Chapter 155 Challenge
Xue Tianyue lost confidence in the top domestic professional players.

So, he weighed again and again, using various means and relationships, and contacted five top foreign experts.

Carter: The main player of the European Champions League giants team QWQ, ranked third in the European ADC this year.

Pepe: The main player of the UEFA Champions League giants team QWQ, ranked third in the European support position this year.

Lee Jae-il: The captain of the KKT team, the top team in the Korean Champions League, ranked third in AP in Korea this year.

Yuna: The main player of the American champion LULU team, ranked fourth in the Americas this year, a famous beauty player.

Kameda II: Japanese, currently playing for the American champion team LULU, ranked fifth in the jungle in the Americas this year.

The background of the Xue family's international group allowed Xue Tianyue to get the consent of the five without much effort, willing to temporarily form a temporary team to stand out for the Xue family!
As for the appearance fee, of course it has reached millions of dollars. In addition, the network grafting technology is also arranged by the Xue family after the personnel are determined.

The ideas of well-known foreign players are incompatible with China.In China, due to the unwritten ban, top professional players are not allowed to participate in underground competitions, while abroad, these star players who have been given a short break after a season of fighting are very interested in going underground. Play a fresh game.

Foreign clubs naturally don't have many taboos on top stars like them who are used to support their facades like domestic ones.As long as they participate anonymously and are not tied to the honor of the club, they usually will not be deliberately stopped.

Therefore, as the world-renowned underground game black market in Quancheng, it will often usher in a blowout when it enters the deep winter season, that is, when global e-sports players enter the winter break.

A large number of foreign players and domestic players will use this short vacation to pan for gold in underground competitions.For foreign players, this is a treasury with a lot of money, but for domestic players, this is just a golden place to increase their income.

Carter, Pepe, Lee Jae-ri, Yuna, and Kameda have reached a consensus with the Xue family to temporarily use [KING] as the team name to form a temporary and powerful king team.

KING, Chinese translation king, the implication is that the five of them came to the underground game black market, and they are the kings!Anyone with a discerning eye can tell the implication of his words at a glance - they don't pay attention to the professional players of Huaxia Kingdom at all!

And after Xue Tianyue confided his plan to his father Xue Xingyun, his father also gave another suggestion.

"Tianyue, I'm not proficient in e-sports, but I know a thing or two. The strength of these five people is enough. It is more than enough to deal with domestic players of Lu Tian's level. Now, we only need to make the reputation of these five people as short as possible. Just start within the time.

Then, you will challenge Lutian and even the Brilliant Club!Although they are now reduced to a team of fish belly, the skinny camels are bigger than horses, and their family has a big business, so they will definitely not escape easily!

Since we have suffered such a big dark loss before, this time, we will uproot them! "

Xue Tianyue was shocked, never thought that her father would point the finger at the brilliant club that once flourished in Quancheng!

"Father, what do you mean... our Xue family will swallow up the Brilliant Club?"

"Of course, the joke you made is a bad thing, but also a good thing. I just want everyone to know that offending our Xue family will not end well.

And the most important point is that our Xue family has long been salivating over the big cake of the e-sports industry.For a long time, I have been looking for a top professional club that is suitable for us to develop our talents, and use this as the cornerstone of our e-sports kingdom.

And this brilliant club has been coveted by me for a long time!They have fame, facilities, and fans. Although their current situation is not good, their accumulated popularity is no worse than those of other top clubs.

The team's record has declined rapidly, and the club's business performance has plummeted. You said, if our Xue family swallowed them at this time, wouldn't it be in line with the wishes of the majority of e-sports fans?
On the one hand, we can inject a lot of money to improve its operating conditions, and on the other hand, we can also sign top professional players with large contracts to restore the team's record to its previous brilliant level.

In short, now is the best time for our Xue family to show its ambitions! "

After listening to his father's plain narration, Xue Tianyue only felt that in front of him, he was still just a child looking up at the gigantic.It turned out that my father had been planning for a long time.But I am playing tricks for my own selfishness.The levels of each other are obviously different, which can be seen.

Thinking of this, Xue Tianyue hurriedly replied:

"Father, I understand! Through this incident, I have also made great progress. This time, you can watch how your son performs a good show!"

"Tianyue, the so-called tiger father has no dog son, you are my son, you must have enough arrogance and courage. It doesn't matter if you suffer a little loss, what matters is whether you can learn from it. If you say that, I can rest assured. You My comprehension has always been good, and I will continue to maintain it.

Another point, remember, let go and do it, don't be afraid.I will always support you behind the scenes.

Now, you just need to get the Brilliant Club hooked, which is your biggest task. "


Thanks to the Xue family's vigorous publicity, when the sun was setting and the afterglow was shining, almost all the e-sports fans in Quancheng knew a piece of breaking news.

The Xue family spent a lot of money to hire a temporary team named [KING] composed of top foreign experts.This team is very strong, very strong, so strong that it was promoted to the first place by the black market organizing committee as soon as it was established.

Without any challenge or match, they are already the well-deserved No.1 in the team competition!
What's more, what makes the fans feel even more itchy is that although the Xue family announced that the [KING] team is composed of top foreign players, the fans don't know the true identities of these five players.

This is the consistent method of the underground game black market. Whether it is to ensure the personal safety and reputation of the professional players, or to create a mysterious atmosphere, they will not disclose the true identity of the professional players participating in the underground game.

However, it is this kind of method of still holding the pipa and half covering the face that makes the fans want to move, especially those wealthy young men and daughters who hold large checks or cash in their hands. They have long been unable to restrain their inner excitement. Get ready to catch some of these top players in the Underground, which begins tonight.

As night fell, the spring city was a sensation.

[KING] Immediately after the formation of the team, they made an astonishing move - they launched a Chiguoguo challenge declaration to the brilliant team that has already been deeply rooted in Quancheng!

The reasons they gave were straightforward and high-sounding: they came from all over the world, and they all wanted to experience the strength of China's top teams!
As China's top team, naturally they will not refuse their challenge!
Three days later, they will be waiting for the glorious team on the official channel of the underground game!

Under the deliberate operation of the Xue family, this news has spread like wildfire on the Internet, and has spread throughout the entire Huaxia Kingdom.

Immediately, it was as if a heavy nuclear bomb had been dropped on Huaxia Kingdom's e-sports network, causing countless huge waves in an instant.

[Nimma!Bullies have bullied our territory!Is there no one in Huaxia who bullies me? 】

[According to gossip, there is a Japanese in that KING team!Guys, do you want to fuck and kill him now? 】

[KING?What a stinky name!They don't really think that they can become kings and hegemons in China, do they?The glorious team rises!Go, behind you are hundreds of millions of Huaxia e-sports fans! 】

[Yes!As long as we are united and united, it will be the same for anyone!Join the brilliant team, fight bravely! 】


The challenge of the KING team and the countless solidarity has spread to the inside of the Brilliant Club, and in the club's high-level conference room, several people have gathered together urgently to discuss the current situation.

Tao Zheng was sitting on the right seat in the meeting room, without saying a word, with a serious expression on his face.While listening to the heated discussions of other executives, he also scolded the Xue family's ancestors for generations in his heart.

[Xue Xingyun, you old bastard who has fallen into trouble, relying on your son who is like the second generation ancestor, absolutely cannot do such a sinister thing-you are clearly trying to ruin our glorious reputation and ruin our reputation!

You have successfully brought up the so-called national enthusiasm on the Internet, and now everyone hopes that our glory can respond as soon as possible, accept the challenge, and defeat that motley army called [KING]!
But... Nima, is our glory now the same as before?More than a year ago, we had Wu Di, the number one talent in the world, Wang Xiao, the captain of the top three mid laners in China, and the other three members were all-star or quasi-all-star players like Lu Tian!

But now, Wu Di has no news, amnesia and retirement. Wang Xiao announced his retirement at the beginning of the season. In addition, the entire Brilliant team has no star players that can be played.

Such a weak lineup that can only relegation, go to a showdown with a team composed of top players from all over the world?Isn't this hitting a stone with a pebble?

The fans are very enthusiastic and will support us, but it is important to be self-aware... If we accept their challenge with all our heart and blood, the gold-lettered brand that I have been operating for so many years can be preserved, but I lost Well, if you lose, you will lose everything!
Maybe that old fox still has a terrifying conspiracy waiting for me to take the bait! 】

Tao Zheng frowned deeply, and after some careful thinking, he had already guessed the real purpose of forming the KING team.

The Xue family is rich and powerful. At this time, they used the KING team to extend their clutches to glory. There must be a more violent backhand.Maybe, that guy is really going to eat a big fat man in one bite, and eat up the glory of the sudden decline in the business situation!
Tao Zheng broke out in a cold sweat and didn't dare to think about it.

And the other senior executives in the meeting room were also chattering and discussing hotly.

Some people proposed to accept the challenge immediately, while others proposed to reject it, and some wiser high-level executives also noticed something wrong, so they proposed to postpone the acceptance.

As the captain of the team, Lu Tian is qualified to participate in this level of meeting.He sat silently at the end of the conference round table, neither angry nor happy, neither humble nor overbearing.However, he has always been thinking in his heart: if Wu Di returns at this time, and wins down the motley army named "KING" on behalf of Huihuang, wouldn't it be possible to bring Huihuang's reputation back to the past in an instant? the height of?Moreover, Wu Di can directly fight in the Super League after returning to his home team. Isn't it much easier than setting up a grassroots team to fight step by step?

This is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone...

After Tao Zheng cast his eyes on him, he waved his hands to signal everyone to suspend the discussion, and asked Lu Tian:

"Team Lu, do you have any suggestions?"

Everyone turned their eyes to Lu Tian in unison, hoping that the savior who saved the team from the dire straits would come up with the best plan.

But to everyone's expectation, Lu Tian sat on the armchair and said politely to the big guys:
"I know everyone is thinking about the prospect of glory and reputation. Let me put it this way, if we accept the challenge, we can earn the respect and support of the fans, but we will definitely lose!
The current strength of our team is such a situation.And if we lose, our club will face more crises.I don't understand commercial things, so I won't speak.I just hope that the executives will consider the possible crisis after the defeat. "

Tao Zheng nodded, he knew that Lu Tian's words were very pertinent, and his worry was also his own.

After a while, Lu Tian proposed a fantasy-like suggestion to several senior executives present:
"There are not many ways to solve the current club's plight, but it is not impossible!
My suggestion is to quickly sign Wu Di back with the highest price!
Well, don't be so surprised, you heard me right, the Wu Di I mentioned is the one who was the ace of our Brilliant team more than a year ago! "

All the executives were in an uproar.

Although Tao Zheng heard Stephen mention Wu Di's return to Quancheng, he didn't take it to heart at all.It has been more than a year since Wu Di lost his memory and disappeared from the public's sight. How could he come back to ask for money at this time?Coupled with the brain doctor's diagnosis, Wu Di will definitely never touch the League of Legends again, and he will definitely not recover his memory, so it is completely nonsense to come back to ask him to collect debts!

But at this moment, after Lu Tian mentioned this incident in front of the executives, it made him tremble with fear—if Wu Di returned to Quancheng, the first person he would contact would definitely be Lu Tian!

Everyone here is well aware of the relationship between the two of them as close buddies.

So...Wu Dizhen is back?Are you really coming back to collect your debts?Didn't he... have amnesia?
Thinking of this, Tao Zheng pretended to be calm and asked:

"Team Lu, although your proposal is very good, as we all know, Wu Di has lost his memory and retired for a long time. He must be recuperating in a quiet place at this moment. How could he come back?"

Lu Tian smiled secretly, and replied:

"Boss, you don't know that Wu Di is in Quancheng right now! Moreover, his memory has partially recovered. Although his strength is not at its peak, it is more than enough to deal with those little bastards from abroad!"

Lu Tian's words shocked the senior officials.

Tao Zheng was so shocked that his spine felt chills in an instant, and even his palms were covered with cold sweat.

"Captain Lu, is what you said true?"

"It's true! So, if the club offers him an olive branch at this critical moment, I think he will definitely not refuse!"

Lu Tian answered decisively, with a frenzy in his eyes.

The Brilliant Team is Wu Di's parent team. Although Wu Di once said that he would not return to the team, as long as the high-level executives show enough sincerity, they will definitely be able to move Wu Di now.

Wu Di, who has recovered part of his memory, is completely different from before.Calm and composed, introverted and with an overall view, he will certainly not stand idly by the club's current predicament!
However, the answers given by these executives disappointed Lutian.In an instant, his heart fell to the bottom.

"Wu Di, if he really recovered his memory, why didn't he come back before the club fell into relegation?"

"Yes, our Brilliant Club has worked so hard to avoid relegation, but where did this arrogant kid go during those difficult years?"

"Team Lu, you said that he has only recovered part of his memory, and only half of his strength has recovered. Then such Wu Di is no longer invincible. If the club gives him a maximum salary, I am afraid that he will not be able to convince the public... ..."

After a moment of contemplation, an executive's tone became even more merciless.

"Team Lu, I know you are thinking about the club. Let me just talk about two practical issues.

First, asking us to sign Wu Di with a maximum salary will make it difficult for the club, but if Wu Di is really worthy of us, we will still sign him even if we sell everything.But now there is the most critical question-to what extent has he recovered?

If, as you said, he has only recovered more than half of his strength, then who can guarantee that his symptoms will not recur?Once relapse, isn't everything we invest in nothing?
Second, we are not impersonal operators. We were very unhappy when Wu Di had an accident, and we tried to contact him, but his family members threw him out. After he moved, we never heard from him again.You know these things.

So, the second thing I worry about is whether Wu Di will sincerely play for our glory again?His personality is arrogant and arrogant, he does things as he pleases, and doesn't take everyone seriously.He was difficult to control in the past, but now there are more variables.If he signs the maximum salary and is in Cao Ying with his heart in Han, then our glory will still be defeated.

Let me just say so much, these are very realistic problems, I hope the Lu team can understand our difficulties. "

Lu Tian glanced over every executive with blazing eyes, and his whole body was like falling into an ice cellar. He knew that from this moment on, he understood a truth: no businessman would do anything meaningless or uncertain!

But he hasn't made up his mind yet, and he still has to wait for a formal reply from his boss.

At this time, after Tao Zheng took a deep look at Lu Tian, ​​his thoughts turned quickly, and when the executives around him had expressed the same thoughts in his heart, he said slowly and calmly:
"Team Lu, say hello to Wu Di for me. If you can, invite him to come to Brilliant, let's be hosts, and have a good time with him."

Lu Tian was puzzled, and asked directly, "What does the boss mean?"

Tao Zheng adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses and sighed: "From a personal point of view, I am willing to agree to your proposal. However, we are operators, and operators have to consider many practical issues. Just now you have said There are various disadvantages of signing Wu Di, plus our brilliant performance is really poor now, sponsors have lost most of them, and it is really impossible to spend so much money to sign him with a maximum salary.

Well, let's take a step back.From an emotional point of view, we do not reject Wu Di's return, he wants to return to glory, and the door to glory is open to him at any time; but from a practical point of view, we cannot give a maximum salary, and our financial situation is already stretched. I can't even give my salary now.Of course, if Wu Di is willing, we can sign him with an annual salary of [-]. "

"What?!" Lu Tian slapped the table, furious, "Boss, is this what you mean? Annual salary of [-]? Do you regard Wu Di as a low-level professional player?"

Tao Zheng smiled wryly, but on the surface he also made a troubled expression: "Don't get excited, Team Lu, I know the starting salary is a bit low, but as long as Wu Di regains his full strength and leads the team to achieve excellent results again, we will definitely It will improve his treatment!"

"Hahaha..." Lu Tian's unscrupulous laughter spread throughout the conference room, "Boss, and all the senior executives, it really is in front of a businessman, the word is right!
Since everyone is determined, then pretend that I never said anything about recruiting Wu Di back to the team!

But, boss, Wu Di really wants to see you, so I specially asked me to make an appointment for you. "

Hey, what should come will come sooner or later.

Tao Zheng sighed secretly in his heart, and said calmly: "Well, well, about the [KING] team's challenge, we will discuss it tomorrow. They have given three days. During this time, I hope everyone will find a way to deal with it. .The meeting is over!"

Afterwards, Tao Zheng led Lu Tian into his office and told him to notify Wu Di immediately to come here to meet him for a while.

Twenty minutes later.

The moment Wu Di stepped into the gate of Brilliant Headquarters, he felt mixed feelings and his mood was turbulent.

This place that cultivated him, nurtured him, and promoted him, he finally walked in again.

He stood in the lobby of the headquarters, unable to calm down for a long time.

Here, he has too many memories, some that have been remembered and those that have been forgotten, all began to flash through his mind vaguely.

After a while, he let out a breath and walked into the chairman's office.

Seeing Wu Di wearing a peaked cap, Tao Zheng couldn't help but tremble slightly because he couldn't see the expression under the brim of the cap clearly. Then he stood up and said politely:
"Ha, is that you, Wu Di? How nice of you to come!"

Lu Tian looked at the boss who turned his face faster than a book with disdain, and said with a sneer:

"Boss, there's no need to do this. Wu Di came here this time to ask you for the income he deserves!
Three hundred million, you must support me, don't be scared to the ground. "

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  So wonderful, so wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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