Chapter 152

Ye Ling stared blankly at this very familiar phone number but couldn't remember it, and replied in doubt:

"Yeah, are you?"

"I'm Xue Tianyue. You don't know who I am? You deleted my phone number?" Xue Tianyue wondered.

He has known Ye Ling for a long time, and he was once Ye Ling's most fanatical suitor.It's just that every time he ran to cheer Ye Ling with a lot of flowers, Ye Ling laughed it off.From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to find Ye Ling.

In Xue Tianyue's heart, Ye Ling is her goddess.He didn't want the goddess to feel that he was useless, so he wanted her to come forward to get back the situation.

But before that, Xue Tianyue had tried his best to find some top professional players who could play hard and soft, but he still couldn't beat that hateful guy, so he thought of contacting Ye Ling!
Ye Ling, as the No. [-] domestic mid laner who has won the No. [-] All-Star vote for three consecutive years, naturally has enough strength to help him defeat that hateful guy!

People are not as good as the sky.

To Xue Tianyue's surprise, Ye Ling had long since lost his memory, and naturally he also forgot everything about the League of Legends.

What happened to Ye Ling was perfectly prevaricated by Ye Wuhen from the outside world, so except for some insiders, Xue Tianyue thought that Ye Ling was still the majestic mermaid queen.

Xue Tianyue approached Ye Ling with a cheeky face because a little-known incident happened between them - when Ye Ling was in need of cash flow in the first two years, he once participated in a Underground race.

"No, I know your name is Xue Tianyue. It's just that I..."

Xue Tianyue interrupted:

"Oh, as long as you know! I thought you forgot me! These are unimportant things!

Now, count me on you, I hope you can participate in the underground competition again! "

"Ah? An underground competition? What is an underground competition? Are you..." Ye Ling, who was in Tianfu City, was completely confused by the stranger's phone call. Just as she was about to refuse, the person next to her Qin Rou heard the conversation between the two of them clearly.

Qin Rou's mind turned sharply, and she immediately thought of a possibility, so she grabbed the phone and replied:
"Hi, are you Xue Tianyue, the eldest son of the Xue family?"

"who are you?"

"I'm Rou Qin! Why, do you want our No. [-] mid laner in Huaxia to play for you?" As an all-star beauty player who has been in the League of Legends e-sports circle for many years, Qin Rou naturally understands the black market in Quancheng's underground competition. He is very familiar with Xue Tianyue's personality.

She also heard about Xue Tianyue's hard pursuit of Ye Ling.

The current Ye Ling is more innocent than a three-year-old child.Qin Rou will naturally attract attention.

Xue Tianyue was startled, she didn't expect the famous heartthrob to get mixed up with Ye Ling, so she couldn't help asking:

"You and Ye Ling are together? Aren't you two rivals? She ranked first for three years in a row, and you have been the second child for three years in a row..."

"You are the second child, and your whole family is the second child!"

"Oh, Miss Qin is still as hot as a fire. My fault, my fault. Give Ye Ling the phone, I have something to call her."

Qin Rou frowned, teasingly said:
"Isn't it just telling her to play an underground game? Don't you know the unwritten rule among top professional players?"

"This..." Xue Tianyue was at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing what to do.

"Ha, is Young Master Xue this kind of spirit? Isn't he just playing an underground game? I'm in Tianfu City, far away from you, I can help you!"

"Really?" Xue Tianyue was overjoyed. He was very familiar with Huaxia's e-sports circle, so he naturally knew that Ye Ling and Qin Rou were separated by the media, but in fact the two were on the same level. In the meantime, who can win, just depends on the performance on the spot.

"Of course it's true, I'm one or two thousand kilometers away from you, just find an Internet cafe.

Well, it's settled like this.You are only looking for Ye Ling because you want her to make a move. She is not in good health and cannot play. I will replace her, and you will not be charged any fees. You will not refuse to accept this big pie, right?

However, I have a condition, after helping you for free this time, you must not harass Ye Ling again! "

Xue Tianyue was ecstatic.

Although he knew that this was Qin Rou's attempt to clear up the relationship with him, but it seemed that she would not lose her word to him.Although the beauty contestant who is a heartthrob is rumored to be a millionaire, her one-of-a-kind personality has won her a lot of fans.

"Okay, no problem! As long as Sister Qin Rou helps me vent my anger, I will never stalk Ye Ling again!"

"A word is settled!"

"It's hard to chase a horse!"

Then, Xue Tianyue told Qin Rou how to use the dedicated competition server to connect to the underground competition black market competition server.

While pulling Ye Ling out in a hurry, Qin Rou also made up a natural excuse to evade Ye Ling, who knew nothing about it.

"Ye Ling, the guy who called just now is an idiot. He likes to harass you the most. I'll help you swatte him away like a fly."

"Huh? Someone is chasing me like this? I don't know anything except eating and sleeping."

"Nonsense, if no one chases after you, all the beauties in Huaxia Kingdom will die. Of course, I am an exception."

"Hmph! Stinky fart. Hey, I keep asking you that question. How long have you been answering me?"

"Is it the question of [what relatives do I have]? It's not time yet, when the time comes, you will naturally know.

Let's go, let's play a very interesting game, and you can just watch my performance later. "

Inside the Black Market Hall of the Underground Race in Quancheng.

Xue Tianyue, who was full of anger, finally moved in the most powerful rescuer. Suddenly, in ecstasy, he began to think about how to recover the huge amount of money he had lost before.

In the previous four single matches, I asked the staff to set a high handicap for the challenger... This time, it's the other way around!Raise Lutian's handicap!Then let most of the guests bet on him, in this way, I will be able to turn things around!
Yes, just do it!

So, the gamblers in the private room of the black market saw another challenger appear after more than ten minutes.And the handicap of this challenger is only 2:1, while the handicap of Lutian account has risen to 5:1!

That is to say, if you buy 100 million, after Lu Tian wins, the black market will have to pay 500 million as a reward.

As soon as the handicap appeared in everyone's eyes, the caring people smiled and silently placed their bets on the new challenger.

【Ah!This Young Master Xue must be a loser, right?Such an abnormal handicap is obviously trying to tell us a false impression that the challenger is weaker than the rookie!But in fact, you just desperately want to get back the previous losses, and you can't hide it from me. 】

And some other high-spirited gamblers, although they knew that there might be tricks in it, they continued to bet on the new challenger without hesitation.Their view is very simple, they have already lost too much money on that comet-like rookie, so it is impossible to fall to him like a piece of grass at this time in order to win money.

These people are extremely rare.

After 5 minutes, betting time ends.

The total amount of money for Qin Rou's victory dropped to 500 million!However, the total amount of victory against Wu Di rose to 9000 million in an instant!Qiqi in the red private room contributed 2000 million to this number as always!
In the last single match tonight, the total betting amount exceeded [-] million!
Xue Tianyue looked at the betting amount on the screen with satisfaction, her heart was full of joy.He knew that after this game, his loss tonight would be fully recovered.And Lu Tian will also get out of Huaxia Kingdom's e-sports circle because of his own design!

This is the fate of offending our Xue family!

Counting the not-too-intense one-man match with Zhang Ting, Wu Di has already fought five games in a row.Even if he is as strong as Wu Di, beads of sweat have already oozed from his forehead.

Seeing this, Lu Tian fetched a bottle of mineral water for Wu Di, and comforted him:
"Thank you for your hard work. I know why you suddenly replaced me on the field. Thank you!"

Wu Di laughed dumbly and said:
"What's the use of saying thank you between you and me? In this last scene, I'll let you see a new genre that I just developed."

Although Lu Tian tried his best to lower his voice, he couldn't restrain the ecstasy in his heart.

"What? You have amnesia, can you develop a more powerful style of play? Grandma's bear! After a long time, I will also go to amnesia to see if I can become as powerful as you."

"Fuck you! This new style of play, I call it [Killing God Style]. It is more domineering than the kingly style, and more radical than the ending style. It's not that you are by my side, I don't use it yet. It has side effects, and it has side effects on me. Physically and mentally it will be affected."

Lu Tian's eyes bulged, and he said strangely:

"Then you still use it?"

Wu Di shrugged helplessly and sighed:
"I can't help it. I've been fighting continuously and I'm a top player. I'm tired too! Only this style of play can make me temporarily forget my fatigue!

In terms of martial arts novels, I'm about to enter meditation, and you have to protect me. "

"Cut! Do you think you're writing a novel? E-sports still needs meditation?" Lu Tian didn't care.

But the next moment, he and the fans around him were so surprised that their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

At this time, after Wu Di finished speaking, he stopped talking nonsense, but stared at the computer screen wholeheartedly, began to whisper in his mouth, and began to instill strong psychological hints in his heart like chanting scriptures.

This is a method he learned from Chen Linlin's hypnotism to temporarily put himself into a [trance] state.

Although the effect is not as strong as being directly hypnotized, it can also make Wu Di enter a state of ecstasy.

In Wu Di's eyes, only the computer screen was left in an instant, while in the eyes of others, it was a nervous kid wearing a peaked cap.

The kid was muttering something. Apart from staring at the screen intently, his whole body began to have a strange aura that was about to move.

Everyone rubbed their eyes, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

And when the last single match started, as soon as Wu Di came to the line, he launched the most violent attack on the opponent. The way of injuring the enemy by a thousand and injuring himself by nine hundred made everyone dumbfounded.

Qin Rou, who was thousands of miles away, thought she was just a folk amateur master, but after bombarding herself indiscriminately as soon as she went online, she suddenly seemed to think of something.

She quickly typed a sentence on the screen: [Why? 】

no response.

The opponent is still grasping every minute and every second, rushing to attack her, so that she can no longer be distracted.

But after a few minutes passed, the ice-snow-smart Qin Rou had guessed his identity from the way he played!

She had witnessed Wu Di's killing spree at the "Talent Cup" in Tianfu City.As a top professional player, she naturally remembers this style of play deeply.

And in the entire League of Legends e-sports circle, there is only one person who can use this style of play!
In the private room of Lantian Internet Cafe in Tianfu City, Qin Rou's unscrupulous laughter resounded.Even, this girl had already laughed so hard that her belly ached, and finally she had started to put down the mouse and keyboard, holding her belly and laughing non-stop.

Seeing this, Ye Ling asked ladylikely: "Rourou, what's the matter? Why are you smiling so happily? Tell me, share with me."

Qin Rou struggled to support the computer desk, stood up, and responded out of breath:

"Ha...ha, Ye Ling, I'm going to die soon. This is so funny. That guy, ran to play the underground game, and the opponent was me! What's even more comical is that the idiot still wants to find you and me Let's deal with that guy. Hahaha..."

"What are you talking about? What kind of guy, what kind of idiot, why can't I understand?" Ye Ling was at a loss.

Qin Rou responded: "I'll tell you later. Now, I'll let you see what it means to [deceive you, no discussion]!"

The eccentric Qin Rou controlled her smile, and began to comically stage the cheating plot that can only be seen in the novice game.

[Oh, this hero is so beautiful, how do you play?Yo, press Q to fly out of a ball of fire. 】

[Wow, that person is hitting me, hitting me, hitting... me, how did my picture turn into black and white?network management!The machine is dead! 】

【Huh?Why do I get out of the equipment, and it doesn't hurt to hit someone!oh!It turns out that this is a mage who uses skills to beat talents!Oops, it turned into a black and white picture again - the network administrator!It crashed again! 】

In this single match, Qin Rou behaved exactly like a beginner!
Looking at this weird scene, everyone in the private room of the black market burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard. What kind of master did the young master of the Xue family find? He's completely young."

"Oh, Young Master Xue must have made a lot of money in other places, so use this single match to give us money."

"Isn't it? It's still because I didn't press down on the challenger, otherwise I would be tricked by her until I even dropped my underwear."

Xue Tianyue stared at the big screen without blinking, her heart was already burning with anger, and her fists were clenched.If eyes could kill, he would have killed everyone in the private room.

What kind of plane is Qin Rou doing? !

Damn, are you playing me on purpose?
With this in mind, Xue Tianyue quickly took out her cell phone and dialed Ye Ling's number.

[Hello, the phone you dialed has been turned off. 】

Xue Tianyue dropped the phone in his hand to pieces.

Damn it!Damn it!Damn it!

In the end, amidst Xue Tianyue's constant cursing, the world-renowned singles match ended hastily after only 13 minutes.

Qin Rou gave Wu Di eleven heads in total, except for the resurrection time, almost every minute on time.This kind of performance, I am afraid that only the legendary "Attacking Elementary School Student" can do it.

In the end, this girl even added fuel to the flames by saying:
【ah!It's over, I want to play for a while longer.Therefore, remember to thank me. 】

At this time, Wu Di's miraculous trance state also came to an abrupt end after the game.

When he saw this sentence, he also smiled knowingly, and he naturally guessed who the opponent was.

At this time, he was a little dumbfounded.It's a bit of a fuss to use the God-killing style to deal with Qin Rou's performance like a schoolboy who is clearly trying to deceive Xue Tianyue.

He flew his fingers lightly and typed two words: 【Take care. 】

Seeing Wu Di's response, Qin Rou knew better, so she closed the client app immediately with a smile on her face, and then took Ye Ling happily to the shopping mall.

In the private room of the Internet cafe on the third ring road of Quancheng.

Wu Di asked Lu Tian to kindly invite the real fans out of the private room, and then left behind the three women and one man who harbored ulterior motives.

"Take it out, even though you didn't capture anything." Wu Di said coldly.

The four looked at each other, knowing that their identities had been exposed, they had no choice but to take out the pinhole camera from the satchel.

When Lu Tian saw this, he immediately became furious. He wanted to get angry at several people, but was pulled down by Wu Di.

"Okay, you can go. Go back and say that we found it and seized the things. I think you won't encounter too much trouble."

Seeing the backs of the four people leaving, Lu Tian re-examined Wu Di up and down in horror.

"Damn it! It doesn't look like you at all, it doesn't look like you at all... You would have gone crazy long ago!"

Wu Di laughed and said:
"Heh! People change. Well, this trip to the underground competition is really interesting. I won 3000 to [-] million for you. You should give me some points."

Lu Tian smiled and punched Wu Di, and said:

"Take it all, take it all, just leave me a change. It's enough for me to buy a house to honor my family.

Hehe, although I don't know the betting situation in the black market, I'm afraid Xue Tianyue will be a man with her tail between her legs for a while.

However, he is really ruthless. Not only did he recruit so many top professional players, he also asked someone to film us!
If you hadn't seen the flaw this time and replaced me in time, maybe I would have lost 2000 million to him, and after becoming poor, I would have been suspended for one year for participating in the underground competition.

Thank you, brother, hey, who is the opponent in the last single match?He told you Yuzhi, obviously he knows you.

Hahaha, this Xue Tianyue has calculated thousands of times, but in the end he counted himself as bad ass.You didn't just leave a five-fingerprint on his face, but you directly whipped him upside down.

Happy, I'm so happy!Go for a walk and have a drink. "

"Drink your sister. The opponent in the last match was a woman of mine. I don't know if Xue Tianyue went out and didn't read the almanac, or stepped on dog shit, and actually found her..."

"Who? Your woman? Judging from Xue Tianyue's words and deeds, he must be looking for a top player.

The top beauty professional player...Ye Ling?Or Qin Rou?Or the female devil who can make fans' hearts sink by shaking her chest? "

Wu Di laughed, noncommittal.After a while, he calmed down and said calmly:

"Brother, I actually have something very important to do when I come back this time. Now that we're all drunk, I'm here, and I'll give you a brief introduction.

I went back to Quancheng to get back what I put in Team Brilliant! "

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(End of this chapter)

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