Chapter 148 Replacement
The gamblers who didn't know Lu Tian's real identity were completely angered by his actions!

Does this ignorant rookie really think that he can sweep away everyone on the single player leaderboard?
No.1, the player whose ID is [Waiting], has not lost a game in the past four months!And the most talked about is that his games never exceed 10 minutes!In other words, his strength has become so strong that it has become a luxury for the opponent to voluntarily surrender and give up!

Whether it's a VIP luxury room or the lowest-level red room, all the gamblers present tonight have been completely burned.They originally regarded money as the master of numbers, and they came to the underground competition in the black market just for excitement, but they didn't expect to be ruined by a newcomer again and again tonight.Suddenly, Lu Tian became everyone's public enemy.And the moment the black market commentator announced the start of betting, almost everyone raised their betting devices and placed more bets on No.1 than the previous two games!
Xue Tianyue stared at the betting amount displayed on the big screen in the private room, and was also slightly taken aback, worried.

When Xue Tianqing saw the betting posture, she also understood where her brother's worry came from.

"Brother, the total amount of the No.1 [waiting] victory has exceeded 2000 million..."

"This is not the key. The key is that the customer in the red private room made another move! And they bet 500 million! According to the principle of the black market, according to the principle that a rising tide raises all boats, they will win the 3:1 handicap opened for Lu Tian Fifteen million!"

Xue Tianqing was puzzled, and continued to ask:

"Even if the customer wins 500 million, wouldn't there be 1 million for No.2000? We can still earn 500 million in the black market."

Xue Tianyue had a gloomy face, but she still patiently explained:
"Have you forgotten? I promised that I would give half of the money to Lutian for these single matches! That means, he will directly take away the high commission of about 750 million yuan from the black market!"

"Huh? Then didn't we lose several million directly?" Xue Tianqing finally understood her brother's real worry.

"Forget it, a few million is nothing, anyway, I have enough confidence to make Lu Tian lose five games in a row! By the way, have you arranged the things I asked you to arrange?"

Xue Tianqing nodded with confidence and said:
"Well, I have asked someone to find out the address of Lutian. He is now in a remote Internet cafe outside the South Third Ring Road of Quancheng. Although it is a little far away, the sisters I arranged have already started to act!"

Xue Tianyue's brows finally stretched a little, and said fiercely:
"Okay! Did he think that if he went to a remote place, and if someone sealed the door of the private room, the fact that he had participated in the underground competition would not be leaked? Hmph! Ask your sister to perform better tricks, and be sure to use a pinhole camera to take pictures. Download the video of him manipulating the character! This time, he can't fly without wings!"


Betting time is over.

The single match between Lutian and [Waiting] has officially started!
Lu Tian, ​​who was sitting in the private room of the Internet cafe, was still calmly sitting on the armchair, watching his screen and chatting with Wu Di at the same time.

"Brother, do you know? The materials and videos you gave me back then helped me a lot. At the end of this year's season, I was on the list in all five positions! Although I only ranked in the 40th place, I can Entering the top [-] in all five positions is considered a great achievement... although it is not as dazzling as when you ranked first in the five positions."

Wu Di joked:
"I don't remember leaving anything for you. Could it be that you found it secretly from my room? Your strength has indeed improved greatly in the past year or so. Moreover, from the two days just now In the field, I see some shadow of Wang Daoliu."

Lu Tian laughed boldly and said:

"I stole your sister. But you lost your memory, and it's understandable that you can't remember. It's really strange. Before the finals that year, you seemed to have a premonition that something would happen, and recorded all your experiences in a mobile phone. on the hard drive and handed over to me.

More than 30 G!My brother's eyes are dazzled, but fortunately, I finally lived up to your trust and realized the true meaning of Wang Daoliu.The strength evaluation list at the end of the season is the best proof.

But having said that, the information you gave me implies the essence of Wang Daoliu?How is it possible, I always thought it was the main point of your final style of play! "

Up to now, Wu Di didn't want to hide his best brother, so he confessed that he was the senior brother Wang Daoliu.

Lu Tian was startled and almost fell off the armchair.

"Damn it! I always thought you were just a stinky brat. I didn't expect that the city is so deep, and you are the first successor of the most popular Wang Daoliu!"

"Well, my final style of play is improved on the basis of Wang Daoliu. Alright, I will talk slowly when I have time later. You should deal with No.1 now. I can maintain an unbeaten record in the underground competition A few months, should be a strong rookie."

Lu Tian was arrogant and said with a smile: "What are you afraid of? What kind of masters will there be in the underground competition..."

Before the words were finished, the explorer Ezreal chosen by Lu Tian had already met the outlaw lunatic Graves on the opposite side!
Just when Lu Tian was about to taunt his opponent, he found that Graves, who was nicknamed the male gun, rushed in front of him with a beautiful [Quick Draw Gun]!

What?The first level of the male gun did not upgrade the Q skill [large lead bullet], but a displacement skill?
Lu Tian was shocked, and Wu Di was also obviously taken aback.

Then, the male gun started to attack the explorer recklessly!
Lu Tian symbolically shot out a [Secret Shot], but was dodged lightly by Nan Qiang's exquisite [Right Angle Move].

At this time, when Lu Tiancai raised his hand to head-on, he found that there was a strange flame burning on his body—ignite!
The man's gun is lit, not with a barrier?Moreover, handed in the ignition so early?
At this time, Lu Tian could no longer use any words to describe the shock in his heart. Under such a strong offensive, he had no choice but to quickly withdraw to the defense tower, not daring to stay any longer.

When the explorer retreated back to the defense tower without any risk, his health dropped by more than half!
After the gamblers in the black market saw this passionate opening speech, a rush of blood rushed through their bodies in an instant.

[Hahaha, let me just say, No. 1 is that unknown rookie can match?His solo matches are still so sensational and aggressive.good!Like you, no reason! 】

[Isn't it? Although his style of play has no rules to follow, I just admire his style of play that integrates the offensive concept into his bones as always!This kind of performance is the performance of No.1 in the underground rankings. 】

[The newcomer is doomed this time!It's a pity that I can't make additional bets, otherwise, I would like another 100 million. 】

The gamblers in the private room were chatting happily, but in the private room of the Internet cafe dozens of kilometers away, Wu Di was stunned after seeing this scene, and his whole person was frozen in place like a camera.

This male a bit interesting.The first-level upgrade to E skill, directly looking for people to fight for their lives, although they lost the consumption effect of the more lethal [Large Lead Bullet], but relying on the extra attack speed while constantly accumulating their own armor and magic resistance, On the one hand, they seized the opportunity!

It looks like a person, no, this male gun is that person!
I vaguely remember that I created this first-level starting move, and I only taught it to one person.

That person is not Xia Ninghan, I have never taught her, so, who is this person?

Wu Di closed his eyes and meditated.

Ever since ADC recovered his memory, some acquaintances have been lingering in Wu Di's mind.After a while, Wu Di suddenly opened his eyes.

The operator of this male gun—ha, I remember!

At this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door of the private room of the Internet cafe.One of the bodyguards opened a crack in the door and found two juicy young girls standing outside the door.

"what's up?"

"We heard that the captain of the Brilliant team appeared in this remote Internet cafe. We are all his loyal fans! We want to come to see the idol's demeanor! Let's go in, please. Seeing such a big and three rough appearance, I know you are sure It's the bodyguard of Team Lu!"

"No!" The bodyguard stepped across and blocked the door.The two sisters stood on tiptoe, looked inside desperately, and shouted loudly on purpose:

"Everyone, come and see! Lu Tian is here! Lu Tian, ​​the ace player of the Brilliant Team! Don't you guys come to see the idol's demeanor?"

This yell scared the two bodyguards quite a bit—after a while, behind the two girls, suddenly there were many slut friends who heard the news.

Of course, there are not only unsuspecting fans here for entertainment online, but also some people with special identities.

A dozen or so fans noticed the abnormality here, and immediately moved closer, desperately trying to squeeze through the door to look like a top professional player.

In this era, the top players of the League of Legends are more popular than some big stars!

Two bodyguards dutifully blocked the door, trying to fend off the intrusion of these fans.But helplessly, there are too many ants to kill elephants. Even if you are skilled, you can't stand the crowd!
Wu Di remembered the real identity of No.1, and also saw the scene of a dozen or so fans who were about to break into the door suddenly. With a turn in his mind, he naturally guessed some clues.

So, he strode up to Lu Tian's side, and lifted him up from the armchair with all his might.Then, looking at the terrified Lu Tian, ​​he laughed dumbly and said:

"Brother, let me replace you in this and the next five games. I am very itchy."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Lu Tian's objection, he directly sat down in front of the computer.

At this time, the two bodyguards couldn't hold on anymore, allowing those fans to break through their defense net, and all the fans got into the private room in one go.

The fans recognized Lu Tian with a blank face at a glance, and some of them also put their hands into the satchels they carried with them...

"Wow! It's really Lutian! I finally saw Lutian alive!"

"Also! Idol, please sign me! I don't have any paper... Well! Just sign it on my belt! Come on, come on, don't be shy."

"Go, go, sign what belt? Are you such a superficial person? Come, come, Lu, I have specially prepared a more commemorative autograph object."

After speaking, this well-behaved female fan took out a bra from the satchel for the first time!And pointed to the position of the chest strap, continued:

"Here! Just sign here! Every time people put on this underwear, they will think of your hand touching this place!"

The Scarecrow's ultimate move [Crows Storm] appeared in Lu Tian's mind for the first time—he was speechless immediately!
What is this and what... the fans are too crazy!

However, some fans with special purposes adjusted the position of their satchels, squeezed in front of Lu Tian, ​​and asked with a smile:
"Your Majesty is here, is there a competition? Or is it a guide competition? Hey, why don't you perform, let's see?"

Lu Tian was about to answer, but Wu Di, who was wearing a wide peaked cap, said coldly:
"Everyone, Team Lu is here to guide me. I'm afraid you won't see him end in person."

All the fans turned their heads to look, only to discover Wu Di's existence.

"Wow! The man who can get the guidance of Dui Lu himself is the apprentice of Dui Lu!
Grace!He looks very young, he should be an apprentice of Team Lu!Haha, this trip was really worth it, and I found a piece of heavy news. "

All of a sudden, the fans turned their attention to this young man wearing a peaked cap.But the obstructive hat covered most of Wu Di's face, preventing the pink people from seeing Wu Di's true face.

"Well, I'm his apprentice. My name is Youzhi, hello."

Seeing that they couldn't get a picture of Lu Tian participating in the underground competition, those fans with a purpose said in a hurry:
"Ah! This for an underground match. Lu team's apprentices are playing an underground match!"

Of course, all the fans have heard of the reputation of the underground game, and they turned their heads to Wu Di's screen in unison. When they saw that Wu Di's opponent was the No.1 player whose ID was [Waiting], Eyes can no longer move away from the screen.

Wu Di ignored everyone, but manipulated the explorer to start a circle with the opposite male gun.

The male gun is mighty and domineering, and his stroke is very domineering, or in other words, very similar to the ending style created by Wu Di, which made Wu Di inadvertently show a gratified smile. At this time, his He murmured to himself:

【I haven't seen you for more than a year. This kid has grown to this point... It seems that my fall has made him even more angry.very good.Let me witness your current strength. 】

Wu Di played calmly, and it was not easy, but the e-sports fans around him were not calm at all.

"What? The disciples of Team Lu directly challenged [Waiting]? Just kidding. The strength of [Waiting] is definitely professional."

"Look! The past record in the upper left corner of the screen! The apprentice of the Lu team has played two games before! I recognize those two IDs, and they are both top [-] players in the single player rankings! He actually defeated The opponent is too strong...the Lu team is too strong."

The two sisters who knocked on the door first saw the limelight, and immediately added fuel and jealousy:
"Yes, yes, the Lu team's apprentices are unknown, and it is unlikely that they can defeat those two opponents. Could it be that... the Lu team has been cut off?"

As soon as these words came out, more than a dozen fans immediately focused their attention on Lu Tian in trepidation.

They are well aware of the unwritten rule among top professional players - they cannot participate in underground competitions!

If Lu Tian was found to be participating in the underground competition here, he might be suspended for one year!
Under the guidance of the sister paper, the real fans have already imagined the worst situation.As a native of Quancheng, the current Lutian, like Wu Di in the past, is a hero of the city.They don't want to believe that the hero of the city can be a malicious rule-breaker...

But at this moment, a frosty voice suddenly sounded in their ears:

"You think I don't have the strength to defeat those two people? Then you think that my master once broke the rules and went into battle in person?
Keep your eyes open and watch how I beat this No.1! "

As soon as this seemingly stinky big talk came out, everyone in the private room was stunned for a moment, and then quieted down with their own thoughts, and began to watch Wu Di's match quietly.

If Wu Di can really defeat [Waiting], then the rumors will be self-defeating. If he can't, then in all likelihood, Lu Tian must have played the underground match before!

Who is right and who is wrong, just wait until the end of this single match, and then make a comment!

Wu Di didn't think that what he said was a lie, he was indeed very comfortable with this male gun.

Because, he didn't fight head-on with the male gun at all!
No matter how aggressive the male gun is, if he can't touch the explorer's clothes, he will naturally not be able to cause fatal damage to him. However, Wu Di's explorer just completes the knife skillfully and does not take the initiative to attack at all.

This single match was instantly dragged into a boring rhythm by Wu Di.

The male gun wanted to forcefully attack several times, but Wu Di used [Arcane Leap] to resolve them invisible.Over time, a subtle deviation appeared in Nan Gun's mentality.

As the protagonist of the underground event, Lu Tian was not afraid of the fans' opinions, but the more he watched Wu Di's operations, the more frightened he became - this guy was famous for his finishing style of play before. That's a very aggressive style of play, why is he so calm and calm now?Is this style of play still Wu Di?

Lu Tian was puzzled, and everyone couldn't guess what Wu Di wanted to do.

Just like that, after 10 minutes passed.

In a head-to-head confrontation, the explorer, who had been defending impenetrably, suddenly went berserk and confronted the male gun.The male gun was ecstatic, and naturally burst out the killing intent that had been suppressed for nearly 10 minutes.Unexpectedly, because of the inappropriate use of the displacement skill [Quick Draw Gun], he was successfully lured to the tower by the explorer, and withstood two attacks from the defense tower!
Shocked, the male gun had no choice but to hand over Flash, and fled in embarrassment!However, after he landed in a flash and did not take two steps, he was accurately slashed across his body by the explorer's ultimate move [Precise Barrage], causing himself to surrender blood!

In the private room of the underground game black market and the private room of this Internet cafe, everyone was deeply stunned by Wu Di's seemingly careless trick to lure the enemy!
The unremarkable game also ignited a little spark at this moment.

Others may not be clear about it, but Wu Di knows it well - such a result is due to the impatience accumulated by the opponent in the past ten minutes.

In the end, Wu Di typed out a line in front of all the audience:

TING, the speed of growth surprised me.It's empty, but stay with me for a while, I'm back, in Spring City.

Everyone looked at the words on the screen inexplicably, but the manipulator of the male gun, after being obviously taken aback, replied with a sentence that broke the hearts of all the gamblers who bet on him:
good!I finally waited for you!This time, you won, remember to come to me!

Afterwards, the male gun huddled in the base, motionless, still relying on explorers to push towers and bases unscrupulously.

One second before the base was blown up by explorers, Wu Di typed out another sentence:

[There are five single-player matches below, remember not to miss them, they will benefit you a lot. 】

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(End of this chapter)

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