Chapter 156 Defend
Lu Tian had already made up his mind, if Tao Zheng was unwilling to pay even one-tenth of the reward, he would immediately announce his withdrawal from the team!
The matter of Wu Di has already made him see the faces of these businessmen clearly.The moment the emergency meeting ended, he had already figured everything out.

He believes that Wu Di's plan to build a fair and transparent e-sports empire is absolutely necessary!Therefore, he wants to help Wu Di, his former best comrade-in-arms, and realize his unfinished ambition together!
Although the Lord didn't speak, Lu Tian's words made Tao Zheng understand Wu Di's purpose for lying here.

Tao Zheng appeared to be calm on the surface, but in fact he was running at high speed like a machine in his heart.

Can't hide?
Since I can't hide, I won't hide!I see what you can do with me?
Tao Zheng made up his mind and made up his mind.

"Wu Di, since Lu Tian has already revealed your real purpose, then I will open the skylight and speak clearly...I'm afraid I won't be able to get your [-] million. Now the club has reached a critical juncture of life and death. , it is unrealistic for me to withdraw so much money at once..."

Hearing Lu Tian's tone suddenly, Wu Di knew that the two of them had already had some unpleasantness before his arrival, so he didn't make a fuss, directly stretched out a finger, and said straight to the point:

"Boss Tao, I only want one-tenth, and you can pay me in installments. I think this is the bottom line I can do."

Tao Zheng was taken aback for a moment, never expecting that the young thorn with eyes on the top of his head in his impression would have a flat tone this time, and...and very polite?

Tao Zheng rolled his eyes and replied:

"Ha, Wu Di, you have contributed so much to the club, let alone one-tenth, even if you want the full amount, I will be obliged to give it to you. But, you also know that our brilliant team has struggled to avoid relegation this year. Sponsored Most of the business has been lost, and all kinds of business performance are terrible, I really can't afford the 3000 million, even if you say installment payment, I can't do it."

With a bang, Lu Tian jumped up from his seat, his eyes wide open.

"Boss, from your tone, are you ready to pay your bills? Do you know what the result of doing this is?"

Tao Zheng was taken aback for a moment, and immediately thought that Lu Tian and Wu Di were two good brothers who wore the same pair of trousers, and also thought of the possible consequences.

But he smiled, revealing the businessman's face.

"Team Lu, I know you are likely to threaten me with quitting the team. But don't forget that you still have a contract? We only signed a brand new three-year contract in the middle of this year. If you If you insist on going your own way, you will pay me a large amount of liquidated damages.

Young people, it's better not to be impulsive.I know you're single and have an old mother at home, and that's where the money goes.You have to be careful.

As for Wu Di, if he can return with a basic salary, I will naturally open the door to glory and support it with both hands.That huge amount of money is also negotiable, I can make a promise to you, as long as you make the Brilliant team reach the peak again within three years, I will pay double the reward to Wu Di.

This is a good proposal for mutual benefit, you can consider it. "

Hearing that Tao Zheng actually used liquidated damages to pressure him, Lu Tian immediately became furious.If it was the past, he might have swallowed his anger considering his family reasons, but with the help of Wu Di last night, he won a huge sum of more than eight figures in the black market in the underground game, which made him full of confidence.

After figuring this out, Lu Tian smiled instead of anger.He walked up to Wu Di's side step by step, patted his shoulder, and said meaningfully:

"Brother, it looks like I'm about to lose my job. Is your team taking me in?"

Wu Di laughed, and responded proudly:
"All-star players join us, I myself wish for it. However, I still have some things I want to talk to the boss alone. You know my personality, and I don't like to ask other people's affairs. As long as you make a decision, you can guarantee that you will never regret it. .”

Lu Tian pressed Wu Di's shoulder and said with a smile: "Well, it's decided! There is no human touch here, and the rest is the disgusting stench of copper! I'll wait for you at the door."

After Lu Tian left the office, Wu Di took the time to drag an armchair and sat down slowly.But his eyes were always locked on Tao Zheng's body tightly.

After all, Tao Zheng was ashamed of Wu Di, and after being stared at by Wu Di's breathtaking eyes for a long time, he also shifted his gaze to the other side with a guilty conscience.

Sitting on the armchair, Wu Di said calmly:

"Boss Tao, I did offend a lot back then. Here, I apologize for my previous recklessness and arrogance. The team lost the best chance to win the world championship due to my personal reasons. I will definitely bear the responsibility most of the responsibility."

Tao Zheng was completely stunned.He stared at Wu Di, who was neither humble nor overbearing, inexplicably terrified, as if looking at a stranger.

Wu Di paused, and then said:

"Boss Tao, I don't want to embarrass the team or you when I come back this time. I have also considered whether to return to the Brilliant team, but what Lu Tian said seems to have told me the opinion of the Brilliant executives. And you want to sign me with a basic salary. Whether it is in terms of numbers or dignity, I cannot tolerate it.

I do need an eight-figure sum, though.If it is convenient, please open the door of convenience. "

Wu Di's tone was always tepid, neither annoyed nor angry, which made Tao Zheng a little puzzled.

This kid... After losing his memory, he turned into a completely different person?Or did he learn to forbear and learn the tricks?
Tao Zheng's eyes flickered, and his heart was tumbling like a river, unable to calm down for a long time.

a long time.

Tao Zheng adjusted his glasses frame habitually, and suggested:
"You have indeed changed, and you have become more terrifying than before... In the past, you would have yelled curses at me long ago.

Hey, good luck tricks people, if you had the current city, our glory would have won the world championship long ago.

Well, people have to learn to face reality.I can see that you are determined to win this time and want to get your reward from me.If I refuse, you will definitely not let it go, and may even resort to some extraordinary means - now you, it is entirely possible to do so!

I don't want to tear my skin off with you, after all, this place carries many of the same dreams and memories between you and me...

Well, I really can't get 3000 million, but I can think about [-] million.

However, I have a condition. "

Tao Zheng is indeed an old fox who has been in the business world for many years. While making concessions, he naturally thought of the biggest crisis of the Brilliant Club at present.

Wu Di nodded, and responded with a half-smile:

"The boss wants me to play in order to meet the [KING] team's challenge?"

Tao Zheng was stunned again, the previous Wu Di didn't have such a bright mind.

"Don't be surprised, Boss Tao, well, it's settled like this, I can represent Glory in this game! And my appearance fee is 3000 million! And, I will defeat these guys who come to challenge Do not stay!

After finishing the work, I still hope that the boss will keep his word! "

Hearing that Wu Di actually agreed without thinking, Tao Zhengyu asked questioningly:
"Are you willing? We treat you like this, are you still willing?"

Wu Di got up, turned his head and walked away. Before going out, he said without looking back:

"This is the place where I grew up and where my dream started. No matter what, I will not watch it being trampled on under my nose! No matter what you do to me, I will defend the dignity of the brilliant team. It is my duty and my responsibility.

Huaxia e-sports, whether it is peak or underestimated, does not allow other countries to trample on it wantonly!

Don't worry, I will definitely fight with all my strength, and I will also bring you a few powerful temporary players to be sure.

After deciding on the time and place, remember to let me know.

In addition, Lu Tian's temper is similar to mine before, with a fiery temper, so please bear with me if I offended you with my words before.I would advise him to stay in Brilliant. "

Tao Zheng was startled, and asked subconsciously, "Why did you let Lu Tian stay? Aren't you good brothers? He is determined to leave, why do you still want to persuade him to stay?"

"It's very simple. Once Lu Tian, ​​the team's only signature star player, leaves Brilliant, the status of you and your direct lineage will be in jeopardy, and it will be easy for someone with a heart to take advantage of it. For this... We both have a lot to do." Relationship, at least, I don't want it to disappear in the esports circle because of the two of us.

This is the last time I will help you, Boss Tao, from now on... take care of each other. "

After finishing speaking, Wu Di waved his hand, seemingly waving goodbye to Tao Zheng, but in fact he was saying goodbye to the place where the dream that brought him countless laughter and tears began...

After Wu Di and Lu Tian returned to the hotel where they were staying, they told Lu Tian their true thoughts verbatim.

At first, Lu Tian was still very resistant, but Wu Di persuaded Lu Tian with good words, and finally made Lu Tian change his mind and will continue to stay in the brilliant team.

After appeasing Lu Tian, ​​Wu Di thought twice, and without hesitation called Chen Linlin, who was unconsciously eaten up by herself.

When Chen Linlin saw that it was Wu Di who called, she was also very angry and annoyed, and unconsciously recalled some beautiful pictures in her mind.She hesitated again and again, but still answered the phone out of politeness.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

Wu Di went straight to the point: "Miss Chen, I have encountered some troubles in Quancheng. I need you to come to Quancheng as soon as possible."

After Chen Linlin scolded Wu Di all over her body in her heart, she said coldly:

"Hey! Who do you think I am to you? Come and go?"

Wu Di laughed dumbly and said: "Miss Chen, don't get me wrong, I am really in big trouble, and I need you to rush over and hypnotize me at a suitable time.

In this way, you tell me your bank card number, and I will call you 50 first, and then I will pay you another 50.This fee should be regarded as a small reward for you to come here to help me. "

The other side of the phone was silent.

Chen Linlin was racking her brains, trying to figure out the intention of Wu Di's move.Wu Di was afraid that she would misunderstand, so he hurriedly said:
"Let me be blunt. I will represent Team Brilliant in a game against a strong team composed of well-known foreign players. Although I should be able to handle such a match in my current state, just to be on the safe side, I will I still hope that you can come to my side. Once there is an uncontrollable situation, I need you to hypnotize me, so that I can fully display the [Killing God Style] I have comprehended."

When Chen Linlin heard this, she felt relieved.

As a loyal e-sports fan, she naturally learned of the top news that the [KING] team came to China to challenge the brilliant team through the Internet.She has always been bitter about Team Brilliant's delay in accepting the challenge.

Like the majority of Huaxia e-sports fans, she regarded the [KING] team's challenge as the most powerful challenge to Huaxia e-sports!

Uncle can bear this kind of provocation, but aunt can't bear it!

Ever since, this female fan who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside was instantly ignited by Wu Di's words.

"Okay! I'll come! My sister definitely supports you!
Those guys who are overwhelmed and temporarily formed a motley army just want to pinch the soft persimmon of Brilliance so that they can ride on our heads. Such a situation will definitely not happen!
Our Chinese people are outstanding, so how can that group of arrogant mobs be able to act recklessly?

You did it right this time!I hypnotize you for free!

I'm going to book tickets now, and I can fly to Quancheng in the early morning! "


Not long after the brilliant boss Tao Zheng sent Wu Di away, Stephen and Wu Shuang came as promised and knocked on the door of his office.

As soon as he walked into the office, Stephen burst out laughing, and said with a mysterious smile in fluent Chinese to Tao Zheng, whose expression had eased slightly:
"Mr. Chairman, the house leak happened to be raining all night. I saw with my own eyes that the former world first came to glory. Did I ask you for a debt? Hahaha, the [KING] team's challenge has already started It's been a long time, and you still don't seem to have any countermeasures?"

As a formidable person who used to turn his hands into clouds and his hands into rain in the business world, Tao Zheng naturally wouldn't show the slightest bit of embarrassment in front of this irrelevant person.

Facing Stephen's questioning, his face was calm and steady, without the slightest bit of frowning.

"Mr. Stephen, the purpose of our meeting tonight is just to test the strength of Wu Shuang, who claims to be Wu Di's brother. We will take care of the rest, so we won't worry about you."

After hearing the words, Stephen shrugged his shoulders, making the sullen Wu Shuang ready to warm up and show his strength to the boss.

Wu Shuang raised her head and snorted out of her nostrils, extremely arrogant.

But Tao Zheng didn't take it seriously, and just arranged for his subordinates to connect another computer in the office to the server, and then spread his right hand, signaling Wu Shuang to start.

Reluctantly, under Stephen's persuasion, Wu Shuang sat down in front of the computer, then absent-mindedly chose an online player in the single player leaderboard of the underground competition, and clicked the [Challenge] button .

Ten minutes passed by.

Wu Shuang will play with his opponent listlessly: every time he is in the line, he will let his opponent see the hope of killing, and then take the initiative to attack, but in the subsequent scene, he uses his exquisite operation and super high hand speed to let the opponent The screen turned into a black and white picture.

After three or five times, the opponent already understood that Wu Shuang was playing tricks on him!
In desperation, he had no choice but to hide in the spring water, still relying on Wu Shuang to push down the defense tower, the barracks, and the base at the rear.

"It's okay, don't let me play with this kind of trash! If I play too much, my level will be lowered!" After Wu Shuang muttered a few words, she got up and sat on the high-end sofa in the office specially used for receiving guests , and closed his eyes to rest his mind, and stopped talking nonsense.

Tao Zheng watched this single match extremely carefully, and at this moment, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Wu Shuang challenged the No.2 player on the singles leaderboard!
After ten minutes of fighting, the opponent dare not leave the base pool?
The strength of the players who can be ranked in the top ten in the single player rankings cannot be underestimated.

This guy, who claims to be Wu Di's elder brother, doesn't take the former Wu Di seriously. It doesn't look like he is arrogant.

Stephen looked at the surprised Tao Zheng, coughed twice, and said with a smile:
"Mr. Chairman, Wu Shuang should be strong enough to take on the important role of the brilliant captain, right?"

Tao Zheng pursed his lips and smiled, and replied:

"The strength is not bad, he should be regarded as an excellent professional player. Our team can sign him immediately.

However, I can't entrust him with the captain's responsibility yet. "

"Oh?" Stephen's big sunglasses made it impossible to see through his eyes, but Tao Zheng noticed that his brows were obviously tightened.

Tao Zheng sat up straight and gave his reasons:

"First, this is a single player match, which can only show that he is a player with excellent personal skills and awareness, but it cannot prove that he is an excellent team leader; Does your every move look like a steady person?

To be honest, this Wu Shuang's character is exactly the same as the previous Wu Di.In the past, I didn't hand over the captaincy to Wu Di, and today, I also won't hand over the responsibility of captaincy to a young boy with eyes above the top. "

Wu Shuangshua stood up with a bang, and just about to have an attack, he suddenly closed his mouth. After a while, he laughed exaggeratedly twice, then sat back down on his buttocks, and continued to close his eyes to rest his mind.

After seeing this, Stephen also said with a smile: "Mr. Chairman, your words are indeed very reasonable. But Wu Shuang's team leadership ability is beyond doubt. Excuse me, how can you recognize Wu Shuang?"

Finally asked the key point!

Tao Zheng was secretly happy, but his face was still calm.

"The [KING] team composed of well-known foreign players has launched a challenge to our brilliant team?"

Stephen is so smart, he naturally understood Tao Zheng's real plan.

"Mr. Chairman, I understand, let Wu Shuang represent the Brilliant team and fight against it.

However, with the current strength of the Brilliant team, I'm afraid they won't be able to defeat the [KING] team.Even if Wu Shuang's strength is enough to turn the tide, the strength of the other team members may not be able to fight against them.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. Wu Shuang's team leadership ability cannot be shown by the players with low strength.

I wonder if Mr. Chairman has taken this into consideration? "

Tao Zheng laughed, a heartfelt smile appeared on his vicissitude-filled cheeks.

"Don't worry, because not long ago, Wu Di agreed to represent Brilliance in this challenge!"

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  Orgasm. Orgasm.

(End of this chapter)

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