The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 159 My chapter is here!

Chapter 159 I'm back!

"Fairness? The justice I want...can you give it to me? Do you know what happened to me?"

Wu Di questioned.For this sudden blonde beauty, he still maintained full vigilance.

But to his surprise, after Yuna smiled secretly, she brought out some amazing deeds of Wu Di in the past few years one by one like a few treasures.

Some of these things are things that Wu Di has already remembered, and some are memories that Wu Di has not yet recovered. In this way, Wu Di is sure that Yuna knows him well.

Yuna took a sip of her coffee and continued:

"I know you are doubting my ability. Now you must not remember my true identity. I am the first heir to the Seaton Group, one of the top three companies in the United States. Do you think I have the ability to help you find my identity?" justice?"

Wu Di was surprised. Seton Group is not only one of the top three companies in the United States, but also a top group company that ranks among the top ten of the world's top [-] companies all year round.

Yuna turned out to be a wealthy daughter?
"Wu Di, I don't like to beat around the bush. Back then you rejected my father's offer and beat me in the World Club Champions League. It can be said that you wiped out the face of our Sidon family. However, my father did not Blaming you for making this suggestion, instead, at a time when you need it most. I hope you will give it some serious consideration.

It is impossible for the organization that caused your accident to turn things around with your own strength. "

Wu Di was moved.

Indeed, as Yuna said, the strength of that organization is too terrifying. Ye Ling has been calculated to lose all his memory, Lu Li has escaped by accident, and Wei Wei directly chooses to give up, and is able to protect himself wisely. .

People around him were persecuted by that organization one after another, but he was completely powerless to fight back.

He was very unwilling, Yuna's suggestion really hit his heart.

Seeing him hesitating, Yuna hurriedly struck while the iron was hot:

"You don't have to worry about salary at all. You used to be in the Brilliant team for 7000 million yuan for five years. Considering inflation and other factors, our LULU club will provide you with a five-year maximum salary contract of 3 million US dollars! Converted into RMB , It looks like more than 500 million. This price can already make you the most expensive e-sports player in the world! Moreover, I personally promise that the sponsorship and agency fees you can get every year will not be less than [-] million Dollar!

As for your status after joining the LULU team, you don't have to worry about it. We will tailor a publicity plan for you to bring you back to the top.The mouse you used, the battle suit you wore, the copyright of your portrait, we promise to sell you an astronomical sum!
How about, the sincerity of our LULU club is enough. "

Yuna looked at Wu Di with confidence, and her heart was also calm.According to what she knew about Wu Di, this former king had always had his eyes set high, arrogant and arrogant, and wanted to be the first in everything.The price offered by him on behalf of the LULU club is already the world's most valuable, so he should be able to win this young boy as a matter of course.

Just as she waited and waited for Wu Di's affirmative reply, Wu Di's complexion suddenly sank, and he said calmly:
"If it was me before, I would definitely agree. But now, please forgive me, I can't agree."

"Why?" Facing Wu Di's refusal, Yuna was puzzled.

"Because...except for a few people, I don't want to trust anyone anymore!" Wu Di said firmly, and there was no doubt in his tone.

In the words, Wu Di's whole momentum also changed suddenly.The immature aura suddenly disappeared, replaced by a gloomy coldness like ice cellar.

Yuna sat up straight involuntarily, looked at Wu Di again intently, and the two fell into a strange silence.

a long time.

Wu Di took the lead in breaking the silence, saying:
"Miss Yuna, thank you and the LULU Club, and the Sidon Group behind you. I appreciate your kindness. I have my own plans, so I can't join the LULU Club. If you have nothing else, let's talk Let's end here."

After finishing speaking, Wu Di wanted to get up and leave, but Yuna's eyes flashed brightly, and she stopped him:

"Wait! If you join the LULU club, you can become my boyfriend, and if you don't change your mind, you are guaranteed to become the son-in-law of the Sidon Group. Can such a condition make you completely heartbroken? Don't you If you don’t worry, we can sign a contract and use legal effects to restrain the behavior of both parties.”

To be the son-in-law of the Seton Group?

At this moment, Wu Di was completely confused.I'm just an e-sports player who hasn't recovered my full strength. In the eyes of those top entrepreneurs, I should be a small person who can't stand on the stage, but why does this wealthy daughter insist on me?

Yuna is so smart, she saw Wu Di's doubts at a glance, so she smiled coquettishly and explained:
"You don't have to be confused. I proposed this voluntarily. I said the same thing back then, but you flatly rejected me, saying that your nationality is different from yours, and that there would be obstacles in communication and conflicts in ideas. That's why I studied hard. Chinese, and studied the history of China. Now I am fluent in Chinese, how is it, have you passed?"

Wu Di was puzzled and said:
"Even if I was a philandering radish back then and liked to provoke girls everywhere, but you are the heir of the Sidon Group, when will such a good thing happen to me, an ordinary Chinese?
Oh I see, is it because of my value to the esports industry? "

Yuna was taken aback, and was about to ask a question, but was interrupted by Wu Di.

"I was the number one genius in the world and the number one player in the world. From the point of view of heads-up, I was invincible. It was only because of my personality back then that my team did not win the world championship. Championship. However, if nothing happens to me, it will be a matter of time before I win the world championship.

My value, in the e-sports circle, can be said to be priceless, right?I can drive hundreds of millions of fans, and I can also greatly promote the development of the e-sports industry.This is the shocking effect that a peerless king can play.

The e-sports industry, a sunrise industry, is already a must-win in the eyes of major financial groups in the world. This industry can generate huge profits no less than any other industry!
Whether it is your LULU club or the Sidon Group behind you, they should have already aimed at this huge cake.I can tell from the treatment you are willing to offer me!If I agree to sign with you, you will pay me over $5000 million in personal compensation in five years!
If you can't earn ten times, or even a hundred times the profit from me, you definitely won't offer this attractive price.

You even used your lifelong happiness to confuse and tie me down.Even if you mean it, I'm sorry, but I'm extremely disgusted with this kind of businessman behavior.

No matter how much money I can earn, and no matter how great the temptation you give, I still have an unfulfilled dream in my heart. For that dream, I will definitely not agree to you. "

As soon as these words came out, Yuna was already dumbfounded, not knowing how to respond.After a while, she asked suspiciously:

"Dream? What dream do you have? The e-sports industry has become the possession of major consortiums and group companies. It is only a matter of time before it becomes fully commercialized. What can you do by yourself? Besides, like You are the same, if you are not packaged and publicized, can you have the value you mentioned?

Wu Di, I found that you have indeed changed. Although your personality has become less flamboyant, your brain has become less effective.Do you think you can change the situation by yourself?

You think too highly of yourself. "

Wu Di got up quietly, with neither anger nor joy on his face, he stared at the blond stunner with blazing eyes, and said coldly:

"There is an old saying in China, which is called Dao is different and does not conspire with each other! Therefore, you and my [Dao] are different, so naturally you can't pee together. I am young and arrogant, but I have my own unique way! In order to realize My dream, I will never compromise. Well, this is the end of our conversation.

Hope to have a good fight with you tomorrow.

By the way, a friendly reminder, you are a wealthy daughter who voluntarily gave up everything to engage in e-sports career... Do you still remember your original dream? "

Looking at Wu Di's back that was gradually going away, Yuna found out in a daze when did this kid's back become so tall?

My first dream... yes, my first dream was to become the number one e-sports player in the world!But, wasn't this dream destroyed by your own hands?

Office of the Chairman of the Glorious Club.

Depressed, Tao Zheng slammed down the handset of the landline.

"Damn it, it's so pissed off! These two stinky young men who don't like oil and salt really came out of the same mold! Nima asked you to practice together, is it that difficult?
Wu Di won't talk about it, after all, we owe him a lot... But you Wu Shuang, what right do you have to be so arrogant in front of me? "

After Tao Zheng vented his words to himself, he gradually calmed down.A little intolerance can lead to big plans, and he is naturally deeply aware of this truth.

For the sake of the brilliant club, he had no choice but to temporarily put aside the arrogance of the two of them and ignore them.

Lying on the armchair, Tao Zheng, who was thinking over and over again, finally couldn't help but make a phone call.

"Hey, Mr. Stephen, can you make sure that Wu Shuang and Wu Di will fight together without any trouble? These two boys seem to be incompatible."

Stephen laughed and played a charade: "Mr. Chairman, don't worry, these two people are together, although the cooperation degree is bound to be infinitely close to zero, but their performance will definitely allow the Brilliant team to easily defeat the opponent, so as to relieve you. worries about the future."

Tao Zheng was taken aback, and asked back, "My worries? What worries do I have? Stop joking, Mr. Stephen."

Stephen seemed to have expected Tao Zheng's answer, and sneered:
"Mr. Chairman, the Xue family is not a vegetarian. At this time, the [KING] team is using the [KING] team to attack you. Isn't it plotting the property rights of your club? I heard that they have anonymously placed [-] million in [KING] On the team.

This is a good opportunity. If you also take out [-] to [-] million yuan, you can guarantee that you can make hundreds of millions in net profit! "

Stephen's words reminded Tao Zheng.This time, the game between the Brilliant team and [KING] was also a handicap in the black market.In order not to lose ground, the Xue family set the handicap of both sides at the same 1:1 this time.But an insider who is well aware of Brilliant's internal predicament still sees this sinister intention.

On the surface, the [KING] team's strength is obviously higher than that of Brilliant, but if it is set to a high handicap, it will inevitably arouse the anger of the Chinese people, and if [KING] wins as expected, then the Xue family is likely to Make ends meet.Therefore, this move of the Xue family can not only appease the hearts of Huaxia fans, but also ensure that they are in an invincible position. It is indeed a good plan.

Tao Zheng hung up the phone, and immediately put his mind on the black market.

Stephen's reminder made him suddenly realize.So, he immediately turned on the black market server anxiously.

In order to mobilize the passionate fans, the Xue family announced the betting handicap server long ago.

Tao Zheng took a closer look and found that before the official match was a full day away, the betting amount of both sides had already exceeded the [-] million mark!
Most of the people who bet on the [KING] team are from abroad, and the vast majority of Huaxia fans are supporting the brilliant team. The money was thrown at the Brilliant team.

Looking at the endless betting list, Tao Zheng, who has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, also got a little wet in his eyes.

It is no exaggeration to say that the glorious team that he has worked so hard for for many years is now at a critical moment of life and death, but the enthusiasm and unreasonable support of the fans gave him hope.

And he also clearly knew that such hope was brought to him by that person, and it was he who led countless Huaxia fans to pin their hopes on the Brilliant Team again.

Tao Zheng had already made up his mind that after this challenge, he and Wu Di would each get what they needed, and then part ways with Wu Di.But the betting amount and list made him have to reconsider.

Between us brilliant... and Wu Di, do we have to fight to the death?Is he really not going to play for Brilliance anymore, or is it that we really can't accommodate him anymore?
Is our high-level decision-making a wrong decision that will be regretted for life?
Tao Zheng lit a cigar, took a deep puff, and suddenly felt that his thoughts were completely clear!

Can't let Wu Di leave Brilliant!Having recovered part of his memory, he has become a responsible and responsible man!I can gamble again!
Thinking of this, Tao Zheng suddenly felt overwhelmed with confidence for some reason. He picked up the landline phone on the table and called the club's financial director.

"I'm Tao Zheng. Let me ask you something. What is the current liquidity of our club? Tell me a limit number."

The chief financial officer was confused by the chairman's phone call, but dutifully reported a number:
"Chairman Tao, our Brilliant liquidity is only about [-] million yuan. This is the limit of what we can tighten our belts at this stage."

"Okay! Come to my office tomorrow. You must make sure you can get the [-] million. In addition, I will personally take out [-] million to make up [-] million!"

The chief financial officer was visibly stunned.

"This... Chairman Tao, what are you going to do with so much money? Have you passed the board of directors? This is all our current possessions."

"I want to bet! I want to bet [-] million to win on our team!"

Tao Zheng had a very simple idea in his mind, win the challenge, use the [-] million to get [-] million, then send [-] million back to the club's finance department, and use the remaining [-] million to repay Wu Di!

He wants to bring Wu Di back to glory!Wu Di's value is far beyond what can be measured by [-] million!

Dusk the next day.

In view of the fact that the [KING] team has all arrived in Huaxia Quancheng, and all members of the Brilliant team are stationed in Quancheng, so the organizer of the underground game black market hastily cleared out a temporary competition venue in the middle of the black market hall. The two sides will compete in the black market. This world-renowned battle of the century will start on the spot in the museum!
Moreover, the distinctive seven-color private room has also opened up the wall facing the center, temporarily changing it into an open auditorium.

Those who can enter here to watch the live game are at least those who have bet more than ten million to be eligible to enter.

In addition, the black market staff also cleared out a huge open-air square outside the venue, and placed tens of thousands of simple seats.This square can accommodate at least tens of thousands of people to watch the game at the same time.

The staff worked overtime and finally completed all the renovations before dark.

On the top of the temporary game room, four giant screens were added to broadcast the game to the live audience in the private room.And the center of the open-air plaza also visited four giant screens, allowing the audience to watch the live broadcast of the game no matter where they were.

Most of the guests in the private room are very prestigious people, so they put on airs and were unable to show up for a long time. However, the open-air square outside the venue was already full of people, and a large number of fans had already begun to rush to the venue before dark , in order to seize a good viewing position.

Seven o'clock sharp.

Thunderous applause erupted in the open-air square—the Brilliant team, led by Tao Zheng, has arrived at the scene!
The fans stretched their necks and looked around, trying to find Wu Di among the crowd of the Brilliant Team.

However, no matter how hard they looked, they still couldn't find Wu Di. It was just that a young man who had an astonishing similarity with Wu Di was discovered by them with keen eyesight.

This person is Wu Di's biological brother Wu Shuang.

[That's Wu Di's brother, I don't know how strong he is. 】

[Hey, brothers fighting tigers, father and son soldiers in battle, the two brothers appear together, they will definitely be able to overwhelm the crowd.Don't worry, Wu Shuang is definitely not weak.Wu Di is so strong, are you still afraid that his brother will hold him back? 】

[You are all right.But... why haven't you seen Wu Di yet?Could it be that he still loves playing big names like before, with his eyes above the top?Most of us are here for him. 】

At this time, Wu Di was of course already present.It's just that he doesn't want the news media and fans to see him now, so he still wears a huge peaked cap.

Some attentive fans spotted the peaked cap and chanted:

[One, two, three, four, five!Lu Tian, ​​Wu Shuang, Zhang Ting, Liu Yu, and a man wearing a peaked cap...

look!Everyone, look at the man in the peaked cap!It must be Wu Di!Look!He looked at us! ] Some local loyal fans in Quancheng immediately exclaimed after counting the brilliant number.

The audience was sensational.

The young man wearing a peaked cap, although most of his face was covered by the brim of the hat, but after hearing the fans' heated discussions, he raised his right fist at tens of thousands of fans!And shouted loudly:
【I, Wu Di, am back! 】

【Wu Di!Invincible!Wu Di!Invincible! 】

All the fans in the open-air plaza instantly burst into excitement. They all stood up and shouted excitedly to the owner of the peaked cap his name.

They have waited too long for this moment...

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(End of this chapter)

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