Chapter 154
Beyond Wu Di?Beyond Wu Di, who is recognized as the number one genius in the world?
Tao Zheng only felt that the young people nowadays were really blind and arrogant.

Does he know Wu Di's strength?Has he seen all the world famous players frowning when they face Wu Di?Does he know what a king is?

The king is invincible, and the invincible person, in the past ten years, only Wu Di!
If it wasn't for that kid's perverted and rebellious personality, his extremely poor sense of teamwork, and his disregard for anyone, including me, the chairman, would not have been spared.

Otherwise, the Brilliant team would have won the title of world champion long ago!

Surpassing Wu Di, is this the funniest joke I've heard this year?

Tao Zheng squeezed out a polite smile indifferently, and said:
"Mr. Stephen, Wu Shuang's identity is indeed a topic that can be hyped. But the most important thing is that what our club really needs is a strong player with real materials to lead everyone forward.

Young people... It's not a good habit to be supercilious. Heh, in terms of personality, he is indeed printed from the same mold as Wu Di.However, without strong strength, everything is empty talk.

Mr. Stephen, I can let this young man enter the team, but as for the conditions you said to promise him the position of captain and ensure the absolute main force, I can't agree. "

Stephen calmly pressed Wu Shuang who was about to get mad, and said with a smile:
"I heard that there is a very interesting black market for underground competitions in this city. This is a product that is banned worldwide. I am very interested. In addition, if Mr. Chairman has any doubts about Wu Shuang's strength, it is better to let him play Before you join Brilliant, put on a show in front of you? Let him participate in a few underground games, let you know his strength first.

In the old Chinese saying, if it's a mule or a horse, you'll know when you pull it out.

You are an old Jiang Hu.Whether he is strong or not, whether he has surpassed Wu Di, you can judge with sharp eyesight. "

Stephen's words reminded Tao Zheng.

This Wu Shuang is not considered a professional player right now, so of course he will not be affected by that unwritten ban.

Tao Zheng weighed it over and over again, and responded with a smile:

"Well, that's a good suggestion. Now, it's late at night, and the underground competition should have ended long ago. Tomorrow, tomorrow night, I will arrange a staff here to set up a dedicated server for the competition. When the time comes, I will witness it with my own eyes. under his strength.

If he can perform to my satisfaction, I can promise to give him the responsibility of captain. "

"Well, Mr. Chairman is really quick to talk. In addition, what I want to say is that his younger brother, who is the world's number one genius you are most proud of——Wu Di, has come to Quancheng."

"What?" Tao Zheng hadn't heard from Wu Di for more than a year.When he heard that Wu Di had actually come to Quancheng, he felt mixed feelings—if he inferred correctly, Wu Di came to find him!
And Stephen in front of him was like a roundworm in his stomach, instantly pointing out his thoughts:

"Mr. Chairman, as far as I know, you still owe Wu Di a huge sum of money. I'm afraid it's beyond your ability to ask you to spend [-] million yuan at once..."

"What? Who are you? How do you know these things?" Tao Zheng was so shocked that he almost dropped his glasses on the ground.

Stephen still had a calm tone, and said softly:
"Oh, don't be too surprised, Mr. Chairman, you just need to consider my suggestion below.

If Wu Di comes to you to collect debts, no matter how much he asks, you can refuse!Even if he takes you to court, with a contract appendix without official seal and personal fingerprints, he definitely can't cause any big disturbance.

Mr. Chairman did it very beautifully back then.Before I knew it, I had solved a big hidden danger for myself. "

Tao Zheng was shaken all over.

He really couldn't understand Wu Di's words and deeds back then, so he added such an annex to the contract, and the most important thing is that this annex to the contract was not stamped with an official seal!He really played a big trick on Wu Di back then!
Of course, if Wu Di can make the Brilliant team stand on top of the world, then he will pay Wu Di what he deserves in terms of morality and contract.

But contrary to expectations, Wu Di led the Brilliant team to the finals for three consecutive years, but missed the championship in the end.The third time Wu Di had an accident can be ignored, but the first two times of losing the championship were all due to Wu Di's arrogance and aloofness.

Tao Zheng is a businessman. Wu Di, who aimed at maximizing profits and failed to achieve the expected results, naturally became his abandoned child. Then the reward of [-] million...Of course he can afford it!

Tao Zheng had made up his mind a long time ago, but he didn't expect that the foreign friend who came to visit suddenly knew his affairs well.At this moment, he felt a little uneasy.

Stephen saw the cloudiness on Tao Zheng's face, and said with a smile:

"Haha, please rest assured, Mr. Chairman, these things are established facts, and I can't change anything by myself. Besides, after Wu Shuang joins you, as his manager, we still need to maintain close contact.

Isn't there a saying "in the same boat"?We're in the same boat right now. "

With a dark face, Tao Zheng said coldly:
"What exactly do you want to do?"

"It's very simple. Although you have already made up your mind, I still want to remind you. In order for our cooperation to continue well, I hope you will not promise any compensation to Wu Di! Even if it is [-]% compensation !"


After leaving the Brilliant Club, Stephen and Wu Shuang walked back to the hotel.

His expensive windbreaker whistled in the night wind, causing Wu Shuang to say contemptuously:
"You sinister guy, what trench coat are you wearing? I hate this hissing sound! This sound is very similar to the sound of mice eating I heard in the slums!"

Stephen laughed and said:
"Brings back your uncomfortable memories? Haha, young man, you are still too young. If you really want to get back what you deserve from your brother and father, then you have to learn to hide.

You see how smart your younger brother is, not only changed his name, but also gathered some talented young people to form a team, making bigger plans for the future..."

After hearing the words, Wu Shuang snorted and snorted coldly: "The mob is nothing to be afraid of."

"Oh, you can't say that. In his team, there is a young man surnamed Ye, but he is a great man with unrivaled power. It is under his protection that your younger brother was able to live in Tianfu City. Grow your team without worry.

Otherwise, with the power of the organization, Wu Di could have been ruined long ago. "

Wu Shuanglong strode forward, striding forward, and said without looking back:
"No matter who it is, as long as anyone dares to protect that guy, don't blame me for being merciless!
Ten years... I have been waiting for this opportunity for ten years! "


[Mood] Slow Shake Bar is located in the center of Quancheng and has been open for nearly 20 years.At first, this slow shake bar was just a product of the boss's whim, but later, with the arrival and patronage of more and more well-known e-sports players, the reputation of the mood bar has soared, and it has become the iconic e-sports bar in Quancheng. one of the products.

Guests who come here can hear classic songs from decades ago, meet countless e-sports stars, and watch live broadcasts of top games.

In addition, its existence period coincides with the development period of China's e-sports industry.

Wu Di before amnesia, used to like to come here very much.

Now that he came to the bar of the state of mind that had changed at this time again, his thoughts had already flown beyond the sky.

Ten minutes later, Wu Di and Wu Di stayed in the slow shake bar for a while, and when they were about to get up and leave, they passed by two smiling young girls.

Because Wu Di was wearing a peaked cap, he couldn't see the dark road clearly, so he accidentally bumped into one of the girls.

"Ah! It hurts. What are you doing? It's the middle of the night, you can't walk properly, and you wear a hat to pretend to be mysterious?"

Wu Di raised his head and held back a glance. It was a young girl with long curly hair, but the girl's facial features were quite exquisite, very similar to a Barbie doll.

After Wu Di looked at it twice in a daze, he lowered his head and said:
"Sorry, I didn't mean it."

"Hmph, you didn't do it on purpose, you did it on purpose! What are you looking at, haven't you seen a live-action Barbie doll?"

Seeing that Wu Di seemed to be in trouble, Lu Tian hurried out to smooth things over.

"Haha, this beauty, my brother is a little too drunk to stabilize his figure, please forgive me if it hurts you."

"Huh? This...isn't this Captain Lu Tian Lu? Hehe, I finally saw something alive at close range." Barbie girl immediately left Wu Di behind as if she had discovered a new world, bouncing around Came to Lu Tian's side.

"Idol, I didn't mean to make things difficult for you. Your friend bumped into me. If you want to stand up for him, you have to take a photo with me!"

"Okay, Lulu, stop making trouble. He is a famous professional player. Don't make things difficult for him."

Qiqi from the red private room in the black market actually appeared in this slow shake bar.And the girl who was bumped lightly by Wu Di was Lulu with a delicate face.

However, Qiqi's gaze was always on Wu Di who covered most of her cheeks with a huge peaked cap.

So familiar!
This feeling is so familiar!
he is?


At this time, despite Qiqi's objection, Lulu took out her smartphone and happily took a photo with the bitter-faced Lu Tian.

"Also! I finally have a photo with a top professional player. Kiki, they won't laugh at me now. Say I've admired e-sports stars for so many years, but I can't even get a photo!"

Kiki looked helplessly at this Lulu who looked like a real Barbie doll, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

With Lulu's family background and Lulu's appearance, as long as she wants to, she can already have countless photos with e-sports stars.However, this girl is persistently unwilling to do so with the help of outsiders.

In her own words, everything has to be about [fate].If there is a destiny, we will meet each other. If there is no destiny, it will be nothing but a bamboo basket.

Lu Lu touched her mobile phone contentedly, while Lu Tian touched the back of his head in embarrassment, and then wanted to pull Wu Di to leave the place.

At this moment, Qiqi asked:

"Wait a minute, please! That friend in the peaked cap."

Wu Di was taken aback, stood still, turned around, and glanced at this capable and refreshing short-haired girl.

"What's the matter?"

"Excuse me for being abrupt, I want to ask your name."

Wu Di was puzzled for a moment, but still said his [stage name].

"Wu Youzhi."

"Your surname is Wu? Your name is Youzhi? What a strange name." Qiqi's mind was racing, and she tried without changing her expression.

"Yes, it's not surprising that the name is chosen by the parents. My mother is a people's teacher. It's not unusual to use something more."

After a brief silence, there was already an imperceptible smile on the corner of Qiqi's mouth.

"Then...can I leave a phone number? Yes, it's your phone number."

Wu Di was confused and puzzled.

However, Lu Tian laughed nervously and patted Wu Di on the shoulder, teasingly said:

"Ha, I didn't expect that your virtue is still so popular. Wherever you go, there are girls who take the initiative to strike up a conversation."

Lulu next to her was a little unhappy when she heard this: "Idol, even though you are my idol, I still want to refute you! My sister won't wink at people casually. I'm afraid...they The two are acquaintances, we are both kept in the dark!
Isn't it, Kiki? "

"No, I don't know him." Qiqi smiled mysteriously, making the two of them even more suspicious.

Afterwards, Wu Di took a closer look at Miao Qiqi and left his phone number.In his heart, he also had a special sense of familiarity.This sense of familiarity is almost the same as Kiki's.

After the two parties exchanged calls, they turned and left.

After leaving the mood and slowly shaking the door, Lu Tian couldn't wait to ask:
"Why did you leave a phone call? Do you really know her?"

"I don't know each other, but there is always a feeling that she and I seem to be familiar with each other. Let's not talk about it. You can arrange it for me tomorrow. I must see Chairman Tao Zheng as soon as possible. I hope to impress her with my sincerity." he."

"Of course it's okay, I'll take care of everything!" Lu Tian patted his chest and promised.Then he went to the hotel where he was staying with Wu Di.Of course, all the expenses were borne by Lutian, the so-called host.

Silent all night.

In the early morning of the next day, a piece of heavy news spread in the e-sports circle in Quancheng.

The Xue family, the largest wealthy family in Quancheng, lost hundreds of millions in the black market last night!
As soon as the news spread, Xue Tianyue's phone was ringing off the hook, but he refused to answer them all, except for his father's.

Xue Xingyun, the unyielding helm of the Xue family.It has been in the business world for decades and has a very good reputation.He is righteous, bold and uninhibited, and treats his friends with even more righteousness and arrogance.

However, his biggest knot is his eldest son, who is not very old, but he does not leave any room for himself, and he, the old man, often wipes his ass.Although he had already divided a small part of the huge property and gave it to Xue Tianyue to manage and exercise, but the final results were often unsatisfactory.

"Hello, father." Xue Tianyue said respectfully.

"Huh! The young master of the Xue family was very good in the black market last night. He lost hundreds of millions in one breath! Now the old buddies and friends around me are all watching my jokes!"

"Father, it was my mistake last night. I will make up for the shortfall in funds in the shortest possible time."

"Money is nothing! I have told you many times! For our Xue family, the most important thing is reputation! Money is just a number. I have asked someone to transfer [-] million to your account, take it Make up for your mistake last night.

In addition, things have already happened, and I don't want to scold you or educate you. Now what you want to think about is how to restore the reputation of our Xue family!
I heard that you made a few intriguing odds yesterday. This incident has brought the reputation of the underground game black market to a low point.As I said, our Xue family will be the first to eat the crab of e-sports, so the black market is very important to our strategic layout.It doesn't matter whether it is profitable or not, what matters is that it can allow our Xue family to occupy an absolute leading position in the rising industry of e-sports!

E-sports is already a big cake that is becoming more and more obvious.Our Xue family has various advantages, you must not mess it up for me!
Remember, reputation matters, and you should know how to do it. "

Xue Xingyun's speech was not fast and his tone was not heavy, but every word was so clear that Xue Tianyue was already sweating and nervous.

He knew that his father usually wouldn't get angry, but once he got really angry, even his own son might be used by him to make an example of others!
The overlord who has been able to dominate the market for many years and stand still does not only rely on the good reputation praised by everyone, but what he is best at is means!If you don't make a move, you're done. If you make a move, you won't give up if you don't achieve your goal.

After Xue Tianyue listened to her father's lecture tremblingly, she consciously reported the truth about last night's underground competition to Xue Xingyun.

After Xue Xingyun finished listening, after a minute of silence, he said in an orderly manner:
"Since it's a professional player who made you suffer such a big loss, then you shouldn't understand the principle of repaying someone's body with their own way?"

"I understand! There's just one thing that I can't figure out! That is, although Lu Tian is an extremely powerful top player, with his strength, it is impossible for him to defeat so many high-ranked top professional players in a row... "

There was another silence on the other side of the phone.

a long time.

"Check out the man wearing the black peaked cap next to Lu Tian!" After finishing speaking, Xue Xingyun hung up the phone.

Xue Xingyun gave Xue Tianyue this reminder at the sight of blood, which suddenly made Xue Tianyue realize.


Why didn't I think that Lu Tian's strength could not do what he did last night, but the man in the peaked cap... is probably also a top player!Moreover, it must be a top three ranked master!

For the next hour, Xue Tianyue quietly meditated in her office.

Finally, he slowly stood up from the sofa, showing a sinister and triumphant smile.

"Yesterday, Qin Rou behaved abnormally, although I don't know why, but in today's China e-sports circle, there are many, many people who are better than you, Lu Tian and your partner!
I don't believe that with you, Lu Tian, ​​and that mysterious boy, you can beat all the experts in China!
Even Wu Di, who was healthy and healthy back then, lost time and time again in team competitions?

Being the strongest alone does not mean that your team is the strongest!
This time, I won't play singles with you.You and that mysterious boy are really strong in the singles competition, and the top five players can't do anything against you... This time, I want to play a big game with you, and if you want to play, you can play the five-person team competition! "

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(End of this chapter)

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