The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 149 Personal Chapter

Chapter 149 Personal Rhythm
Spring City is located in the southern part of Huaxia Kingdom. Although it is approaching the twelfth lunar month of winter, the wind at night is still so refreshing and refreshing.

However, the owners of all kinds of private rooms in the underground game black market did not feel refreshed or comfortable at all.

They placed heavy bets, hoping that [Waiting] could defeat their opponents, but they didn't expect [Waiting] to give up the game after the first blood erupted, and huddled in the pool of the base until the base was blown up!

There were various crackling sounds in various private rooms: someone smashed a teacup on the ground, someone smashed the screen to pieces, and what's more, knocked the things in the private room to pieces.

In their eyes, the act of "waiting" was a slap in the face for themselves!

Who are they?

They are either the heirs of a big family covering the sky with one hand in Quancheng, or the children of wealthy and noble families flocking from all over the country. However, they are dignified and have no worries about food and clothing. They were slapped hard by an unknown e-sports player. slap in the face.

Although [Wait] is ranked No.1 in the ranking of the single player, but at best it is just an unknown player!

Suddenly, the complaint phone in the black market rang non-stop.

"Hey, hell, do you still want to open it? Is there such a way to make money? Is that No.1 being manipulated by you!"

"Call the person in charge here to come out! I've grown up so much, and I've never been so angry! Money is nothing to me! But I lost for no reason like this, I don't accept it! It's obvious that you are behind the scenes What the hell!"

"Where are the three major families in Quancheng? What about the Xue family? Haven't come out yet? If you don't explain this phenomenon clearly, I will never end with you! Do you really think you can do whatever you want in Quancheng in Huaxia Kingdom?"

All of a sudden, these prominent children of the rich and powerful were excited by the act of "waiting".

After a while, a mid-spirited voice came from the rostrum.

"Everyone, be quiet. I am Xue Tianyue, please allow me to say a few words.

First, we have started to investigate [Waiting] whether there is any violation; everyone has also seen that the challenger is indeed very strong, and he got a blood on him!Have you ever seen [waiting] being first blooded?Perhaps, this is just what he did after careful consideration, and it's not a big deal.But after we confirm his condition, we will give you a fair explanation.

Second, everyone who comes here to consume and place bets is looking for excitement. Our organizers will bear certain responsibilities for this emergency.But everyone has destroyed all the public facilities in the black market hall without any politeness. The cost... will be borne by us, and please don't get angry, otherwise, the Xue family will not be easy to bully!

Third, you are all big shots, and I don't think anyone would discredit themselves by losing some money.

In order to appease everyone's emotions, I have quickly contacted five masters and asked them to challenge the newcomer who just defeated [Waiting].All doubles and fives matches tonight will be cancelled, and only singles will be held!Moreover, the newcomer will participate in these five single-player matches.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have been engaged in the black market of underground games for so many years, and we have never received any complaints due to reputation issues. I believe everyone understands this.Therefore, please stay safe and stay calm, and stay tuned for the following single-player competition.These five single-player matches are specially organized by me to appease you, so please make your own decisions on what you are going to do. "

Xue Tianyue is worthy of being a careful second-generation son. With a few words, he transformed the conflict between the black market organizer and the customers onto Lu Tian. Wu Di...

After careful consideration, all the young ladies and young ladies also approved of Xue Tianyue's approach.After all, the Xue family is a big family with deep roots in Quancheng. It is not possible for ordinary big families and rich people to be able to hold a black market under repeated orders from the official organizing committee.

For this reason, these people will not be so stupid as to easily offend the Xue family.All the miscellaneous things I did before were just a means of venting.

Xue Tianyue stood on the rostrum, looked around, and found that the guests in the various private rooms had gradually quieted down, so she quickly ordered people to enter the private rooms and replaced them with brand new equipment and facilities.

At this moment, after Xue Tianyue calmed down the little turmoil, he smiled instead of angry - he was most happy to see such a situation.

Afterwards, he dialed Lu Tian's phone with a smile on his face, and whispered kindly:
"Team Lu, your warm-up match was very successful. It cost us nearly tens of millions in the black market."

After answering the phone, Lu Tian walked out of the private room of the Internet cafe alone due to safety concerns, and came to an empty corner.

He knew that it was time for the other party to officially fight, so he said directly:
"Young Master Xue doesn't need to beat around the bush. Are you ready to start those five single-player matches?"

"Yes. Please wait for a moment, Lu team, the first opponent will come soon."


Zhu Ye received a rookie account, and after logging in, he also used the competition server of an Internet cafe to enter the official channel of the underground competition, and then directly initiated a challenge application to Lutian's rookie account.

He has been famous in the Super League for a long time, so naturally he has heard of the underground game Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and there are many masters.Moreover, Young Master Xue forced himself to participate in both soft and hard ways, and his opponent must be a professional opponent.

After figuring this out, Zhu Ye pulled himself together and responded calmly, not daring to relax in the slightest.

When the guests in the black market saw the new challenger, they naturally sniffed and didn't show any interest.But when they saw the handicap that was offered, they all changed their original intentions.

The handicap between the two sides was not announced according to Xue Tianyue's prior arrangement.After some careful consideration, Xue Tianyue reversed the handicap between the two: Lu Tian's newcomer's account was set at 1:1, while the challenger's handicap was set at 3:1.

This kind of handicap is undoubtedly showing everyone that the strength of this newcomer's account is absolutely strong, so strong that the black market organizing committee made such a handicap!

Is it a professional expert invited by Young Master Xue?Or the top one?
All the guests were suddenly aroused with strong interest again.Everyone knows the unwritten rule of top professional players. If it is really a top professional player who is risking being suspended, it will undoubtedly be a game with a lot to watch.

Some cunning and wise sons of the rich, after thinking about it for a while, placed their bets on Lu Tian's newcomer account.

With lessons learned from the past, they will not make the same mistakes again.The rookie who beat No.1 is obviously also professional!

The outcome is unpredictable!

Ever since, a large amount of money began to be poured into the handicap of this single match. Xue Tianyue stared at the big statistics screen on the rostrum, watching the ever-increasing bet with a sneer.

After a while, the total amount won by the new challenger has exceeded 4000 million, which is exactly twice the bet just now!And the number of gamblers who bet on Lu Tian to win is also much more than before, and the total amount of bets on him reached 1000 million after a while!

At this time, the guests in the red private room made another move. This time, Xue Tianyue, who had always been calm, was a little surprised—they pressed 1000 million on Lu Tian!
After the 1000 million went down, the total amount of money on Lu Tian also reached a full 2000 million!
Xue Tianyue looked at the betting funds of both parties with a sneer, and said fiercely in her heart: Humph!After Zhu Ye defeated Lutian, the 4000 million yuan was paid out with only more than 1000 million yuan, and the 2000 million yuan he took in plus Lutian's double compensation of 400 million yuan was also a net profit of 1000 million yuan!

Wait a minute, don't lose so much that you come to me for a loan!

The betting is over, and the game labeled [Professional Confrontation] has officially begun!
Zhu Ye's ADC ranked No. 20 and three. Naturally, he chose the best explorer Ezreal, while Wu Di, wearing a peaked cap, chose the outlaw lunatic under the enthusiastic expectations of a dozen fans behind him.

Um?It's completely reversed from the game just now.

Curiosity instantly filled everyone's hearts.However, what made everyone's curiosity climb to the top again was that Wu Di typed a sentence on the screen again:

"TING, I know you're watching this single match. Next, be sure to watch it intently, my essence, the first one - [Individual Rhythm]."

Zhang Ting, who was in the player's private room specially provided by the black market, immediately widened his eyes after seeing these words, and stared at his computer screen intently.He knew that this was another example of that person's words and deeds!
The explorer and the male gun came online, and all the spectators took a closer look, only to find that both of them chose to ignite this summoner skill at the same time!And the initial outfit is a sword of Doran.

It looks like there will be a fight between dragons and tigers.

However, Zhu Ye, the explorer's operator, squinted his eyes slightly. Before he was sure about his opponent's strength, he came up with a play hard to get.

As soon as the two sides had a face-to-face meeting, he made the explorer retreat!
The retreat action can easily make the opponent let down his vigilance, but this is the best time to attack!

Under the brim of the hat, Wu Di smiled slightly, predicting the opponent's move, he was already taking the most ordinary zigzag step by manipulating the male gun.

After half a step in the zigzag, the explorer who turned his head and walked away suddenly released a [Secret Shot]!
The special effect light wave of the secret technique shooting passed by the male gun, this scene happened very suddenly, and it was quite natural.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Di also retreated and returned to his defense tower. He no longer took the initiative to attack, but waited for the arrival of the soldiers.

During this period, he calmly typed out a sentence:
[Trying, it started from the first second.Personal rhythm is different from team rhythm. During the laning phase, the first thing you need to do is to understand the opponent's style and grasp the opponent's rhythm. 】

After Zhang Ting saw this sentence, he suddenly realized.For a long time, he has been imitating and learning Wu Di's finishing style of play. He originally thought that as long as he played more aggressively and played more aggressively, he would be able to force his opponents to lose their online advantage.But Wu Di's words benefited him a lot.Some people used softness to overcome toughness, and they were not afraid of aggressive attacks, but he was really helpless to deal with such people.

The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy, winning a hundred battles, is what you want to express...

However, the opponent made one or two moves just now, can you see his style?
Zhang Ting continued to watch the game with a little puzzlement.

The little soldiers swaggered to the middle line with their weapons on their shoulders, and began to fight fiercely. The explorers also stood at a position far away from the line of soldiers, always on guard against every move of their opponents.

Looking at this scene, Wu Di also completed the last knife at his own pace, and did not take the initiative to step forward and oppress the opponent.

However, Zhang Ting's eyes were sharp, and he discovered a detail that those laymen who only watched the fun couldn't:
The male gun did not control the line of soldiers!
The male gun has been attacking those minions with full health or half health!
This is... pushing the line?Instead of controlling the line?His strategy is not to press the opponent with aggressive attack, but to just push the line?This doesn't look like his style at all, does it?

Controlling the line refers to a tactic in which the hero only attacks the minion with a trace of blood, and does not attack the minion at the rest of the time, but only focuses on moving the position; the opposite is called pushing the line, which refers to fast Use basic attacks and skills to clean up enemy minions, and quickly push the line of soldiers to the opponent's tower.

There is basically no difficulty in pushing the line. Whether you are a beginner or a top player, as long as you can use skills, as long as you can attack minions, you can do it. At most, the speed of pushing the line will be different.

However, line control is an art.Top professional players can hold pawns in a certain position for several minutes!

This will not only ensure that you get enough money and experience, but also prevent the enemy's GANK.

How to control the line is easy to say, but it is very difficult to do.There is only one way, that is, before the enemy minion is killed by your own minion, you control the hero to take the head of the minion with a general attack.

Most amateur players don't pay much attention to this, and top professional players' finishing skills are definitely at the level of gods.When they make up the knife, they really hit the last trace of blood before making a move!
For example, if a minion has 100 health points left, and your hero can kill the minion with a single basic attack, most amateur players will kill the minion directly, but top players will not Will shoot at this time!
They will wait, wait for their minions to attack one or two more times, and they will not attack until the minion's blood volume drops to the point where they will be killed by a general attack by their own minions!

And that's the essence of line control.

Only after doing this, can we firmly control the line of soldiers at a certain position with ease, greatly restricting the opponent's movement or preventing GANK.

There are six or seven minions in each wave (plus one artillery), amateur masters can only pay attention to the health status of two or three minions, while top players can observe the health status of all minions , and can keep a close eye on the opponent's hero's position. This is a kind of vision, and it is one of the basic qualities necessary to become a professional player.

The strength of eyesight is also one of talents.

The attack of melee minions has no trajectory to follow, but professional players can judge the power of melee minions by the amount of blood lost by the enemy minions, while ranged minions have attack trajectories to follow, and professional players can easily grasp which enemy minions will be killed.And the level of eyesight determines a player's last knife ability.Players who see more and see farther must have a higher level.

Finally, to say a thousand words and ten thousand, line control and line pushing are the most basic rhythms in [Personal Rhythm]!
Whether the hero you choose is strong or weak, whether it is suppressed in the early stage or developed in the later stage, all determine your choice of controlling or pushing the line.

Strong early-stage heroes will naturally push the line continuously, pushing the pawn line under the opponent's tower, increasing the difficulty of the opponent's last attack; as a weak development hero, you must master advanced line control skills.Otherwise, you will be overwhelmed by powerful heroes so that you will not get any experience points, and you will lose most of your last knife economy.

According to the type of hero you choose, deciding when to push or control the line is a basic rhythm.

Closer to home.

Zhang Ting was puzzled when he saw that Wu Di had deliberately pushed the line from the first wave of soldiers.

But soon, he understood Wu Di's intention.

After the third wave of small soldiers [peacefully] made up the knife on both sides, the male gun has successfully pushed the line of soldiers under the opponent's defensive tower!
And then... no more? ?
To everyone's surprise, Wu Di stood motionless in a safe position while manipulating the male gun, watching the explorer under the tower with his usual attacks or skills, and wonderfully completed every last hit.Finally, after the minions under the tower were cleaned up, the audience found out that the explorer had only missed one of the dozen or so tower make-ups!

This is a master - this is the conclusion drawn by the layman watching the fun;

Missed a last hit... Preliminary calculations show that his eyesight can see nine targets at the same time. This is a top professional player. According to the existing memory I have recovered, this kind of eyesight can be ranked in the domestic classification position. Top twenty to thirty.Well, the [Secret Shooting] after the retreat and the ability to make up the knife under the tower should be correct. He is a top ADC player ranked in the 20s, and the style of play he uses... should be one of the tricks Plant it.

There is no fixed rhythm to grasp, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, sometimes tight and sometimes loose, then, I will use the most violent attack to destroy your rhythm!

——This is Wu Di's inference.

At this moment, some restored memories appeared in Wu Di's mind:

Beginners will only pay attention to the target they are attacking, and players who are a little bit better can only pay attention to two to three targets, while amateur masters can already pay attention to the situation of six or seven targets. No matter what position you play, you can focus on more than eight targets.

There is a limit to the physical fitness of human beings. Starting from the eight goals, it is extremely difficult to raise one focus goal each time.That's why he deduced that the opponent who could focus on nine goals was a top player ranked in the 20th place.

Of course, this can only be done when the energy is particularly concentrated.Whether it is a novice player or a top player, it is impossible to maintain this kind of focus all the time.

Reasonably allocating time for concentration is one of the skills that every professional player must master.It's another matter if the counterfeit Wu Di is in a schizophrenic state and he is a master of hypnosis.Because in these two situations, the energy of the two of them is concentrated throughout the whole process, and there will be no distracting thoughts!At the same time, the price to pay is that one's body and mind will suffer more serious hidden injuries.

After judging the opponent's true strength, Wu Di suddenly seemed to be a different person, staring at the explorer with piercing eyes, and when the line of soldiers gathered not far from the opponent's defense tower again, he launched an attack!
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(End of this chapter)

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