Chapter 157 Breaking News
Wu Shuang, who had kept her eyes closed for a while, opened her eyes in an instant, revealing a fierce look.

"Boss, you said Wu Di will play? What agreement did you reach with him?"

Stephen knew something was wrong. With Tao Zheng's businessman personality and Wu Di's arrogant nature, it was impossible for the two to get together.So, he asked out his doubts.

Tao Zheng twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile:

"He used to be the ace player of the Brilliant team. Why not represent us? He is now recovering physically. Although the contract with our Brilliance has automatically ended, he has not announced his official comeback and joined any team, so he will represent us. It is both natural and reasonable.

Why does Mr. Stephen always like to care about things that you shouldn't care about.

And having said that, I'm still very curious, since Wu Shuang is Wu Di's biological brother, why didn't you come to find me together?
Forget it, I'm not a troublesome person, so I won't ask about other things.

But I just want to say that the club has already arranged it like this - the two brothers will fight together to defend China's e-sports. This is a headline that will definitely inspire the media. "

Wu Shuang, who was sitting on the sofa, jumped up and said coldly: "I remember telling you that there is an irreconcilable conflict between me and him! Let the two of us play at the same time, I will never allow such a situation occur!

If let him be my opponent, I am very interested in fighting with him! "

Tao Zheng, who was used to seeing grievances and hatreds, waved impatiently and motioned for Wu Shuang to sit down.

"Okay, since you want to join Brilliant, you must obey the arrangement! Moreover, all the foreign players who challenged our Brilliant this time! The fans have long been filled with righteous indignation at our Brilliant inaction.

I don't care what your goals are, and I don't care what personal grievances you have, but if you want to stay, you must obey the club's arrangements, and you must play with your younger brother. Of course, if you don't want to do this, you can Please leave Brilliance and find another job! "

Wu Shuang frowned, and there was a breathtaking aura in his eyes, but just as he was about to do something, Stephen blocked him.

"Of course, since Wu Shuang has become a member of Brilliance, he must obey the club's orders. Don't worry, Wu Shuang is also from Huaxia. No matter in terms of national justice or personal status, he will be obliged to participate in this challenge. game.

Mr. Chairman, since Wu Di has agreed to play, we still have a good chance of winning. However, I want to know more about him.

If he is still in a state of amnesia, then he is just a bluffing paper tiger. "

Tao Zheng took a sip of his tea and said with a smile, "Don't worry about that. Although he hasn't recovered all his memories, his strength has already recovered more than half, which is enough for such a match."

"More than half recovered?"

This crucial news shocked Stephen, and the shock flashed across his face.

That [No. 18] has successfully completed all the plans and retired. The only thing to worry about now is that Wu Di's strength cannot be recovered!Otherwise, even Wu Shuang might not be able to beat this kid steadily!

After pondering for a moment, Stephen said softly:

"That's fine, Mr. Chairman, please let me know after you decide on the time and place. Wu Shuang will play the battle.

If there is nothing else, we will take our leave first. "

"No delivery."

After Stephen and Wu Shuang left the brilliant headquarters, they immediately returned to the hotel to discuss.

"This Wu Di is acting very strangely... I thought that Tao Zheng would definitely refuse to pay him, which would infuriate him and completely break the relationship between him and the Brilliant Club.

As his parent team, he has been excavating, cultivating, and developing him for so many years, but in the end he resolutely abandoned it!After we deliberately hype up such news, the media will definitely think that this kid is ungrateful and does not remember his kindness.

At that time, you stood up at the right time, shocked the Chinese e-sports circle with your amazing performance, and led the brilliant team back to the top, and then you can logically replace Wu Di to become the No.1 in China's e-sports!
Chinese people adore this kind of hero who turned the tide. For your timely appearance and phenomenal performance, they will definitely respect you even more.

Then, we organized various suppressions against Wu Di's team, killing it in the bud.Finally, give it a fatal blow!It made his father distraught... This is a seamless plan.

In the end, I didn't expect that Wu Di would lightly dissolve it invisibly. "

Wu Shuang sneered and said: "I said before, I will do what you can't do, and I will do what you can! Plans can never keep up with the rapid changes.

Hey, this time I have to compete with that kid on the same stage, or as a teammate, I am very upset. "

"Heh, don't try to make trouble for this challenge, otherwise, you will fall before you rise in the Chinese e-sports circle. Remember, you not only have to participate, but also go all out! Finally Fortunately, your performance surpassed Wu Di!

If my deduction is correct, that old fox Tao Zheng will definitely make a fuss about it to the media tomorrow.If you think about it, the first person in the world just made his official comeback and defeated foreign challengers in one fell swoop, so to what extent will his reputation climb?The negative effects of his disappearance for more than a year will also be fleeting.

This kid is getting more and more difficult. "

Wu Shuang stood up, came to the bedside, looked at the silver moon in the sky, and suddenly calmed down.

"Old guy, do you know? The first in the world is the title, he has carried it for too long, this time is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
I will definitely remove this halo from his head in the challenge! "


The next day.

Just as Stephen expected, Tao Zheng asked the Brilliant Club Press Office to release three big news!

Article [-], the Brilliant team officially accepts the challenge from the 【KING】team!The time is set at [-]:[-] p.m. two days later. Contestants from both sides can choose to be there, or they can choose to compete at their favorite location.The competition will be held on the server of the Quancheng Underground Competition Black Market. At that time, interested friends can participate in the prize-winning quiz activity.

The second one is also the one that shocked the world the most: as the former ace of the team, Wu Di, the world's number one genius, will represent the Brilliant team in this challenge.

Although Wu Di's body has not yet recovered, but in the face of challengers from abroad, he is obliged to stand up and prepare to help the Brilliant team overcome this difficulty.

In addition, the players representing the Brilliant team to participate in the challenge are all members of the Brilliant team, and the club will not look for any foreign aid!We will let the whole world see our glorious pride and strength!
Article [-], Wu Di's biological brother - Wu Shuang officially signed a contract to join the Brilliant Club!

Moreover, he will also appear together with Wu Di in the challenge!
After the release of these three major pieces of news, the world of e-sports immediately boiled.

Once spread ten, ten spread hundreds, hundreds spread thousands, and soon, countless e-sports media at home and abroad set foot on the road to Quancheng non-stop.And all e-sports fans, no matter at home or abroad, are discussing heatedly on the Internet.

Among the three major pieces of news, the most eye-catching one is naturally the return of the world's number one talent, Wu Di!As the No.1 e-sports player in Huaxia Kingdom, he came back when foreign players bullied Huihui Dynasty and no one in the court!

He dragged his unhealed body, and after disappearing from public eyes for more than a year, he came back again!

Various emotions such as emotion, touch, and nostalgia are constantly emerging in the hearts of Chinese e-sports fans; various words such as magic, wonder, and miracle are being passed on in the mouths of foreign e-sports fans.

After hearing the news of Wu Di's comeback, some people of course laughed heartily and beamed with joy, while some frowned and fell to the bottom.

Wu Di's loyal fans, relatives and friends were all very excited and shouted, while Wu Di's opponents, including Edward Jones, the direct murderer who caused his accident, smashed his computer desk fiercely, and wiped everything on the table. Sweep it under the table.

In addition, some newcomers to e-sports who just emerged, regardless of their nationality, all clenched their fists tightly, and their hearts filled with unrestrained reverie.

Because the return of the No. [-] powerhouse is their best chance to rectify their names—they want to challenge Wu Di and defeat him!To overthrow the throne of his king with his own hands.

At the same time, the top clubs in the world immediately dispatched at least a negotiating team led by the vice president.Their purpose is only one - to take Wu Di into account after the challenge!

Wu Di, just when this name appeared in front of the public again, it has already made countless people sleepless at night.

comeback?Comeback...really comeback!

He is back!

China's e-sports benchmark, China's e-sports flag, China's e-sports No. 1, the world's number one genius, the world's number one powerhouse, the absolute uncrowned king... Countless titles are all loaded on Wu Di who is frowning.

Different from the hustle and bustle shown by the fans on the Internet and in reality, Wu Di is in the hotel room at this time, looking at the three news from the Brilliant Club, and he can't laugh or cry.

According to Ye Wuhen's plan, he should have announced his official comeback when the Kings team officially entered the professional league. Firstly, he could build momentum for himself, and secondly, he could play the biggest role in fueling the team's rise.

However, now he has to come back under such circumstances.

As for Brilliance, he said that this is where his dream started, and that he would definitely help the team to tide over the difficulties in times of crisis, but Tao Zheng released such news directly without his consent, which also made him very upset. awkward.

When Wu Di's acquaintances and friends saw the news, they called him immediately.

Among them, Ye Wuhen made a suggestion after knowing all about Wu Di's situation, which made Wu Di's eyes shine.

"Captain, although you have been used by Brilliance as a weapon, the situation is still under control. As long as you win the challenge on behalf of Brilliance, and then publish a long speech, detailing that you only need to return [-]% One reward helps Brilliant, and the media and fans will continue to support you! Then, you said that you have a greater dream - to build a fair and transparent e-sports kingdom, so after this challenge, you will not Will go back to Team Glorious again.

In this way, you can not only let your reputation rise sharply again, but also let the negative news about you before disappear in smoke.

You have to remember that no one cares about your past, they only care about your present and the bright future that may bring them!
In this challenge, you must go all out!Only after proving to the world that you are still the peerless king who can turn the tide can you maintain your reputation!
You have to do this for the king team.

Besides, in Tianfu City, very few people know that you are Wu Di.Even if you have a good time, when you return to Tianfu City, you can still do what you want in secret.The name Wu Youzhi allows you to continue pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, which is a good situation! "

Wu Di naturally agreed to this approach, and then he responded to congratulatory calls from various friends with a haha.

It's just that the phone call from his father Wu Tianhao first surprised Wu Di, but later made him suspicious.

"Stinky boy! You went to Quancheng to make such a big commotion, and you stopped studying? You are hardened now, and you don't pay attention to us more and more. Your mother specially asked me to call to prevent you from coming back !
But... I think children and grandchildren have their own blessings. You choose this path yourself, and it is inconvenient for us elders to tell you what to do.Presumably, you will definitely reject a planned future.

I have a different opinion from your mother. The matter has reached this point, and it is useless to say more.

The men of our Wu family must either not do it, or do it to the extreme!
Don't worry about fighting, Lao Tzu is your best backing!Don't worry about mom, I will help you convince her.

Try your best to defeat your opponent, and win beautifully!These Koreans, Japanese, etc., I can't get used to it the most, remember to give them a little bit of color.I am optimistic about you!

Last but not least, take care of your body. "

What the old man said gave Wu Di another boost.With the support of his family, he no longer has to worry about the future.

For a long time, the older generation has always sneered at e-sports, and Wu Di himself is under great pressure to engage in e-sports career, but this time, his father's heartfelt words filled him with energy.

I am Wu Di, and Wu Di is invincible!I am the king, and I will rule the world!

Just when Wu Di fell into daydream, Wu Tianhao changed his previous rhetoric, sighed softly, and asked softly:

"Son, don't you have anything to ask your old man?"

Wu Di was taken aback for a moment, and immediately came to his senses.At this moment, the hand holding the phone trembled slightly.Of course he understood why his father asked this question, so he immediately exclaimed:
"Of course I want to ask you! Tell me honestly, what kind of flirtatious account did you have outside! I actually got an extra brother out for no reason?"

Wu Tianhao sighed again, and said in a low voice:

"For that man named Wu Shuang...there is only one thing I want to say - he is indeed your biological brother!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Tianhao stopped talking.

Wu Di waited for a long time, thinking that his father would tell him the origin of this brother in detail, but he didn't expect him to be silent?
"It's over? That's the end of what you want to say? Is there really only this sentence? Don't you have anything to explain about this biological brother who appeared out of thin air? Let me tell you, if my mother finds out about this, what do you think?" End! If she is even a little sad, I will definitely not give you good fruit!"

Wu Di thought this elder brother was his father's flirt when he was young, so he was naturally furious, and shouted angrily on the phone.

But to his surprise, Wu Tianhao said lightly:
"Of course your mother knows about Wu Shuang's existence, because that person is my son, her son, and your brother. Don't ask about other things. As for why this happened, you don't need to know. "

Wu Di was a little angry.

"I don't need to know? This sudden brother, I don't need to know? Since he is really my biological brother, why did you hide this fact when I was born?

Dad, you know what?Anyone can lie to me and plot against me, but what I care most about is your deception! "

Wu Tianhao knew that fire could not be covered with paper, so he explained concisely:

"Son, don't be angry. Of course we didn't deliberately conceal this matter. It's a long story, in short, you just need to remember one thing - our Wu family is sorry for that child. If there is a chance, don't get involved with him." It's too noisy!"

Wu Tianhao hung up the phone.

Wu Di stood in the hotel room, angry and annoyed.

After seeing this, Lu Tian on the side patted him lightly on the shoulder, persuading him:

"Judging from your tone, you should be sure that the person named Wu Shuang is your real brother. Did your father explain anything else?"

Wu Di said angrily: "No! He only said that our Wu family owes Wu Shuang a lot! Others, he didn't want to tell me. I am very angry. They have kept such an amazing fact from me for 20 years!"

"Maybe, there is a reason. I know that you hate people who lie to you the most. But after all, you are a family relationship, and blood is thicker than water. They must have reasons to do this.

In this way, you prepare well for the game, solve the immediate problems first, and then talk about other things. "

Then, Lu Tian said a few more words of comfort, which made Wu Di gradually calm down.

At this time, the hypnotist Chen Linlin also rushed to Quancheng without hesitation and found Wu Di.

As soon as Lu Tian saw this beautiful hypnotist, Lu Tian winked. Just as Wu Di wanted to explain, Chen Linlin introduced herself familiarly:
"Hello, my name is Chen Linlin, and I have been Wu Di's queen hypnotist for the past two days."

After the three chatted briefly, they also turned on the computer in the room and started training.

As the captain of the current Brilliant Team, Lu Tian will naturally also participate in the Challenger League, but after all, he hasn't practiced with Wu Di for more than a year, so they each hold a laptop and start intimately in the public server Cooperate, find the feeling of fighting side by side in the past.

Chen Linlin was originally an e-sports fanatic. After seeing this scene, she dragged a chair politely and watched behind the two of them.

Time flies.

When night fell over the land again, at the exit of Quancheng Airport, there stood an extremely dazzling blond beauty.

The blond beauty dragged a big suitcase, looked at the wonderful night of the No. [-] e-sports city in China, and muttered to herself:
"I've been looking for you for more than a year. I had already given up hope, but you appeared out of nowhere at this moment...

This is [There is no place to find when you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it]..."

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  Ongoing orgasm.

(End of this chapter)

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