Chapter 158
The blond beauty is tall and slender, with a protruding front and back, and she has everything a Western woman should have: long curly blond hair, big blue eyes, a high nose bridge, and a sexy big mouth that seems to be able to swallow a big apple in one bite.

Western women mature very early, so people can hardly tell the age of this blonde beauty, but in fact, she is only a few days away from turning 22.

In stark contrast to the coldness of this midwinter season, this blond beauty with a unique style was actually wearing a plush golden coat on her upper body and a short MiG skirt on her lower body.

Her stature was already over 1.7 meters [-], coupled with the pair of seven or eight centimeters thin-pointed leopard-print high heels, she immediately had the aura of a queen looking down on the world.

Such a conspicuous blond beauty immediately attracted the attention of everyone around her as soon as she stood in the pedestrian passageway of the airport.

While admiring the blonde stunner who arrived suddenly, people were wondering what kind of man could be worthy of such a woman. A limited edition Rolls-Royce classic car stopped not far from her.

The car door opened, and a tall and handsome Chinese man in an Armani suit came beside the blonde beauty.

He extended his right hand friendly and introduced himself in fluent English:
"Hello, I am Xue Tianyue from Xingyun Group. We are honored to have you here. Welcome Miss Yuna to Quancheng. On behalf of Xingyun Group, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to you."

The onlookers were surprised, and naturally recognized that the person who came to pick up the blonde beauty was the first in line heir of the wealthy Xue family in Quanqingquan City, so they also sighed in their hearts: The blonde beauty really has a special status.

But what surprised them was that after the blond beauty took a glance at Xue Tianyue, she not only shook hands with him impolitely, but also snorted coldly and said in broken Chinese:

"I've been waiting here for more than ten minutes, Master Xue, is this how you Chinese people treat guests? In your mind, is the concept of [time] very vague?
In addition, I can speak Chinese, you can speak Chinese. "

Xue Tianle withdrew his right hand in embarrassment, and said with a sarcastic smile:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we did set off an hour earlier, but the traffic in Quancheng is very bad, isn't it because of the traffic jam..."

Yuna waved her hand, and stopped talking nonsense with Xue Tianyue. While walking towards the back seat of the Rolls-Royce, she also looked at the expensive watch and said coldly:
"Please send me to the hotel as soon as possible. I need to practice with those bastards with high eyesight. I have heard that Wu Di will appear this time! I am not like those idiots, I am also intoxicated by the excitement of being on the headlines of the world's e-sports media. What I want is... Victory! Especially when that person is involved, I must win!"

Xue Tianyue was forced to learn various skills in dealing with people since she was a child, and she naturally noticed that this world-famous beauty e-sports player has a dislike for Wu Di, and it seems that there are some unpleasant pasts between the two.

So, while he was secretly happy, he quickly opened the back seat door and welcomed Yuna in.

After sitting in the Rolls-Royce, Yuna didn't say a word, leaning against the window, quietly watching the night view of the spring city when the lights came on.

Xue Tianyue tried to find something to talk about, but Yuna just refused to talk to him.After hitting a wall a few times, he also picked it up and stopped talking.

According to common sense, although the status of e-sports players has been greatly improved in recent years, in the eyes of traditional entrepreneurs, they are still some clowns who cannot stand on the stage.

The reason why Xue Tianyue is so humble to this blonde beauty is that besides being a world-class beauty e-sports player, Yuna also has another little-known identity: she is one of the top three conglomerate companies in the United States— —The first heir to the chairman of the Seaton Group!
It was this appalling identity that made Xue Tianyue the biggest reason why she didn't dare to attack even though she was dissatisfied with her arrogance.Most of the Xue family's business in America is closely related to the Seton Group. If he offends this wealthy daughter here, then his father will definitely drive him out of the house!

Xue Tianyue, who is well aware of the relationship between interests, kept smiling along the way, answering some questions about the challenge that Yuna asked from time to time, without daring to make too much of it.

"The strength of the brilliant team, how is it now?"

Xue Tianyue smiled contemptuously, and replied:

"Very ordinary! After Wu Di disappeared, they have become a weak team fighting for relegation. I have already explained this situation when I hired you before."

The corner of Yuna's mouth twitched, she didn't care and said:
"Confession? Did you explain at that time that the Brilliant team can invite Wu Di back?"

Xue Tianyue was a little ashamed, but still responded with a forced smile:

"Miss Yuna, you don't know something. Wu Di's urgent return to glory this time is actually nothing to be afraid of."

"Oh?" Yuna raised her eyebrows and asked with great interest, "Wu Di is nothing to be afraid of, so in the e-sports world, aren't you already able to dominate the world? Master Xue, I really want to know , Where did your self-confidence like a big joke come from?"

Facing Yuna's merciless questioning, Xue Tianyue still said with a smile:
"There must be a basis for what I said. According to our investigation, although Wu Di agreed to play in the Challenger League, his strength...has not fully recovered! Moreover, we have received reliable news that his strength has only recovered A little over half."

"It seems that the rumors are true..." After Yuna muttered to herself, Xue Tianyue continued excitedly:

"Miss Yuna, think about it, against a Wu Di who is only half as strong, the [KING] team is definitely more than capable! The strength of the current brilliant team has dropped drastically, except for one player who can only barely enter the top [-] in the year-end evaluation. Besides, they don't have any other star players. The previous All-Star players either retired or transferred, long gone.

That's why I'm confident that you will be able to defeat Team Brilliant effortlessly! "

After listening to Xue Tianyue's analysis, Yuna frowned even tighter.Suddenly, she asked abruptly:
"Where is that Chinese man named Wu Shuang? He is Wu Di's biological brother. How is his strength?"

Naturally, Xue Tianyue couldn't get any information about Wu Shuang.Because Wu Shuangben just appeared out of thin air.

But he still said with confidence:
"About that Wu Shuang, we have very little information. But Miss Yuna, don't worry, this is a complete rookie. At best, he is just an ordinary professional player, and it is not worth our trouble to target."

"Nonsense! It seems that you are far behind your old man! You are still so arrogant to your opponent?

To tell you the truth, I have found other people to investigate things that you can't investigate.I just wanted to test your ability to handle affairs, but I was disappointed in the result!
Wu Shuang is a guy with a very mysterious background!Even my father's Sidon Group couldn't figure out where he was and what he was doing!He has never stepped into the door of the Wu family, and even Wu Di doesn't know the existence of this person!Moreover, his strength may not be inferior to Wu Di!
According to the results of my investigation, Wu Shuang is the only closed disciple of Cody, a legend of the League of Legends!

Cody, do you know who it is?He is the legendary player who, at the age of 31, won all the World Series titles and MVP titles in a row that year!

When it comes to Cody's popularity and influence, in the entire e-sports world, I am afraid that only the uncrowned king of your Huaxia Kingdom - the founder of Wang Daoliu, who was dubbed "Uncle" by fans can be compared.

For such an extremely mysterious opponent, you made a hasty judgment, it's too arbitrary! "

Xue Tianyue was reprimanded by Yuna, her heart was already burning with anger, but she still greeted her with a smile on her face.

"Well, this is our negligence. But, Miss Yuna, even if that Wu Shuang is very good, let's treat him as an all-star player. A half-disabled Wu Di, plus one who barely entered China's top five Top ten professional players, and an all-star rookie, how can such a lineup compete with you?"

Yuna gave Xue Tianyue a hard look, and said:
"Be careful sailing for ten thousand years, don't you understand this truth? Never underestimate your opponent, this is my advice to you."


About half an hour later, Xue Tianyue sent Yuna respectfully into the gate of the five-star Dynasty Hotel, then handed her a business card, left a phone number, and reminded her of the competition time .

Then, Xue Tianyue turned around and got into the car immediately, and told the driver to continue to pick up people at the airport!

It turned out that the five temporary members of the [KING] team had a strong interest after hearing that Wu Di would play, so they all decided to go to China to participate in this challenge in person.

Their purpose is only one, and that is to prove to the world that the world of League of Legends will no longer be dominated by that young boy who has disappeared for more than a year!
And at this moment, Li Zairi and Gui Tianer had already checked into the Dynasty Hotel one step ahead of Yuna.

The reason why Yuna rushed over in such a hurry was to practice with these two most rampant guys.She doesn't want to be defeated by Wu Di again!

However, Yuna, who had a prominent status, was deflated in front of these two stinky guys.These two guys rejected the joint training with one voice, and the reason was very simple: they knew the current situation of the Brilliant team and Wu Di, and thought that the joint training was superfluous.What's more, the playing styles of several players are different, and they can't find any sense of coordination after a day of joint training.

However, after seeing Yuna, a world-class beauty contestant, Li Zairi and Kameda Er seductively invited her to drink.

After Yuna refused, she slammed the door and walked out.

At this moment, when Yuna turned a corner and was about to go to the elevator, she was hit by a person.

Yuna was already in a bad mood, and this guy just bumped into her towering chest, an unknown fire suddenly ignited all over her body.

In addition to being an outstanding e-sports player, she has also become an amateur boxer under the deliberate training of her family!
A powerful straight right fist with a gust of wind was about to blast the man who bumped into her into a panda's eye in the blink of an eye, but her fist stopped, half a centimeter in front of the man's eye. Living……

"Wu Di?"

Wu Dizheng's eyes widened, and he was about to apologize, but the blond beauty violently threw up without any warning, which made him stand on the spot in a daze.But when he heard the beautiful woman call out his name, he blinked and saw the blond-haired blue-eyed stunner clearly.

"You are?" Wu Di didn't remember the real identity of this beauty.

Yuna was stunned for a moment, thinking about it, and finally she saw the clue from Wu Di's puzzled eyes.

"Hey, you really haven't fully recovered yet. You don't even know me anymore?" Yuna asked puzzled.

Wu Di's eyes widened, the foreign girl who suddenly appeared looked very familiar to him...

"Sorry, my memory has only recovered a little more than half. I really can't remember who you are. Although I think you look familiar."

Yuna rolled her eyes, her surprise flashed, and then she put on an unusually sincere smile, and said to Wu Di:

"If it's convenient, let's chat alone? The black-clothed bodyguard behind you seems to be very wary of me."

Wu Di turned his head to look, only to find that one of the bodyguards arranged by Ye Wuhen was standing silently behind him.

After Wu Di thought for a while, he suggested:

"Well, it can be seen that you and I have known each other for a long time. But I can't remember any memory about you. Just let him watch us from a distance, and we just need to keep our voice down."

Yuna's expression froze, and after looking at Wu Di's whole body up and down, she asked in surprise:

"Are you really Wu Di? Wu Di wouldn't talk to me like that!"

Wu Di laughed dumbly and said: "I am indeed Wu Di, that's how I talk. And I see you look like a traveler, with a graceful and luxurious dress, and that innate noble temperament, you should be one of my opponents tomorrow. One—that Yuna who is known as the [Queen of Cold Beauty], right?"

With the help of Lu Tian, ​​Wu Di had already recorded the detailed information of tomorrow's five opponents.Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be invincible in a hundred battles.

However, Yuna was shocked again.

"Wu Di won't be so smart! You must be that Chinese man named Wu Shuang! I heard that you and Wu Di look very similar!

Sorry, since you're not Wu Di, we don't need to talk. "

After speaking, Yuna was ready to turn around and leave.

At this time, Wu Di was also a little dumbfounded, obviously standing in front of this foreign girl alive and well, but this foreign girl insisted that she was not herself.This absurd scene made him hesitate to speak.

But in an instant, a fragment of memory flooded his brain instantly.Then, Wu Di blurted out almost unconsciously:
"Hey, tsundere girl, do you dare to challenge brother one-on-one?"

After finishing speaking, Wu Di was stunned, but Yuna immediately smiled and said, "Ha, that's right! That's the tone! It seems that you think of me? You are the only one in the world who dares to talk to me like this!"

Wu Di was at a loss, the previous sentence was completely out of intention.But Yuna had already changed into a cute girl next door, rushed to her in a stride, and locked her wrist while she was stunned!
The figure of the blond beauty is even better than that of domestic beauties. With this domineering arm, Wu Di's arm has come into close contact with her extremely elastic towering thing.

Although Wu Di broke some old ideas about the relationship between men and women, this exotic style still made him, who is thin-skinned, instantly full of red clouds.

And Yuna's own natural queen fan disappeared without a trace after this move.I saw that she was staring at Wu Di with an unusually complicated look. Unknowingly, Wu Di, who was in shock, could clearly feel her breathing.

Facing such an embarrassing scene, Wu Di quickly twitched his arms vigorously.But he found that it was futile - the foreign girl's strength was amazing, and he couldn't withdraw his hand from her arm.

In an instant, the black-clothed bodyguard behind him also rushed up like a tiger descending the mountain after realizing the abnormal situation, but was forced to back up by Yuna's high-legged movement that made the male animal's nose bleed wildly. a few steps.

"Wu Di, I told you to call your bodyguard away. I really want to tell you alone."

Wu Di knew that the bodyguard had been very conscientious and always paid attention to protecting himself.

But after he thought about it, there are cameras everywhere in this five-star hotel, and he expected that this foreign girl who was close to him would not do anything amazing, so he also said to the bodyguard:
"This foreign friend and I went to the hotel's coffee shop for a cup of coffee. You should go back first."

After coming to the coffee shop, Yuna reluctantly put down Wu Di's arm, and said softly:

"You come back this time, what's your plan?"

After Wu Di sat down and calmed down, he said suspiciously:

"I don't really have any memories of you. So please forgive me for not being honest."

Yuna was startled, and asked, "Then what did you mean by that sentence just now? Are you kidding me?"

Wu Di couldn't laugh or cry.

"I don't know what happened. Suddenly that sentence popped out of my mind, and then I blurted it out. I really don't remember."

Yuna squinted at Wu Di for a while, and after a moment of silence, she suddenly made a grievance that wanted to cry without tears.

"I have been looking for you for more than a year, and this time I left my father's company and came all the way from the United States to meet you, but you can't remember who I am. For you, I deliberately stayed with the young master of the Xue family I have been acting in front of me for a long time. I have paid so much for you...don't you want to be responsible to me?"

As soon as this remark came out, Wu Di was also the first and the second big.

Starting from Ye Ling, these girls who suddenly appeared and were inextricably linked to him always talked about what happened to them back then.But, Nima, I haven't thought about what happened to you until now? !

Wu Di's heart was galloping, and he once again had a strong urge to restore all his memories.

Seeing this, Yuna suddenly smiled and said:
"Teasing you. My father asked me to come to China specially, and he asked me to bring you a message.

Although you haven't recovered your memory yet, he offers you an optimal choice - to join our LULU club.We promise to get you the justice you want! "

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(End of this chapter)

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