Chapter 147 Warm Up
The night was dark and the stars were twinkling. Wu Di looked up at the sky and smiled calmly: "Tomorrow will be a good weather."

At this time, several people were already riding in the most common oil-green taxi.

After hearing Wu Di's irrelevant words, Lu Tian was startled, turned around and asked:

"When did you learn to read the sky? Before you lost your memory, you didn't have such a refined style. To be honest, how many girls have you attracted with this stinky posture? Hehe, if I remember correctly If you don't, you used to be a flirtatious person everywhere."

Lu Tian asked casually to adjust the atmosphere, but unexpectedly Wu Di nodded seriously and said:
"Well, so far, I only have two lovers. But there is also a woman who has a very close relationship with me, and the relationship has not been confirmed yet."

Lu Tian was taken aback, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets, and when he was about to torture him to extract a confession, Wu Di interrupted him:

"Brother, stop chatting. I haven't seen you for more than a year. Has your strength improved? Can you handle the underground competition? I suspect that the young master of the Xue family must be planning to contact a top expert to pull you down."

Lu Tian smiled boldly, patted Wu Di's shoulder heavily, and replied:
"Brother, you are worrying too much. Although your limelight covered everyone in our team back then, you have to know that the strength of the rest of our team members, if you take any one out, is enough to win a main position in a first-class club. What's more , we are still the rarest all-around players. Although we are not as good as you, we are good enough to deal with this kind of underground competition. My strength has also improved a little this year, and it is no problem to win the competition!

You may not know it, but it is impossible for top professional players to appear among the participants of the underground competition.

First, the first-line professional players disdain the rewards offered by this tournament. You heard it just now. Professional players of my level are paid [-] yuan per match, although I am not short of money.

Secondly, there is an unwritten agreement among the top professional players-that is, they are bound by each other, and neither of them can participate in the underground competition!
If all the top professional players participated in the underground competition, wouldn't this become a super league of another nature?
The top management of the club and the official organizing committee of the League of Legends will never allow this phenomenon to happen. "

After listening to Lu Tian's description, Wu Di also had a general understanding of the underground competition.He is naturally very confident in his brother's strength.

"Okay, let's go, just find a remote and low-key Internet cafe, as long as the machine is good."


The limited-edition Lamborghini sports car roared past on the expressway around the city of Quancheng. Xue Tianyue had been in contact with all kinds of luxury top sports cars since she was a child. Driving this Lamborghini, which can only be regarded as a mid-range coupe in her garage, is naturally familiar.

Soon, the sports car stopped in front of the gate of a top luxury venue outside the South Third Ring Road of Quancheng.

This is the legendary underground game black market.

When the security guard in charge of the gate saw the sports car, he rushed over, took the initiative to open the car door for Xue Tianyue, and greeted the two mighty Xue family heirs out of the car.

Xue Tianyue was in a good mood, and after tipping the two security guards several hundred yuan, she went straight to her own luxurious VIP room.

After entering the private room, Xue Tianyue took out the phone and pressed a number.

"Brother Zhu, are you free now?"

"Ha, it's Young Master Xue. I'm not busy right now, and the nightlife will start in a while. You're too polite, just call me by my full name Zhu Ye."

"Heh, you are ranked No. 20 in the official e-sports magazine's ADC power ranking list, and you are already a hot star player. You should be called Brother Zhu."

"Young Master Xue praised me too much. I am only ranked 23rd, which means that there are 22 top players above me...

Young Master Xue called late at night, there must be something wrong, let's just say it.As long as it is within my ability, I, Zhu Ye, will do my best to serve you. "

"Oh, let me just say it straight - I want you to participate in the underground singles competition, just one match. The appearance fee is 20."

There was a noticeable silence on the other end of the phone.

"This...Young Master Xue, I've made it clear. I really dare not promise you this. It's not about money, it's about rules. You may not know that we are among the top [-] in the annual selection. There is an unwritten rule among famous contestants. We cannot participate in the underground competition! I dare not offend the public, Young Master Xue, look, you should hire someone else."

Xue Tianyue laughed confidently and said:
"Brother Zhu spends his days drinking and drinking, his strength is not retreating, but his future is bright. I think you are also a noble person who forgets. Have you forgotten that our Xue family once took the lead for you and helped you get the endorsement of several top sports brands?"

There was another silence on the other side of the receiver.

Of course Zhu Ye knew that since the Xue family could bring him a valuable endorsement contract, he would naturally be able to lose this lucrative sponsorship in an instant.And although he himself is ranked in the top 20 and is quite famous, compared to the income of the top ten players, except for these few sponsors, he is really one heaven and one underground.

Zhu Ye weighed again and again, his private life required a large sum of expenses, he couldn't lose these sponsorships!
After thinking up to this point, Zhu Ye obviously gave up, gritted his teeth and agreed:
"Okay! I won't talk nonsense! Since Young Master Xue has spoken, it is obviously unreasonable for me to refuse. But..."

"I understand that your participation will be kept absolutely confidential. I can guarantee that no one will leak this matter."

"Okay! I'll go get ready now! Call me then!"

Zhu Ye, the main player of Team Yanhuang, a middle-level team in the Super League, ranked No. 20 in ADC strength in this year's evaluation by the official e-sports magazine.He became Xue Tianyue's first player to use against Lu Tian!


Xue Tianqing is also a fan of e-sports. When she saw her brother let the top [-] top professional players off the game with a few words, she immediately cheered and danced beside Xue Tianyue like a lovely lark.

"Haha, brother, I have long wanted to see the grand occasion of top professional players participating in the underground competition. Zhu Ye vs. Lu Tian! This is the first time a match of this level has appeared in an underground competition. I can't wait. "

Xue Tianyue was extremely defensive, he knocked on his sister's forehead pretentiously, and said with a smile:
"Zhu Ye's ADC ranks No. 20 and 400 in China, while Lu Tian is ranked in the top [-]s even though all positions are on the list. So, in this first game, I can make Lu Tian lose [-] million !
Although 400 million is not an astronomical figure to him, if he loses 2000 million, it will definitely hurt his muscles and bones, and maybe he can go bankrupt directly!

This is the inevitable end of offending our Xue family! "

During the conversation, Xue Tianyue's eagle-like sharp eyes revealed a great ruthlessness.

Xue Tianqing clapped her little hands happily, while adding fuel and jealousy: "I admire brother's methods the most! Hehe!"

"It's not over yet... This opportunity should not be missed. I want to earn a vote from the young master in Quancheng!"

Xue Tianyue smiled coldly, and immediately summoned the staff of the black market for the underground competition, listed the single match between Lu Tian and Zhu Ye in an hour, and put a slogan on it - [Absolutely professional-level confrontation! 】.Then set Lutian's betting handicap to 3:1, that is to say, if Lutian wins, the bettor can get an extra income equivalent to one-third of the betting money, and if Lutian loses, the bettor will lose all Betting money, and these betting money will flow into the pockets of the dealer;
And Zhu Ye's handicap is set at 1:1, that is to say, if Zhu Ye wins, the bettor can get an equal amount of extra income, if Zhu Ye loses, the betting money will all go to the dealer.

This is a handicap with very sinister intentions.

Although the kids from rich families who came to gamble in the underground game room were rich and did not regard money as money, they were not fools.They will use the bookmaker's handicap to judge the strength of the contestants. Generally speaking, the reason why the underground game black market in Quancheng is sought after by these rich people is because their handicap is very fair.The stronger side, whether it is a single match, a double match, or a team match, will definitely be set as a high-value handicap, and the stronger side will generally be set as a normal handicap, that is, 1:1.

However, Xue Tianyue is determined to ruin Lu Tian's reputation this time, and the insiders of the market he opened can tell the clue at a glance.If this is a team game, then maybe the handicap is set relatively normal, because Lu Tian is good at five positions.But this is a single player match. In theory, Zhu Ye's strength surpasses that of Lu Tian.Therefore, such a handicap setting has become a trap set by Xue Tianyue for the children of rich families!
Xue Tianyue asked the black market staff to play the slogan of a professional game, which would naturally attract the attention of a large number of viewers. While the audience increased their bets, it would also indirectly bring considerable income to the black market.

This plan of killing two birds with one stone made Xue Tianyue proudly look at the big screen in the private room, beaming with joy.

Xue Tianqing couldn't help boasting a few words when she saw her brother's thoughtfulness and exquisite layout.But Xue Tianyue waved his hand and made a fool of himself:
"Little sister, this is not over yet. In order for the audience to recognize Lu Tian's strength, I still have to do something."


Two 10 minutes later.

Xue Tianyue asked Zhu Ye to wait for a while, and then confirmed to Lu Tian whether he was ready.

After the staff of the underground competition provided Lu Tian with an IP address and identification code of the competition server, as well as some anti-intrusion methods and a special account for the underground competition, Xue Tianyue laughed on the phone:
"Team Lu is ready."

"OK, stay with me anytime."

"Ha, in order to make Team Lu's first underground match full of legends, I also added a lottery?"

"What color head?"

"You should also know that there is an informal power ranking list for the single player competition in the black market of our underground competition."

"Just tell me what you want to do. No matter what, I will accompany you!"

"Okay, Team Lu is really quick to talk, it's a pleasure to communicate with you. My idea is that the single match between you and the person I'm looking for is postponed for an hour!
Before that, the Lu team will randomly pick the top [-] players in the singles rankings to warm up.Of course, I will pay you nothing for your appearance fee and commission! "

Lu Tian held the phone in a daze for a moment, not knowing why, but soon made up his mind.

"Okay! I'll warm up first, and see how powerful the masters in the black market of Xue Shao's underground competition are!"

The phone hangs up.

Wu Di heard all the conversation between the two, closed his eyes and thought for a while, and expressed his own speculation.

"Lu Tian, ​​I'm afraid your real opponent will be very strong. You see, he asked you to choose the top [-] players in the singles competition to warm up. Obviously, the people he invites will be even stronger!"

Lu Tian laughed, waved his hands and said, "Brother, you are worrying too much! I have no choice but to be forced by him to participate in the underground competition. But that unwritten rule will make all the top professional players say [no] to him!
Don't think too much, I like such a stupid and rich master, just right, you can also see the progress of my strength. "


Lu Tian glanced at the single-player strength ranking list, and directly chose the player ranked [-]th.And it just so happened that this player happened to be online and hadn't played the game yet.

In an ordinary residential area on the third ring road in Quancheng.

Durex opened his eyes suddenly, and excitedly accepted a single-player application from a sudden challenger!
"Haha, a new account? That's a newcomer who has just arrived in the black market of the underground competition, huh? Hehe, the team leader and the tall and burly Zhang Ting came here yesterday. I'm really upset!

You came at the right time, so I will let you experience the experience, what is the strength of a master! "

It never occurred to Durise that the opponent he was going to use to vent his anger was actually his captain!
The two parties entered the waiting area, and then it was time for the audience to bet.

Today is the weekend, and the private rooms have already been filled by all the young and old ladies who are free. When they saw a newcomer directly challenge the top [-] players in the singles competition, although they are only the [-]th, their strength is not to be underestimated. watch for.

The audience in the private room became a little excited in an instant, and they began to raise the betting machines in their hands, betting large sums of money on Durex.

And in an inconspicuous and basic red private room, there were two young girls sitting there, smiling and discussing endlessly.When they saw the single match between Durex and Lu Tian, ​​they found that most of the gamblers had bet on Duris.

One of the short-haired girls directly pressed 100 million on Lu Tian with a shake of her jade hand.

"Crazy, are you? This is a rookie, and his opponent is ranked [-]th. Although this ranking is not regular, he is definitely not an ordinary person."

"Hey, I've never taken an unusual path, looking for the feeling of flying."


15 minutes passed in a flash.

It only took Lu Tian 15 minutes to blow up Durex's base.

Du Leisi in the community smashed the keyboard angrily, hated that even after dropping the mouse, this established fact could not be changed.So he had to curse to the sky:

Who is this goddamn master playing with a trumpet to abuse people?Give me some time, as long as I practice Wang Dao Liu to the culmination, I will never meet an opponent again in the singles competition!
And this was considered an extremely amazing performance in the eyes of the gamblers, which immediately left them speechless.All the private rooms fell silent in an instant.

After a while, they realized that this new account must be created by a very powerful person, and he chose the hundredth place just to test the depth of the opponent in this single match!

The red private room where the two girls were located immediately started talking loudly.The short-haired girl made millions in 15 minutes, which not only surprised the black market staff, but also made Xue Tianyue frown.

Seeing her brother showing such an expression for the first time, Xue Tianqing was puzzled.She asked with concern:
"Brother, what's the matter? What's bothering you?"

Xue Tianyue pointed to the southwest direction, frowned and said:

"My plan to deal with Lu Tian was originally to discredit him and make a lot of money in the black market. But the guest in that private room... will become a stumbling block for us to make a lot of money in the black market."

Xue Tianqing followed Xue Tianyue's fingers, looked at the red private room, and said in surprise:
"Isn't it just a guest in the red private room? How much financial resources will it have? If it is a heavy guest, it will already be in the luxurious VIP room. Brother, don't worry."

Xue Tianyue kept frowning, shook her head, and explained to her sister:
"Little sister, you don't know that the guests in that private room are very special. They have actually been here many times, and their betting funds have already exceeded tens of millions, and they have the qualifications to choose luxurious VIP private rooms. But they seem very They like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, and they have always stayed in the lowest-level red private room, and they don’t want to go to the luxurious VIP private room. And their betting style is very strange, whichever side is unpopular, they vote for that side. Did you see it just now? They voted for Lu God, it turned out to be millions."

Xue Tianyue rubbed the center of her brows, and continued:
"Forget it, I don't pay attention to the mere millions. Anyway, Lu Tian will definitely be caught by me later."


When the gamblers and audience in the private room began to discuss the appearance of this "new star", this newcomer who appeared like a comet had already submitted an application for the singles competition again.

But this time, the object of his application is the No. 40 ninth place in the singles ranking!

[Applied again!That mysterious guy has applied for the competition again!This time, he even directly challenged the top [-] contestants! 】

【Ha, this time his luck won't be so good, the top 40 contestants are not at the same level as those who lost their tails.This kid must have grown up.I bet [-], and the No.[-] nine will win! 】

[I like stinky farts and overconfident idiots the most!Such a guy is used to win money for us! 20, No.40 Nine Winners! 】

Like the first single match, most of the guests bet heavily on the No.40 nine.And the short-haired girl in the red private room smiled, and pressed another 100 million on Lu Tian.

Another girl blinked her big moving eyes and exclaimed:
"Qiqi, are you crazy? This is one of the top 200 contestants, and his strength is not at the same level as the one at the bottom of the crane. Good luck, don't favor fools! Quickly vote another 40 million in that No. [-] nine people!"

The girl named Qiqi just smiled, waved her hands and said, "Lulu, we're here just to find some excitement. Besides, that guy is very powerful, you just can't tell."

Lulu curled her lips, and said dissatisfiedly: "Hmph! I know you are very good. Your strength is definitely at the professional level. Of course, you can see the depth of these amateur masters. Others don't know, but I know it well." Quite—you seem to be taking the unpopular approach, but it's actually a well-thought-out move."

Qiqi scratched Lulu's nose, and said with a smirk, "Hey, you know me best! You have to wait two years before finding a boyfriend, otherwise, after you get married, I will lose my love." One of the best bosom friends."

"Hmph! Don't try to provoke me. This girl once swore to her family that the man I'm looking for must be an e-sports expert! And he must be the king of the world!"

"Okay, okay, who doesn't know that your idol is Wu Di, but hasn't there been any news from that guy? You have to choose another one. And it's said, just heard, that guy is very playful!"

"Gossip, definitely gossip! An idol without gossip is not an idol!"

"Okay, nympho big carrot."

"court death!"


Lutian's second single match lasted 10 minutes, 5 minutes longer than the previous one, but the final winner was still Lutian.

How can these folk masters resist the all-star player's limelight?

At the same time, the guests were completely stunned by Lu Tian's performance.The No.40 nine winners almost dropped their jaws to the ground.

But what surprised them even more was that this guy sent out another challenge application after trampling down No. 40 No. [-] without bloodshed!

The opponent he applied for was No.1 on the singles leaderboard!An ID called waiting for the well-known players.

This player named [Waiting] started to participate in the underground competition more than a year ago, and only focused on playing singles, never participating in the other two underground competitions.

[Waiting] After more than a year of hard work, I finally transformed from a rookie to No.1 in the single player rankings.

His game is full of passion and full of spectacle.From the first second of meeting, he attacked without flinching, and often mobilized the latent blood in the hearts of the guests.In addition, this guy is extremely strong, and he swept the masters of the major rankings in a row, and finally sat on the No.1 throne.

Therefore, when Lu Tian initiated the challenge, this time, no one believed that Lu Tian's shit luck would be the third time!

Qiqi in the red private room looked at the IDs of both sides on the screen, and also revealed a mysterious smile with a charm that was rare.

Lulu was puzzled and asked:
"What are you laughing at? That guy must be dead this time... No.1 has never been defeated since a few months ago! In the past few months, he has defeated many challengers and ranked No. [-] on the leaderboard One. If it is not a top professional player, it is not his opponent at all!"

"I know," Qiqi said with an inscrutable look on her face, "then No.1 is very strong, probably a little bit stronger than me. However, I still think the rookie will win! This time, let's play Big! 500 million, the newcomer wins!"

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(End of this chapter)

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