Chapter 151 Unstoppable
After a short wait, the single match between Wei Yongdong and Wu Di officially started!
As a well-known mid laner in China, Wei Yongdong naturally chose the mid laner hero.After entering the hero selection screen, after some deliberation, he chose Ryze, a wandering mage who can fight, resist and explode.

The hero Ryze is an alternative among mages. All his skill bonuses are related to his mana, so the equipment he chooses is also different from ordinary mid lane mage heroes.As long as the mana can be provided in the equipment, Ryze can choose it.

In this way, mage nemesis equipment such as the Banshee Veil is also one of the must-have equipment for Ryze against mid-lane mages.The Banshee Veil can resist a skill attack, and provide Ryze with a good amount of mana, increasing the damage ability of his skills. It can be said to be one of the tailor-made equipment for Ryze.

In addition to equipment such as the Banshee Veil, equipment such as Frost Heart (+90 armor + 400 mana + 20% cooldown reduction, reducing the attack speed of nearby enemy units by 20%) is used to deal with One of the must-have items for ADC or strike melee heroes.

On the contrary, his attack equipment only has the Archangel Rod and the Time Rod, which are mage-type equipment that often appear.He doesn't need to make equipment that greatly increases spell power, such as the Embrace of Darkfire or the Death Cap of the Destroyer, like some second-hand heroes.

Therefore, only a powerful mid-lane mage hero with hard control skills, or a long-range mid-lane mage with super consumption ability, can restrain Ryze online.

Of course, with the version change, Ryze's current appearance rate is far lower than before, and his strength has gradually disappeared over time.

However, as a one-man, he's still a solid pick.Long-distance, powerful skills, self-resisting and fighting, will naturally occupy a certain advantage in heads-up.In addition, Wei Yongdong's famous hero is Ryze, so it is only natural for him to choose Ryze.

There was a slight smile on the corner of Wu Di's mouth, and after simple thinking, he chose the only pure mage hero in his memory - Vladimir the Scarlet Reaper, commonly known as a vampire.

Although vampires are defined as mage heroes, they are often used by players and professional players as top laners.His consumption ability and recovery ability make him occupy a place among the top lane heroes!
And Wu Di recovered the memory of the top laner, so he can naturally use this mage hero who is weak in the early stage, pushes the line and consumes a lot of power in the middle and late stages.

However, the audience who were a little familiar with the League of Legends also exclaimed after seeing the candidates from both sides.

Because the vampire is a pure mage hero who is weak in the early stage and needs level and equipment support.In the early stage, although the vampire can restore health through skills and consume opponents, but in the early game, his skills have a long cooldown and are not very powerful, so he is easily suppressed by Ryze and cannot stand up.

After Lu Tian saw this, he stepped forward and patted Wu Di on the shoulder, and asked in a low voice with concern:

"What? The electric mouse can't be used yet?"

Kenan of Rageheart, also dubbed by the players as an electric mouse, can be equipped with full AD or played as a mage. He is a jack-of-all-trades mid or top laner hero.And using it to suppress Ryze, in fact, with Wu Di's level, it is easy to take advantage from the beginning.Lu Tian thought that Wu Di hadn't recovered Kenan's memory, so he asked this question.

Wu Di smiled and replied in a low voice:

"Electrical mouse, I can use it. But I chose vampire to give someone a demonstration, a demonstration of the essence of my style of play."

Lu Tian was startled, but there were many people around, so it was inconvenient to ask in detail, so he retreated behind and continued to watch the battle.

After entering the official competition, Wu Di typed a sentence on the screen as always:

[Just now, the strong versus the weak; now, the weak versus the strong, the second essence—consumption. 】

Everyone still doesn't know why, but Zhang Ting, who has been paying attention to Wu Di's singles competition, is very clear: Wu Di is impatiently using the singles competition to demonstrate the essence of ending the flow to himself!

Five minutes before the game, there was no deviation from the audience's expectations: Wu Di's vampire was crushed by Wei Yongdong's Ryze, and after a few waves of pawns, Wu Di's vampire was pulled down by nearly ten.

This is not normal at all... People who are familiar with Wu Di are very puzzled.

According to Wu Di's previous style of opening and closing, first of all, he would never choose a weak hero during the laning phase. Moreover, even if he uses a hero that is not too strong, he will make a big fuss by taking advantage of the opponent's mistakes.But after a few minutes passed, what they saw was Wu Di, who was content with the status quo and was suppressed by his opponent to the point that it was difficult for him to make up a knife.

Zhang Ting and Lu Tian were a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, and they had no idea what Wu Di wanted to demonstrate.

However, Qiqi in the red private room saw some clues.

"The vampire's early skills don't do much damage, and the cooldown time is longer. Of course, he can't compete head-on with Ryze. This guy may be waiting for level six. Let me see what he will do when he is level six..."

Sure enough, as Qiqi expected, when the vampire and Ryze both reached the sixth level, the vampire started sprinting, like a roaring top-end coupe, carrying a frightening aura, going straight from the soldiers At the rear of the line, he bypassed the line of soldiers and rushed to the front of Ryze!
Want to fight?

Wei Yongdong sneered, unafraid of the opponent's overwhelming offensive momentum, he unhurriedly launched a big move with a blood-sucking effect.

In an instant, the two sides began to throw all the skills that could be thrown at each other, including ignite.

The scene suddenly became extremely hot!

However, after a round of confrontation, the two sides fought evenly, with only about [-]% of their health remaining.Moreover, Wu Di's vampire seemed to be injured more seriously, and his health value was even lower than Ryze's.

After this round of reckless fighting, the vampire who took the initiative to provoke the attack was obviously still in a huge disadvantage.

Zhang Ting was a little confused.That person said that he wanted to interpret the essence of the ending style for himself, but in the end, this kind of behavior... is completely out of standard.Clearly knowing that reckless fighting will increase the disadvantage, but he is still not afraid-what is going on?
It is said that the person lost his memory, could it be that he has not recovered his memory and strength?
Just when Zhang Ting was completely puzzled by Wu Di, the vampire had already returned to the back of his own line by using the speed of sprinting.

Sitting in front of his computer, Wei Yongdong was full of smiles.He was also laughed out loud by Wu Di's behavior that seemed like a primary school student.At level [-], let the hero fight a wave, and then find that the momentum is wrong, and then quickly retreat, wasting the summoner skills and ultimate moves, isn't this the level of a primary school student?
Young Master Xue also thinks too highly of this opponent. Such a player, I am afraid that even second- and third-rate professional players can beat him so much that he can't find the southeast and northwest.Let me play, is a little high on this kid.

Forget it, use other people's money to eliminate disasters for others. Since Young Master Xue wants to impress this guy, I will reluctantly play with him again.

Therefore, Wei Yongdong began to suppress the vampire online with some underestimation, but after 2 minutes passed, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, realizing that the vampire's actions before were not without purpose!
The two bottles of little red medicine he was carrying had been eaten up, and now he only has a certain recovery ability after activating the ultimate move.On the other hand, the vampire used the recovery effect of the Q skill to regain more than half of his health under his nose!

This is... This is a pure attrition tactic!
Wei Yongdong was taken aback and guessed the real tactic of the vampire!

In the eyes of professional players, attrition tactics are divided into two types: the first is ordinary attrition tactics, with the ultimate goal of killing the opponent or driving the opponent back to his hometown.The second type is pure attrition tactics. The ultimate goal of this tactic is not to kill at all. Its ultimate goal is to push you back to the city, nothing more.

When your HP is far behind that of your opponent, unless you are a novice who can't be newer, generally speaking, you will choose to return to the city!And once you return to the city, you will lose the experience and gold of two to three waves of minions, and the opponent will usually push the line of soldiers to the tower after you return to the city, which will also increase the difficulty of your last knife.

This kind of hero, relying on the level and equipment, after using pure consumption tactics, can naturally accumulate a lot of advantages unconsciously, especially in the case of single-player competitions.

Moreover, such tactics can only be used by certain heroes!Vampire is one of the few heroes that can use pure consumption tactics!Another typical representative is the biochemical grinder Zac who often plays the single position.

This kind of hero has strong recovery ability, and as the level increases, almost no one can suppress them.

At this moment, the picture in this single player match has already explained everything: Although Ryze recovered about half of his health with a big move, the vampire has already recovered all his health with his skills!
Then, next, the vampire will definitely start to attack!

Within a moment, there was a shocking reversal in the scene!

Ryze has no means of recovery, and the recovery ability of the vampire is far beyond him. Therefore, even at the risk of being attacked by minions, the vampire still walks through it swaggeringly, attacking Ryze with skills whenever he has the opportunity .

At first, Ryze took the advantage of his powerful skills and fought against the vampire twice.But soon, he found that his mana was not enough to consume like a vampire!
It can't be done... Only after returning to the city to replenish equipment and status can the vampire be suppressed again!

Wei Yongdong let out a sigh of relief, retreated helplessly and hatefully behind the defense tower, and chose to return to the city.

After watching Ryze return to the city, the vampire also hurriedly used skills to clear troops regardless of blood volume.

His E skill [Blood Tide] can attack all targets within the surrounding skill range, which is also one of the sharp weapons for clearing the line of troops.

Then, after pushing the pawn line under the tower, the vampire immediately returned to the city to replenish equipment.

The first time the two sides met in line lasted for about ten minutes. Although there was no outbreak of kills, the money accumulated by both sides was able to make some necessary equipment.The vampire made the necessary [Hex Technology Revolver] and ordinary cloth shoes, while Ryze made the two necessary small pieces of equipment, the [Catalytic God Stone] and the Tears of the Goddess.With these two pieces of equipment, Ryze's mana and damage ability have been significantly improved.

Therefore, in terms of equipment, Ryze is slightly ahead of the vampire, but because the vampire bought the shoes first, the mobility will be even better.

Theoretically speaking, in the confrontation between the two sides, Ryze can still occupy a certain advantage.

But at this moment, a doubt arose in the hearts of all the people watching the game.Both Ryze and Vampire are very skilled operators, and neither of them has the ability to instantly kill humans in seconds, and neither of them has the ability to sustain high damage like ADC, can't beat me in this single-player match, I have nothing to do with you, won't I just keep beating you like this until the end of time?
Judging from the heroes chosen by the two, this is indeed the case.

The magic power of the vampire will bring him extra health, and his health will also bring him extra magic power, so his outfit can also be chosen as a half-meat type, which can guarantee a certain output Ability, and can also ensure that one's life value will not be taken away by the opponent.This is especially true for Ryze, whose equipment can be mixed and matched with defense and blood volume equipment.In this way, when the equipment of both sides is slightly formed, they will really fight forever...

When the first replenishment was completed, both sides rushed to the line non-stop.

With the help of the defense tower, the pawn lines of both sides returned to the center position again.And the vampire just came to the line, and when he saw the bald Ritz, he started sprinting again like a werewolf seeing the full moon, and quickly approached the bald Ritz with a frightening aura.

When Wei Yongdong saw this situation, of course he wouldn't just let it go, the blood in his head swelled up, and he activated his big move to fight the vampire head-on.

This scene is exactly the same as before.

In the end, the vampire still retreated to his own line with some disadvantages, and began to calmly restore his blood volume with small soldiers.

The bald Ryze had no choice but to take the red medicine to recover, while steadily making up the knife.The Catalytic God Stone will restore a certain amount of health and mana to the wearer after each level-up. It is a line-resistant artifact.

With this piece of equipment, the bald Ryze is not afraid of being consumed by vampires, and he can finally be a little stronger.

With this in mind, Ryze strode forward, relying on a slight advantage in equipment, and began to suppress the vampires again!
To defeat the pure consumption tactics, of course, it is to put strong pressure on it, so that the opponent has no space and time to recover the life value!
Wu Di seemed to have anticipated his opponent's thoughts, and he didn't back down. After fighting hard with his opponent, he retreated gracefully and quickly.After the cooldown of the skills was over, he played against the bald Ritz again.

Over time, the audience discovered an astonishing phenomenon: Although the bald Ryze has the effect of catalyzing the recovery of the god stone, in this kind of confrontation, the life value of the vampire has always been maintained at more than half, while the life value of Ryze is unexpectedly slightly lower.

Although the vampire's skills will consume his own health, but due to his strong recovery ability, he will not be stingy with the use of skills, and all of Ryze's skills must consume mana, you come and go, his mana is at a few A few minutes later, more than half of it was consumed.

At this time, Wei Yongdong took a look at his state and screamed in his heart that it was not good. At the same time, the vampire rushed over again without hesitation after confirming that all skills had been cooled down. Before that, he typed a sentence on the screen in advance:
[Whether it's pure consumption or ordinary consumption, in my opinion, there is only one ultimate goal - attack at the right time!If there are heads, take the heads, if there are towers, take the towers, and if there are bases, push down the bases! 】

Before he finished speaking, Wei Yongdong saw his opponent rushing up desperately again, knowing that his mana was no longer enough to fight head-on with his opponent, so he immediately retreated, trying to get rid of his opponent.

Who is Wu Di, how can he let go of such an excellent harvest opportunity.After a gorgeous combo was piled on the bald Ryze, he immediately started to walk quickly, and immediately used [Following Step] to cling to Ryze tightly.

Wu Di, who has recovered the memory of the top laner, is naturally very familiar with this follow-up step. In a few seconds, he abruptly used his superb positioning skills to block the retreating figure of Drizzi for three seconds. Four times!

Because Ryze tried to suppress the vampire with a slight advantage in equipment, he was standing very forward at this moment, and there was still a long way to run back to the tower.

Shocked, he had no choice but to hand over Flash!
There are still seven or eight positions away from the defense tower!Wei Yongdong thought to himself, but the vampire's [Sprint] is not vegetarian.After a few strides, he was already behind him.

Then, the vampire turned into a puddle of blood, making it extremely difficult for Drize to walk.But two seconds later, he finally lured the vampire to the defense tower!

Wei Yongdonggui is a top professional mid laner, so he has mastered the strategies of playing hard to get and luring the enemy deep.He had figured out that the vampire would definitely take advantage of his low mana to attack him, so he didn't fight back at all, and fled desperately. The main purpose was to lure the vampire to the tower, and achieve a one-for-one result!
His mana is not much, but it is enough to throw a set of skills!

Just as Wei Yongdong was showing a hand speed that dazzled ordinary players, the vampire took a look at the state of both sides. After using the E skill and Q skill again, he moved back half a step before Ryze could freeze himself. !

It was just half a step away that made the vampire far away from the attack range of the defense tower!

The bald Ryze helplessly pinned the vampire right in front of the defense tower, but the defense tower looked like a foreman on strike, in a bad mood, without even looking at him, and finally looked at the bloody Ryze He fell in front of him!

A blood!Thus was born!
At this time, the single player match had already gone on for 7 and [-] minutes!The two sides have always been a kind of equal balance, just after this blood, an irreversible tilt occurred!

Wu Di got the first blood, quickly cleared the line of troops, and pushed down the first tower in the middle. Both in terms of economy and momentum, he greatly surpassed Ryze.

Looking at the black and white screen, Wei Yongdong slammed his fists heavily on his computer desk with an expression of rage.

"Damn it! As long as he came in half a step just now, he will definitely be replaced by me! This kid, you have angered me! Next, I will see how far you can go! No matter who you are , I want you to taste my power!"

Filled with righteous indignation, Wei Yongdong came online again, but soon the same fear as Zhu Ye arose in his heart.

This kind of fear can't be eliminated, it's like a stick in his throat, which makes him gradually lose his will to win!
"Damn it! I started to underestimate this guy... No wonder Mr. Xue wants to pay a lot of money to invite me to play. This kid is completely a top expert! With the disadvantage of the first blood and the disadvantage of the defensive tower, I am here In a few minutes, it can't be reversed at all?"

Wei Yongdong was roaring in his heart, roaring angrily.

Until now, Wei Yongdong, like Zhu Ye who was defeated before, realized that this time he really kicked on the steel plate. The operator of the vampire on the opposite side must be a top ten mid laner in the country!

The scene became unremarkable. After the vampire and Ryze's equipment was formed, neither of them could deal a fatal blow to each other. The health of the tower.Ryze wanted to fight, but after the fight, he found that he couldn't gain too much advantage, so he just stuck to the tower.

In this way, the boring situation lasted for several minutes, and the vampire also successfully consumed the opponent's second tower in the middle!


Wei Yongdong sighed in his heart. He looked at the vampire's last hit that had overtook twenty knives, and then thought about the vampire's line-pushing tactics. He already knew: the general situation is over!
It will be a matter of time before one's own base is consumed by it!
That's all, just put on a show.After all, Young Master Xue is also a big man who can't afford to be blamed.

In desperation, Ryze suddenly made a strong attack posture when the soldiers approached the high and low towers, and kept this posture until he was killed by the vampire.

Seeing the vampire with less than [-] health points remaining and continuing to push the high and low towers, Wei Yongdong smiled wryly and finally gave up the game.

The battle between Wei Yongdong and Wu Di ended after 25 minutes.The head ratio is 2:0, Wu Di wins.

The private room in the black market was so quiet that even the sound of a needle dropping could be heard clearly.

After ten seconds passed, the gamblers who bet on Wu Di's victory started to make a noise, and began to pour glasses of high-priced red wine down their stomachs, and chatted happily.

"Ha! I don't know who that newcomer is? He beat his opponent again and again! Young Master Xue must be very upset now. Hehe, we have made a lot of pocket money steadily."

"Hey! Let's not talk about those second- and third-rate players. Just look at the handicap that the organizing committee made for those two people, and you know that they must be the top players that Xue Shao found, but unexpectedly they were still trampled." Haha. I'm very happy, really happy. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Young Master Xue's face was red and swollen, I'm so happy!"

As the protagonist being talked about, Xue Tianyue naturally couldn't bear it anymore.This is no longer something that money can compensate for.

In a rage, he immediately made several phone calls, and without delay arranged for two people to challenge Wu Di again.

In the third game, Wu Di won again.

The opponent is Tang Shuyun: the main top laner of the mid-upper and upper reaches of the China Super League—the comet team. This year's top laner ranks eighth at the end of the year.

In the fourth game, Wu Di won again.

The opponent is Ning Yuqi: the captain of the upstream team of the China Super League - the Qilin team. This year's ADC player ranked fifth at the end of the year.

Along the way, Wu Di is unstoppable!

And after these four single-player matches, the black market in the underground competition also lost a total of [-] million!
This number is also far beyond Xue Tianyue's control.However, he still didn't give up, and after weighing it over and over again, he made the last call.

"Hello, is that Ye Ling?"

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(End of this chapter)

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