Chapter 153
On the rostrum of the Black Market Hall of the Quancheng Underground Competition.

Xue Tianyue was so angry that her lungs exploded.

He never expected that Qin Rou, one of the most beautiful contestants in the country, would use such a performance as a primary school student, causing him to lose more than [-] million in the last single match!
Moreover, he really has no way to settle accounts with her!With that charming personality, he will definitely wipe out the fact that he helped himself to participate in the underground competition!

More than [-] million, this astronomical figure for ordinary people, has long been beyond the scope of his control.Xue Tianqing, who was at the side, saw her brother's fire-spitting eyes, and said with concern:

"Brother, this... these few single-player matches, we have lost more than [-] million yuan in total on the black market... If father knows, I'm afraid he won't give you good fruit to eat. The most important thing is, what should we do?" How to explain to the other two shareholders."

Xue Tianyue shouted viciously:
"Little sister! Don't say anything when the time comes! I will explain it to my father and the shareholders! Now, all you need to do is to quickly call your people back and see what they have gained!

I lost so much tonight, I must make Lu Tian disappear from the gaming circle! "

Xue Tianqing was just about to make a call when her phone rang.

"Hey, is that Sister Qing? We failed...From the moment we entered the room, they were aware of our purpose. Our equipment was confiscated by them."

Xue Tianqing told her brother the bad news, Xue Tianyue was only silent for half a second, then smashed the things on the podium to pieces.

"Lu Tian! I, Xue Tianyue, will never die with you! I swear, I will ruin your reputation!"

At this moment, two gorgeous girls walked out of the red private room closest to the rostrum.

One of them is Qiqi who made a lot of money tonight.With short hair, she gives people a kind of coolness and warmth.

As soon as she went out, she saw the young master of the Xue family who was furious.

After Qiqi squinted at him, she left the stadium with Lulu without showing any signs of expression.Xue Tianyue had a flash of inspiration, and quickly asked the staff how much money the woman won.

After the consultation results came out, Xue Tianyue burst into anger again, and immediately ordered the staff to investigate Na Qiqi's background.

"Brother, what's the matter? Although she has won a lot of money, she has always been our guest. If you do this, I'm afraid you will break the rules. Father will definitely be furious when he finds out!" Seeing this, Xue Tianqing said, Quickly reminded.

"She won more than [-] million yuan tonight! She is not from Quancheng! I can recognize all the children of the local rich and powerful. Didn't you notice that she never missed a bet tonight? Or, she I have great confidence in Lu Tian, ​​who has been betting all the time!

In short, I have a feeling that that girl seems to be deliberately messing up the game. Not only is the betting unreasonable, but she also makes a lot of money every time!
I suspect that she has colluded with Lu Tian!So check her out!

Tonight, those who have taken advantage of me and our Xue family, I will make them spit out ten times over! "


Under Lu Tian's suggestion, Wu Di and the others came to a slow shake bar that they used to like to patronize most.

A classic English slow rock song [LONELY] brought the two of them back to those bohemian years.

The more Wu Di stayed with Lu Tian, ​​the more memories in his mind recovered.

Moreover, he likes this feeling very much.

Many shots of him fighting side by side with Lu Tian began to emerge in his mind.It was not until Lu Tian asked aloud that his thoughts were interrupted.

"Tell me, brother, what do you want to get back? As long as I can help, I will definitely be willing!"

Wu Di took a sip of the lemonade in front of him and sighed:

"Do you know how much money I made in total during the years I was a professional player?"

Lu Tian was stunned for a moment, and said in bewilderment:
"From the second year after your debut, that is, when you started to beat those masters with the finishing style, after you ended your rookie contract, you were signed by the club with the highest value at that time. A five-year contract Well. I saw your contract at the beginning, and it seems that your salary is a total of [-] million for five years. What? Is there any problem?"

"Well, that's right. Regarding this matter, I also remembered this memory when I tried to restore the strength of the mid laner with hypnosis a while ago. Moreover, I was in full swing at the time, and during those few years, I gained every year. The huge sponsorship fees provided by the sponsors. If I remember correctly, these sponsorship fees, plus the annual salary I should have received, should add up to more than [-] million!

But... I still haven't received one percent of this huge income until today! "

"What?!" Lu Tian opened his eyes wide, staring at the serious Wu Di in disbelief.He didn't want to believe that Brilliant Club owed Wu Di so much income!

"Why? Why did this happen? I remember that the top management of the club valued you very much. It is impossible for such a thing to happen to you! I understand what you mean-although you have been awarded the number one player in the world a few years ago Fame, but your only equivalent to a third-tier professional player?"

Wu Di nodded thoughtfully, and replied:
"That's right. That's exactly what happened.

When I started to recover my memory, I was still a little bit puzzled.During the years when I was a professional player, my income should have been quite good.But in order to treat and appease me, my family actually needed to sell their house in Quancheng in order to reluctantly move from here to Tianfu City.

I was thinking... where did my money go?
Until some time ago, when I tried to restore my memory with hypnosis, I didn't remember the root of all this!
It's not that I don't have money, but my money has been withheld by the Brilliant Club!

So, this time I came to Quancheng to get back the money that belonged to me! "

Lu Tian was stunned, and for a moment, he was also speechless.

More than half a year ago, the chairman of the club humbly begged himself to come back and save the club from the fire and water. The tragic fate of the First Division.

But now, when Lu Tian heard that the club owed Wu Di nearly [-] million yuan in salary, he was a little confused.

After a while.

"Brother, is there any misunderstanding in this? The club has always been known throughout the Super League for its humane management. I think, with the economic strength of the boss, it is absolutely impossible to do such a thing."

Wu Di stared at the water glass in front of him, and said coldly:
"There is no misunderstanding. Because I have an unwritten secret agreement with them."

"Secret agreement? What agreement?" Lu Tian was shocked.

In my impression, Wu Di has always been an immature boy who has everything written on his face, and there is no trace of city.But at this moment, Wu Di gave him a strange sense of strangeness in his heart.

Wu Di's words made him faintly have a bad premonition.

"This agreement is... After I signed that top contract, I must help the club reach the final of the World Club Champions League at least once within five years! Otherwise, they have the right to withhold my due income. This article The agreement is written separately as an annex to the contract, and I haven't shown it to you.

I helped the club reach the finals for three consecutive years. Although they all failed in the end, I finally fulfilled my promise. Therefore, it is only natural that I come to get back my money. "

Lu Tian was completely stupefied.

Every word Wu Di said was like a sharp needle, stabbing hard into his heart.

Lu Tian has incomparably deep feelings for the Brilliant Team.He grew up here, became famous here, gained fame and money here, and now he is the number one all-star player cultivated by the club, and entrusted with the important task of captain.

The club has treated him so generously, so he is naturally grateful to repay it. At this critical moment, he will try his best to keep the team in the Super League.

But Wu Di's appearance, Wu Di's bland but powerful narration made him feel in a dilemma, extremely uncomfortable!

Help Wu Di collect debts?The club has changed from a wealthy family to a big one, and the sponsors have lost more than 90.00%.In addition, the team has just succeeded in relegation, and it is hard to predict what the next season will be like. If Wu Di is paid [-] million at this time, it will undoubtedly be a big deal.
The lifeblood of the club.

Help the club reject Wu Di?What's wrong with Wu Di coming to Quancheng to take back what belongs to him?Wu Di is his brother!But my most valued friend!At this time, he is in a trough. As his friend, if I don't give him a hand, am I still worthy of calling him a brother?

For a moment, Lu Tian fell into deep thought.

Seeing this scene, Wu Di understood why Lu Tian was so entangled.He laughed dumbly and said:
"Hey! What are you thinking about? Although I am indeed here to collect debts, I will not hurt the brilliant team. I know that the team has just successfully relegated this year, and there is still a lot to spend. After all, if you want to maintain the brilliant The status of a wealthy family requires a lot of investment."

When Lu Tian heard that things had turned around, he also untied his brows and said happily:
"Ah? Since you know everything, why do you come to the club for money? I have an excellent idea. You can return to glory! With you joining, the sponsors of the brilliant team will surely Will return again, and the team will definitely have the strength to compete for the championship! The Brilliant team is your home team, and if you do this, you will not only gain reputation, but also find a home, a good thing that kills two birds with one stone..."

Wu Di shook his head lightly and sighed:

"The woman I love the most can leave me without any reason. I don't dare to pin my hopes on anyone now!
Tell you the truth, bro.

First, I will not return to Team Glorious again.What do the club executives think of me?Will you still support me as always?Today, when newcomers are springing up like mushrooms after the rain, will they still support me?Especially when my current strength has not fully recovered.I don't want to do things I'm not sure about anymore.I am no longer the arrogant young boy who put his eyes on the top of his head...

Second, I understand the current situation of the Brilliant team. I don't want to embarrass the parent team that single-handedly promoted me. I just want to explain the situation to the higher-ups and let them compensate me appropriately.If 3000 million is not available, [-] million is fine.My bottom line is to get a tenth!The rest, I can no longer pursue!

Moreover, the 3000 million can be given to me in installments.I also don't want to embarrass my home team.

I think, if it were any one person, it would be impossible for me to be as free and easy as I am. "

Wu Di talked eloquently, and told Lu Tian the true thoughts in his heart, which also made him look at Wu Di today with admiration.

After hearing the words, Lu Tian pressed heavily on Wu Di's shoulder, and said in a deep voice:
"Brother! Although you were arrogant and arrogant in the past, I know that you actually have a kind heart in your bones. Tonight, I am completely convinced of you! Being able to leave more than 2 million deserved soft sister coins, this kind of mind, Looking around the entire e-sports circle today, who can do it?

Modern society has long been filled with the disgusting smell of copper!For money, brothers can betray each other; for money, relatives can turn against each other; for money, lovers can use each other.

You can do this, I sincerely admire you! "

Wu Di raised his peaked cap, revealed his sincere eyes, and said with a smile:

"Your evaluation is too high, I can't bear it. But to be honest, I have indeed changed a lot from before. This kind of change should be regarded as a kind of progress.

Everything I do is not for money!What I really want is, through the efforts of myself and my friends, to bring the e-sports circle back to the simple environment of the past.

Here, only hard work and sweat, here, only hard work and passion, here, only transparency and fairness.After I regained my memory, I've thought about it a lot.

Although today's e-sports circle is a big cake that everyone wants to get a piece of, it is full of too many unrequited interests, and these interests have changed people's hearts.I was plotted against, and losing the world championship and five years of memory, isn't that the most powerful proof?

My ideal is... I want to awaken the simple nature of e-sports people through my own efforts!

If I can't do it alone, then I will create a transparent and huge e-sports empire!Use this to fight against those dirty forces!

Birds of a feather flock together.I know you hate those money worshipers, that's why I contacted you right away.If there is a chance, we will fight side by side again. "

Wu Di winked mysteriously.

When Lu Tianshu heard about Wu Di's lofty ideals, he also smiled heartily and said:
"Haha, I know why you came to the club to get money at this time. You must be making your team bigger and stronger! 3000 million is like a drop in the bucket for a top giant, but for an amateur team, It is an astronomical figure.

Alright, after I help the team stabilize their position in the league, I will definitely drop everything to help you!

Remember, this is my promise to you! "


At the same time, the Brilliant Club has long been empty, and everything is silent.

But in the club chairman's office, the lights were suddenly brightly lit at this time - two mysterious guests who came from the sky happened to be sitting in front of the chairman with leisure.

One of them is Stephen wearing a pair of huge sunglasses. He is speaking fluent Chinese and talking to Tao Zheng, the chairman of the Brilliant Club. A young man with the same type of peaked cap.

"Mr. Chairman, we don't know what China's national conditions are, and we don't know how to deal with people. In our country, we are all straightforward. In this way, if Mr. [Wu Shuang] can play for your team, please tell us Let me make a statement."

At this time, Tao Zheng was looking at this young man named Wu Shuang with a look of surprise and uncertainty.

He was curious.

This young man named Wu Shuang is almost exactly the same as Wu Di who played for the team back then!
"He... what is the relationship between him and Wu Di?"

Tao Zheng finally asked the biggest question in his heart.

Stephen twitched the corners of his mouth and said with a smile:
"Mr. Chairman, the identity of Mr. Wu Shuang will surprise you. He is the biological brother of Wu Di, who dominated the entire e-sports circle and was known as the number one genius in the world."

Tao Zheng raised his glasses frame, looked at it carefully again, and finally said in surprise:
"Unbelievable, unbelievable...he is really Wu Di's biological brother?"

"It's true. Mr. Chairman, this name is enough to make your brilliant team come into the eyes of e-sports fans around the world again! The genius brother's unfinished great e-sports career was achieved by his brother who grew up in a slum Keep fighting, this is a very inspirational, very exciting and touching story. You have to seize the opportunity."

Tao Zheng has been in the e-sports circle for a long time. After a short period of meditation, he naturally understood that Stephen's words were not groundless.

Such a gimmick will indeed allow the Brilliant Team to sweep away the previous haze and regain their identity and status as a wealthy team!
Today, there is only one thing to confirm.

"Mr. Stephen, I am very grateful that you can think of so much for our club. But there is one thing I need to confirm. It is this young man who is called Wu Di's brother. Can his strength reach Wu Di's level?
I don't want to hope that he can surpass Wu Di, even if it is very close!

You have to be clear, in today's Huaxia country's e-sports circle, top players are still in their prime, and a few newcomers will emerge every year. Let's be brilliant and fall flat. "

Tao Zheng liked that the other party's answer was "very close", but the young man sneered and replied directly:

"What is closeness? He is not close to me at all!"

Tao Zheng was taken aback for a moment, it seemed that the hope in his heart had been lost, but unexpectedly, Stephen suddenly laughed and said:
"Haha, Mr. Chairman, he means...he has already surpassed Wu Di!"

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(End of this chapter)

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