?
Others don't know, but Wu Di knows it well: When he was still in the Brilliant team, although Lu Tian often played in the support position, his strength in other positions was definitely among the top [-] in the country!
Because Wu Di's final style of play back then required such an all-around teammate!The ace players of the top teams all have very different positions. Naturally, Wu Di is required to play in various positions, and use the final style of play to limit the play of the opponent's ace.And the vacant position will naturally be replaced by his five all-around teammates.

Although there will be some strong players appearing in the underground competition from time to time, some of these people are rookies who are in the limelight, and some are experienced professional players, but the level of these people is not as good as that of Lu Tian More than three series.

Lu Tian has been selected as an all-star player in Huaxia for three consecutive years, and he is the captain of Team Brilliant. Naturally, his status and strength cannot be compared with those of the players participating in the underground competition.

And Xue Tianyue actually wanted to bet on Lu Tian to lose, which seemed to be outrageous, which completely ignited the bloody Lu Tian.

"Oh! Unexpectedly, Young Master Xue would throw 1000 million to buy me an embarrassment so swearingly.

good!Anyway, I can just find an Internet cafe, borrow their competition server, and then enter the IP address and authentication code provided by you, and then I can enter the competition, right? "

Xue Tianyue snapped her fingers again, a little surprised and said:
"Ha, I didn't expect Team Lu to know our underground games very well. Could it be that Team Lu has participated in it before? It is indeed as you said, it is as simple as that. In order to dispel your doubts, you can also invite two bodyguards in black behind you Pay close attention to all the movements around you. Get rid of those lawless people who secretly took pictures and secretly took pictures."

Without Xue Tianyue's reminder, Lu Tian was already ready to do this.In Quancheng, his identity is very sensitive.Professional players are strictly prohibited from participating in the underground competition, and coupled with his status as the captain, he must always pay attention to it.

And the reason why he knows the secret operation method of the underground competition is because he has witnessed a professional player participating in such an underground competition, and this person is Zhang Ting who has always regarded Wu Di as the spiritual leader!

Xue Tianyue seemed to be very confident that someone could defeat Lu Tian. Seeing that Lu Tian was almost certain to participate in the underground competition, he continued with confidence:

"Our underground competition is divided into singles, doubles, and team five-person competitions. Contestants can choose the type of competition according to their own style. And the underground competition black market in Quancheng holds several singles, doubles and five-person competitions every day , The start time is after ten o'clock in the evening, and at this time, there are still about [-] minutes before the earliest start of the single match.

In this way, I don't want to embarrass the Lu team. I know that it must be extremely difficult for you to find five people to participate in the team competition.Are you going to participate in the upcoming singles competition?Or call your friends and play in a doubles match?If I participate in a double match, I will double the bet again, 400 million per game! "

Great, I finally have another chance to kill the Quartet with Wu Di again!
Thinking of this, Lu Tian glanced at Wu Di out of the corner of his eye, intending to extend an invitation to him.But what he saw surprised him secretly—this guy's alcoholism seems to have disappeared... But why is his expression so calm?This is unscientific...According to his previous personality, he had already gone berserk, and agreed to the underground competition in the form of a two-person competition...

Lu Tian was suspicious, and just wanted to ask Wu Di in a low voice, but Wu Di came forward calmly, patted him on the shoulder, and whispered: "I know you really want to fight with me again. But now I Your state is not suitable to go to the front with you. You can choose the singles."

Lu Tian stared blankly at Wu Di's serious expression, then withdrew his gaze, stared straight at Xue Tianyue, and said sternly:
"Don't make it so troublesome, just participate in the singles competition. Since time is tight, let's start to find something now. Please remember what you said, Young Master Xue!"

"If you keep your word, it's hard to chase after a horse!"

Xue Tianyue nodded with satisfaction, and then let Wu Di and the others go.

After leaving the Dynasty Hotel, Lu Tian immediately asked out his doubts.

"Wu Di, why don't you participate in the doubles competition with me? With this idiot who is overbearing and giving tens of millions of gifts, don't let it go for nothing!

Speaking of which, I should also change my mother to a bigger room, hahaha. "

Lu Tian naturally has absolute self-confidence.

However, Wu Di frowned and said softly:

"Although I was born here and grew up here, I should know the Xue family very well. But I have lost my memory... I can't remember some things clearly. Can you tell me what Xue Tianyue is like?"

Lu Tian didn't know why, but he told the truth:
"To be honest, I thought it would take a lot of effort for us to get out of the Dynasty Hotel today...Xue Tianyue is very narrow-minded and holds grudges. Do you still remember that there was a professional player who offended him because of a trivial matter, and was finally punished? Did he plan to clean up the team? Oh, you don't remember.

In short, this person is the type of person who will not give up until he achieves his goal.With such a great background, he naturally has some powerful means. "

After Wu Di listened, after thinking for a moment, he said again:

"That is to say, he seems to be giving you money this time [Braveness], but it is actually a conspiracy carefully designed by him to put you in an embarrassing situation?"

Lu Tian was startled, and naturally guessed what Wu Di meant.

At this time, Wu Di turned around and told the two bodyguards in a cold voice:
"Two, after arriving at the Internet cafe later, please help me check the situation around me, and make sure nothing unusual happens."



Inside the Dynasty Hotel.

Xue Tianyue and her younger sister Xue Tianqing stepped out of the gate in a calm manner, and got into her own car - a limited-edition Lamborghini sports car.

Xue Tianqing was puzzled and asked: "Why is my brother so sure that Lu Tian will be crushed?"

Xue Tianyue smiled without saying a word, and after a long time, she replied softly: "It's true that he is very strong, but I know five stronger guys!"

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  I keep trying.

(End of this chapter)

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