Chapter 150 Suppression
The range of the male gun is not too far, but the existence of [Large Lead Bullet] and the ultimate move [Ultimate Bomb] make him the most powerful and domineering ADC, bar none.

After Wu Di drew up a battle plan in his mind, he began to look for every opportunity to attack the explorer.Zhu Ye was startled, but the operation was still smooth and smooth, which directly made the explorer out of the opponent's range.

One hit failed, and the male gun continued to use the line-pushing tactic, constantly attacking the minions, and pushing the line of soldiers to the opponent's tower.Then, without fear, the male gun directly lit the defense tower.

Seeing this, Zhu Ye naturally relied on the deterrent force of the defense tower to attack the male gun.To everyone's surprise, the male gun didn't dodge or dodge, he carried the explorer's general attack hard, and clicked desperately on the defense tower.

When his health dropped by nearly half, the male gun then retreated from the opponent's tower with an elegant [drawing the gun quickly].

"Chasing! Hurry up and chase such a good opportunity!"

"Come on, this explorer is very experienced in fighting, and knows that the male gun is very explosive, so he has been avoiding its edge and not fighting hard!
Now is the best opportunity to attack! "

"Nanqiang's health has dropped by nearly half. The explorer has all the skills in hand. As long as the ultimate move is released properly, he will definitely be able to accept the male gun's head!"

The gamblers who defeated the explorer in the black market hall began to shout excitedly in their private rooms. In this case, the explorer is very sure to win the blood!

The faces of the gamblers who bet on the male gun were not so good. They stared at the screen with drooping faces like eggplants beaten by frost, without saying a word.

Qiqi in the red private room frowned when she saw this scene, and muttered to herself:
"Lulu, I think I trust the operator of this male gun too much. Although anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that this is his trick to lure the enemy. But it seems that his approach is a bit extreme! He has already lost nearly Half health, all the skills of the explorer are in the cooldown stage, as long as they are cast properly, plus igniting, they will definitely be able to take his head... Look! The explorer really took the initiative to attack! As I expected, I think, with At his level, he should have sensed that this is the opponent's trick to lure the enemy, but he still attacked without hesitation!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Ye's lazy eyes suddenly burst into a fierce momentum, and the handsome explorer also used [Arcane Leap] to come to a position 45 degrees from the side of the male gun after a moment.

This position can not only avoid being hit by all the male gun's [large lead bullets], but also deal a blow to the male gun - this is the most correct operation for a top professional player.

Then everyone's eyes were dazzled, and the male gun made a move, a bold move!

He flashed directly in front of the explorer, and landed not too far away, just right for the explorer to be under his gun!
Before the audience had time to think about the purpose of the male gun's sudden handover of the flash, they saw that the male gun's muzzle almost landed at the same time, and three huge bullets with golden light were fired.

【Large buckshot】!
With such a position and such a distance, the explorer took all the damage from the [Large Lead Bullet], and all three bullets hit him, triggering a lot of additional damage.

When the explorer was stunned for 0 seconds, the male gun hit him with another general attack.

Is the male gun's attack over?

of course not!

While the explorer was in a daze for half a second, an explosive bullet that was bigger and stronger than the lead bullet roared out from the muzzle of the male gun!Because the distance between the two heroes was very close, after the explosive bomb exploded a brilliant light on the explorer, it also caused subsequent damage in the blink of an eye.

【Large Lead Bullet】and【Ultimate Bomb】The most proud skills of the two men's guns all hit the explorer, and both triggered the theoretically the most additional damage. It has dropped to only [-]% left!

As a top professional player, Zhu Ye naturally wouldn't sit still. His [Arcane Leap] cast was no problem. The only problem was the man who operated the spear, who thought farther than himself!
The explorer, who had suffered a dark loss, quickly surrendered his flash, while backing away, he released [Secret Shot] and [Essence Jump], and hit the male gun accurately!Let the health of both sides return to the same starting line!
snort!You have no skills or big moves, what can I do?As long as my big move can hit you, the next [Arcane Leap] will kill you!
Zhu Ye was furious, but he didn't expect that the male gun had always calculated the location of his flashing, and left the [smoke bomb] half a step behind his flashing location one step ahead of him!While the explorer retreated, he had already entered a fog, and his movement speed dropped a lot.

Zhu Ye was shocked, he never expected that every manipulation of the male gun would be ahead of him.Terrified, he quickly retreated desperately. In the smoke of the male gun, it was impossible for him to counterattack with a basic attack!Because he has no vision!
And just as the explorer staggered backwards, the male spear hit a total of three basic attacks.

As a result, the explorer was already in jeopardy, and his health dropped to only about [-]% due to the sudden explosion of the male gun!
Two seconds later, the explorer struggled out of the range of the smoke bomb and successfully escaped back to the tower.

In an instant, Zhu Ye's forehead was covered with cold sweat as big as a few beans.

horrible!This male gun is terrible, he must also be a top ADC player!

A terrible feeling gradually grew in his heart, which made him feel a little scared even now.

If the male gun uses the [walking and slashing] technique, it will attack twice...

If the male gun used ignite at the beginning...

If he hadn't made a decisive decision and retreated immediately... this blood would have been handed over to the male gun long ago!

Thinking of this, Zhu Ye, who was used to seeing big scenes, laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, since he can't do the two [ifs], it means that his level has not yet reached the top level! Hey, I really have nothing to worry about. If it were me, the explorer would have fallen down a long time ago!"

Thinking of this, Zhu Ye secretly smiled in his heart while manipulating the explorer to return to the city: Next time, you should be ready to fall.

All the viewers were cheering for the wonderful scene just now, but some top experts, such as Qiqi in the red private room, Zhang Ting, the former No. They all sighed sadly.

Their views are exactly the same as Zhu Ye himself.If the male gun is turned on and ignited at the beginning, and the [walking and slashing] technique is used, the explorer will undoubtedly die!
But why, the male gun didn't do this?After winning the first blood, his morale soared and his economy took the lead. I believe that with Wu Di's level, he will be able to maintain and expand this considerable advantage in this single match, and then it will be easy to win the final victory.

Thinking of this, Lu Tian stepped forward and put his hand on Wu Di's shoulder. Just as he was about to ask a question in a low voice, he heard Wu Di under the peaked cap say first without looking back:

"Don't question my judgment. If I do that, I will indeed get first blood, but the male gun will definitely fall! Don't forget that the explorer's ult has not been cast yet, and don't forget that his ignite has not been released yet." Hand it in! One blood is only 100 yuan more than a head, which is not a big difference. This time, I just forced him to return to the city."

It turns out that he still thinks farther than me as before... Lu Tian sighed in his heart, and he swallowed the words that had been squeezed into his throat.

At this time, Lu Tian also had to laugh at himself in his heart: Hehe, yes, with my strength, I'm still not qualified to point fingers at this guy.His strength is still so unfathomable!

Afterwards, Wu Di typed another sentence on the screen, explaining something to Zhang Ting who was watching.

[The most important point in personal rhythm is not to take the opponent's head, but to suppress the opponent's development and destroy the opponent's rhythm!And don't let the opponent have a chance to breathe! 】

After Zhang Ting saw these words, he was enlightened.

Yes, I can think of it, how could that person not think of it?kindness!If you do that, although the male gun can get first blood, the explorer is not a fuel-efficient lamp. The big move, ignite, basic attack and Q skills will definitely be able to fight the male gun's head!

I understand!

Singles competitions are different from team competitions, but they are essentially the same.A single match is like the laning period of a team match. If you can call the wind and rain in a single match and do whatever you want, you will naturally be able to suppress your opponent during the laning period!
I always thought that person's finishing style is to constantly take away the opponent's head and forcefully suppress the style of play, but my starting point is a little bit wrong. The real finishing style is to use your own rhythm to destroy the opponent's rhythm...

5 minutes went by in a flash.

In these 5 minutes, the male gun changed from his soft and lazy attitude before, and he behaved extremely aggressively online.

Male Gun's ability to push the line is already one of the best among ADCs. In addition, his operator is Wu Di, a king-level character today, so the effect of pushing the line is even more vivid.

The little soldiers were pushed under the opponent's defense tower time and time again, and the explorers had learned from the past, so they didn't dare to step forward and fight hard.Had to work hard to make up the knife in front of the tower.

After these 5 minutes, the male gun's last attack not only led by [-] points, but also successfully pushed down a tower in the middle!
It can't go on like this...

Zhu Ye was already a little confused at this time, especially after the first tower was pushed down, his last attack began to be unstable, and frequent misses appeared.

On the other hand, his opponent, Male Spear, naturally played more smoothly after destroying the first tower. The same push line tactics and the same suppression of positions made the explorer's economy fall behind a lot soon.

Zhu Ye settled down, as the top domestic ADC ranked No. 20 in the year, how could he lose his sense of proportion and reputation here!

With this in mind, he gave up his tactical position and began to fight back. He who had been shrinking back and forth began to fight a war of attrition head-on with the male gun.

War of attrition: Commonly known as blood exchange tactics.As the name suggests, it is to let the controlled hero either attack or use skills to fight head-on with the opponent.

The side that strikes first, and the side that seizes the opportunity to retreat first, will definitely have a slight advantage.And when the opponent's health is consumed below half, or when your own health has a certain advantage, you can directly fight more aggressively, forcing the opponent to send troops, or taking the opponent's heads.

Facing the explorer who changed his style of play, Wu Di just sneered and didn't stop.

As a textbook in a textbook familiar with all heroes, he naturally knows all the skills of explorers.

Therefore, he manipulated the male gun to fight desperately against the opponent, not afraid of the opponent's temporary change of attrition tactics.

After a few rounds, although the explorer reduced the opponent's health to about [-]%, he also injured the enemy by a thousand and himself by [-], leaving only [-]% of his health.

Zhu Ye was really in a hurry this time.

Attrition tactics can't work, the explosive power is not as strong as the male gun, and now the last knife and the situation are all not beneficial to him-is he going to be defeated by this master?
As a top-level player, he naturally knew that his opponent was a master who could continue his advantage. In the current situation, relying on his own ability, he must be powerless.

Damn it!Xue Shao, are you kidding me?This guy is obviously much higher level than me!According to preliminary estimates, his ADC strength can at least rank among the top fifteen in China!

Forget it, anyway, I've already played in this single match, and Young Master Xue won't break his word. I can still be convinced by losing to such a guy...

Xue Tianyue stared closely at the game on the big screen, with anger written all over her face.On the surface, he was calm, but he began to curse in his heart:
Zhu Ye!Is your sister kidding me?Then Lutian's ADC ranks in the forties, and with your 23rd strength, you are actually suppressed by him and can't stand up?

Okay, fine, after tonight, I'll settle the score with you again!

In the end, Zhu Ye, who felt inferior to himself, dealt with it reluctantly for a few more minutes, and then pushed down his own base with his male gun, allowing him to win the singles match.

The fans in the private room of the Internet cafe congratulated Wu Di and Lu Tian when they saw the male gun's victory. They never thought that they would witness a duel between the top domestic experts by chance.

However, the two girls who knocked on the door at first were as surprised as anyone.

This young boy who appeared out of nowhere defeated a top professional player?Lu Tian hasn't made a move yet?How can this be?

There must be something tricky in this, so report it to Miss Xue Er as soon as possible...

When they and the other two young men were about to leave the room quietly, Wu Di caught their eye.

He laughed, and directed two tall bodyguards to quickly close the door of the private room, and said with a smile:

"Ha, it's rare for you to meet my master, and I'm leaving so soon? Just wait a little longer, there are still a few single-player matches to come. Didn't you say that only my master himself will end the game in order to win the game? What about now? ?”

Under Wu Di's intentional reminder, Lu Tian also realized that these people came so abruptly, so he naturally thought of some possibilities.So he took the initiative to stand in front of them and said:
"Guys, aren't you my loyal fans? Now my apprentice is playing singles, don't miss this best opportunity to observe."

Naturally, the few people with ulterior motives did not dare to answer Wu Di's question directly, so they could only smile and dare not take any drastic actions.

In Quancheng, Lu Tian's prestige is still very strong, as long as he speaks out and reveals the true purpose of his group, they may not be able to retreat from here unscathed.

Ever since, those people had no choice but to come to the screen again resentfully, not daring to act rashly.

In the underground game black market.

When Xue Tianyue saw that the male gun had won, he was already gnashing his teeth with hatred, but he couldn't get angry, so he hurriedly called Lu Tian again.

"Team Lu, you performed well. The male gun is very powerful and domineering. But in the next game, I don't know if you will have such good luck."

After finishing speaking, Xue Tianle hung up the phone unceremoniously and dialed another person's number.

"Hello, is that Wei Yongdong?"

"Ha, Young Master Xue called late at night, there must be something urgent, tell me!"

"Single-player competition, 40 appearance fee! After winning, another 60 will be given away! In addition, I will accrue [-]% of the share for you!

For the first 30, I'll ask someone to call your account immediately, do me a favor, there is a man who is very arrogant, I want to suppress his spirit! "

"No problem! Young Master Xue ordered me to do so. As usual, I am greedy for money and fame. Since that person can make Young Master Xue so angry, he must be at my level.

In a word, no matter you win or lose, please keep it secret. "

"That's natural, but judging by your ranking as the No. 11 mid laner of the year, it shouldn't take too much effort to deal with that guy."

"Ha, Young Master Xue, professional players of the same level, who is in better condition than anyone else? Stop talking nonsense, please send me the account number, I am now in the Internet cafe I opened."

Wei Yongdong, the captain of Civic, a mid-range team in the Chinese League of Legends Super League, is 23 years old, good at position-mid laner, and ranked No.11 in the mid-laner strength evaluation of this year's authoritative e-sports magazine.

A few minutes later, a new challenger sent out a challenge application.

The guests in the private room of the black market then glanced at the handicap between the two sides displayed on the screen, and suddenly became a little confused.

The new challenger line is 5:1!And the handicap of the Lutian account has been raised to 2:1!

Another master who was judged by the black market organizing committee to be stronger than that mysterious novice appeared?
They will not doubt the Xue family's ability at all.This master must be a top professional player!

Haha, the spectacle of this single match must be greater than before!
Immediately, the gamblers swept away the previous haze, raised the betting machines, and placed heavy bets!
In the end, the total amount won by the new challenger (Wei Yongdong) exceeded 6000 million, and the total amount won by the Lutian account also increased, reaching 500 million!

This time, Qiqi in the red private room pursed her lips and pressed a number on the betting machine—500 million!The object of her betting is still the same as the first few times...

Lulu is like a Barbie princess, jumping around beside Kiki, giggling and saying:

"You have already won a lot. Why are you still betting heavily on that guy? The Xue family must have been really angry and hired a top expert by means of shady means."

Kiki smiled mysteriously:
"You girl, you only like to go to the public server under the banner of [I am a beauty], and go around cheating others. Of course, you can't see any clues. Let me tell you, I have a feeling that the one who made the Xue family a big headache Guy, it's probably someone you really want to meet..."

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(End of this chapter)

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